National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 476 Changes In The Siren Dungeon

Lin Feng flew to the Siren's Dungeon in Yashan City.

Not far away, I saw a magic gate like water ripples, about two meters high, oval.

He thought that with such a big change this time, there would be some changes in every place, and it seemed that he was thinking too much.

It is now completely certain that after the game update, only the personal data has changed, but nothing else on the map has changed.

Lin Feng stepped into the dungeon Siren Dungeon, and the game notification sounded at this moment.

Copy: Siren Dungeon

Requirements: Level 50 (Daily: 0/5)

Mode: normal mode, elite mode, abyss mode, death mode

Did the player enter?


After Lin Feng was selected, he also chose the death mode.

After all, the death mode is just like the normal mode to me now.

A ray of light flashed, and Lin Feng appeared in the dungeon.

In the first hall, in a large space of over a thousand meters, the two gates are still tightly closed.

Siren Yaksha Soldier

26 Level: 60

HP: 32000

Lin Feng looked at these monsters constantly emerging from the formation.

There were a total of 50 of them, and they started to wander around in the hall.

Lin Feng summoned his pets Xiaohei and Dandanmon, followed by three guardian unicorns, attracting the attention of 50 monsters.

50 monsters began to attack Lin Feng's direction continuously.

The pet Xiaohei, Dandanmon, and three guardian unicorns stood in front of Lin Feng directly.

Boom boom boom!

The entire hall began to flicker with colorful lights.

The ice block directly sealed the five meters of the main hall. In the world of ice and snow, the ice began to attack the monsters.

Boom boom boom!

I saw that the blood volume of the monster began to drop continuously.

Generally speaking, when fighting, there is no special change.

The only difference is that the monster now has no blood volume to be killed and jumped out.

In less than five minutes, 50 monsters had been wiped out.

Lin Feng won easily and freely.

Now he cleared this dungeon, the Siren Dungeon death mode, just like passing through the easy mode.

You don't need to do anything yourself, your pets can KO these monsters.

The 50 ordinary mobs have been dealt with, only to see 30 evil dragon kings appearing on the teleportation array.

Each of the Evil Jiao Kings was more than ten meters long, with a single horn on their heads, and started to bump into Lin Feng's direction.

All his pets also rushed up first, and fought together with 30 evil dragons.

All kinds of different attacks are constantly radiating in the direction of the 30 evil dragon kings!

Boom boom boom!

Lin Feng looked at one after another of the evil dragon kings without blood, and there was a boring smile on the corner of his mouth.

Now he is absolutely sure that this game dungeon update is just that some values ​​of players and pets are gone.

Moves and fighting methods, as well as skills, etc. have not changed.

But this is also good, and it also greatly increases the gaming experience of the entire game.

After all, most games have a lot of values, and now there are no more values, which can be regarded as a new experience.

The door of the second hall opened wide, and after picking up all the equipment, he also walked into the second hall with his pets.

Another 50 Siren Yaksha soldiers ran out from the teleportation formation, and their level was only increased by 10 levels.

Xiaohei and Dandanmon released their skills on fifty Kraken Yaksha soldiers!

Frozen world!

Xiao Hei's skill instantly froze the Siren Yaksha soldier in place.

I saw their blood volume began to drop slowly.

Eggmon also released its own skills at this moment.

Ground Crack Ice Stab!

In an instant, within five meters, five huge ground thorns shot up from the ground.

Dandan began to spit out icicles to all the kraken soldiers in the river!

All the Kraken Yaksha soldiers were instantly killed in the attack of Dandan Beast and Xiao Hei.

The door of the main hall on the third floor opened again.

Lin Feng continued to walk in with his pet.

The monsters in the hall on the third floor are exactly the same as those on the second floor.

After a fat beating, 50 ordinary monsters were killed.

But in the teleportation formation, a Kraken Yaksha shooter ran out again!

I saw that the Siren Yaksha shooter began to continuously launch his own attacks on Lin Feng's position.

Countless arrows began to shoot at Lin Feng's body.


However, this kind of long-range attack is simply too rubbish for Lin Feng.

"Little Black!"

"Freeze them!"

Xiao Hei once again sent out his moves to all the siren Yasha shooters.

A blow from the sun!

The ice instantly froze Siren Yasha Shooter.


An ice-blue thorn of ice directly shot and killed the Siren Yasha shooter!

The fourth hall door opened.

As soon as he entered, he found that the fourth hall was the same as the third hall, and the monsters that came out changed from Siren Yaksha soldiers to all Siren Yaksha shooters.

In less than half a minute, Lin Feng's pet had already wiped out all the monsters that came out.

The fifth hall.

This time the hall is much larger than the fourth hall.

All the Siren Yaksha shooters just now have evolved into Siren Yaksha Warriors.

The attack weapons in each hand have also changed from archery to a big sword, and the armor on their bodies has also become thicker.


Lin Feng murmured.

Xiao Hei and Egg Beast rushed up again!

A monster like 200 is already numb to Lin Feng.

so boring...

If it wasn't for experimenting, who would come up with such a boring dungeon?


Lin Feng took his own pet and gave the Siren Yaksha fighter a big beating!

This time it took much less time than just now.........

It was a little embarrassing and speechless.

Finally arrived at the sixth hall.

The elite sea monster Yasha water mage appeared in the middle of the hall.

All Siren Yaksha water mages grow up to five meters high.

Boom boom boom!

As soon as Lin Feng stepped in, a water ball flew out of the magic staff of the Siren Yasha Water Mage and hit Lin Feng.

Lin Feng jumped to the side and dodged the water polo attacks in an instant.

"Eggy Beast, use devouring alienation!"

Now it is also necessary to let the Egg Beast evolve again.

Upon hearing what Lin Feng said, Dandanshou suddenly became nine meters tall, opened its huge mouth, and sucked in all the Haimei Yasha water mages.

Whirring whirring…....



In less than half a minute, all the siren Yasha water mages had been swallowed by the egg beasts.

Eggmon's body returned to its original shape.

It's just that there is still a period of required experience before leveling up...

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