National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 464 Murong Wuwu's Birthday

Lin Feng took the clothes and went to the toilet, and began to take a shower, but his mind was full of things about Murong Wuwu's gift.

This is also the first time he has prepared a birthday present for a girl, and it seems that no matter how hard he racks his brains, he can't think of it.

After taking a shower, I silently turned on the computer and started searching for topics about what gifts to buy for girls.


After carefully reading all of Baidu's answers, Lin Feng still couldn't find anything suitable for him.

The phone rang at this moment. When I opened it, I found that it was Li Yuan calling me. I immediately pressed - to answer it.


Li Yuan has been surrounded by girls since he was a child, and compared to himself, he understands girls' feelings, so it is better to ask him directly.

"This time our team won the championship of the world's number one martial arts tournament!"

"Today we can also have a good time, do you have any ideas?"

"Why don't we have a party!"

Lin Feng remembered that Murong Wuwu also made an appointment with himself, and immediately declined: "I'm afraid this will not work.

"I have already promised others tonight."

"If you want to hold a party, let's meet another day."

As soon as Li Yuan heard what Lin Feng said, he already felt that Lin Feng seemed to be in a strange situation tonight.

"It's also rare, it's the first time I've heard you take off my invitation after such a long time.

"Who are you going to hang out with tonight? It's more important than having a party with your brother and me?"

"By the way, you've been single for so long now, if you come to my party, I promise to introduce you to someone, what do you think?"

In fact, these words are undoubtedly just a long line released by Li Yuan.

I want to see what this Lin Feng has been doing behind his back recently.

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng said again.

"forget it."

"I'm not kidding you, it's my friend's birthday tonight."

"I'm still wondering what birthday gift I'm going to give her tonight, I don't have time to think about other things.

Upon hearing this, Li Yuan asked immediately.

"Who is it?"

"Male and female?"

"Do I know you?"

At this moment, Lin Feng didn't want to answer these questions Li Yuan asked himself, but answered silently.

"Oh, I'll tell you about this later."

"Tell me first, what do you usually give gifts to others.

Li Yuan saw that Lin Feng didn't want to tell him, it seemed that things were really the same as he thought, there must be some other changes, otherwise it would be impossible for him to tell him this.

As his brother since he was a child, he naturally knew what Lin Feng meant by not telling him now. Seeing him so anxious about this person's birthday was enough to prove that this person was extraordinary.

"Okay, since you don't want to talk about this person, I won't ask any more questions."

"However, if you want to give a gift, you always have to tell me, is this person a man or a woman?"

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Feng realized that it was really necessary for him to tell him whether he was a man or a woman.

However, I also knew that after I said it, I would undoubtedly be caught by him and kept asking.


Now the time is coming soon, and I have to buy a gift before she gives me time.

"Then you can say both."

"What do you give to men, what do you give to girls.

As soon as Li Yuan heard this, he had already confirmed whether Lin Feng's birthday party this time was a man or a woman.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, I won't force you."

"After all, as your good brother, I probably already guessed it."

"Seeing that you are in such a hurry, let me tell you that women usually send flowers, cakes, and necklaces."

"By the way, be a man and do it to the end, and send the Buddha to the west. Later, I will tell you about the jewelry store I often go to buy, which can be customized.

When Lin Feng heard Li Yuan's words, for some reason, he always felt a little weird.

Although it is a bit strange, but now that Li Yuan said so, I also feel that his ideas are very good.


"Wouldn't it be very slow to customize the necklace?"

Li Yuan replied: "No!"

"rest assured."

"Remember to come back and tell me who it is."

After Li Yuan finished speaking, before Lin Feng could say another word, he hung up the phone.

Lin Feng sighed helplessly.

He didn't know how to explain it at this moment...

I and Mu Ke are really just Yin ZOB......

Although it seems that no one believes it, in general, this is the truth.

...... Ask for flowers 00

Swish Swish Swish!

Three messages flashed.

Lin Feng looked at the three messages that Li Yuan sent to him, and rolled his eyes.

The first one is normal, it's just a flower shop.

The second one is also normal, it's just a jewelry store for custom necklaces.

The third one is not normal, is it a five-star hotel?!

Please, what kind of person does this girl think of herself? How could she have such a strange idea?!

Just as she was about to reply to Li Yuan's message, Murong Wuwu also called.

"Hey, Lin Feng, are you ready?"

"If you're ready, you can come here earlier."

"I'll wait for you at home."


Lin Feng looked at the current time and replied: "Okay, I will go there sooner after I finish the things here.

"However, it may be later. If you are hungry first, you can eat by yourself first, and you don't have to wait for me."

When Murong Wuwu heard it, she was also very moved, and couldn't help asking.

"You're not preparing something for me, are you?"

"Then what are you going to give me as a gift this time?"

"Can you reveal a little bit in advance?"

Lin Feng thought about it carefully, since she said it was a surprise, then he must not have told her in advance.

"Didn't you ask me to surprise you?"

"You still asked me to tell you, tell you, won't you be surprised if you know?"

This sentence instantly made Murong Wuwu not know what to say.

After speaking briefly, Murong Wuwu hung up the phone...

Lin Feng also immediately drove to the jewelry store that Li Yuan had sent him. It would be better to customize the necklace first.

When they came to the jewelry store, a beautiful shopkeeper came out and asked Lin Feng with a smile.

"Hello, are you a friend of Mr. Li Yuan?"

Lin Feng silently nodded.

The beautiful shopkeeper smiled and said quickly: "Mr. Li Yuan has already called us and asked us to customize the necklace for you in the fastest time. What are your needs?"

For a moment, Lin Feng was stunned...

He doesn't seem to have thought that he needs custom styles, etc...ZERO....

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