Hot pot with red wine glanced at it and asked without saying a word. Hot pot with Sprite.


"Suddenly you don't speak?"

"Didn't you have a lot of ideas in the past?"

"You won't be defeated just because of such a small thing? I did this for the glory of our hot pot city. Don't you want to go back to the beginning?"

Hot Pot with Orange Juice glanced at Hot Pot with Sprite, who was still silent, and said with a smile.

"Isn't it because of what I said just now that you have the idea of ​​running away from Meng Wang?"

"I see that you don't seem to want to be compared to other cute kings right now?"

Hot pot with Sprite Looking at the complacent look of hot pot with orange juice, I couldn't help but rolled my eyes.

He never thought that this hot pot city has become like this...

Forget it, my "103" doesn't have any opinions to express now, so I don't speak anymore.

"It's okay, tell me, I don't have any thoughts right now."

Hot pot with red wine did not bother about hot pot with Sprite. For him, as the city lord, it is necessary to lead everyone to rush up in the shortest possible time.

Instead of wasting time here with other people.

In fact, he also knows what the idea of ​​hot pot with Sprite is. After all, we have stayed together for so long, but this time, he will definitely not do it.

"Okay, you go first.

Hot pot with Sprite turned and left without saying a word.

In the entire palace, only other people were left discussing things there.

At this moment in the monster palace, Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan are waiting for Lin Feng who has not yet come to the gate of the city.

Both of them became more and more anxious in their hearts.

Coupled with the sudden sound just now, this made them even more suspicious that something had really happened to Lin Feng.

But if you think about it carefully, Lin Feng is so tall in the battle, he shouldn't be stopped by a group of mobs.

It must be able to kill a bloody way out.

"Still waiting."

Murong Wuwu nodded, looked ahead anxiously, and kept praying in her heart that Lin Feng would come back quickly.

Not far away, a white light flew towards their position at high speed.

Murong Wuwu's nervous little eyes suddenly opened wider than a copper bell.

There are even small stars in the eyes.

"Mengwang, here we come."

After all, she has been with Mengwang for so long, and Mengwang knows all the moves and the flashes that come with her.

However, a large group of murlocs followed Lin Feng, chasing Lin Feng constantly.

Lin Feng looked at the murloc who was still a little away from him, looked at Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan standing at the gate of the city, and said immediately.


After Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan heard what Lin Feng said, they rushed out of the city immediately.

Lin Feng was the last one to rush out of the city gate, applying pressure with both hands, and directly closed the city gate back.

Before he took two more steps, he heard a bang from the monster city.

Lin Feng smiled slightly when he heard the sound.

It seems that this group of murlocs are still too slow.

But this is already the fastest running monster I have ever encountered.

When the monsters on the city wall saw Lin Feng, Murong Wuwu, and Murong Shanshan, they quickly shot bows and arrows towards them!

Arrows fell all over the sky towards them.

The three immediately ran to the grass.

Finally got rid of these monsters.

The three of them walked in the small jungle, the gills on their faces had not disappeared, and they looked at each other.

"What happened just now?"

"Why does it suddenly feel like the whole city is on alert?"

Murong Shanshan asked.

This time Lin Feng didn't understand the situation just now, so he waved his hand.

After all, I did everything just now, and I didn't expect to cause such a big commotion among the female murlocs.

Could it be that these female murlocs also have the ability to see through disguises?

"I don't know either....……"

"All I know is that the female murloc inside seems to be stronger than the male murloc."

When Murong Shanshan heard this, she frowned, thinking about it.

Murong Wuwu also breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Lin Feng had nothing to do.

"I thought something was wrong with you..."

"Just now I saw so many monsters go inside, I thought you were going to die this time, I was thinking of helping you, but I didn't expect you to come out alone.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu's relaxed look, and reached out to tap her on the head.

"What are you thinking?"

"By the way, have you found any news in it?"

Murong Shanshan nodded, and said seriously...

"I just learned that there are many monsters in this monster city that are not actually murlocs."

"I feel that if we really attack, maybe...maybe things are not as simple as we thought."

Murong Wuwu smiled and was a little embarrassed to say.

"And me……………"

"Actually, I didn't find out anything, and I just met a group of murlocs."

"However, I heard that the city lord of the murlocs recently raised a few particularly powerful monsters."

"The lives of the murlocs are often used to feed monsters. This monster is particularly powerful and has no record of losing."

"But people saw that I was very suspicious, so they drove me away."

Lin Feng nodded in understanding and said to them.

"This city lord is a level 100 elite monster, and all the soldiers under him are also at full level."

"If we attack the city this time, everyone must be fully prepared."

"Now with what Murong Wuwu told us, there are probably more powerful monsters in this city.

"So this time we have to be more cautious than before, understand?"

Murong Shanshan and Murong Wuwu looked at each other and nodded.


"But didn't you say that the power of this carbon stone will pass in an hour?"

1.7 "Why haven't I recovered a little bit now?"

Lin Feng frowned, he also found it a little strange.

If the power of this carbon stone hadn't passed so quickly, they wouldn't be able to return to the city now.

It's easy to be beaten up....

"Then let's fight monsters now while the power of our carbon stone has not faded.

"If we meet our players when we go back, they are still players from our guild, surely we can't fight casually, right?"

Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan looked at each other's fish gills that hadn't receded, and said with a smile.

"It is indeed true, then let's take advantage of the current time to fight monsters."

"However, it feels a bit strange. After all, our current appearance is completely like a monster. Does it look like an infighting between monsters?".

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