National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 565 Defense Is Too Strong

Seeing that Murong Sisi was so stimulated by Murong Wuwu, she was really much stronger.

It began to continuously blast many shells towards the position of the formation.

The eyes of the two met again, yes, the real duel was about to begin again.

When Murong Shanshan saw the duel between Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu, she also joined in.

"Can you add me to the duel between the two of you?"

"I feel like neither of you is as good as me."

Good guy, the three of them immediately started to kill these mobs crazily.

The whole scene became somewhat chaotic, Murong Er'er and Murong Yiyi stood together.

Originally, I still wanted to kill these little monsters that came out, but seeing the three of them diligently and frantically killing monsters, I hesitated again.

"Er Er, why don't you give these little monsters "660" to them directly."

"Let's help Meng Wang kill this two-headed dragon together."

Murong Er'er nodded, and felt that what Murong Yiyi said was true, the most important thing now was to kill the big boss.

The two quickly came to Lin Feng's side?

Lin Feng saw the two of them coming, just as he thought, he immediately asked them to go behind the two-headed dragon.

Lin Feng said seriously: "Now the target of this two-headed dragon is to follow me, you just need to keep attacking it from behind and it's OK, don't pay attention to me."

When Murong Er'er and Murong Yiyi heard this, they looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, then do as you say."

The two began to throw many moves in the direction of the two-headed dragon, but they were directly blocked by the two-headed dragon.

These moves have no effect on the two-headed dragon at all, now Murong Erer and Murong Yiyi are very depressed, what should they do now...

Now I can only rely on the Meng King to kill this two-headed dragon.

"But our attack is useless against this boss at all!" Murong Er'er and Murong Yiyi said in unison.

Lin Feng was also very depressed in his heart.

The defensive power of this two-headed giant dragon is too strong. Originally, I thought about using this pincer attack method to destroy it, but according to the current situation, it is completely impossible, and I can only attack it from its front!


"Just relying on you small human beings to want to kill our siren family, it is simply impossible!"

"I advise you to surrender early and leave here!"

The two-headed dragon let out a triumphant laugh.

Lin Feng summoned Dandan Beast, Lunar Dragon King Xiao Hei and Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiao Ha again.

Xiaoha looked at the huge two-headed dragon in front of him and made an wailing sound, as if he was declaring war.

"Pull monsters."

Dandan Beast, Yinlong King Xiaohei and Canlang Xiaoha all began to pull the two-headed dragon in front of Lin Feng.

"All attack together!"

After accepting the order, Dandan Beast, Lunar Dragon King Xiaohei and Xueyue Remnant Wolf Xiaoha all began to quickly attack the two-headed dragon in front of them.

Boom boom boom!

The Taiyin Dragon King Xiao Hei unleashed a field of ice and snow that directly froze the two-headed dragon in place.

The surrounding ground was covered with thin ice by its moves.

Finally, the blood volume of the two-headed dragon began to be reduced by 1% by Taiyin Dragon King Xiaohei's moves.

Although this blood volume is not reduced a lot, but at least its blood volume is moving now..

So it can be seen that as long as the two-headed dragon in front of you is attacked head-on, it will be effective.

Lin Feng, who was originally at a loss what to do, also seized his opportunity at this moment to talk to Murong Yiyi occasionally.

"Come to me now and be with my pet, and we will attack together when it is anchored!"

Both Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er listened to what Lin Feng said, and immediately came to his side.

Lin Feng once again gave orders to Taiyin Dragon King Xiaohei, and immediately released a unique move to immobilize the two-headed dragon in front of him.

Soon, Xiaohei's frozen world, the Dragon King of Lunar Yin, had also been buffered.

Immediately released his moves in the direction of the two-headed dragon in front of him, freezing the world.

I saw thin ice densely covering his body in an instant, and he was frozen in place for the next second.

"It's now."

The three of them unleashed moves towards the two-headed dragon in front of them, and Lin Feng unleashed a guardian angel to strike back!

After three moves, the blood volume of the two-headed dragon directly changed from 80% to 0.

Finally this 5th wave passed.

Murong Shanshan, Murong Sisi, and Murong Wuwu have almost killed the other mobs.

The audience who watched them attack all enthusiastically began to send out various encouragements.

"Oh my god, I knew it must be Meng Wang who figured out a way in the end, otherwise they probably failed this time.

"However, I think the fifth wave of the two-headed dragon is so difficult to fight, other guilds must have some difficulties."

"I think so, the 5th wave is still the idea of ​​Meng Wang, as long as it is another guild.

"If the president can't figure it out, it's very likely that this two-headed water dragon will wipe it out directly, and in fact this is just the beginning.

"Don't talk about others like this, Meng Wang thinks about it, although the monster this time is powerful, it is still a certain level behind the Dragon King, but I think this duel between Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi will be more interesting. "

"Upstairs, I also think, I also feel that the duel between Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu is indeed very good-looking, and I think the two of them are so funny."

"Is this a contest between sisters? But I have to say that Murong Wuwu has made great progress."

"Didn't you realize that Murong Wuwu is ahead of Murong Sisi and Murong Shanshan this time? This proves that Murong Wuwu must have worked hard for you during this time."

"Actually, it's not necessarily the case upstairs. Maybe it's just that this time she got a taste of her sister in the 4th wave—4.0. In addition, she worked very hard, so it's normal to stand out this time."

"You all look at the beauties one by one, but I'm the only one who sees the Mengwang? It's clear that the Mengwang is the most powerful this time, okay?"

"Come on upstairs, what you said is stupid, this must be the most powerful Meng Wang."

"Of course we know that the Dragon King is the strongest, how can we not know? And who doesn't know this game."

"Don't be noisy, everyone, let's enjoy watching the sixth wave. I feel that there is a two-headed dragon coming out in the fifth wave. I don't know what will happen in the sixth wave. It feels more and more difficult. Thankfully I didn't take part."

"You don't even need to think about the 6th wave. I think the 9th wave has already caused many guilds to fail."

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