National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 361: A Strange Opponent!

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning the 14th World No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament!"

"Would you like to continue the fight?"


Everyone said with one voice that their morale is high now!

Now this is also their last game of the day. After the game, everyone can eat their own meals and sleep their own.

10 people stood in different positions, forming a shape of a cross tower.

Everyone in each position has a different meaning.

The smile on Murong Wuwu's face became brighter, and she asked Lin Feng.

"Just now, how do you think I fought? Is there anything that needs to be improved?"

In the final analysis, she just wanted Lin Feng's encouragement.

It's just that as a girl, how can she speak out her demands so disregarding everything, a girl has to be reserved.

Lin Feng nodded, Murong Wuwu really did not perform well in all the battles just now, it was amazing.

She can use the key in all battles, and she is already very powerful with ordinary strength now.

It's just that she usually compares salty fish.

"Not bad."

"There's been a lot of progress.

After hearing Lin Feng's approval, Murong Wuwu only felt that a flower was about to bloom in her heart!

The smile on his face deepened.

"Thank you for the compliment. In fact, I think I still have a lot of room for improvement."

"Keep working hard," Lin Feng said.

26 Murong Sisi, who was standing beside Murong Wuwu, couldn't help but rolled her eyes at the two of them.

"Xiao Wu, can you stop pretending, do you think you don't know your little thoughts? Look at your eyes are falling on others now."

"Sure enough, there is a place for Meng Wang. You can always use your strength to the extreme. When you don't have much room to fight with me, it may not be that you can play half of your strength."

In just a few simple words, Murong Wuwu's double standard has been fully expressed.

Murong Wuwu blushed like a little apple when Murong Sisi said it, she couldn't say a word, she felt very ashamed in her heart!

Now they have stood at the top of the ten-man tournament in the world's number one martial arts tournament.

This also means that the people they match this time will become more and more powerful.


"Match complete!"

At this time, everyone is also curious about the opponents matched in this 15th battle.

Because the opponent they encountered just now was too weak...

Rather than talking about them, it is better to say that when they saw what they were matched with, the Mengwang team, they had already given up on their own salvation.

Ten rays of light fell from the sky.

The whole scene looked magnificent.

"Do you think the opponent you meet this time will be very good at fighting? I'm ready to fight hard with others.

Murong Wuwu shook her fist and said!

There is a flame for the victory of this game in the eyes.

Everyone was very excited when they saw such a magnificent scene.

Lin Feng was the calmest among them.

But in my heart, I also hope that the players I meet this time will be good opponents.

However, he still thought about it...

When the opponents in the 15th battle saw that they were matched with the Mengwang team, they were more panicked than the people they met!

As if they will worship in front of them in the next second.

"Oh my god, I actually found a lot of matches. I didn't expect it to be you. I have liked you for a long time."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that it was really their cute king. I can ask for advice. How to strengthen the attack?"

"Yes, yes, I also have a lot of questions, can I ask? I can't beat you to win this game, I beg you to teach me."

"Me too, I want to learn too, I heard that you are the best teacher, so I have always been curious about your combat teaching.

"Or you can teach us about our team, we will really work hard to learn from you."

The opponents in the 15th round were all girls, chattering non-stop in front of Lin Feng, and stars were shining in everyone's eyes.

Now Lin Feng is like a star, being entangled by fans.

Lin Feng felt very helpless in his heart.

The ones who appeared just now really made people look forward to them. I didn't expect...

It really hasn't changed at all.

Seeing Lin Feng surrounded by so many girls, Li Yuan was also full of envy in his heart, and couldn't help muttering.

"Sure enough, if a man wants to be looked at with such admiring eyes by a woman, he can only be a top existence..."

When Ye Qingqing heard what Li Yuan muttered, she said coldly, and directly grabbed his ear with her hands.

What did you say? Tell me again, do you want to be like Meng Wang?"

Li Yuan only felt that his ears were hurting badly, he had no choice but to beg for mercy.

"I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong."

"How dare I think so, who is the cute king? He is so busy that he is the big boss in the hearts of all girls. How can I possibly be comparable to you? Don't worry, I can't."

There is no desire to survive at all, and all the facts are said so thoroughly.

Murong Wuwu watched so many girls surrounded him, Lin Feng was also very upset.

But what can I do, I don't seem to have any identity, I can think of endless flow as the Qingqing Grassland.

I can only be silently lost in my heart alone, what else can I do?

The captain said happily.

"Mengwang sees that we were just a one-sided relationship, can you teach our team members? This time it is really our luck to be matched with you!"

"I really have a headache for their strength. I have already talked about many methods, but there is nothing to teach. I can't help wild monsters. I am incompetent."

The other team members also put on a pitiful look, and those charming eyes seemed to burst into tears in the next second.

What Lin Feng couldn't stand the most was the pitiful look of the woman.

Just thinking about it seriously, I don't seem to have taught others anything......

"Actually, none of them are called by me. This is their strength in itself, plus they usually study hard and practice hard."

I let out a sigh of relief.....

"Sure enough, King Meng still doesn't want to teach us, and after all, in the battle, we still belong to the enemy.

Lin Feng was completely helpless, as expected, women are really a group of very dramatic animals.

Seeing the helpless look in Lin Feng's eyes at this time, Diablo Mingye silently made an attack with his big burst behind him.

Boom boom boom!

Within five or six cannons, everyone's blood was instantly cut by her cannons!

Everyone's eyes have seen it, and at this moment sneak attack on Diablo Mingye.

Diablo Mingye waved his hands helplessly and said slowly.

"There is nothing we can do about it, and you don't seem to want to fight.

"I can only deal with you quickly, I mean we still have to eat.

What a brief, what a powerful word.

Lin Feng also sighed in his heart, in fact, sometimes he just needs such a teammate.

Murong Wuwu patted herself on the head.

Blame myself for not thinking of killing them all at such a critical time.

Well, sure enough, if I meet these women again next time, I must kill them myself!

Happily and angrily, he came to Diablo Mingye's side, and spoke angrily.

"What qualifications do you have to launch an attack on us without our knowledge!"

"Just because it's time to fight, if you don't fight, you have to surround the King Meng, so I have no choice but to attack you."

"Besides, the regulations here tell us that we can't sneak attacks. It's because you don't have any awareness of defense. No wonder you haven't made any progress at 630."

Diablo Mingye looked like a normal person, after counting them, he silently returned to his team.

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning the 15th round of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament. You have now collected 15 victory points!"

"Now you are number one on the leaderboard."

"Will you continue to participate in the next game?"


Everyone agreed that 15 games will be 15 games.

The current time is five o'clock in the afternoon, which is an hour faster than the time calculated by Lin Feng at that time. This is entirely due to the fact that they met a group of weirdos.

But it's time for dinner.

I was happy to see myself, but in the end I was defeated by the Mengwang team, so I hurried back to Lin Feng's side, pestering him.

"Just be a good person once, teach us, we really have nothing to do."

Lin Feng looked at her, he was so pitiful, and he felt a little moved in his heart, he didn't have a heart of steel at all.

"It would be great if you participated in more competitions and found out more about your own problems."

"This is the easiest way to sleep, and if I can't do that, there's nothing I can do.

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he led his team members out of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

Now they have reached the top of the leaderboard.

This actual battle also gave everyone a deep understanding of the strength of the Mengwang team.

Circle fans can be described as waves of circles.

Now the entire forum is also discussing that they broke the record of the ten-man battle of the world's number one martial arts tournament.

Some people envy their eyes, some people hold grudges in their hearts.

Kuanglong of the Mad Battle Alliance and Sunflower Yizhen of the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance felt even more hatred in their hearts when they learned that they broke the record!

They always felt that this was their glory, but they never thought that it would be snatched away by Meng Wang.

But what can they do? According to their current strength, they can't beat them at all, and all they can do is plan secretly. .

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