National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 556 The Powerful Kraken Giant Wolf Boss

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng looked at the Siren Giant Wolf with only half a year of HP left, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and immediately summoned the guardian unicorn, Gemini, and the guardian unicorn, Sagittarius.

Lin Feng rode on the body of the twins, and the sea monster wolf in front of me quickly released his own moves to attack.

Guardian Shockwave.

This time, Lin Feng's speed was greatly increased. Before the Siren Giant Wolf could react, the man should have disappeared from his sight.

In the next second, I saw Lin Feng appearing behind the Siren Giant Wolf at this moment, with his body directly rushing towards the Siren Giant Dragon like a box of shells.

With a bang, the Kraken unleashed a huge lethality, directly reducing the last half of the blood to 0, killing it completely in an instant.

Seeing that he hadn't released any moves yet, Sagittarius was inexplicably unhappy, and made a babbling sound towards Lin Feng.

Seeing that Lin Feng killed the most powerful siren wolf in seconds, he saw the other siren wolves.

But at this time, Sagittarius rubbed his head into his arms a little unhappy.


Lin Feng could tell that the current 26 Sagittarius was a little unhappy, so he quickly reached out and touched her head.

I haven't released it for so long, and finally released it. I still play with Gemini, so of course I won't be happy.

After all, although they are said to be the guardian beasts of the Guardians of Light, they are actually similar to pets, and they also have their own unique emotions.

Their emotions will also greatly affect their attack speed.

"Okay, okay, since the two of you want to kill monsters so much, then you two go kill monsters, but just remember to kill these sea monsters and mobs, don't kill other monsters, understand?"

Gemini and Sagittarius also understood what Lin Feng said, and immediately looked at his target at some siren soldiers and siren mobs who were slowly approaching them.

I saw two pink and blue rays of light flashing past them, and the next second Gemini and Sagittarius appeared behind them, and immediately launched an attack on them.

Sagittarius picked up his body sword, and shot many sea monster soldiers at these sea monster soldiers continuously.

It was also because they were attacking from behind, so there was no way to turn back at an auspicious time, and they instantly killed Gemini in the middle.

This is to separate two bodies and launch a light ball attack towards these soldiers.

Hey, hey, all of the more than 200 siren soldiers and little monsters were driven out by the two of them.

Lin Feng saw that the speed of the two of them was indeed much faster than before, with a smile of approval on his face.

"Not bad, not bad. This time, your attacks are indeed much stronger than before, but next time you have to work hard and continue to work hard."

After Gemini and Sagittarius heard Lin Feng's praise, they immediately arched his body with their heads again, as if asking for his pampering.

Seeing the pitiful eyes of the two of them, Lin Feng also softened his heart, and hastily stretched out his hands to rub the heads of the two of them.

Gemini and Sagittarius who got the petting immediately babbled towards Lin Feng.

But this time Lin Feng felt that the real boss of the fourth wave of bosses hadn't appeared yet.

The ordinary boss just now is not the final boss of this fourth wave at all, maybe the most powerful boss will come out later.

Otherwise, how could the war in this area allow them to pass so casually?

Just looking at Murong Shanshan and Murong Wuwu fighting hard against the Siren Giant Wolf, Lin Feng didn't say anything about his uniform.

Instead, he decided to tell the matter after the two of them had finished fighting, but seeing them fighting in full swing, he didn't want to blow their limelight so quickly.

I saw Murong Wuwu swaying his hands quickly, and the water dragon he was riding quickly rushed towards the front, and there was a huge direction.

A huge water ripple directly covered the body of Wanwan with a bang, as if covering him in the deep sea like a wave.

Murong Shanshan is not a vegetarian either, seeing Murong Wuwu launching such a powerful attack, not to be outdone, she flew in front of the Siren Giant Wolf in an instant.

The blade in his hand directly slashed at the body of an even bigger sea monster wolf.

When the huge claws of the Siren Giant Wolf wanted to kill him, he turned around and moved behind the Siren Kulang in an instant.

The two people were also killed, and the blood volume of the Kraken Giant Wolf was also required.

This kind of two people who cut off half of Julang's HP at the same time were also very dissatisfied with this challenge, and their eyes were full of reluctance.

In Murong Shanshan's heart, she was actually very surprised by the giant siren wolf that Murong Wuwu hit this time, she didn't expect that it could have exactly the same blood volume as her melee attack.

Lin Feng nodded with a smile and muttered.

"Not bad, Wu Wu now is indeed much stronger than before. It seems that I can rest assured of her in the future."

Let's take a look at the 150 hits of Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan, as well as the blood volume of the giant wolf. The analysis of the two of them's PK.

"I feel that Murong Wuwu should win, because Murong Wuwu's attack power is really bigger than before, not just a little bit. If this continues, I think he can directly surpass Murong Erer's existence."

"What you said makes sense, but I think it's impossible for Murong Wuwu to surpass Murong Erer's power now, and everyone is making progress during the battle. It is stipulated that only Murong Wuwu can make progress alone."

"Actually, this time Murong Shanshan killed two fewer monsters than Murong Wuwu, it's entirely due to the fact that she didn't have much training recently, and Murong Wuwu's strength has gradually risen, so it's very easy to surpass it. normal."

"I feel that Murong Wuwu's strength is really special. He is the type who has been working hard on his own. He is the same as many of us. So when you see Murong Wuwu who is still working hard, You have to work as hard as her."

"Yes, yes, Murong Wuwu is really good, but I think that as long as Murong Shanshan trains vigorously, he should soon surpass others. After all, it is impossible for people to remain unchanged. If they remain unchanged, they are not human. .”

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