National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 432 Breaking Through The Ecstasy Array!

Seeing that Lin Feng had actually blocked her own blow, the eldest lady felt a little admiration for him in her heart.

No wonder everyone says he is the number one in the whole server, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it...

It really is.

After so long, someone can block my moves, but this is just a simple move at the beginning of the game.

The real battle begins now!

I saw that the movement of the tenfold team was also faster.

In the center position, looking at the team of ten twins at this moment is like watching gusts of wind form a circle.


"The move is released!"

Miss Player said to her team members.

Everyone in the Mengwang team looked at the people who had stopped around, and couldn't tell who was who right now.

Murong Wuwu nervously asked Lin Feng beside her.

"Now what shall we do...."

"I look at these people as if they were carved out of a mold."

"I can't tell at all who c is the real captain."

Lin Feng scanned the surroundings, looked at everything around him, and also wanted to see what these people were thinking.

Now facing this kind of ecstasy array, the best way is to respond to all changes with the same.


"Don't be too nervous now."

"When they attack us first, we are blocking."

Murong Wuwu nodded, facing the current moment, she could only do this.

Suddenly, I saw a golden sword light slashing towards Murong Wuwu!

Hit her on the head very fast!


At this moment, Murong Wuwu was already fully prepared, frowning, and quickly dodged aside!

Where did you think!

On the other side of him, a more powerful white ball of light burst out, hitting her back.

Coming fast....

Murong Wuwu couldn't get away for a while.

Now, is there only a direct confrontation?

However, in this white light group, I still felt the power of this powerful move. If I couldn't take this move, I would definitely die.

What should be done now is something she needs to think about.

But now she has no time to think about it.

Lin Feng also noticed the white light ball hitting her back, frowned, and immediately released a move to protect the light circle!


Before Murong Wuwu could use her moves, Dao Glass appeared in front of her!

Immediately afterwards, thick fog appeared in vain all around.

For a moment, the surroundings couldn't see where the people were.


"What's the matter?"

The second and third misses of the ten-tuplet team saw the smoke and buildings all around and looked at the sixth miss on the far left.

"The timing of this move is right."

"Not bad, it looks like Sixth Sister has made great progress."

"Now I know when to use skills and when not to use skills."

After hearing what the other teammates said, Miss Six reconciled, with a disdainful smile, she looked at the Mengwang team surrounded by all of them and smiled lightly.

"Of course, they are just a team that came out of Pingju."

"They were able to advance to the first place so successfully, but because those people have not seen the strength of our 10-born team.

"And it seems that their strength is nothing more than that. Except for their captain who is stronger, the others are just like that."

Standing in the center, Lin Feng also heard their voices discussing in detail, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the current strategy is to break their ecstasy formation.

The sword of the Archangel in his hand waved in the air, charged at one of the positions and slashed down!

A sword glow like a silver snake flashed across the air.


It fell directly into this ecstasy formation.

However, what I didn't expect was that the ecstasy array still didn't stop, and started to rotate wantonly again.

The eldest lady's voice came out from all around.

"Don't dream, it's just a dream to want to create our ecstasy array based on your current situation.

"As long as you are trapped in this ecstasy formation by me, you won't be able to get out even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes!"

This rampant voice resounded all around.

Lin Feng frowned, he didn't expect to be able to block his own attack, it seems that he can only grab one of the points and give their formation a charged blow!

The audience looked at the Mengwang team who was trapped in the position now, and faced the Mengwang team who couldn't get out of the ecstasy now, and felt very melancholy in their hearts.

"What kind of situation is this? I didn't expect this ten-child team to be so powerful. Now even the moves of Meng Wang can't open this ecstasy formation."

"That's right, I've always thought that this ecstasy formation was just a false head. I didn't expect to see it today. It's really powerful. It won't fall into a box right after the game starts?"

"It's very possible. I just checked the recent information about this team of decuplets, and found that it is indeed a bit strange. I didn't expect that this team of 10 kids is quite powerful.

"No way, I don't think it's possible. The Mengwang team has always been the strongest. No matter what, the Mengwang team's strength must surpass them."

"This is not necessarily the case. This ten-child team has been a team with a rising trend since yesterday. As long as they meet people in their team, "no one can get out of their so-called ecstasy formation."

"Now it seems that if you want to break through this ecstasy formation, you have to make a surprise attack from the middle first. Only in this way can you have a chance to get out (Zhao)."

Everyone is discussing.

At this moment, Li Qianqian, who was sitting in the auditorium, was also on pins and needles.

Looking at the Mengwang team that is now surrounded, I feel very anxious in my heart, what is going on now......

How could Meng Wang's moves be of no use to this ecstasy array?

Usually when he taught himself, he was called a powerful spoon.

How can I be trapped in a ecstasy formation now, and I can't get out.

Impossible, impossible...

Absolutely impossible.

Li Yuan was also in this ecstasy formation, constantly displaying his Wanjian Jue, and found that his moves were still completely blocked by them.

It seems that in their formation, there is a very powerful protective cover protecting them.

"Captain, this ecstasy formation is simply too evil. All my moves are useless to them at all."

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