When Kuanglong heard what Lin Feng said, he only felt that he was looking down on himself, and said with a sneer.

"Heh, don't think that you are really that powerful!"


"I will never let you win this time!"

In his sensual growl....

Lin Feng could see how much he wanted to win himself.

It's just a pity that he used the wrong equipment this time.

Kuanglong once again turned the shimmering shield in his hand back into a shimmering longbow!

The fingertips also began to move continuously, and then began to shoot ice arrows all over the sky into the air!

A series of blue ice arrows began to shoot towards Lin Feng's direction impressively!

Lin Feng looked at the sky full of Bing, which completely occupied the position he could avoid, and darkened his eyes.

The sword of the Archangel in his hand also waved!


Released a powerful attack!

A white light suddenly cut off all the arrows of ice that shot towards him!

The powerful force is really calling out to everyone...

The other members of the Berserker Alliance all looked at Lin Feng with horrified eyes.

I don't know why, although the attack released by Lin Feng doesn't look that scary, but it feels terrifying...

It makes people feel a chilling feeling.....

When Kuanglong saw that his "Nine Four Three" ice arrows had all been wiped out by Lin Feng with one move, he also became afraid...

How is it going to be now.....

Lin Feng no longer wants to play with the mad dragon in front of him anymore, a killing intent flickered in his eyes...

It just so happened that this killing intent was caught by the dark night.

It seems that now is the time when Meng Wang is really serious...

At this time, the mad dragon also felt an ominous premonition.

I saw Lin Feng brandishing the Archangel Sword in his hand again...

White light reflected from his sword, shooting straight into the void!

I saw that the void began to be filled with secret dark clouds

One after another with the power of thunder with small lightnings, they began to continuously look at the dark clouds gathered in the void

The entire dark cloud was gathered by this lightning, and there was a small electric current...  …

The sword of the Archangel, which was originally standing in the air, instantly slashed at the head of the mad dragon, releasing the skill "Thundering Blow"!

Seeing this situation, Kuangfeng immediately ran to use himself as a shield to block the mad dragon...


"I still want to see, just relying on you alone, how do you want to kill me!"

Lin Feng heard that his tone was as loud as ever, and said with a smile.

"That's good!"

"Don't blink!"


A thunderbolt began to split from the dark clouds and hit the shield formed by the strong wind!

tear it up!

I saw that the strong wind at this time was completely electrified by the lightning.

Originally, the hair was as if it had been washed and rejoice, but now it was fried like a chicken coop, with sparks still spitting out of its mouth... …

There is a lot of blood floating on the head......


All the blood volume was instantly killed by Lin Feng's thunder...  …

Now there are only eight of the ten members of the Berserker Alliance.

However, it was soon seven people.

Kuanglong looked at the black-smoky wind that was hacked, and became nervous for a while...

In his heart, he couldn't help but feel a slap in the face for what he said just now...

Dark Ming Ye looked at Lin Feng from the corner of his eye.

I have to say, this cute king really has shocking abilities

Lin Feng didn't notice at all that the dark night was completely focused on him.

With a calm face, he looked at the mad dragon in front of him who was about to be hacked.

"Now it's time to play with you."

"It's true that you have to end this first game quickly."

After Lin Feng chanted a few lines softly...

Kuanglong knew it was his turn now...

What should I do...

However, he simply has no strength to contend with this lightning...

Just now, the shield of the violent wind was hacked by the lightning and lost all its blood volume...

If I really fight against him head-on, there is only one end to die...

Now the only way to go is to escape!


Another bolt of lightning strikes from the dark clouds...

tear it up...

The mad dragon had already moved aside early to dodge...

How could I think of it!

This lightning even has the function of rear-end pursuit.

Lin Feng looked at the mad dragon who was being chased by the lightning, and couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth.

For this thunder strike of his own, it is very difficult for anyone to really escape from it.

Even if he really escaped, there is not much blood left, so dying immediately is the same as dying in the attack he unleashed.


The thunder and lightning still fell on the mad dragon...

Everyone watched the mad dragon being continuously shocked by the lightning, and the blood on his head was bubbling upwards...

Until the end, the whole thing spewed black smoke towards the big guy like a blasted fire...

Lin Feng saw that he had been destroyed by himself, and his eyes fell on other people...

At this moment, the members of the Berserker Alliance always feel a chill down their backs when they are watched by Lin Feng...

Kuangxuan was even a little terrified of being stared at by Lin Feng's gaze, and said to Fanfan in fear.

"Why... why do I think his eyes look scary..."

"I don't think we have a chance at all right now."

"His attack just now was too powerful. Fortunately, we didn't go up to help the captain at that time, otherwise we must have died......

Fan Fan saw that Kuang Xuan was so scared, he encouraged him!

"do not be afraid!"

"After all, our most powerful captain has been killed by the Meng King."

"Now our victory or defeat is a foregone conclusion."

Kuang Xuan rolled his eyes a little speechlessly.

Unexpectedly, as the vice-captain of the Berserker Alliance, he would say such useless words...

However, if you think about it carefully, it is also...

Seeing that they seemed to be afraid of him, Lin Feng just put his arms around his chest silently and looked at them.

"The rest will be left to you."

"I believe that you can both defeat each other in ten minutes."

Murong Er's ear canal is very confident.

In fact, judging from the current situation, their team is also very bad.

The number of people can't compare with them, and the only one who can compare is gone...


Murong Er'er set his eyes on Fan Fan.

Because now in the entire team, he is the most powerful existence in it.

Kuangxuan saw that Murong Xiaoer was looking at Fanfan at this time, and silently shifted his eyes to Murong Wuwu.

Although, as a powerful existence in the Berserker Alliance...

But, now it's time to lose, who cares whether the opponent is strong or not......

It counts as one if you can kill one.

Seeing Kuang Xuan staring at Murong Wuwu, Murong Shanshan and Murong Sisi turned their heads to remind them.

"Wuwu, someone is targeting you, you have to be careful."

Murong Wuwu nodded, although it seems that her blood volume is indeed not as much as the other party's...


Your own attack power is much higher than the opponent's!

Kuangxuan instantly summoned the Kirin Ice Blade!

This unicorn ice blade is also very beautiful, glowing blue in the sunlight.

I saw him rushing towards me in the direction of Murong Wuwu!

At this moment, when Murong Shanshan and Murong Sisi are ready to wipe out this crazy mystery...

Murong Wuwu said: "Go and kill the others first."

"He'd better let me come."

The voice fell!

Opening his hands, he began to chant the magic array map in his mouth.

I saw that her figure was flying higher and higher, and under the sun, there was an irresistible luster...

Like a dream, like a dream bubble.


A blue water dragon flew out of the magic circle!

Kuang Xuan's originally brisk pace stopped at that moment, looking up at Murong Wuwu and the water dragon flying above his head.

"damn it......"

"How the hell do you fight..."

"One in heaven, one on earth..."

Murong Wuwu fixed her eyes on Kuangxuan at this moment!

Controlling the water dragon began to spray water polo towards his position continuously!

bang bang bang!

One after another water polo smashed in front of him!

Kuangxuan watched the water polo flying towards him quickly, and swung the unicorn ice blade in his hand!

Come to a water polo, split a water polo...  

Come to a water polo, and continue to split a water polo...

So much so that the attack of the two of them seemed to be very powerful.

But...but it didn't hurt the other party at all...

Murong Wuwu was also very upset when she saw that he chopped all her water polos!

damn it!

"Spit me!" 3.9

"I'm going to drown him!"

The water dragon heard Murong Wuwu's order, and the speed of the water polo in the middle of its mouth became faster

One after another, one after another...  

Kuang Xuan watched the water polo flying towards his head...

It's really moving!


I am not vegetarian either!

In an instant, he also accelerated his speed and continued to chop these water polo...

The audience looked at Murong Wuwu and Kuangxuan who had been playing for five full minutes but didn't hurt each other at all, and they were speechless for a while...

"This......... When will this f*ck be fought? Why do I feel that these two people are fighting so happily?"

"From what you said, I feel the same way. One spits water polo, the other splits water polo... It is estimated that if there is no one, their battle like this will definitely last for three days and three nights

"I thought this Kuangxuan's combat power would be a little weaker than I imagined, but I didn't expect it to be quite powerful.

"Not so much that he is powerful, but I think his speed is quite fast. This kind of speed is especially suitable for playing Fruit Match!"

"That's right! If you go to play Fruit Match at this speed, you will definitely win, why are you fighting here..."

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