National Online Games: Only I Change My Job To Huaxia Sword Immortal

Chapter 87 The Way Of The Sword Is The Way Against The Sky

These are the words that Nangong Qingyi summoned up all the courage in his life to say.

It is also the only request she has made to her father since she was a child.

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao's eyes were extremely sharp, and a majestic aura emanated from him. Nangong Qingyi's pretty face turned pale in an instant, and she felt that it was extremely difficult to breathe, and felt that the air was being pulled away from her side.

Nangong Xiao, a platinum-ranked powerhouse of more than fifty levels, even a tenth of her aura and coercion, a novice of more than ten levels, can't bear it.

"Are you sure?"

Nangong Qingyi said slowly: "Definitely!"

After she said the word "sure", Nangong Qingyi only felt that all the coercion disappeared without a trace, and Nangong Xiao was smiling and looking at her with appreciation.

Nangong Xiao said with a smile: "Very well, a tiger father has no dog daughter, you have indeed grown up."

Nangong Qingyi was a little confused for a while.

Nangong Xiao said again: "Also, since you were 12 years old, I have not monitored your private life. When you were young, I was afraid that you would meet someone with evil intentions, so I would control your life more closely. After 12 years old, you already have The ability to distinguish between right and wrong has been established."

" did you know that I formed a team with Ye Chen, said that the relationship is unusually close? Xiaocui said that she didn't tell the truth." Nangong Qingyi breathed a sigh of relief and asked inexplicably.

Nangong Xiao said: "This is a secret report from the intelligence department above."

Nangong Qingyi was even more confused.

"Why do those people above have nothing to do and stare at me? Is it possible that the family members of public officials are not allowed to live freely? Impossible, I am not an important person."

Nangong Xiao said: "Daughter, don't put gold on your face. Although your potential is good, I have mastered your strength. The superiors will not stare at you. They will stare at... Ye Chen!"

"Could it be that you think that there are no people from the country in the Qinglong Gang and Linglong Pavilion, the Internet celebrity union you joined? The Qinglong Gang is a big gang and a big force, and the country naturally needs to know what they are doing. The strength is not small, and there are people with lofty ideals who serve the country."

Nangong Qingyi was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

It turns out that the country has known Ye Chen's strength for a long time, and also knows that she has a close relationship with Ye Chen.

Nangong Qingyi said: "Since the country also values ​​Ye Chen, Ye Chen is being hacked all over the world, why don't the officials come out to refute the rumors and rectify Ye Chen's name... Not to mention whether players from other countries believe it or not, at least our Dragon Kingdom players don't." I'll keep yelling at him."

Nangong Xiao said: "Why do you think that the state is omnipotent? First, Ye Chen is not a public official, and the state has no obligation to help him dispel rumors. Second, the public opinion about Ye Chen is not issued by the official media, but by keyboard warriors." I guessed it myself, after all, it is a society of free speech. Third, Ye Chen himself didn’t come out and rush to refute the rumors, I think you are the emperor, not the eunuchs. "

"The higher authorities are only responsible for making Ye Chen grow up safely, and are responsible for protecting the Tianjiao of the Dragon Kingdom from inexplicably dying. This is the country's supposed obligation. Apart from this, it will not interfere or help him in any way."

Nangong Qingyi nodded helplessly.

Nangong Xiao said again: "The higher-ups have noticed that there are ninjas from the Sakura Kingdom who have come to trouble Ye Chen. Although it is said that they did not break the law in the game, and were killed by Ye Chen, but if there is one, there will be two, and the Sakura Kingdom will take over. It is possible to arrange a large number of experts to besiege and kill Ye Chen to prevent him from continuing to develop, so the superiors arranged a task for me."

"You, since you and Ye Chen are pure and normal friends, it is most appropriate for you to perform this task."

"The content of the task is as follows. To smash the plan of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom to kill Ye Chen. The first appropriation above is currently 30 million. There is no limit to the means to complete the task. If you encounter a situation that cannot be handled, you must contact me as soon as possible. Report request for mobilization of additional resources."

Nangong Qingyi became a little serious, and made a military salute in an upright manner.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Nangong Xiao nodded with satisfaction: "It's all right, you can go back to the game to perform tasks."

Nangong Qingyi was in a great mood, but when she turned her head to leave, she heard Nangong Xiao's strange words.

"Counting Ye Chen from childhood to adulthood, there are only three friends of the opposite sex in total, and you have never been alone with any opposite sex for more than 20 minutes... and Ye Chen, it is a full five days, and it will be longer in the future."

"Well, it's really pure."

"Your mother left early, and I'm indeed not a person who is suitable for speaking my heart, but it doesn't mean... I can't even see what my daughter is thinking."

"You have indeed grown up, go ahead, trust your own judgment, even if you are wrong, you must be responsible for your choice, there is no medicine for regret in the world!"

"Also, do you know that the way of the Sword Immortal is the way against the sky, and it has never been smooth sailing. Before that, many Tianjiao changed jobs and fell miserably after being a Sword Immortal. A sword fairy with potential."

"But it doesn't mean that he can succeed in becoming a real strong man."

"His talent is only S-level, and the probability of sss-level strategic-level Tianjiao growing to diamond level is 50%, the probability of growing to master level is 5%, and the probability of growing to king level is less than 0.5%."

"Sword Immortal is not willing to be an ordinary profession. He will not be able to accept stagnation in the cultivation of the Dao of the Sword. That is to say, his whole life is either improving his cultivation of the Dao of the Sword, or he is walking on the road of improving his cultivation of the Dao of the Sword."

"No matter the platinum level, the diamond level, or even the master or the king, it is not his end."

"It is said in the file that there are already seven sword immortals, all of whom were completely desperate because of the stagnant sword practice, and finally drew their swords and killed themselves. Sword immortals can even be called a cursed profession!"

"Even if he accepts you, the space left for you in his life may only be one thousandth, one ten thousandth!"

Nangong Qingyi's pretty face was blushing at first, but she was stunned when she heard the back.

The way of the sword fairy is so difficult, beyond her imagination.

However, when he thought of Ye Chen, infinite confidence rose in his heart.

The other sword immortals all committed suicide because of the stagnation of swordsmanship.

But she is willing to believe unconditionally.

Ye Chen won't!

Ye Chen will definitely stand at the final point of kendo, the final point of personal strength!

After a long time, Nangong Qingyi bowed slightly to his father.

"Daughter... Got it, thank you for your understanding, I won't regret it."

After speaking, she opened the door, left the study, left the real world, and returned to the game.

Nangong Xiao watched his daughter leave, with mixed emotions in his heart, and murmured: "Why bother, what a silly child..."

[The state is very poor during the day, this plot is more important, I wrote it all night, friends who like this book, remember to leave a five-star praise, every free gift author can get a dime for the manuscript, parents of food and clothing, please, kneel Ask for a free gift! 】

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