National Online Games: Only I Change My Job To Huaxia Sword Immortal

Chapter 85 You Underestimated The Dragon Kingdom

He was satisfied and dissatisfied with the results of this trip.

What he is satisfied with is that even Shungo Kudo, who is a diamond-level powerhouse and a boss-level figure, was extremely shocked after listening to his intelligence report.

This also proved that he did not underestimate Ye Chen at all, and his vision was not bad at all.

To Keiji's dissatisfaction, Shungo Kudo was only shocked by Ye Chen's terrifying ideals, and didn't care much about him growing so fast.

Jing Zhilang analyzed it carefully and speculated two reasons.

One is because Shungo Kudo has been in a high position all year round, and he has seen too many people who are arrogant and have great opportunities in his life. Although Ye Chen has grown faster than ever, in their eyes, Ye Chen is still just a good-looking man. Faster ants.

The second is that no matter how fast Ye Chen develops, it is impossible for him to pose any real threat to the Sakura Country and the forces of the world in just two or three years.

At most, it is a threat to the Tianjiao resource competition of the server where Jing Zhiying is located.

The servers have to wait for the third year to graduate, and in the novice server, it is almost impossible to obtain the opportunity and strength.

So Shungo Kudo is completely confident.

Sakura Kuni Anbu has at least three or four years of observation period and the opportunity to kill Ye Chen.

As for Keiji Ryo's proposal to immediately take the necessary measures to kill Ye Chen in the real world, Kudo Shungo not only disagreed, but also seriously criticized his naive ideas.

The Dragon Kingdom is a big country whose overall national power is better than that of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom. In every department of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom, there are eyeliners for the Dragon Kingdom, and there are people who are controlled by the Dragon Kingdom.

It is much more difficult than he imagined to carry out this kind of transnational assassination mission without being detected by the inspectors of the Long Kingdom and the Alliance that it was the Sakura Kingdom.


Shungo Kudo speculates that the Dragon Kingdom officials have already noticed Ye Chen, but they are not in a hurry to establish an official contact with Ye Chen, or have established contact, but they still don't know.

On the surface, for example, Nangong Qingyi and his father Nangong Xiao, who formed a team with Ye Chen and had a close relationship, are public officials with high status in Longguo.

Her daughter has had such a close relationship with Ye Chen for such a long time, it is impossible for him as a father not to have heard about Ye Chen.

Moreover, the intelligence department of the Dragon Kingdom has never been inferior to the Anbu of the Sakura Kingdom.

All the information has been sent to Sakura Country.

And Ye Chen is still from the Dragon Kingdom, and Sword Immortal is also a unique Chinese profession.

If you think that the Dragon Kingdom official knows nothing about Ye Chen, then it is impossible for the Dragon Kingdom to be the big brother of the Eastern Continent, and it is also impossible for the Dragon Kingdom to compete with the Divine Eagle Kingdom, which is recognized as the strongest comprehensive national power in the world, and has never had a big fight for hundreds of years. Losing, but getting stronger and stronger.

To put it simply, Jing Zhilang's vision is not enough, and he underestimated Long Guo.

If the Dragon Kingdom had noticed Ye Chen long ago, and sent people to assassinate him at this time, and if he was caught, the entire Cherry Blossom Kingdom would be sanctioned by the Azure Alliance, and its reputation in the world would be ruined. Meter.

Although Kudo Shungo criticized Keijiro's suggestion to eliminate Ye Chen in the real world immediately, he praised Keijiro's plan to kill people with a knife.

It is the best strategy to get rid of Ye Chen by the people of Longguo. Anbu will secretly promote this method in the future. At the same time, it is also legal to attack Ye Chen in the game. Anbu will call people to intercept Ye Chen in the game Chen, let him have nowhere to develop, no way to rise.

However, to make specific arrangements for when to do it, we have to wait for Shungo Kudo to hold a meeting, obtain approval for the operation, gather manpower, and prepare a combat plan. After a series of procedures, it will take at least several days.

Jing Zhiyun, who walked out of the gate of the intelligence department of Sakura Country, stood at the gate and looked back at this heavily guarded place. Here, there are countless think tanks and experts gathered.

He sighed slightly.

"Perhaps, I am still too naive to underestimate the competition between countries."

"But I still firmly believe that Ye Chen should be eliminated quickly and quickly, so as to avoid future troubles, even if it takes a certain risk!"

"Forget it, maybe... I was thinking too much, and I was scared by Ye Chen. It is a good result that Anbu can make a move in the game. Ye Chen, there must be no room for development. He... probably It will die silently in the operation of Anbu."


After Ye Chen and Nangong Qingyi returned to Wange City to hand in the mission, they were directly teleported from the teleportation array to Glory City controlled by Linglong Pavilion.

The distance between Glory City and Wange City is about 200 kilometers. Both are third-level towns of the elves, and they are also lower-level towns of the second-level town Yongning City.

At the current stage, all players are also gathered in the third-level towns, and there are no trade unions that can occupy the second-level towns. All large trade unions are developing members and accumulating union prestige to reach the prestige threshold for occupying the second-level towns.

Moreover, only players who have reached the Bronze rank have the authority to receive the second-level town missions.

As soon as she arrived in Glory City, Nangong Qingyi received a voice chat message from her personal maid, Xiao Cui.

"Miss... the big thing is not good. The Lord City Lord said that he wants to talk to you about something, and he is currently waiting in the study."

Nangong Qingyi's face changed slightly, but he regained his composure in a blink of an eye.

" told my dad about me teaming up with Ye Chen to do the task?"

Xiaocui said aggrievedly: "No, the Lord City Lord didn't disclose what he wanted to discuss with you."

"Besides, although I didn't like Ye Chen very much before, it was because Ye Chen was incapable and might have something to do with you before. Now, he has become a really powerful person, and you have already got something to do with him , I have no way to change the reality, so I can only cover up for the young lady to get by, praying that the young lady will not go wrong."

"Xiao Cui grew up with Miss, and she also knows that she is sometimes a little stingy and short-sighted, but it is always for the future of Miss..."

Nangong Qingyi said: "Okay, okay, I know in my heart that you are good to me. Besides, we have different educations. I don't blame you. If you are broad-minded and have a long-term vision, then you will be a lady." You are not me anymore, you should read more books and biographies of great men."

"Forget it, miss, you'd better kill me. I'd rather practice leveling and be a keyboard warrior. Whoever can fight with one keystroke... By the way, miss, let me know when you log off. I'll wait outside the study. In any bad situation, I can beat you up and plead for mercy..."

Nangong Qingyi said: "Hey, if you say something unlucky, my father has a far-sighteder vision than you."

Nangong Qingyi also felt that it was unusual for her father to ask her to talk about something this time. After all, Xiaocui directly told her about things that were not important.

The Nangong family has strict family education, and the study room is a serious place.

She keenly felt that this conversation might have something to do with Ye Chen!

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