National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 600 The Eighteenth Bend Of The Mountain Road

This strong competitiveness made Murong Shanshan want to catch up quickly, but he couldn't catch up at all.

Now Murong Shanshan is also anxious.

What should I do!

The more anxious, the slower and slower the speed.

Lin Feng in front saw Murong Yiyi trying to surpass herself.

Immediately, he made a 160-degree turn according to the position of the next turn, and passed Murong Yiyi again in an instant.

When Murong Wuwu saw this situation, her eyes were filled with surprise.

In fact, he never thought that Lin Feng could surpass Yiyi.

It seems that the person I like is an all-rounder!

Er Er will definitely not talk about himself now!

Now Murong Sisi, who was sitting behind Murong Yiyi, had been dumped so badly.

My heart is full of humming, I would have known that I would not come, and "160" would have gone home for dinner if I had known.

I feel like I'm going to be thrown out by her for the meal I ate tonight, this feeling is really tormenting!

"When will Yiyi stop? I feel like I'm going to throw up!"

Murong Yiyi was immersed in the competition with Lin Feng, completely ignoring Murong Sisi's feelings behind, and just said something abruptly.

"If you vomit, there is a plastic bag in the cabinet next to it, so vomit.

After finishing speaking, he continued to speed up.

Now Murong Sisi is really desperate, silently looking at the sky.

Finally, after ten minutes, everyone saw the end.

At this moment, Murong Er'er originally wanted to surpass Lin Feng.

But no matter what, his speed can't be surpassed at all.

I had a bad mentality at first, but now my mentality is even more blown up.

From the initial competition of 4 people to now it has become a competition between Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi.

Murong Wuwu raised her breath and looked at the important point that was about to be reached, and her whole body became nervous.

She couldn't help but turned her head to look at Murong Yiyi's car that was about to overtake them.

"Do you think we can really win?"

Lin Feng nodded seriously, did not speak, and saw the last hope at the last turn.

After all, his own car is incomparable with Murong Yiyi's special sports car.

On the way to the last turn, Murong Yiyi's car still overtook her.

Murong Yiyi proudly twitched the corner of her mouth, as if the victory already belonged to her.

Just as he was turning the corner, Lin Feng made a small turn, making a 90-degree turn.


Surpassed Murong Yiyi again!

I stepped on the accelerator pedal that I had accumulated just now, and it rushed upwards like the wind.

Murong Yiyi frowned instantly, originally wanted to step on the accelerator and rush forward.

But I didn't expect that the accelerator was still not saved enough, and it began to weaken.

Finally, Lin Feng's car stopped at the finish line steadily, and the cars behind also stopped beside him one after another.

Murong Wuwu couldn't believe it completely, she was surprised even inside, she was a little speechless looking at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the current Murong Wuwu and stretched out his hand to touch her head foolishly, and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that we could win."

Murong Wuwu nodded, immediately threw herself into Lin Feng's arms, and said excitedly.

"I didn't even think we could win. Where did you learn your racing skills!"

"No, I didn't learn it anywhere, and I just drove the go-karts that I liked to play in the past.

After all, how could I have the money to learn racing before?

So I can only drive a go-kart to have fun. I didn't expect that this car is indeed the same as a go-kart.

The two got out of the car, and Murong Yiyi looked at Lin Feng in admiration, with approval in her eyes.

"I really didn't expect your strength to be so strong."

I will be embarrassed by Murong Yiyi's delivery.

Actually, at first I thought I couldn't compare to him, but I didn't expect that later...

It even surpassed it!

Lin Feng said with a smile: "No, it's okay, I think you must have let me.

Looking at Lin Feng's low-key appearance, Murong Yiyi also admired him in her heart.

Murong Er'er got down from the car, feeling completely speechless in her heart.

I thought I could surpass Lin Feng, but I didn't expect that not only did I not surpass, but this kind of thing happened in the end.

However, Lin Feng's driving skills are also full of praise in my heart.

How does this guy manage to be good at driving and playing games well......

I thought I was already an almighty person in this world, but I didn't expect that there are more almighty people in this world than me.

Murong Shanshan immediately came to Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng eagerly and asked.

"Can you have time to teach me how to race a car? How did you do the turn just now? I have been learning this turn, but I have never been able to learn it.

Lin Feng was embarrassed by Murong Shanshan, and couldn't help scratching the back of his head with his hands.

"Well, I have never jammed cars with others. I learned these things when I was driving a kart. If you want to learn, you should drive more karts.

As soon as the words came out, the 5 people present were in a bad mood, especially Murong Yiyi and Murong Erer, they couldn't believe it at all, they just thought that Lin Feng might be too low-key.

Murong Shanshan frowned and asked.

"Don't you want to tell me? Oh, just teach me. Don't worry, I will learn from you. I will do what you say."

Murong Wuwu looked at Murong Shanshan's drowsiness and looked at Lin Feng, and said for Murong Shanshan.

"Lin Feng, just tell her, Shanshan just wants to talk about these things, otherwise he will definitely be struggling all the time.

This time Lin Feng was completely confused.

What I said is the truth, why does no one believe the truth 5.7?

"It's not that what I just said is true. I definitely couldn't race with others without money."

"So when I'm bored, I drive a go-kart. Today is indeed the first time I've raced with someone. I feel like driving a go-kart when I'm driving."

Murong Yiyi fell into deep thought, but looked at Lin Feng's sincere appearance.

Thinking of his current situation and his previous situation, comparing it, I found that what he said was indeed true.

Regarding this truth, Murong Yiyi actually has some unacceptable feelings towards this person in front of her.

I even feel a sense of admiration, and this is the first time I have this feeling of admiration for others in so many years.

Murong Sisi's whole body is not well now, she ran to the side and began to vomit crazily. .

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