National Online Games: Only I Change My Job To Huaxia Sword Immortal

Chapter 74 Become An Alchemist, The Method Of Refining Demons

After getting a general understanding of "Flying Snow Sword Technique" and "Dragon Scale Splitting the Sky Sword", Ye Chen picked up Mark's corpse and threw it into the storage space, saying silently: "End the challenge of the instance!"

"Ding, are you sure to teleport back to the location where the copy door was opened?"


As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, he felt top-heavy for a while, and when he regained consciousness again, he was already standing on the lawn of Biboer's house.


The portal shook slightly and disappeared without a trace.

Bibol, who was studying the bamboo slips with his head down, also raised his head and focused his gaze on Ye Chen.

"Senior, Mark has been beheaded by me!"

After speaking, Ye Chen took out Mark's body from the storage space and handed it to Bibol.

A look of surprise flashed in Bibol's eyes.

"Boy, it's very good. It's more than ten minutes faster than I expected!"

In fact, if Ye Chen hadn't spent time exploring how to use "Flying Snow Sword Technique" and "Dragon Scale Splitting Sword", Ye Chen should have come out of the dungeon earlier.

Bibol's name for Ye Chen has changed from "warrior" to "boy", which obviously recognizes Ye Chen's potential and has already regarded himself as a senior.

At the same time, Ye Chen heard a pleasant system beep.

"Ding, you have completed Bibol's task [Proof of Strength], gained Bibol's approval, and got the opportunity to start the sub-profession of [Alchemist]!"

Ye Chen thought silently: "Check Bibol's attributes!"

Suddenly a prompt box pops up.

"Your strength is too weak to check the attributes of this npc!"

Even the attribute of favorability, Ye Chen couldn't find it.

However, Ye Chen can clearly feel that Bibol's attitude towards him has become better because of his excellent completion of the task.

I saw Bibol holding Mark's faintly shining bones and coming to the huge alchemy furnace, he asked with a slightly serious expression: "Do you know why learning alchemy does not let you know the medicinal properties of various herbs?" , but to ask you to kill a king-level boss?"

Ye Chen was slightly puzzled.

"Didn't the seniors say that any alchemist's strength is not bad, so let the juniors prove their strength and potential?"

Bibol said: "This is just one of the small reasons, and there is a more important reason!"

"What I am best at is the method of refining demons!"

Ye Chen's heart skipped a beat: "The method of refining demons?"

Bibol grabbed the lid of the alchemy furnace, lifted the huge lid of the alchemy furnace easily, and then directly threw Mark's body into the alchemy furnace, and then closed the alchemy furnace tightly with a "bang".

"The so-called method of refining demons is to use the bodies of various monsters and spirits as medicinal materials, extract the essence from them, and refine them into elixirs that contain tremendous energy!"

"Among the many alchemy techniques, this is a refining method that requires relatively little herbs, and the process is relatively simple!"

"If you don't even have the strength to defeat powerful monsters, you don't have alchemy materials!"

"The art of alchemy is broad and profound, and the method of refining demons can let you get started faster. If you want to explore other refining methods in the future, it will become easier!"

Ye Chen suddenly realized.

"I see!"

"Come here and put one hand on the alchemy stove, and concentrate all your energy on the hand to sense the changes inside the alchemy stove. Don't worry, it won't be too hot!"

Ye Chen put his hand on the alchemy furnace, trying to concentrate all his energy on the palm of his hand.

Ye Chen only felt that a huge oval-shaped world suddenly appeared in his brain, and in the center of the world, Mark's skeleton was quietly floating.

Bibol put his palm on the alchemy furnace, and the world Ye Chen perceived instantly ignited a raging fire, and Mark's corpse quickly melted into balls of energy essence in the terrifying high-temperature flame.

"This is the real fire transformed from the real fire array burned in the alchemy furnace. The stronger the alchemist, the higher the temperature of the real fire, and the higher the grade of the pill that can be refined!"

"If you encounter corpses that cannot be refined in the future, it means that you should improve your strength!"

"Operating the real fire formation will not only consume a lot of mana, but also consume your soul power. The longer the refining process lasts, the more soul power you will consume!"

"Remember, once your soul power is exhausted, you will feel dizzy, mentally weak and unable to fight in the world of God's Domain!"

In less than thirty seconds, Mark's corpse had all melted into energy essence, the temperature of the real fire dropped rapidly, and clusters of energy essence began to slowly rotate in the pill furnace, and the rotation speed became faster and faster, like a nebula.

But in the center of this "nebula", there is an extremely shining energy body being conceived, just like a star conceived in the nebula, and all the "nebulae" are gathering towards that shining "star".

After waiting for about two minutes, all the "nebulae" were swallowed up by the light ball in the center!


The pill fire disappeared at this moment, and the lid of the pill furnace was opened again by Bibol, and a thumb-sized pill that was shining brilliantly spewed out from the mouth of the pill furnace.

Bibol grabbed the elixir and handed it to Ye Chen.

"Boy, you have watched the whole process of alchemy! This pill is just a gift from me, it can save your life at a critical moment!"

At the same time, Ye Chen received a system notification tone.

"Ding, you have started the sub-profession [Alchemist]!"

A translucent sub-job attribute frame appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes.


Grade: first grade

Alchemy Skill: Demon Alchemy Method (When monster corpses are used as the main material, the success rate of alchemy increases by 30%.)

"Ding, you have received [Xuanjie Ultimate Essence Pill]*1 from NPC Bibol."

[Xuanjie Ultimate Essence Pill]: After taking it, all attributes will be +20, HP will recover 5,000 points per minute, mana will recover 5,000 points per minute, and the drug effect will last for 5 minutes.

This [Essence Pill] is the product of demon refining!

Ye Chen was slightly surprised by the properties of the pill.

This is too strong.

As long as there are enough elixirs of this kind, it will be no dream at all to kill bosses with emperor-level blood alone in the future!

Swallow it and directly become a real man for five minutes, a must for challenging super bosses!

"Ding, you got the [Xuan-rank Alchemy Furnace] presented by NPC Bibol (can refine the highest-grade Xuan-rank pill)"

Ye Chen showed a happy smile and bowed slightly to Bibol.

"Thank you senior for teaching alchemy!"

Bibol said: "There is a saying in the East, tell the master to lead the door, and practice is up to the individual, so you go!"

"By the way, with your current soul power, refining the corpse of a king-level monster will consume at least two-thirds, and it will take at least a day to recover. Don't force it."

Ye Chen nodded.

"Thank you senior for reminding me!"

As he spoke, Ye Chen stepped on the sword and turned into a blue streamer, and the figure disappeared into the sky within a few breaths.

The alchemist sub-profession has started, Ye Chen is in a good mood, it's time to contact Nangong Qingyina girl to come back and do task upgrades!

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