Yue Linglong curled her lips again, in fact, she also knew why Meng Wang was so calm...

After all, he is a big boss. The blood volume of these tomb robbers must not even be comparable to the dungeons...

At that time, it only took a few minutes for him to create a copy, which directly detonated the entire forum!

Based on these...

How can you be nervous?

Seeing that Yue Linglong seemed to have no idea about her, Lin Feng comforted her with a hint of fear in her eyes.

"It's okay, don't worry."

"Even if you can't kill so many grave robbers in such a short period of time, I will help you with me by your side."

A few traces of tenderness flickered in Yue Linglong's eyes.


The two waited for the fourth wave to come.

The fourth wave of tomb robbers also began to enter the cemetery.

Yue Linglong and Lin Feng are also ready to welcome the fourth wave.

The number of scar grave robbers and grave robbers has increased dramatically!

The leader of the tomb robbers led a large group of tomb robbers into the cemetery.

Yue Linglong couldn't help frowning when she saw the hundred scarred tomb robbers in front of her.

"Damn it..."

"It is estimated that if they are all killed, blood will flow into rivers..."

Although it is indeed in the game, judging from the situation just now, even though all the heads and chopped-up corpses are gone now, the fourth wave in front of you is more than a hundred NPCs!

Lin Feng nodded. According to the current situation, it would indeed be a river of blood.

"It's okay, get ready."

"Count down for five minutes, get rid of it, okay?"

Yue Linglong could only silently nod her head.


"I'll try for 193.

The leader of the tomb robbers Jian Yue Linglong and Lin Feng were both ready for the battle.

"Only by you?"

"I don't even look at how many people I have under my command, and I want to fight with me, it's just a dream!"

"Now you beg for mercy, I will spare your life!"

Yue Linglong sneered, although it is true that this wave of people is much more than the last wave, they may want to adopt crowd tactics.

But, as long as they don't wear any golden armor or the like, there is no threat to themselves at all.

All the attributes of the grave robber appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

grave robber

Grade: 95


Scar Tomb Raider

Grade: 98

HP: 210000

Tomb Raiders Command!

Level: 100

HP: 260000

This time the tomb robber's total blood fainting is not much increased.

"You are on the left, I'm on the right.

Yue Linglong nodded.

The fourth wave of grave robbers and Scar grave robbers also began to approach Lin Feng.

I didn't expect that they planned to use a complete gang fight this time.

Yue Linglong was directly ignored...

Lin Feng saw all the tomb robbers and Scar grave robbers walking towards him.

The iron sword in his hand made a rattling sound on the ground, and he felt goosebumps all over his body as if they were about to fall to the ground...

Yue Linglong saw that all the tomb robbers and Scar grave robbers were walking in the direction of Lin Feng, completely ignoring herself, as if she was treating her as a transparent person, she immediately felt uncomfortable!


"I'm here!"

"Why are you all looking for him (cgaf)!"

However, the tomb robber and the Scar grave robber acted as if they hadn't heard at all, once again completely ignoring the iron sword in their hands and slashing towards Lin Feng's head!

Judging from the attack speed of the previous tomb robbers and Scar grave robbers, the attack speed of the fourth wave of grave robbers has been greatly reduced, but the attack power has been strengthened.

Lin Feng held his sword against the iron swords that were thrown at his head by the tomb robber and the Scar grave robber.

The strength of this iron sword is like a jack, it seems that it will completely push Lin Feng down in the next second.

After a while, the skill was released, and the guardian angel counterattacked!

The Archangel Sword in his hand immediately made a defensive gesture, and released a very powerful attack wave towards them!


Unexpectedly, the iron swords of this group of tomb robbers and Scar's tomb robbers collided with his skills!

All the grave robbers were directly shocked by Lin Feng's attack and flew out of the cemetery.

Blood flowed from his head.




Unexpectedly, the defense of this group of tomb robbers has also increased a lot

Yue Linglong quickly came to Lin Feng's side, raised the Spirit Snake Sword in her hand, and aimed at the grave robber and the scar grave robber who got up from outside the cemetery like a zombie and came towards them.

"Why do these grave robbers ignore me!"

"Are they looking down on me?"

"When will this NPC ignore others!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "No, it's just a tactic set by the game."

"The so-called crowd tactics are just like that."

"The core of this tactic is that one more person hits one more person."

"This can actually greatly enhance the odds of winning."

After hearing Lin Feng's introduction, Yue Linglong nodded her head in understanding, and slowly worshiped him in her heart...

"Meng Wang, why do you know so much about this?"

"Actually, I usually go to understand the tactics, but the crowd tactics, the blue dragon tactics, I just look at them but I can't use them.

Seeing that Yue Linglong was very curious, Lin Feng silently looked at the current time, there were three minutes left.

I must get rid of this wave of tomb robbers as soon as possible.

"I'll tell you about these tactics when I have time."

"According to the current situation, we need to solve this character first.

Yue Linglong regained her composure and realized that her mission hadn't been completed yet, but now she was only a wave away from completing the mission and after collecting the stolen treasures, the mission would be considered complete.

"Then the two of us launch an attack together, maybe we can solve all this faster."

Lin Feng's eyes fell on the tomb robber and the scar grave robber who came before him again.

The two looked at each other.

Let's attack the fourth wave of grave robbers and Scar grave robbers together!

Lin Feng unleashes Patron Saint Hammer!

In the void, a golden hammer appeared on the heads of this group of grave robbers and Scar grave robbers!

Falling down!

In addition, Yue Linglong used her own attack wave at this moment!

A huge silver snake was also in the void, and it opened its bloody mouth to the group of tomb robbers and scarred tomb robbers and bit them.

Under two powerful attacks.

The chilling and miserable shouts filled the surroundings...


Immediately, the bodies of all the tomb robbers and scar grave robbers were completely torn apart by the attacks of the two of them...

All blood volume cleared!

Looking at the scene in front of her, Yue Linglong felt an inexplicable chill behind her.

"Now we only need to destroy the last leader of the grave robbers, and our battle is over.

Lin Feng's eyes fell on the leader of the tomb robbers at this moment, and there are still two minutes left.

Seeing that Lin Feng was looking at the time, Yue Linglong asked.

"Then the leader of the tomb robbers is with us?"

"Now we are two minutes away, do you think we are enough?"

A confident smile rose from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.


The voice fell!

The sword of the Archangel in his hand was erected!

The skills are released, and the holy light falls!

A circle of golden light burst out from the Archangel Sword in Lin Feng's hand!

Strips of golden holy light fell from the circle of light and hit the leader of the tomb robber.

Unexpectedly, the speed of the leader of the fourth wave of tomb robbers was much faster than that of the third wave. Although he was still carrying an iron knife behind his back, it was not bad when he dodged the holy light.

Yue Linglong looked at the current time, and looked at the leader of the tomb robbers released by Lin Feng to attack inside.

"There are still fifty seconds left..."

"Forty seconds..."

"Thirty seconds...."

Listening to Yue Linglong's countdown, Lin Feng remained calm and calm, and continued to look at the leader of the tomb robbers inside!

For some reason, Yue Linglong also became a little nervous...

"The last ten seconds..."

"Five seconds!"

"Four seconds!"

"Three seconds!"

"Two seconds!"

"One second!"


A golden light hit the head of the tomb robber directly!

The blood volume that was still full was wiped out by Lin Feng in no time...

Yue Linglong looked at the exterminated leader of the tomb robbers, and took a deep breath

"Zero seconds..."

It never occurred to me that within five minutes, all the tomb robbers in the fourth wave were wiped out

This speed is simply eye-opening...

I don't know why, but now Yue Linglong always feels like she's holding back, maybe if he doesn't have himself, he can solve it faster...

Seeing that Yue Linglong was completely silent at the moment, Lin Feng smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

"If you have any doubts, you can say it now."

Yue Linglong silently shook her head...

"I have no doubts at all."

"It's just that I think that if there is no me, I guess you have already completed this task by yourself."

"I feel like a laggard..."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "That's not true."

"After all, this task is still yours."

"I'm just someone who doesn't like to spend more time than I've budgeted for.

"Actually, you're pretty good."

Lin Feng praised Yue Linglong.

Looking at the current time, it is estimated that Murong Wuwu will arrive soon.

I also have to speed up.

Yue Linglong heard Lin Feng's praise to her, and she felt a little pain in her heart silently!

Do you call yourself great?

In fact, it's just bragging about myself....

"It's the fifth wave soon."

Lin Feng asked, "Are you ready?"

Yue Linglong doesn't have any worries at all right now...

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