After subduing the 80,000 Northern Legion, Su Mo’s fame instantly came to its peak!

The legend of Xuanyang Daojun is spread everywhere among the people.

It is said that Xuanyang Daojun is a heavenly martial god, with three heads and six arms that cannot enter the sword, and can also spit real fire in his mouth and fly in the air!

Anyway, how mysterious, how powerful it is, how to pass it on.

This battle also completely let the people of the world see the external strength of the imperial court, and for a while there were flames everywhere!

Everywhere are careerists who see opportunities and want a piece of the pie.

It’s a pity that it’s too late for them to start at this time.

Su Mo, as the first person in the whole world to stand up against the imperial court and single-handedly defeat the most elite northern legion.

His prestige is unmatched!

Under the terrifying appeal of Su Mo, countless capable people came to serve, including many martial arts people!

After the explanations of these martial arts people, Su Mo knew that after the battle of the Northern Legion, he had become a myth in the martial arts world.

It is the idol of warriors all over the world!

Among the martial artists who came to join us, there were many famous martial arts celebrities who had been famous for a long time, and they all wanted to see Su Mo’s martial arts myth with their own eyes!

These super first-class masters would rather give up their originally peaceful lives and come to work under Su Mo.

It is best to get Su Mo’s guidance and take your martial arts cultivation to the next level!

Under the influence of the terrorist appeal, Su Mo soon gathered hundreds of thousands of troops and marched towards the capital.

Su Mo led the army to attack the city along the way, and no one could stop Su Mo’s advance!

In every battle, Su Mo was the first to go up, rushed into the enemy camp with a group of super first-class experts, and directly destroyed the morale of the opposing troops!

After the other side disperses, the remaining troops will step forward to clean up the battlefield.

This style of play directly made the generals of the Su-Mo troops extremely dumbfounded, they had never fought such an easy battle in their lives.

Compared to the work of real knives and guns, it takes them a little longer to clean up the battlefield!

Compared with the later fake to join the dumbfounded team, the 80,000 Northern Army that surrendered before said that you are still too young, where is this.

Originally, the imperial court’s rampage and tyranny were unpopular, coupled with Su Mo’s terrifying achievements.

In the later period, the imperial court troops simply did not resist, and when they saw the Su-Moxican troops coming, they directly surrendered in Kaecheng, and did not even bother to do symbolic resistance.

Just two words, swing!

The advance of the Su-Mo troops was extremely fast, and it was pushed under the capital in only half a month.

Originally, the defenders of the city still wanted to resist.

But when they saw Su Mo easily climb the city wall more than ten meters high, one person and one sword occupied the city wall that required great sacrifice.

The generals defending the city simply laid down their weapons and surrendered.

With the surrender of the generals defending the city, Su Mo entered the imperial city with his troops and cut off the emperor’s head with a sword.

Since then, the world has completely changed, and Su Mo has naturally become the new emperor!

After becoming emperor, Su Mo quickly issued a decree, ordering the separatist princes in various places to lay down their weapons and restore peace to the people of the world.

Although these princes were very reluctant in their hearts, they did not have the slightest chance to resist in the face of Su Mo’s magnificent momentum.

Prestige is not engaged in by anyone, strength is not strong, even morality is not on their side, what else to fight.

Occasionally there were some stubborn princes, and Su Mo was too lazy to say anything, and directly sent his masters to assassinate.

One year later, the world is peaceful!

After completely calming the world, Su Mo issued several decrees with lightning speed.

Return the property and land of those nobles and wealthy families to the treasury, and count the population and measure the land!

Each household is given away land free of charge to ensure that the cultivator has his own land!

Abolish slavery, reduce taxes, and strictly prohibit the existence of landlord tenants!

Salt, iron, coinage, etc. were nationalized.

At the same time, a large number of private schools have been established, and children under the age of nine must enter private schools!

The system of noble succession was abolished, and in the future, officials of the imperial court could only be selected from the imperial examination!

The people were pleasantly surprised to find that since Su Mo came to power, their life has become better and better day by day!

With land in hand, the annual harvest only needs to be paid to the imperial court for one percent of taxes, and the rest is all in his own hands.

Unlike before, after the one-year harvest was paid taxes and the landlord’s land rent, only two or three percent remained in his own hands.

Under Su Mo’s order, the originally dilapidated world began to gradually recover its vitality, and burst into powerful vitality!

Thirty years later, Su Mo, who was already middle-aged, looked at the group of cheats on the table and was silent.

At this time, Su Mo was already a holy king praised by the world.

When did the people see such an emperor, not loving beauty, not coveting enjoyment.

Every day, he takes care of the government of the dynasty and takes the well-being of the people as the first goal.

Now Su Mo’s prestige can be said to be unprecedented and unattended.

He is the perfect holy king in the hearts of the people

Whoever dares to say a bad word about Su Mo will immediately be beaten to death by the angry people.

In addition to managing the imperial government over the years, Su Mo has only done one thing, cultivating martial arts!

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