National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 186 Returning To Sisyate Port City

Sisyate Port City, resurrection point.

Rays of light flickered and jumped, and players began to revive.

Soon, many players gathered above the resurrection point, including those from the Glory Guild and other players.

"Fuck, I lost level 3 and exploded two pieces of equipment!"

"I was killed twice, I got nothing, and I have to start leveling again!"

"The damn Glory Guild actually ran away by itself, and returned to the No. 1 Guild of Oumen, I am!"

"Yes! We stood up for him, and he ran away by himself!"

A group of players discussed for a while, and the resurrected members of the Glory Guild were also depressed, and one of them directly stood up.

"Get ahead? You guys are looking at the one million reward! Our Glory Guild has 100,000 members, and we don't need you rubbish to get ahead!"

As soon as these words came out, many players on the field immediately became angry. They were killed, dropped their levels, and exploded their equipment. They were already on the top of the fire, but now someone stood up and caused conflicts.

"Hehe, your Glory Guild is powerful, with hundreds of people and the president, you can't even kill a single person!"

"He also said that we are rubbish. If you can beat the Meng King, you need us to do it! Hehe......... Fifty steps and a hundred steps. It doesn't matter to us, we are not the number one guild! But your Glory Guild should think Think about it, Oumen's first guild, are you worthy?"

"Kill Meng Wang if you have the ability, but you will be BB if you don't have the ability. You members of the Glory Guild don't even have the courage to fight to the death! You ran away first, and dare to call us!"

For a while, many players began to curse.

Those with bare feet are not afraid to wear shoes! These players are not famous!

Even if there was a big fight with the Glory Guild, it was the Glory Guild that suffered the most losses in the end! 24 Moreover, this time it was indeed the Glory Guild that failed!

More than 200 people dealt with one person, and they were repulsed back!

Such a record is enough to push the Glory Guild to the forefront, and other players will question their strength!

Hearing the scolding from the players around, the players of the Glory Guild were furious, but there was nothing they could do!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Light of Glory, Wind of the Temple and others left the resurrection point early.

Staying there, they are also afraid of shame!

"Moe King!"

Returning to the stronghold of the Glory Guild in Sisyate Port City, the Glory Light roared and almost went crazy.

On one side of him, the wind of the temple and the others looked a little strange in their eyes.

This time, the action against Meng Wang was initiated by Glory Light, and the others did not object because they felt that the Glory Guild would win, but now they have failed!


Someone has to bear the consequences!

And this time, the one who bears the consequences is obviously the Light of Glory!

"President, it's useless to take effect now! Let's discuss what to do next? I don't think Meng Wang will let it go this time!"

The wind of the temple looked at the light of glory and said, hearing the sound, the light of glory immediately looked up at him!

"What do you mean? You think it's all my fault this time!"

"Meng Wang, he won't let it go! How could he come to Sisyate Port City to kill me!"

The Light of Glory burst into anger, and the Wind of the Sanctuary pouted, but did not speak, but he was already somewhat dissatisfied. Several other people stared at their noses and noses at their mouths, and remained silent.

But after thinking about it, the lord of Sisyate Port City is dead now! The guard and King Meng are in a hostile relationship, and some of them were killed.

"This... President, in the current situation in Sisyate Port City, it is really possible for Meng Wang to kill him!"

"The city lord is dead, and the guards are no match for him. Most of the players in the city are now hostile to the King Meng! We are also here. The King Meng was talking nonsense in the dense forest before, and it is very likely that he has nothing to fear!"

One pondered for a moment and said.

After his words fell, the others also frowned!

The players hadn't made any noise in the city before, and most players didn't dare to do anything directly in the city! This has led many players to believe that they are safe in the NPC city!

However, that situation was before, after the players came to the city, most of them entered the main city, and at this time the players were not strong, making trouble in the main city would be tantamount to looking for death in vain!

However, Sisyate Port City is different now!

Sisyate Port City is not large in scale, it is just a small city, and the strength of the guards is not strong. The only strong one may be the city lord. Lin Feng has now killed the city lord of Sisyate Port City, and escaped from the guards' pursuit, which proves that Sisyate Port City can't do anything to Lin Feng.

In addition, Lin Feng still has the identity of the Son of Light, even some powerful NPCs in Sisyate Port City will not show up at this time!

So, now Sisyat Port City has no NPC restrictions at all Lin Feng!

And as for the Glory Guild...

"Call other players to Sisyate Port City, go all out..."

The Light of Glory is extremely unwilling, if he leaves Sisyate Port City now, it will be a complete failure this time!

"President, other people also have other tasks! The top priority now is to maintain the development of the guild, and..."

The wind of the temple directly interrupted Glory's words! He didn't want to continue to entangle with Mengwang here! The most important thing is that after seeing Mengwang's methods, he felt that it was not worthwhile to deal with Mengwang now.

Even if you mobilize other members of the Light of Glory to kill Mengwang once, so what?

The Glory Guild will not get any substantial benefits!

It's okay to succeed, but if it fails! The cute king escaped or killed all the players...

The entire Glory Guild is finished!

The others were still unwilling to give up when they heard the light of glory, and their eyes widened!

In Sisyate Port City, if you fail, you will not be able to fight against Mengwang, and the resurrection point will be guarded by Mengwang!

That will definitely be killed back to level 1!

Glory is willing to gamble! They are not willing to gamble!

"Wind of the Temple, you want to go against my will?" Glory Light slammed on the table and shouted sharply.

"I don't mean that! I just don't think it's the best time to fight against the Meng King!" the wind of the temple said indifferently.

"What about you?" Light of Glory looked at the other members on the field.

"Um, President, I think what the Vice President said makes sense! Now our ordinary members' fighting power is too low, and the King Meng can fly, many of us have no choice!"

A high-ranking member of the Glory Guild hesitated a bit, and spoke! Following his opening, others also opened their mouths.

"Yes, President. It's not worth it now! Wait for the guild to develop for a while, it's just a cute king!"

"President, you are the number one player in our European Gate, and you have the support of your family, why bother with an oriental man!"

On the field, you said something to me, although everyone's tone was kind. But these words made Glory Light annoyed for a while. He looked at the people on the field and was silent for a moment.

"Okay! Then listen to the vice president!" After a while, the light of glory spoke.

However, after his words fell, the people on the field already knew that they had offended the Light of Glory this time!

And it was at this time.

"President, it's not good! Meng Wang seems to be back!"

A player from the Glory Guild rushed in and said.

After his words fell, the players on the field immediately stood up, their discussion just now was just a possibility.

But now, Meng Wang wants to massacre the city, and this possibility has become a reality!

"What audacity!"

The wind of the sanctuary sighed in his heart, and then he stood up directly.

"President, we'd better evacuate from Sisyate Port City first, otherwise we might not be able to leave until the King Meng really comes in!"

After his words fell, several high-level players on the field agreed. Once again, a hint of hatred surged out of the eyes of the light of glory.

"Mengwang, the wind of the temple! You are trying to force me to make a fool of myself... just wait for me in the future!"

There was a roar in his heart, but the light of glory did not speak!

But several others are already on the move!

"Notify all members, temporarily leave Sisyate Port City! Teleport to other main cities!" The wind of the temple directly issued an order 107. The players who came in to report did not think too much

Just turn around and go down to notify!

At the same time, in the port city of Sisyat.

Lin Feng rode a unicorn to the sky above Sisyat Port City, and was quickly discovered by the guards. When the guards saw the unicorn, they quickly recognized Lin Feng.

"Quick, that assassin is back!"

"Damn it, he killed all those who pursued him!"

"Bold, dare to come back after killing the city lord!"

"All members, enter combat readiness!"

On the street, the guards began to move, and the civilians in Sisyat Port City also ran back to their homes. When they heard that the city lord was killed, the civilians were also very scared!

In the sky, Lin Feng rode a unicorn and directly confronted more than 100 guards. There were still many guards rushing over at the election location.

"Listen up! Sisyat Port City Lord Elgado colluded with the Church of the Dark Night, and now I have killed him!"

"As the Holy Son of Light, I am unwilling to kill innocent people, but there are very likely people from the Church of the Night among you! Now you'd better lay down your weapons and surrender, waiting for the church to investigate

"Otherwise, those who dare to resist will be dealt with as members of the Church of the Dark Night and killed!"

Lin Feng scolded sharply. After his words fell, the gathered guards made a noise.

"The city lord colluded with the Church of the Dark Night?"

"No way! The city lord is a strong man who came out of the Holy City of Light, how could he collude with the Church of the Dark Night!"

However, the commotion only lasted for a moment, and several captains stood up among the guards!

"Everyone, don't believe that the city lord is innocent! He must have deliberately framed the city lord! The city lord has treated us well. Let's all fight together and kill him to avenge the city lord!"

"So what about the Holy Son of Light? It is a felony to kill the Lord of a city! Even if we kill him, the Church of Light will not do anything to us! Maybe they will reward us! Brothers, kill him, for the Lord of the City." revenge!".

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