National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 331 Another Instant Kill!

Yue Lingfeng gritted her teeth secretly, never thought that she would miss such a good opportunity, if she seized this opportunity at that time, she would definitely not have the next move.

Murong Wuwu chanted a few times in the void, and saw a huge blue water column blast out from the magic circle again!

The mighty power is directed towards Yue Lingfeng's position!

Yue Lingfeng looked at this powerful blue water column, turned around and wanted to avoid it!

Who would have thought that the attack summoned by Murong Wuwu would follow people!

She kept scurrying up and down to the side, just to avoid this powerful water column. If she was really directly attacked by this water column, her blood would probably be instantly killed...

Murong Wuwu looked at Yue Lingfeng who was trying to avoid her attack, and a smug smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

"Still trying to avoid my attack? Dreaming! Impossible!"

Yue Lingfeng kept dodging...

When he saw that the attack behind him was about to catch up with him, it seemed that if he didn't use other methods, he would be knocked down by this attack sooner or later...

Murong Wuwu raised her hand and only compared in the air, controlling the attack that was constantly chasing Yue Lingfeng.

At the moment when the attack was about to hit Yue Lingfeng!

Yue Lingfeng dodged Murong Wuwu's attack!

I saw English letters appearing on her head.


Murong Wuwu's eyes darkened [I didn't expect Yue Lingfeng to dodge her own attack...26

Yue Lingfeng also let out a long sigh, fortunately she escaped the attack of Murong Xiaowu.

It was also because of Murong Wuwu's attack that she was even more vigilant.

Yue Lingfeng shot a white light bullet towards Murong Wuwu!

Booming straight up to Murong Wuwu's position.

Murong Wuwu looked at the white light bombarding her body, and immediately dodged to the side!

Boom boom boom!

All of Yue Lingfeng's water light bomb attacks hit Murong Wuwu's side.




This game, until now, has only reached a state where the two are even.

Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan also looked more and more anxiously......

The big rock that had fallen from the bottom of my heart was lifted up again now.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu's current game with Yue Lingfeng, and frowned involuntarily.

It is estimated that if the entanglement continues, Wu Wu's attack power will definitely be weakened.

Murong Sisi said: "I don't think Wuwu might have a breakthrough in this competition."

As soon as Murong Sisi finished speaking, she hadn't waited for Murong Er'er to speak to Murong Shanshan.

Wu Wu began to summon a huge water bomb with both hands, and between her two hands, she began to summon a huge blue water ball!

The originally black eyes turned dark blue at that moment, the wind kept blowing Murong Wuwu's hair and clothes...

The power emanating from his body is also shocking.


When Yue Lingfeng wanted to dodge, the huge water polo directly hit Yue Lingfeng's body!



Yue Lingfeng's blood volume is cleared to zero!

Murong Wuwu also disappeared in the berserk state.

Lin Feng smiled approvingly.

I have to say that the current Murong Wuwu has indeed grown a lot.

Yue Lingfeng let out a long sigh, seeing that she was finally killed by Murong Wuwu.

"Captain, I still failed."

Yue Linglong encouraged: "It's okay."

In fact, from all the battles just now, it can be seen that Meng Wang's team is indeed very powerful.

So, failure is also a human thing.

Murong Wuwu also happily came to Lin Feng's side.

"How about it?"

"Do you think I'm really much better than before?"

Lin Feng dotingly looked at the gentle little face Murong Wuwu in front of him.


"This time is also the time when you fully exploded with your own strength."

Murong Wuwu felt more and more sweet in her heart when she heard Lin Feng's praise for herself.

There are only three people left in the Linglong Pavilion team, namely Yue Lingqing, Yue Lingxian, and Yue Lingyue.

Yue Lingxian, Yue Lingqing and Yue Lingyue all set their eyes on Murong Sisi.

This time they can be said to have seen Murong Wuwu's strength, if they choose Murong Wuwu to fight, they will be hitting the muzzle of the gun!

However, if they all choose Murong Sisi, it is better than choosing others.

At least according to the current situation, one can count as one.

Yue Lingxian and Yue Lingqing attacked Murong Sisi at the same time!

Seeing this, Murong Sisi immediately took out her cannon and dodged backwards!

Miss is always flashing on my head!

Murong Sisi suddenly turned around and blasted the cannon in Yue Lingqing and Yue Lingxian's position!

The shells quickly bombarded the two of them!

When Yue Lingxian and Yue Lingqing saw the cannonball flying towards them, they also decided to distract Murong Sisi's attention first.

Although this battle is calculated according to the current situation, there is no chance of a comeback at all...

But it's good to get back some face.

Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan saw that they both went for Murong Sisi!

Murong Er'er summoned a magic circle, and began to continuously emit waves of magic attacks towards Yue Lingqing and Yue Ling's line!

The magic flame kept falling towards Yue Lingxian and Yue Lingxian's position!

The entire void was surrounded by his magic flames, and the entire rise could be described as mighty.

Seeing this situation, Yue Lingyue immediately joined them.

Three people fighting three people fighting...

Murong Shanshan narrowed her eyes secretly, and her figure disappeared in the battle alone.

Nowadays, when fighting like this, it is the best time to find the right opportunity to kill one of them in seconds.

Murong Er'er's long-range magic attack constantly shook the entire martial arts field, as if it wanted to turn the entire martial arts field upside down.

Murong Shanshan quickly approached Yue Lingxian, and after she and Murong Sisi stood facing each other and fired a series of attacks, she unleashed her own attack!

A bright light flashed across Yue Lingxian's body.

Yue Lingxian's HP was instantly killed by Murong Shanshan's attack!

Now there are only two people left.

When two people fought against the three sisters, they originally thought that they could kill one of them, at least one of their spirits, but judging from the current situation, it was completely impossible.

"It seems that our failure is already a certainty..."

Yue Lingqing and Yue Lingyue glanced at each other, revealing a touch of helplessness and sadness in their eyes.

Yue Linglong comforted her when she saw that her team members were not in the right mood with helplessness and sadness in their eyes.

"It's okay, everyone can still fight hard, just pay more attention to the process."

Yue Lingqing and Yue Lingyue nodded after hearing it. Although they didn't say much, they still felt a little sad...

After all, who would like to lose in a game? That's just an excuse for the weak to make for themselves.

In fact, what Yue Linglong said was what she said to herself

Although I don't want to admit this result, but if I lose a little bit, I still lose.

No matter how unwilling I am in my heart, this is the result after all.

Lin Feng took a look at Yue Linglong beside her, and still saw a bit of loneliness in her eyes.

He knew that Yue Linglong must be sad because she lost this match, but after all, there are winners and losers in the match.

Immediately afterwards, Murong Er'er's magic flame hit Yue Lingyue's body.

Boom boom boom!

For three full strokes, Yue Lingyue's blood also continuously surfaced on her head.




All blood volume was instantly killed!

Yue Lingyue couldn't help feeling that Murong Xiaoer's injury was too great...

After all, he still lost, and could only retreat to the side silently.

Now the only one left at 320 is Yue Lingqing, and she is fighting against Murong Sisi and Murong Shanshan.

Murong Sisi saw that there was only one opponent left, if there were two people on her side, it would seem quite bullying...

"Little San, why don't you let me do this duel?"

When Murong Shanshan heard Murong Sisi say this, she didn't want others to think that this match was unfair.


Murong Shanshan silently leaned aside.

Li Yuan seemed like a soy saucer, standing aside and watching them silently.

For him in this ninth battle, he is completely a spectator?

"No, otherwise, you leave this person to me?"

"I don't think it's a problem for me to stand here forever!" Li Yuan couldn't help complaining.

Murong Shanshan and Murong Sisi turned their heads and looked at Li Yuan who was speaking, thinking of the battle just now, I think he has always been a melon eater...

"Let's forget it, I'm going to finish early, now it's time, and I've made an appointment to have dinner with someone!"

"It's good for you to be a little transparent.

Murong Sisi said in refusal, and cast her fierce eyes on the only member of the Linglong Pavilion team.

Seeing that he was rejected by Murong Xiaosi so quickly, Li Yuan didn't know what to say...

All right..... If you're free, just be free.....

Lin Feng silently patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Don't you usually like to be idle the most?"

"Why this time, let you be idle but don't want to be idle anymore?"

Li Yuan waved his hand.

"Didn't I just want others to see that I am more diligent? It seems that I am not a soy sauce."

Lin Feng nodded in understanding and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, there is still one person fighting this afternoon."

"At that time, you can kill a few more people."

"Anyway, today is not bad for this game.

Upon hearing this, Li Yuan glanced silently.

I also hate it in my heart!

I knew I didn't say what I just said. .

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