National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 460 Defeat! Cute School Girl

Lin Feng also watched Murong Wuwu expectantly at this moment.

Although he didn't see Murong Wuwu's whereabouts in this turbulent sea, he had a premonition that Murong Wuwu would definitely win.

After the turbulent sea, a figure filled with blue light appeared in front of everyone.

Murong Wuwu looked at the crowd with pride all over her face, but her eyes still fell on Lin Feng in the end.

The blood volume of Mengdao Xuemei has also reached 0!

Seeing that Murong Wuwu's blood volume is only one hundred now, Mengdao Xuemei is very upset in her heart!

I didn't expect to release pigeons at critical times!

If her attack had been a little stronger just now, she wouldn't have lost!

Murong Wuwu returned to everyone's side, looked at everyone, and spoke one after another.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I still did it!" "Zero Ba Zero"

"I thought I was going to lose this time!"

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu's happy expression, and patted her head.

"It's fine if you win."

"This time it was indeed a bit of a thrill. If it wasn't for the skills you summoned at the last critical moment, all of them hit her, but if she evaded one of your moves, she would have lost.

"But this time, you also learned how to do it when facing danger."

Murong Wuwu smiled triumphantly, and groaned to everyone in the freshman team opposite.

"Look, you didn't lose in the end."

"I thought how powerful your team is, but it actually feels like that."

While talking, Murong Wuwu had a smug look on her face.

Mengdao Xuemei was half-dead from anger at what Murong Wuwu said!

She never expected to lose at the last moment!

No matter how much I thought about it, I would never have imagined that such a thing would happen!


"If it wasn't for your sneak attack! I wouldn't have lost either!"

Mengdao Xuemei shouted in displeasure!

She also didn't believe that she would lose to someone weaker than herself!

The Meng Dao scholar immediately comforted: "It's okay, don't worry, we still have a great chance of winning. y

"Now this Murong Wuwu's blood volume is running out, and she can't withstand the attacks of others at all. Even if she wins, so what?"

"As long as we can wipe out the others later and leave her alone, there is no chance of winning.

Junior Mengdao nodded and stared at Murong Wuwu who had won now.

Lin Feng walked out from the team, and the sword of the Archangel in his hand was aimed at the Yin Dao scholar at this moment.

The dangerous aura has not yet fought, but it has already rushed towards us.

Seeing that Lin Feng wanted to fight so quickly, the Meng Dao scholar raised a triumphant smile at the corner of his mouth, and winked at Meng Zhe Wudi beside him.

Moe Invincible also nodded when he saw his wink.

The two seemed to be discussing a larger plan.

Lin Feng had already kept the message conveyed by their expressions at this moment in mind.

It seems that if I guessed correctly, the two should have already discussed some plan.

Otherwise, I will definitely not make any reaction and change to the other party at this time.

But judging from the attacks and speeds of the two of them, to him, they were nothing more than two small pieces of rubbish.

So they have no threat to themselves at all.

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng with a happy face and clapped her hands and said.

"Meng Wang is the most powerful, I believe he can kill the captain of the entire freshman team in the shortest time."

After hearing what Murong Wuwu said, the Meng Tao scholar sneered.

"It's just a daydream just because you, the captain, want to kill the dance in seconds, it's simply impossible.

"Thinking about it, with your abilities, I really don't know how you got from the first round to the first place."

"I think most of the time it should be a sneak attack."

When Murong Wuwu heard this, he told herself about Mengdao Xuemei again. In fact, thinking about the incident just now, she didn't sneak attack her at all.

"Obviously it's your own moves that don't pass, blame me and it won't have any effect, besides, Mengdao Xuemei will lose, this is completely within the range that I didn't expect

"And she was still talking just now, is he sure to win me? Is there any way I can stop myself from slapping myself if I lose?"

After talking about Murong Wuwu, she no longer paid attention to the dream of a scholar, but looked at Lin Feng with all her eyes...

Lin Feng chuckled, and swung the sword of the Archangel in the air, radiating moves towards the position of the budding scholar.

The guardian angel cut two powerful attack waves with a cross, which combined into a cross, and went in the direction of the cute Taoist scholar, and a strong sense of crisis came to his face.

The Meng Dao scholar looked at the two powerful attack waves passing by in his direction and immediately flew to another place. The moves and movements of the two were exactly the same, they were completely carved out of the same mold.

Murong Wuwu couldn't help saying in amazement when she saw the movement of the cute Taoist scholar.

"I didn't expect his copying ability to be so strong. He was able to copy the captain's moves and movements. It seems that this time the captain really met his opponent."

Lin Feng still had a nonchalant look on her face, these people were nothing more than little trash to her.

It's just that he still wants to play with this cute Taoist, and just drop it in seconds when he doesn't want to play.

After hearing what Murong Wuwu said, the Meng Dao scholar also thought how strong his copying ability was.

The sword of the Archangel similar to Lin Feng also swung anticipation and launched exactly the same wave of attacks towards him.

Two powerful attack waves also flashed in Lin Feng's direction, but Lin Feng moved slightly by 1.2.

Two powerful attack waves directly flashed past his body, without any gaps or distances, just right.

It was as if all of this was under his control, as if he could feel the distance of any moves clearly.

Seeing that Lin Feng dodged his first blow, the budding scholar also showed many beads of sweat on his forehead.

This is the most powerful copying move he has been practicing for so long.

I didn't think that everything seemed to exist in him, but everything seemed to exist.

For a while, he couldn't figure out what Lin Feng was thinking. It seemed that the only thing he could do was to take one step at a time.

Xuemei Mengdao also frowned deeply, and also felt that things were not as simple as he imagined, and there was a hint of something wrong. .

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