Lin Feng returned to the car and drove the car, accelerating the accelerator quickly.

Just back home in 5 minutes.

After parking the car, he returned home.

All the scenes just now will be in his mind, process like a movie.

Especially Murong Wuwu, the light kiss she gave herself at the end really made you not know what to say-

Immediately after taking a shower, clear your mind and go to the game.

I saw a few words pop up on the interface: The game is being updated......

This game update lasted quite a long time, and the official website notification is 24 hours in real time.

It's a real night right now, so tomorrow morning is also boring, what should I do?

Since entering this game, Lin Feng had a free day for the first time, and suddenly felt a little confused.

He couldn't help but think of Murong Wuwu's five sisters, um, be reserved.

As soon as he exited the game and took a sip of water, he saw a WeChat message from Murong Wuwu.

"The game is going to be updated - oh my god! It's going to be boring tomorrow, do you have any plans?"

Lin Feng thought for a while, and replied to WeChat: "Watching dramas, sleeping, and nothing else."

five seconds later...

Murong Wuwu: "Sisi said she wants to go to Happy Valley Amusement Park, and I plan to go too, do you want to go together? Watching dramas is boring.

"Play!" Lin Feng hesitated, and replied: "Okay, what time is it tomorrow?"

Murong Wuwu: "After going to Happy Valley at nine o'clock in the morning, I always want to watch Peking Opera after four o'clock in the afternoon. Although I don't understand much, it feels very interesting and I want to go too."

"That's fine, see you tomorrow."

There was nothing to do tonight. After a simple wash, Lin Feng lay down at home early to sleep.

Time flies by...


Lin Feng got up early at six o'clock, went out for a morning run, came back to take a shower, had breakfast, and made some snacks for the two of them.

It was already eight o'clock.

The phone rang at this moment!

Now he doesn't even need to look to know who is calling him.

"Hey, hey! Lin Feng, have you woken up yet?"

"It's going to be nine o'clock soon, you come to my house to find me first, then we will go together!"

Lin Feng replied: "Yes."

After tidying up the kitchen, he took some snacks, left the house, and drove to the villa where the five sisters lived.

I saw Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu standing at the door as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Today they dress really casually, even Murong Wuwu, who likes to wear skirts the most, put on ultra-short jeans and a simple T-shirt, with a bunny headband in her hair.

It seems that these two are planning to play everything they want to play in Happy Valley.

Seeing Lin Feng's car was at the door, Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu ran over quickly and sat in the rear driver's seat.

"Have you two had breakfast?"

Lin Feng asked first.

After all, if you go to Happy Valley to play, if you don't eat breakfast, you will probably be directly shaken to nausea.

When Murong Wuwu heard this, she quickly shook her head: "No! Erer and the others are still sleeping, only the two of us have woken up."

Lin Feng smiled and handed the snacks on the passenger seat to the two of them.

"Eat it, or you will play some higher games later, I am afraid that you will retch when you come down.

Murong Wuwu's eyes lit up when she saw a bag of snacks and soy milk!~

Murong Sisi also looked at it curiously, her heart was full of shock!

I didn't expect it to be what I like to eat, so be careful!

"How do you know that our two sisters like to eat this little snack the most!"

"Wow, amazing! No wonder Wuwu likes you, and I will like you too!"

Murong Sisi's emotion made both Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng couldn't help chuckling.

Both of them recalled the scene last night in their minds, and their faces instantly turned a faint blush.

"Sisi, what are you talking about, eat quickly!"

Murong Wuwu embarrassedly picked up a snack and ate it, her face was full of satisfaction.

Lin Feng looked at the smile on Murong Wuwu's face and the way Murong Sisi was eating one snack at a time, and couldn't help laughing.

"It tastes good, doesn't it?"

"As for this kind of snack, you must eat it all, and it won't taste good after twelve hours."

Upon hearing this, Murong Sisi asked curiously.

"Didn't you buy this snack?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said.

"No, I did it myself."

Murong Sisi was even more shocked when she heard it!


"It's unbelievable that such delicious snacks are made by you, you are too good!"

"This dim sum is the latest hot item. You have to rush to buy it. I didn't expect that you could reproduce it perfectly. It's really amazing!"

……ask for flowers…

Lin Feng looked at Murong Sisi's startled look, and couldn't help but smile.

"You're acting too surprised, aren't you?"

"Actually, I don't think it's that good, it's just a very ordinary snack.

When Murong Sisi heard it, she didn't know what to say anymore, her heart was full of admiration!

For her, the person who can make such delicious food is her idol!

Murong Wuwu smiled and said: "I told you already, he is really good at making snacks."

Murong Sisi nodded heavily.

Lin Feng drove them to the gate of Happy Valley. After parking the car, the three of them walked towards Happy Valley together.


Carousel, roller coaster, all kinds of fun, looking at it makes people feel excited!

Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu looked around like two children!

"Oh my god! I feel like this is my world!"

"Yes, Sisi, which one shall we play first?"

Lin Feng looked at them with a bloody look, and said.

"I'll go buy tickets for you first."

After speaking, Lin Feng went to the ticket booth, bought three tickets, and returned to them.

"This ticket includes all the games, you can play whichever you want."

When Murong Sisi heard it, she held onto Murong Wuwu's hand as if she had been slapped with chicken blood, and Murong Wuwu also took Lin Feng's hand in an instant, and ran towards the pirate ship not far ahead!

"Let's play with this pirate ship first!"

Murong Wuwu looked at the pirate ship that seemed to be flying up and touching the sky, and felt that her little heart couldn't bear it.

"Are you afraid?"

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Lin Feng shook his head, he would not be afraid of such a small thing.

But looking at Murong Wuwu's face flickering and passing a few traces of fear, she couldn't help asking.

"You're not afraid, are you?"

When Murong Wuwu heard this, she immediately spoke.


"How could I be afraid! How can I be afraid!"

Murong Sisi seemed like a tomboy who was not afraid of anything, after the pirate ship stopped, she rushed up with the two of them. .

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