National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 194 Mountain Of Hundred Thousand Beasts, Blood Wolf City!

"President, something serious happened!"

"Lin Feng, hurry up and go online, something big happened to Oumen!"

Not long after Lin Feng went offline, his cell phone rang.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Erer sent me a ~ message.

Lin Feng was startled when he saw it.

No way! I just handed over the Triangle City to the glacier in the afternoon, and now something goes wrong.

After seeing the information, Lin Feng quickly went online.

And he didn't know until it went online.

The Glory Guild actually split! And it was Wuri's Bingchuan's brother who did it!

"However, this doesn't have much jurisdiction over us, does it?"

In Yashan City, Lin Feng said.

He thought it was a problem with Triangle City, but it turned out to be the Glory Guild!

What does the matter of the Glory Guild have to do with our world's number one guild?

The others looked at Lin Feng with some surprise.

you messed it up! you know that?

"By the way, Caitlin said that his brother wants to find you, and he probably wants to form an alliance with us!" Murong Yiyi said.

"The alliance is also possible, but the most important thing is the development of Triangle City! I'll just tell Caitlin later!"

Lin Feng said when he heard the sound.

Right now, the focus of the world's number one guild is still Yashan City. Oumen, the branch over there has just been established, and there are not many people! Lin Feng's thoughts are not there now.

Then, several people lamented the change of Omen Guild. On the Longyuan City side, the big fierce dragon and some familiar players also asked about Lin Feng, and at the same time praised Lin Feng's power.

The Seven Dragon Palace also wanted to join forces with Yashan City, but they didn't talk about the specifics. They just expressed a little intention. After all, the ten people in Lin Feng now have the strength to destroy the city.

After talking about these things, Lin Feng discussed with Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er about Murong Sisi.

"Si'er, she's still in the Holy City of Qingqiu in the Mountain of Hundred Thousand Beasts! There's no way to leave. Seeing us fighting outside in full swing, she's very impatient!" Murong Er'er said with a smile. The extremely resentful look in her eyes made her feel amused.

"It's still in the Holy City of Qingqiu! Well, this time I have created my Bright Saint Cloth suit, and I can explore it over there!" Lin Feng said: "There should be an advanced map over there! The level of monsters is very high , but as long as you work harder, you can still find it!"

"Now everyone's strength should be about the same! The Blood Wolf City is still there, and it's just time to develop the Blood Wolf City!"

"Yiyi, Erer, you two just follow me!"

"Leave the Yashan City to Li Yuan!"

Lin Feng looked at several people and said.

Blood Wolf City is near Hundred Thousand Beast Mountain, and the map level there is better. If it can be developed, it will bring more benefits than Yashan City.

Before, Lin Feng did not develop Blood Wolf City because the monsters around Blood Wolf City were very powerful and very dangerous. Players are very likely to be instantly killed!

However, now that the player has developed for a period of time, his strength has improved a lot! At the same time, he is not so novice, even if he encounters danger, he can generally avoid it by himself.

On the other hand, Yashan City has basically entered the normal state! The guards have also been added to the full population.

Coupled with the fact that there are more and more players in the world's number one guild, a single Yashan City is no longer enough for them!

"Yeah, that's fine! Yashan City is almost ready, and it can be opened to other players!" Murong Yiyi nodded.

"Hehe, lunatic! Leave Yashan City to me, so you can rest assured! When you come back from there, you will be surprised!" Li Yuan said with a smile.

"Are you going to Blood Wolf City? I haven't been there yet!" Murong Er'er was a little excited.

After the agreement was completed, the three quickly took action.

Through teleportation, soon, the three of them came to Blood Wolf City.

Looking at the blood wolf city buildings with a very different style from Yashan City, Murong's ears and eyes brightened.

"This is the Blood Wolf City that you and Wu Wu discovered before? Why are these buildings made of stone? It doesn't feel like a human residence!" Murong Er Er said.

"Well, this was originally a monster city!" Lin Feng nodded and said, "But this place is in the forest of ten thousand beasts, there are many wild beasts and monsters nearby, and the materials exploded are also very rare!"

"When I came here with Wuwu, I didn't have much money at all! I just made some simple things! This time, I can develop!"

"Well! The guild has sold a lot of the equipment you got from Oumen before, and the development of Yashan City has reached a bottleneck period, and gold coins are not so scarce anymore!" Murong Yiyi also nodded opened the mouth.

"Let's recruit the temple first! Let's get some guards! Wait for the player to teleport back later, guards are a must!"

With the experience in Triangle City, Lin Feng is now particularly concerned about the security work of the city.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the recruitment temple.

Lin Feng first spent 30,000 gold coins to summon 3,000 level 100 guards, 1,500 spearmen and 1,500 archers each. But this is not the ultimate guard that Lin Feng wants. As a demon city, Blood Wolf City has some characteristic buildings that Yashan City does not have. The Blood Wolf Monster Race Creation Temple is one of them.

Here, Lin Feng can transform ordinary guards into more powerful blood wolf monster guards. There are many types of blood wolf monster guards. Now Lin Feng can only create ordinary monster guards, which are divided into: blood Wolf beast, iron skin blood wolf beast, double-headed blood wolf beast, blood wolf demon soldier, blood wolf demon shooter, blood wolf demon warrior, blood wolf demon flame shooter.

After scanning, the relevant information of these blood wolf monster clan.

Blood Wolf

Level: Level 100

HP: 70000

Physical Attack: 1200


Physical Defense: 2100

Magic Defense: 2100

(Conversion requires 1 normal guard (melee), 10 gold coins.)

Iron Blood Wolf Beast

Level: Level 100

HP: 75000

Physical Attack: 900

Magic Attack: 900

Physical Defense: 2500

Magic Defense: 2500

(Conversion requires 1 normal guard (melee), 10 gold coins.)

Two-headed Blood Wolf

Level: Level 100

HP: 79000

Physical Attack: 1000

Magic Attack: 1000

Physical Defense: 2000

Magic Defense: 2000

(Conversion requires 1 normal guard (melee), 10 gold coins.)

Blood Wolf Demon Soldier

Level: Level 100


Physical Attack: 1200

Magic Attack: 1000

Physical Defense: 2200

Magic Defense: 2200

(Conversion requires 1 normal guard (melee), 20 gold coins.)

Blood Wolf Warrior

Level: Level 100

HP: 78000

Physical Attack: 1300

Magic Attack: 1000

Physical Defense: 2500

Magic Defense: 2500

(Conversion requires 1 normal guard (melee), 20 gold coins.)

blood wolf demon shooter

Level: Level 100

HP: 67000

Physical Attack: 1800

Magic attack: 1500

...asking for flowers......

Physical Defense: 2000

Magic Defense: 2000

(Conversion requires 1 normal guard (range), 20 gold coins.)

Blood Wolf Demon Flame Shooter

Level: Level 100

HP: 67000



Physical Defense: 2000

Magic Defense: 2000

(Conversion requires 1 normal guard (range), 20 gold coins.)

In the end, Lin Feng spent 500 gold coins to transform 50 iron-skinned blood wolves, and the rest were transformed into blood wolf demon warriors and blood wolf flame shooters, spending a total of 59,500 gold coins. Although the blood wolf beast's combat power is not very strong, it is very fast as a beast, and it is very sensitive to smell and can chase the enemy.

Soon, the 3,000 guards were all remodeled, and 50 huge iron-skinned blood wolves came out first, followed by blood wolf demon warriors and blood wolf flame shooters. Although they were in human form, they were different from ordinary Humans are still different, they are taller and look more like orcs.

"These are guards?"

Seeing the blood wolf beasts and blood wolf demon guards coming out of the blood wolf guard hall, Murong was surprised.

These blood wolf guards look like monsters, some are in the form of half-human and half-animal, and some are directly in the form of beasts. And each of them looks powerful, not to be trifled with!

"Why do I feel that it looks more like a monster in the wild!" Murong Er Er said.

"This is the demon city! But what you said is right, it was actually these guys that Wuwu and I dealt with before! But now, Blood Wolf City is mine! These guards naturally have to obey me!"

Looking at the extremely fierce blood wolf guards, different from Murong Erer, Lin Feng himself was very happy.

The attributes of these blood wolf demon guards are much better than ordinary guards. Moreover, it looked extremely fierce, and the less timid players might not dare to provoke them. Putting them in the blood wolf city can be regarded as a deterrent.

Then, Lin Feng recruited some functional NPCs in the Recruitment Temple, including intermediate blacksmiths, intermediate doctors, intermediate tailors, intermediate chefs, auctioneers, etc. Lin Feng recruited all the suitable ones in the city.

In this way, there is no problem with the basic activities of players in Blood Wolf City.

"The NPCs have been summoned, Yiyi, you can recruit some players from the Yashan City Guild!"

"Basically no players have been to the map around Blood Wolf City. The resources are still very rich, but they are relatively dangerous! It is best to find some players with relatively strong strength. In addition, players who have just joined the guild will be fine! This place is still under construction , it will be more troublesome if a few troublemakers come!"

Turning around, she then spoke to Murong Yiyi.

"Okay!" Murong Yiyi nodded, and then started to contact Li Yuan.

Although Lin Feng is the lord of Yashan City, Lin Feng is not very clear about some specific information in it, especially when it involves other players, Lin Feng is even more confused, this kind of thing can only be done by Murong Yiyi and Li Yuan.

While Murong Yiyi contacted Li Yuan, Murong Er'er walked up to Lin Feng with an excited face.

"Lin Feng, leave this to Yiyi, how about you take me to fight monsters nearby? I haven't been here yet, but last time I heard you and Wuwu came here, I feel very powerful!"

"Okay, but I can only take you to the vicinity of Blood Wolf City. In addition, I also want to find Qingqiu Holy City. You should not be able to go to Hundred Thousand Beast Mountain with your current strength."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's nearby! I'm just curious!" Murong Er Er smiled.

Then, soon, Murong Yiyi began to arrange the personnel from Yashan City to come to Blood Wolf City, while Lin Feng and Murong Er'er went directly out of the city to fight monsters. .

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