This marquis level boss is already an old acquaintance of Ye Chen.

Mark's evil bodyguard.

Ye Chen has killed several times in the Canyon of the Dead, and he basically knows all the ways to deal with all the skills of this monster, so the first time he saw it, he pointed his sword directly at the boss's head without any hesitation.

Ding Ding!

The sword light flashed past, and two phantom attacks were triggered at the same time.

Four terrifying damage values ​​popped out instantly.

Hit -850

Hit -850

Phantom Sword Art Hit -1350

Phantom Sword Art Penetration -1530!

The boss, who had only 15,000 HP, lost a full third of his HP after Ye Chen's round of attacks, and his forehead was covered with tiny cracks from the two swords.

Ye Chen also did not expect that these two swords were so lucky that they not only triggered the phantom attack, but also triggered the piercing effect of [Sword of the Dead God of War].

Ho ho!

After the boss suffered from the pain, he let out a roar at Ye Chen, and at the same time his body quickly became unreal, and all the bones became translucent.

[Ding, Mark's evil guard activated the skill [Evil Spirit Warrior Form], and his agility increased...]

After a face-to-face meeting, Ye Chen forced the 16th-level Marquis-level boss into a trick.

[Ghost Warrior Form] From Ye Chen's point of view, he is a real man for three minutes. Although the combat power increases dramatically within three minutes, once he leaves the Ghost Warrior form, the boss will enter a period of weakness.

However, Ye Chen's combat effectiveness at this time has been greatly improved compared to before, and he doesn't even want to waste the time waiting for the boss to pass through the strong period and enter the weak period.

After the boss turned on the [Evil Spirit Warrior Form], instead of retreating, he stepped on the flying sword and made a smooth turn, and then circled behind the boss's buttocks. The boss didn't even have time to turn around, and two sword lights stabbed To the forehead of the Ghost Warrior.

Hit -650

Hit -650

In the ghost warrior form, the boss's immunity to physical attacks has been greatly improved, but Ye Chen can still knock out a lot of blood from the boss with a single attack, and the cracks on the boss's forehead are also slowly expanding.

After Yu Jian left after Ye Chen finished attacking, the boss turned around slowly and waved the giant sword in his hand towards the air.

At this time, Ye Chen walked around behind it like a ghost, gave it two swords, and triggered a phantom attack, the boss's HP had dropped to half.

whoosh whoosh...

At this time, hundreds of small monsters and elite monsters finally arrived on the battlefield, and long-range bone arrows and ice arrows shot towards Ye Chen overwhelmingly. The sword moved to avoid the long-range attacks of the little monsters, and then passed through the group of monsters like a streamer.

Boss was a little confused at this moment, he didn't know whether he should chase after him or not.

It didn't seem confident at all to defeat an opponent who had knocked out half of his health in three moves.

Although the boss is still hesitating, the mobs with lower IQs have already chased after him like a tide.

After a while, the ray of light that led thousands of mobs away turned back again.

Boss:! ! !

Only then did he realize that Ye Chen had no intention of escaping at all. He just turned around to distract the little monsters and create an excellent environment for them to fight one-on-one!

If it is in the Valley of the Dead, Ye Chen usually does not lure away the mobs when he kills the boss, because the number of mobs does not pose any threat to him, and all the attacks of the mobs can be resolved by relying on his position.

But in this dungeon space, the refreshed mobs are too dense.

If the overwhelming long-range skills give a solid hit for one round, Ye Chen will have only one bloodskin left if he is not dead.

So distracting the mobs and killing the boss alone is the safest strategy.

Boss's heart is full of despair at this time, if he knew it, he rushed out to call all the younger brothers to fight this human player to the death.

Now all the mobs were lured away by Ye Chen, and it was already in a state of isolation and helplessness.

Ho ho!

The boss let out a roar, and the death energy quickly gathered. After a while, five general-level bosses were summoned by him, but during the time of chanting the summoning spell, it was hacked by Ye Chen for two more rounds, and its blood volume was getting higher and higher. Less, the cracks on the forehead are getting bigger and bigger.

What made it most desperate was that just after his five younger brothers were summoned, he saw a ray of light rushing into the group of younger brothers, swish, swish, swish...

The five younger brothers had just been summoned, and they were all chopped to the ground without even posing any threat to Ye Chen!

Ye Chen now kills a level 16 warrior-level boss. If it triggers the phantom attack, it only needs two swords. If it does not trigger it, it takes two to three rounds. The speed in his eyes was like a snail, and there was no room for fighting back.

After the little brother summoned by the boss was killed by Ye Chen, he could only swing the giant sword in his hand, arousing the dead energy around him to form a scarlet tornado.

This is the last move of the boss's meat whirlwind.

At this time, Ye Chen changed his combat strategy again, choosing to use his sword directly to distance himself from the boss, and then the two weapons in his hands turned into cyan and fiery red streamers and slashed towards the center of Whirlwind.

Although the boss who turned on the meat whirlwind has high damage, but the movement speed is reduced, it has become a living target for Ye Chen's spirit sword attack.

The two spirit swords shuttled continuously in the whirlwind, and a series of damage numbers jumped out.

A minute later, the boss, who was still in the ghost warrior state, was pierced through the head by Ye Chen's spirit sword.

Critical Strike - 2500

Then he wailed and fell to the ground, his bones bursting.

Bang Dang, a pile of shining equipment fell to the ground, and at the same time, Ye Chen felt that the [Hell Glutton's Skull] he was wearing shone with a faint light, and an undetectable white transparent gas was sucked into the [Hell Glutton's Skull]. Skull】in.

"Ding, [Hell Gluttonous Skull] has grown, strength +1."

"Ding, pick it up and get God's Realm Crystal*5, [Evil Guard's Long Sword]..."

[Evil Guard's Long Sword]: Black iron top-quality weapon, attack power +130, strength +5.

"Not bad, there is actually a usable weapon!"

Ye Chen wears three swords, two of which are [Sword of the Dead God of War] rock king-grade equipment, and the other is a black iron top-grade light sword that Ye Chen uses to make up for it.

He didn't explode one of the light swords of black iron top grade or king grade.

If you go to the market to buy, black iron top-grade equipment is already considered very precious equipment at this stage, or you have to go to the private auction held by the player to participate in the auction, which will waste a lot of time.

Either you have to buy World Channel at a high price, which is much higher than the market price, which is a waste of money.

It may be that he has been too poor for the past few years, but Ye Chen has always been frugal.

I think both methods are not very cost-effective. In addition, Ye Chen usually uses a sword on the sole of his feet as a positioning tool, and the other two swords are used to fight against the enemy. Iron, so simply wait for yourself to burst out before changing equipment.

Now, it finally exploded!

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