National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 307 The Kitchen Was Blown Up By Murong Wuwu

Lin Feng asked again: "Are you sure you don't have anything you really want to eat?"

"You make me unable to think of what to do for you in the morning."

Murong Wuwu smiled, with a little pride on his face, at least it seemed that he still had his own place in his heart.

Although there is still a veil between each other, which has not been lifted, but this kind of relationship is actually not bad. Maybe sometimes some relationships really need a certain amount of time to be just right.

"After you said that, I suddenly want to eat cake."

Lin Feng frowned and said.

"How about you eat cake in the morning? Can I have something nutritious?"

Seeing that he cared about her so much, Murong Wuwu thought about it again, actually, if she thought about it carefully, she really didn't have anything she really wanted to eat......

Besides, everything she cooks is delicious to her.

"Then you can do whatever you want, and make me a cake. I like cakes the most!"

"Whatever you usually eat, I'll just be like you."

Lin Feng nodded, and brought Murong Wuwu to the kitchen together.

Murong Wuwu remembered a suggestion and said: "Otherwise, I should make the cake?"

"I think I make a cake, it's delicious!"

Lin Feng was somewhat suspicious of her skills, thinking of the way she chopped vegetables, seemed to be lingering in his mind...

Seeing that he maintained an attitude of doubting her cooking skills, Murong Wuwu suddenly felt uncomfortable in her heart!

"Hmph! Just leave, I see you don't talk, I will make the cake, and you can do other things!"

Lin Feng is also a little helpless, since she has said everything, she must not be able to refuse......

Usually, she can't cook at home, after all, in Er Er's eyes, these things seem to be very dangerous...

It is indeed necessary for her to learn more skills...

"Okay, then the cake for this morning will be handed over to you."

Murong Wuwu made an OK gesture to Lin Feng, and said with a confident look.

"Don't worry, I usually study some recipes and bake! These are small things for me."

"Isn't it just to make a cake... I'll finish it for you in half an hour!"

Lin Feng didn't care much after hearing her harsh words. He walked to the door of the refrigerator and took out the noodles.

"If you need anything, just go to the refrigerator and get it. There should be almost all the things in it for making cakes.

In fact, according to the morning, it is better to eat some food that is good for the stomach, and pasta is the best choice.

Simply cut the tomato into pieces, break the eggs into the pot and stir-fry casually, then directly add a bowl of water, cover the pot and wait for the water to boil.

This is also the fastest way to make tomato and egg noodles. Not only can the taste of tomatoes and eggs be kept to a greater extent, but the noodles will not become mushy due to cooking for too long

Murong Wuwu at the side opened the menu on the phone and yelled while holding the egg beater.

"Your egg beater seems to be different from the one in the recipe, how do you use it..."

Lin Feng looked at her in a daze, and glanced at the cake she was studying.

I have to say that the cake she chose this time is the king of the cake world.

"Are you sure you want to make such a difficult wine cake?"

"If you don't do it well, the center of your cake will easily become bitter, which will make the taste of the whole cake not very good."

Murong Wuwu pursed her lips and said, "Of course!"

"I see that this red wine cake looks very beautiful, and it has a very beautiful name called Black Forest Red Wine.

"You don't believe my skills, I'm a little bit better than you imagined."

After finishing speaking, Murong Wuwu devoted herself to making cakes wholeheartedly.

Lin Feng didn't do much to stop her, and watched her study the recipe silently. Although it seemed a bit slow, as long as the finished product tastes a little bit better, it doesn't matter if the time is up... ...

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang at this moment.

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment and didn't react at all. After all, generally speaking, no one would come to him in the morning.

He came to the gate and opened it, only to see Murong Sisi appearing in front of him with a cheerful and youthful look on his face.

This is also the most dissimilarity between her and Murong Wuwu, you can tell who is who from the look in their eyes.

"Sisi, why are you here?"

Murong Sisi supported her face, put on the appearance of a melon-eating crowd, and said with a smile.

"Let me see what you and Murong Wuwu are doing."

After finishing speaking, Murong Sisi went straight into Lin Feng's villa, wanting to see what this Murong Wuwu was doing!

I saw Murong Wuwu running out of the kitchen with her face covered in flour, coughing non-stop.

Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu whose face was covered in flour, frowned slightly, and said in disbelief.

"What are you doing?"

"COS ghost?"

When Murong Wuwu saw Murong Sisi's arrival, she also looked unbelievable. She walked so carefully last night, it is impossible for anyone to find out...

Calculated according to the time when everyone goes to bed late, shouldn't they all be sleeping now...

"Sisi, how do you know I'm here...

Murong Sisi stared at Murong Wuwu beside her with mysterious eyes as if she was eating melons.

"Guess, guess how I know."

"Do you think no one knows about your sneaking out last night?"

When Murong Wuwu heard it, she thought of Murong Erer, and she probably will be scolded again when she returns home...

"That is to say, Er Er already knows about my sneaking out?"

Seeing that Murong Wuwu was in such a hurry, Murong Sisi smiled and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.

"Don't worry, I probably don't know yet."

"If you feed me well later, maybe I can help you."

When Murong Wuwu heard it, she nodded heavily!


"Then I promise you!"

"I'm making cakes now, you want to eat more later!"

When Murong Sisi heard that she could make cakes, she continued to stare at her with unbelievable eyes.

After Murong Wuwu hurriedly greeted them, she returned to the kitchen

Lin Feng also felt helpless. Although she hadn't gone to see what her kitchen looked like, but from her state just now, she could imagine that her kitchen had been manipulated by her. ....

Seeing that Murong Wuwu was seriously making cakes again, Murong Sisi came to Lin Feng's side and asked.

"You really feel relieved, let her make cakes..."

Lin Feng shrugged helplessly.

"Is there any way to do this? It was she who said to make cakes. These things really need to be tried by herself."

There was a wry smile on Murong Sisi's face, she felt bitter when she thought of eating the cake made by Murong Wuwu later...

However, thinking that she is his younger sister, and this is also his first attempt at making cakes, he really needs everyone's encouragement...

"" "When she is ready, you can eat more."

Seeing the smile on Murong Sisi's face, Lin Feng can guess what the cake made by Murong Wuwu tastes like...


"Now you just need to bake this cake, and you can eat the cake I made!"

"However, Lin Feng, how do you handle this oven? I haven't been able to press it for a long time!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and came to the kitchen......

The whole kitchen was as messy as he had imagined...

There was flour everywhere, a couple of eggs that had been broken and some vegetables that had fallen on the floor.

Murong Wuwu blinked and said.

"Come here quickly and help me fix it...... What am I going to do now!"

Lin Feng let out a long sigh, came to Murong Wuwu's side, and took a look at the cake liquid she had tossed...

Murong Sisi also walked into the kitchen, raising the corners of her mouth meaningfully.

"Wuwu, if you're pretending at home, you're probably kicked out of the house by now."

"It goes without saying that Lin Feng's psychological endurance is indeed quite strong.

When Murong Wuwu heard Murong Sisi talking about herself, she snorted and said with her hands on her hips.

"This is just my first time in the kitchen!"

"After (Zhao De's), I will definitely be able to make a cake that will make you full of praise!"

Lin Feng silently turned on the oven for Murong Wuwu, made it to the place where the cake was baked, and then came to the side of the boiling tomato and egg soup, put all the prepared noodles into the pot, stirred it, and covered it again cover.

All three are waiting...

Murong Wuwu was waiting for the delicious food she cooked, Murong Sisi was just here for a meal, and Lin Feng looked at the kitchen with a melancholy expression...

fifteen minutes.

Lin Feng put his noodles into a bowl and brought them to the dining table.

The red and green decoration makes people look appetizing.

Murong Sisi admired the tomato egg noodles made by Lin Feng. Although it looked unpretentious, the smell in the air was different from ordinary tomato egg noodles.

"Wuwu, hurry up!"

"I want to eat this noodle!"

Murong Wuwu hastily took the cake she had made out of the oven, a faint burnt smell permeated the air... cold

It seems that the cake she made is very similar to the one in the recipe...

She hurriedly took off the cake she made and put it in a bowl, ordered some cream casually, and put it on the table, "Appreciating the cake I made triumphantly.

"How about it?"

"It looks very good!".

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