National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 441: Cannonball Bombardment!

Miss Six was instantly killed by Murong Sisi's shells.

Now, seeing that the members of her team have started to lose one after another, the eldest lady is very upset in her heart.

She originally thought that all the members of her team could defeat the Mengwang team, but unexpectedly, the result turned out to be like this...

Thinking about it this way, I feel even more unwilling in my heart.

Now there are not many members left in their entire team.

What should I do...

Lin Feng looked at the current ten-tuplet team, there were only four members left, and glanced at Li Yuan and the others.

"I'll leave the rest to you, and you can solve it for me quickly."

"Don't hold us all back.

"Give you five minutes to solve it."

Li Yuan frowned slightly when he heard this, and looked at the opponent in front of him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

"It doesn't take five minutes, but it can be done in four minutes."

The members of the decuplets team felt very surprised when they heard 26's words, and they all took a deep breath.

They also saw the moves of other members just now.

It is indeed very powerful, now seeing Li Yuan's smug face, I am also very curious in my heart that it will be so...

"Otherwise, we should not follow the method the captain said, shall we?"

"Shall we do something else?"

Miss Six on the side asked, although she felt that this method was indeed a bit invincible, but for everything in front of her, it was more important to get the ranking of victory.

When Miss Seven heard what Miss Six said, she felt a little troubled in her heart.

"But if you win this, I'm afraid it will be a bit invincible."

"I didn't expect that our decamuplet team would use such an invincible method in the end. If it gets out, I'll feel ashamed."

"The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is still going on, so many people are watching..."

Miss Six let out a long sigh, but seeing that Li Yuan was already ready, the entanglement in her heart was gone...

What is the face?

Compared with winning or losing this time, the face will be lost.

"Let's go with our original plan."

"When the face is gone, it's gone."

Seventh Miss also nodded helplessly in her heart.

Since she said so, then so be it.

Lin Feng glanced at Miss Six and Miss Seven at this moment, and he understood what they really wanted to do now.


"It looks like this team of decamuplets is going to use other methods to fight you."

This time, he didn't directly tell the real fighting method that Miss Six and Miss Seven were planning.

I still want to see what Li Yuan will do this time.

If Li Yuan could block the attacks of both of them alone this time, it would be a great improvement for him.

Players Sixth Miss and Seventh Miss are also ready, summoning a star chasing iron ax in their hands.

However, the star-chasing iron ax in their hands is also different from the ordinary star-chasing iron axe, one holds a white star-chasing iron ax in one hand, and the other holds a black star-chasing iron ax

This also symbolizes the combination of yin and yang to erupt stronger power!

The star chasing iron ax in their hands also needs the cooperation of both parties.

I saw that Miss Six and Miss Seven quickly started to hold the star chasing iron ax in their hands and passed it in the direction of Li Yuan.

Li Yuan saw the players Sixth Miss and Seventh Miss flying towards his position at high speed, and his figures also quickly dodged their blows on him.


After Miss Six and Miss Seven saw that Li Yuan had dodged his blow, the black and white star chasing iron ax in their hands also began to rotate rapidly, and slashed at his body again.

This time, with a cut in the middle, Li Yuan turned to the side again, and English letters still appeared on his head.


Miss Six and Miss Seven started to attack Li Yuan frequently, but every time they were about to hit him, he dodged them.

This is undoubtedly a great torture for them, and they have been tricked by him, and there is a deep hatred for him in their hearts.

"What exactly do you want?"

"If you want to stand, just stand! You are dodging here, you are playing us!"

Miss Six herself has a rather violent temper, seeing that Li Yuan was always avoiding them, not because he was too weak, but obviously just to tease them, she was very angry.

Seventh Miss didn't say much, but there was more anger in her eyes and her heart was turning upside down.

Li Yuan laughed loudly when he heard what the players Miss Six and Miss Seven said.

"What do you say?"

"If you want to defeat me, you'd better catch up with what I'm talking about first.

When Miss Six was told by Li Yuan, she became even more furious in her heart.


"You wait for me."

Suddenly, the figure quickly slashed towards Li Yuan again like a phantom.

Miss Seven saw that Miss Six's eyes had already been filled with anger at this time, and originally wanted to catch up with her and launch an attack on Li Yuan together, but who would have thought that she would not be able to keep up with her speed now.


A streak of golden light passed by Li Yuan's side continuously.

Both of them were like streaks of dazzling golden light, constantly hitting each other.

It seemed that the entire battlefield was about to be overturned by the power of the two of them at this moment. 297 Horror makes people feel scared.

Although it's just a game, the real feeling and everything you see is embarrassing.

The audience watched the attack launched by Li Yuan and Miss Six, to the point where the entire battle field was overturned, and they didn't know which side to stand on this time.

In fact, to be precise, the current Miss Six and Li Yuan actually have the same attack and speed.

"Who do you think will win between the two? Who will lose?"

"For the time being, I can't see it, but I always feel that these two people should be able to fight for a long time, because their strengths are relatively equal, and they have been fighting for a long time now."

"That's right, I think the two of them can really fight for a few hours."

"Sure enough, women in this world are much more ruthless than anyone else when they become ruthless."

"Don't say that, not every girl fights so hard like this Miss Six player, in fact, every girl is very gentle and cute in normal times

"It's a good thing that Murong Er Er didn't hear this sentence, otherwise, she would have killed you instantly, and don't think about how terrifying it is when someone gets angry.

"Don't be like this, I actually look at Murong Erer quite tenderly, how could it be so scary as you say, Murong Erer is still my goddess."

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