National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 414 The Sewer Dungeon Begins!

Lin Feng looked at the somewhat disgusted expression on Li Qianqian's face at this time, probably this little girl has been fooled by the sewer in front of her.

There is no way, this game is completely based on reality, so the monsters in the sewer that he has to face now must be some floating monsters that will appear in the water, remembering when I came to play this sewer.

In fact, I also feel that the monsters in the sewer are indeed a little disgusting. Compared with other dungeons, they are completely different.

But it is also because it is one world away from other dungeons, so the experience~ and treasures gained here will be more.

In addition, this dungeon of the sewer itself is in a relatively hidden place, not everyone can find it, and not everyone can own the treasure that everyone is chasing. Compared with me, it is unique-.

"Brother Meng Wang, do you think the monsters here are some large monsters like cockroaches and mice? Why do I have a bad feeling now?"

Li Qianqian still couldn't help but asked Lin Feng, the psychological construction that I had just built in my heart has completely disappeared at this moment.

Lin Feng said lightly, in fact, those monsters are really not much different to him, as if they all look similar, but this monster is a little more disgusting than other monsters.

"No, how could it be some cockroaches and mice? You will know when the time comes. I can only remind you that the monsters here may be scarier than other monsters."

Li Qianqian took a deep breath, always feeling that her ominous premonition had deepened, but what could be done? Even if it was a dark road in front of her, she would have to rush through it.

"Should we go? There is no way. Since I have come, I can't give up. I have to get through, otherwise it would be embarrassing."

Lin Feng's nodding also confirmed his idea. In fact, Li Qianqian still hoped in her heart to see what Lin Feng's real thoughts were at this moment, but in the end she looked at the way he nodded.

Li Qianqian also knows that Lin Feng won't let her give up, and she definitely can't be ashamed in front of him!

The two began to walk slowly into the depths of the sewer.

The sound of running water also kept echoing in the ears of the two of them, and it has to be said that the whole atmosphere became a little weird because of this.

"Congratulations to the two players who have come to the first level of the sewer. The first level is about to start. Please get ready, both players."

A black ray of light appeared in front of Li Qianqian and Lin Feng in front of a teleportation array, swarming from the teleportation array.

A black aura erupted inside and surrounded the surroundings, making it impossible for people to see clearly what the monster coming out of the teleportation array would be.

Suddenly, in the next second, in the black aura, several red rays of light appeared dangling inside, like will-o'-the-wisps in the dark night, making people feel chills behind.

Li Qianqian immediately took a deep breath and immediately summoned her own green wood sword.

This green wood sword was picked up by her on the way to Zhao Shigao.

This time is also her first time using it.

I saw all the monsters coming out of the black mist, big mice one by one, a pair of red pupils, blinking big, a pair of big mouse teeth were extremely sharp, and there was a reflection in the faint light. They are very sharp.

At that moment, Li Qianqian was stunned, she never thought that wow, it is really a mouse!

But the only difference between this monster and the mouse is that the size of this monster is dozens of times bigger, as big as a car, as if his bloody mouth could kill her in one bite in the next second , generally looks scary.

"Brother Meng Wang, didn't you say that we will never encounter mice? This is obviously a mouse, how should I fight it? I am most afraid of mice!"

Li Qianqian looked at Lin Feng begging for help, hoping that he could stand up and protect herself now, but Lin Feng looked at her blankly behind her as if she hadn't seen it at all.

Lin Feng actually understands what Li Qianqian is thinking now, but he has no choice but to choose where he wants to come, the path he chooses, and he has to walk on his knees.

"Please, are you really not going to save me?"

Lin Feng shook his head again, watching the approaching mouse step by step towards Li Qianqian and said to Li Qianqian.

"No, this is your own choice. You have to look at it no matter what. The players you meet after passing this copy of the sewer book are not at all."

"Your level can also be brought up to be the same as ordinary players in a short period of time, or your dream will disappear, and the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament will end in two days

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Li Qianqian suddenly had a spark in her heart, and it erupted instantly, then she could only start a war, even if what she met in front of her was a mouse, what if it was a cockroach, what!

Looking at all the information and blood volume that the mouse monster has taken out of its head, it is completely twice as much as the ones he and she have encountered.

Just one mob already has 800,000 HP, when will this f*ck be fought!

The mouse monster rushed towards Li Qianqian's body quickly, and its sharp claws grabbed him immediately.

The speed can be described as fast, compared with all the monsters he has encountered before.

She has completely entered a passive state now, coupled with the fear in her heart, she immediately got into the turtle shell directly.

The mouse grabbed Li Qianqian's paw and slashed down fiercely, with a bang.

Li Qianqian felt that half of her tortoise shell was about to be shattered by the rat monster, but fortunately, his tortoise shell was very hard.

The mouse monster retracted its paws, saw that the turtle shell he had just patted had not been crushed, and immediately slapped it on again.

Another bang!

Li Qianqian hid in the tortoise shell, only feeling as if she was about to be shocked to the point of concussion, she never thought that the power of this mouse monster would be so strong.

Lin Feng looked at Li Qianqian who was still hiding in the tortoise shell and could not come out to fight, and heaved a long sigh, this girl is really...

The sword of the Archangel in his hand also began to prepare, and when he was about to swing it, he suddenly thought of this battle, which was originally for Li Qianqian to come by himself.

If she can't even pass the first level by herself, then he doesn't even need to pass the subsequent levels.

After all, the monsters he encountered later would definitely be more disgusting and powerful than the rat monsters he encountered now.

…… Ask for flowers………

"You have to fight this battle yourself."

In an instant, she took back the sword of the Archangel, and Li Qianqian's originally hopeful heart was destroyed at that moment.

It seems that this battle really can only rely on him alone. If I knew this, why bother? If I knew this sewer dungeon is so sad, I would not come here. I am obedient

Hit Zhao's Tower.

The mouse was still not worried when it came over, and Li Qianqian who came out of the tortoise's shell let out a "hissing" sound, as if she wanted to use this sound to shout Li Qianqian out of the tortoise's shell.

Li Qianqian was surrounded by the cries of the mouse all the way to her ears, and felt that her ears were about to be pierced by the sound.

He rushed out from the side, took his own tortoise shell, stood up again, looked at the mouse in front of him, and then waved the green wood sword in the strange hand in the air, and used his own moves.

Ugin kills!

In an instant, a black light enveloped the green wood sword he was waving in his hand, and one after another thought began to slowly extend the green wood sword until it reached the edge of the sword.


The mouse monster also rushed towards him at this time, and in an instant Li Qianqian's green wood sword issued a black and golden sword light, and Fang Qi slashed at Fang Qi's body and slashed down.

A streak of blood appeared on the mouse monster's head.


Li Qianqian also felt that this slash of hers was quite powerful, and she actually slashed 390,000 HP of this monster. As long as she was in another position, she should be able to kill these monsters in one move.

But he cut off more than 300,000 blood, which is nothing to this mouse monster.

Lin Feng saw that he displayed the opponent's 390,000 HP in this exhibition, and he had to say that his current combat effectiveness has indeed been greatly improved.

At least when I saw her for the first time, that progress was a bit more advanced, and the completion was the same qualitative leap.

It's just that this kind of magic monster has a lot of blood, so she should let herself enter a state of rage first, and the damage will be greater.

An animal with a lot of blood in its owner will definitely be much weaker in terms of attack.

"Meng Wang, how are you doing!"

"Do you feel that I have made progress!"

Lin Feng replied with a smile.

"There is indeed a great improvement, but you still haven't grasped the biggest weakness of this monster. You have to think about what kind of moves you want to use and what kind of state you want to defeat it faster."

Li Qianqian frowned, but she was not particularly puzzled by what Lin Feng said.

"What kind of state should I use to defeat him, I can't think of what kind of state I can use to defeat him immediately......"

Lin Feng looked at Li Qianqian with a half-smile. Li Qianqian resisted the attack of the rat monster while thinking about what Lin Feng said.

To plan in a state, suddenly an idea flashed through my mind, entering a state of rage, can burst out more powerful damage, and the damage of the moves will be increased to 10%!

"I see, I know what you mean by this, thanks!".

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