Xiaoha saw that the giant octopuses in front of others were attacking the giant octopuses in front of them, and quickly ran to the giant octopus monsters of other people, and started to attack these monsters as well.

Before Lin Feng gave the order to let him go to another place, Xiao Hu had already used his tricks to slam into the giant octopus cabinet that Murong Shanshan was fighting against.

It just so happened that the current Murong Shanshan also launched her own move at this time, Apparatus.

I saw that the blade in Murong Shanshan's hand was about to kill the giant octopus monster with one blow.

The giant octopus flew directly in front of her, and at that moment, the moves in his hands were also missed.

At that moment, Murong Shanshan's whole body was in a bad mood, looking at Xiaoha who ran out from nowhere, his face turned purple and purple from anger.

"In the end what you want?"

"183" Xiaoha didn't seem to understand, what exactly was Murong Sansan talking about, and she made an ouch sound towards him, as if to make her praise herself.

Lin Feng looked at Little Hana's flustered look, probably he didn't know that Murong Shanshan wanted to kill him now.

"It's just looking for a fight!"

As soon as the words fell, Murong Shanshan raised her fist and looked at Xiaoha's body to hit it, she didn't expect it.

Xiao Ha also found that Murong Shanshan had to be himself first and quickly jumped to the side, once again avoiding Murong Shanshan's trap.

This also made Murong Shanshan completely impatient with him, what she hates the most is when someone makes trouble at the most critical moment.

"I'm really going to be pissed off!"

"Mengwang quickly summon your little Ha back to me, otherwise I will be rude to him!"

Lin Feng chuckled, and looked at Murong Shanshan who was in a panic now.

He didn't expect that he would be so angry by Xiaoha, alas, let's just listen to her, it would be bad if Xiaoha really pissed her off and made her sick.

After a while, Lin Feng took Xiao Ha back.

With a dark face, Murong Shanshan said coldly: "Don't let me touch your pet again!"

"I've never seen such a pet!"

Lin Feng was also very helpless, after all, he didn't do it himself, although Xiaoha is his pet, but he can only give him fighting orders, "and can't control its actions and behaviors.

I saw that all the little octopus monsters had been wiped out by Murong Wuwu. At this time, Murong Wuwu's eyes showed a murderous look, and she returned to Lin Feng's side.

When Murong Wuwu entered the state of rage, her personality would become completely different, as if split.

"I've already killed those little octopus monsters."

"They're all things that don't catch the eye."

There is a frightening chill running through Murong Wuwu's eyes now.

Murong Sisi looked at the current Murong Wuwu with love in her eyes.

"Wow! I really feel that Wuwu is really domineering now!"

"If Wuwu's temperament is still the same as it is now in normal times, that's fine..."

"It's really cool."

Lin Feng didn't think so.

He still thinks that the usual Wu Wu will be much cuter than the current Wu Wu.

Now Wuwu looks like she is a fusion of Sansan and Yiyi.

When Murong Wuwu heard what Murong Sisi said, a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"It's fine if you like it, there's nothing you can do about it, you don't need to fight these disgusting little octopuses in normal times."

Murong Sisi is about to become Murong Wuwu's little fan girl now, her eyes are full of praise for Murong Wuwu.

Murong Er Er looked at the current Murong Wu Wu and thought in his heart that he was the same as Lin Feng, and he still felt that the previous Wu Wu was much cuter.

This is also the rarest time. Normally, her thoughts run counter to Lin Feng's.

"Mengwang, when do you think this rage state can be changed back?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said slowly: "According to the current situation, it may not be so fast.

"But there will be a few more waves [let's let her character be like this for now."

Murong Wuwu smiled and said: "Later, I can kill a whole boss by myself, if you don't believe me, take a look!"

"I will definitely make you admire me later."

"When the time comes, none of you will rob my boss. I will be in a hurry with anyone who dares to rob me."

Lin Feng looked at the current Murong Wuwu and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's rare for me to see this side of you..."

"We will support you as many bosses as you want later.

When Murong Wuwu heard this, her face was full of arrogance.


"If you don't want to fight later, you can leave all the bosses to me. I always feel that I am really weak in normal times!"

Murong Sisi stared at the current Murong Wuwu, her eyes were full of light, showing a deep love.

"Now I really admire Wuwu."

"I feel that Wuwu is really domineering!"

"This kind of contrast is so cute, it's really fun!"

Many players who watched the live broadcast also began to brush up in the barrage.

"I'll go, the current Murong Wuwu is indeed very cute. It feels really contrasting. She is usually soft and weak. In everyone's eyes, she is an authentic soft girl! Unexpectedly, she is really soft now. It made me a little flattered."

"The current Murong Wuwu combines Murong Yiyi's personality and Murong Shanshan's personality. I really like it! It has countless fans!"

"I've always liked Murong Wuwu very much, now I see that she still has such a domineering side, I'm really surprised, I still think the previous Murong Wuwu is a little cuter.

"I feel that Murong Wuwu's personality is not as pleasing as before. I still like to watch Murong Wuwu who is always attached to the cute king, but now looking at the two of them, I don't have that 3.7 sweet sense of sight. "

"Please, those upstairs, what are you thinking, this is a game, you can watch TV dramas with a sweet visual sense, now Murong Wuwu doesn't need to be soft and it's pretty good, okay? Really!"

"I think you all think that Murong Wuwu is very cute when she was attached to Lin Feng at the time. Now she has become domineering, what's wrong? I like this feeling of strong alliance."

"I don't understand what you are talking about. I only like Murong Sisi. She likes to eat melons the most. I found a lot of myself in her. There is nothing to be picky about. Some players watching the live broadcast can Can't be less picky, really.

Now in the entire barrage, everyone is arguing, each standing at their favorite angle. .

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