Although Ye Chen is confident that he can rely on super high speed to avoid the fearless charge of [Bone Knight].

But there is no need to hide.

These piles of little monsters are his natural shield, even if he kills the boss [Bone Knight], he still has to spend time cleaning up these little monsters before he can enter the next floor.

And for Ye Chen, spending the same amount of time killing elite monsters and warlord level bosses is much more profitable than killing these ordinary monsters, and leveling is also faster.

Anyway, he still has more than 50 dungeon keys. For Ye Chen, the dungeon monsters can be said to be infinite and cannot be killed.

So I simply borrowed the hand of [Bone Knight], a ruthless character, to help clean up the surrounding mobs in a large area.

The characters of [Bone Knight] and [Bone Warrior] are obviously very different. [Bone Warrior] will feel sorry for his little brother, but [Bone Knight] will not.

Ye Chen rushed into the group of mobs like a slippery loach, and [Knight of Bone] rode his horse and wielded a hammer, charging towards Ye Chen without hesitation.

Bang bang bang!

Along the way, the poor ordinary mobs were knocked to pieces without even the slightest ability to resist. Even if some mobs were not instantly killed, their bones were smashed to pieces, and they completely lost their ability to move in a short time.

As [Bone Knight] killed more and more ordinary melee monsters, the speed of the horse's collision gradually weakened.


[Bone Knight] let out an aggrieved and angry roar.

It started a collision and couldn't catch up with Ye Chen.

He is a knight.

Ye Chen actually ran faster than his skeleton horse on two legs!

In this collision, he not only failed to get closer to Ye Chen, but killed more than 20 younger brothers, which caused the other [Bone Axemen] to run away and dare not approach him and Ye Chen.

Did I bump into loneliness?

When [Bone Knight] found that he couldn't keep hitting like this, Ye Chen turned around, taking advantage of the inertia of [Bone Knight]'s collision, and made a slippery move, he turned back and circled to [Bone Knight] ] behind.

Almost at the same time, [Bone Knight] swung a big hammer, turned around and hit Ye Chen hard, Ye Chen dodged easily.


And smiled at the buttocks of the bone knight's horse.

"You're too clumsy, you may be easier to deal with than the guy who guards the door!"

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, he directly took advantage of the gap between [Bone Knight] swinging the hammer to attack, and chose to slash the hind legs of the skeleton horse first!

Ding ding ding!

A series of sparks flashed.

Hit -131

Hit -145...

One of the hind legs of the skeleton warhorse was chopped off on the spot.

At this time, [Bone Knight] finally stopped the car, but it was useless, and one of his car tires was chopped off by Ye Chen.

The knight's war horse was severely injured, which was equivalent to becoming a cripple directly, and his mobility was greatly reduced!


[Bone Knight] once again swung a huge hammer and smashed towards Ye Chen. Ye Chen still moved flexibly and easily dodged, and then took advantage of the attack gap of [Bone Knight] to cut off the bone horse's limbs. Another hind leg.


Both hind legs were severed, [Bone Knight] lost his balance, and immediately fell to the ground on his back. After getting up nimbly, he found Ye Chen circled behind him again.


Two pieces straight to the forehead!

Hit -80

Hit -120!

When the knight went down to attack without his horse, the heavy armor and weapon became a burden to him, which made him even more cumbersome, and he swung a huge hammer and threw it at Ye Chen again.


He couldn't even attack Ye Chen on the skeleton horse, let alone after he got off the ground.

[Bone Knight] He had no choice but to raise the bone shield with his backhand, completely covering his forehead.

This time, the hope of directly killing the fire of the soul was shattered, but Ye Chen did not panic. This posture would only make the [Bone Knight] more bulky and difficult to deploy. Ye Chen began to attack its limbs with two swords.

Hit -120

Penetration -250

[Bone Knight] The blood volume dropped rapidly, and he could only roar. He wanted to call the younger brothers around him to help, but the younger brothers were so frightened by his previous rampage that they fled far away, and there was no way to gather to attack Ye Chen in a short time.

Ye Chen was even more slippery than a loach, and he didn't make the slightest mistake in positioning. After several attacks of [Bone Knight] failed, both legs and hands were cut off by Ye Chen, leaving only the head that kept crazily aggrieved and roaring.

Several cold lights flashed.

Ye Chen pierced through [Bone Knight]'s forehead with a sword, extinguishing the burning soul fire.

"Ding, you killed [Bone Knight] and gained 200 experience points!"

Bang Dang, a piece of armor shining with silver light fell to the ground.

Ye Chen was not in a hurry to pick it up. At this time, seventy or eighty [Bone Axemen] had already gathered towards him, and the two swords in his hand turned into two cold lights and flew out with a "clang".

At this time, there were no monsters that could pose a threat, so Ye Chen naturally chose to attack from a distance with his sword, and quickly cleaned up these garbage mobs.

Two spirit swords, one uses [Qingfeng Sword Art] to turn into a blue streamer, and the other uses [Flowing Water Sword Art] to turn into a blue streamer, the two streamers quickly shuttle through the monster group, and they can accurately penetrate each time [Bone Axeman]'s head, cut off the soul fire in it.

Ye Chen lost his dual-wield status, and his agility dropped by 30%, and the monster group was relatively dense. At this time, it is completely impossible to dodge all the attacks of the mobs. However, the attack power of ordinary mobs is low, and even a hit is only slightly Abrasion, the special effect of "Flowing Water Swordsmanship" hitting the monster's blood back to blue is enough to keep him from taking drugs, and his blood volume can always be kept in a healthy state.

Five minutes later, the first floor of the Tower of Silence was covered with bones, and no monsters could be seen anymore.

"Ding, congratulations on successfully challenging the first floor of the Tower of Dead Silence. The door to the second floor has been opened. It took a total of 10 minutes and 27 seconds!"

To Ye Chen's surprise, it only took him about ten minutes to clean the first layer.

"If I can produce a few small pieces of top-quality equipment that can be used in the next few floors, maybe I can clear the level for the first time by brushing the tower and defeat the Marquis-level boss on the tenth floor!"

"This kind of record... even the top ten people on the leaderboard have never had it before!"

Even if you are a Tianjiao player, the first few times you challenged the Tower of Dead Silence, you just cleared the first few floors first, and slowly accumulated experience and top-quality equipment. The Tower of Dead Silence is more difficult than the next level. It is almost impossible to pass the level when you enter the tower for the first time. !

But Ye Chen thinks it is possible for him to achieve this achievement!

"However, you have to be lucky. If you don't give good things every time you kill the boss, then you won't have a chance. The last floor has nine warrior-level bosses and a stronger Marquis-level boss!"

"Ding, I got [Steel Armor], and I got [Bone Necklace]."

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