For the cultivators of the White Jade Pavilion, even if they captured the Seven Sects of the Yue Kingdom.

Having harvested so many resources, they didn’t dare to think about it at all.

After all, in their opinion, the vast majority of these resources had to be handed over to the Holy Lord afterwards.

One tenth is already the limit of their imagination.

This is still because if the cultivator of the White Jade Pavilion believes in Su Mo’s character.

That’s why I dare to guess such a number.

If it were put in the previous Six Sects of the Demon Dao, I was afraid that one percent would not dare to think about it!

But as Su Mo began to give out rewards.

All the White Jade Pavilion cultivators were dumbfounded.

Because Su Mo gave out a lot more rewards than they originally thought!

Even far beyond their most daring one-tenth of the original vision!

The reward that Su Mo gave out was actually ten times that of their original most daring idea!!!

In the moment of receiving the reward.

All the White Jade Pavilion cultivators were in a dream.

Look at the glittering spirit stones in the storage bag, as well as various rare herbs.

They all feel like they’re dreaming.

There are even many people who think they are caught up in illusion.

However, when they found out that the contents of the storage bag were indeed real.

Everyone had the same idea in their minds.

How is this possible?!!!

Did I actually do something?

That’s why you send me so many rewards?

Or did the above make a mistake?

Accidentally sent me an overflow?

At first, most people thought that they were the only ones who received so many rewards.

But over time, everyone checked with each other.

The cultivators of the White Jade Pavilion suddenly found out.

Everyone actually received more than ten times more rewards than expected!

In this way, everyone is really completely confused.

Because according to their calculations.

If everyone were rewarded so much.

Then all the resources obtained from the previous attack on the Seven Sects of the Yue Kingdom were all distributed as rewards!

The Holy Lord didn’t keep anything for himself!

Sensing this, the first reaction of all the White Jade Pavilion cultivators was not to be happy.

It’s fear.

Because in their minds, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible!

How can there be upper cultivators who do not leave resources.

Instead, give all these things to those underground as a reward?!

There is no such thing as a lunch in vain.

There will be no pie in the sky.

Everyone thinks there must be something special about this.

Someone reasoned.

The Holy Lord did this to test their faithfulness!

If it were a cultivator who was truly faithful to the Holy Lord, he would not have received such a rich reward!

Truly loyal cultivators should take the initiative to attack these things on the Holy Lord!

And those guys who are insatiable and do not take the initiative to hand over things.

Afterwards, the thunderous wrath of the Holy Lord will be ushered in!

This statement sounds strange.

But it also seems to be the only plausible explanation.

In addition, Su Mo had indeed just undergone a big purge before.

In this way, the cultivators of the White Jade Pavilion felt that the reward in their hands was a hot potato.

Even many monks returned their rewards overnight.

This can make Sun Ergou, who is responsible for statistics and rewards, cry and laugh.

No matter how he persuaded, the cultivators of the White Jade Pavilion just didn’t believe that these rewards were okay.

Unanimously agree that this is a test given to them by the Holy Lord!

In the end, Sun Ergou really had no choice, so he could only tell Su Mo about it.

When Su Mo heard this, he was also a little crying and laughing.

This group of monks had been really oppressed too much before.

So that the real benefits came to the hand, but did not dare to take it.

In order to reassure the cultivators of the White Jade Pavilion.

Su Mo had to convene a plenary meeting.


In the plenary session.

Su Mo wore a mask and looked at the tens of thousands of cultivators densely packed in front of him.

“Guys, I heard something recently.”

Su Mo looked at the monks around him and said:

“I heard that many people have returned the rewards issued by the White Jade Pavilion in the past few days?”

“And some people say, this is my test?”

“If you don’t return it, you’re dead?”

Hearing Su Mo’s words, the surrounding White Jade Pavilion cultivators looked at each other.

They didn’t expect Su Mo to say it so directly.

Su Mo shook his head with a smile and said:

“It’s just that you have been oppressed for so long that you have even forgotten what normal looks like.”



The cultivators of the White Jade Pavilion were completely unable to understand Su Mo’s words.

In their view, oppression is normal.

This is the world of immortal cultivation, the law of the jungle.

It is natural that the strong control most of the resources.

You don’t have the resources to cultivate, so you can only blame yourself for not being strong enough.

“I found that some people cultivate immortals, cultivate and cultivate, and have forgotten who they are.”

Su Mo looked at the surrounding White Jade Pavilion cultivators lightly and said:

“Forgetting what you want, forgetting what you need, forgetting what’s important.”

“Don’t forget, you are yourself first, and then you are an immortal cultivator!”

“If you even forget who you are in order to cultivate immortals, then what is the meaning of this immortal cultivation coming and going?”

“To be honest, I kind of look down on you.”

Speaking of this, Su Mo turned his head and said with a sneer:

“Don’t even dare to ask for things sent to the door, really treat yourself as a slave?”

Hear Su Mo’s words.

The surrounding White Jade Pavilion cultivators couldn’t help but show angry expressions on their faces.

After all, no one wants to be called a slave.

However, some of the more savvy people in the crowd already showed thoughtful expressions.

“There are actually some people who take the initiative to send things back.”

“Also said that it was my test, and if I didn’t send it back, I would die?”

Speaking of this, Su Mo smiled slightly, and then his tone suddenly changed, and he suddenly shouted:

“Who the do you look down on?!!!?”

With this roar, furious spiritual power gushed out from Su Mo’s body!

The terrifying spiritual power roared like a tsunami!

In an instant, the whole sky darkened with darkness!

“Who do you think I am?”

Su Mo looked gloomy at the White Jade Pavilion monks around him, and said in an icy tone:

“I always spit and a nail when I speak!”

“As long as you say it, you will never take it back!”

“What a fucking test, what the fuck want you to send back.”

“To tell you the truth, Lao Tzu can’t look at that thing at all!”

“Groups of waste, and fucking used to be Demon Dao monks, don’t dare to ask for things sent to the door.”

“When I saw something, I was so scared that the six gods were masterless, and I didn’t dare to take it, and I deserved to eat for the rest of my life!”

Although Su Mo scolded the surrounding White Jade Pavilion cultivators with blood, it was useless to belittle.

But the surrounding White Jade Pavilion cultivators didn’t have any angry expressions on their faces.

Even the light in his eyes became more and more vigorous.

They finally realized.

The boss I met this time seems to be different from before?

“You think I want that resource?”

“Use less of your ridiculous ideas to figure out my ambitions!”

“I’ll leave it here today!”

“I want something that none of you can imagine!”

“In the future, less be clever, put away all your careful thoughts for me!”

Su Mo’s spiritual power continued to flourish, supporting him to slowly rise to the top of all the cultivators.

“You only need to remember one thing!”

“That is to obey my orders unconditionally!”

Su Mo looked condescendingly at the surrounding White Jade Pavilion monks and said:

“I’ll let you die! You’ll give me death!” ”

“I want you to live! Yan Wang Ye can’t take you away! I said it! ”

“As for the reward I gave you, give me the honest acceptance!”

“Whether it is a reward or a punishment, this is my order!”

“You don’t need to think about my orders! Just need to execute! ”

“Because this is my order! Remember!!! ”

Su Mo’s voice was accompanied by a burst of thunder, resounding throughout the sky.

It also reached the ears of every White Jade Pavilion cultivator.

At this moment, all the White Jade Pavilion cultivators looked at the figure in the sky in a daze.

Do such people really exist?

He was willing to give all the harvest to his subordinates.

Even if his subordinates don’t want it, he has to be angry.

You can be said to be overbearing, or you can be said to be king.

Anyway, this is an existence they have never seen before.

The reason why Su Mo’s words just now had such a big effect.

Not because of how well he spoke, of course.

These monks have been practicing for so many years, and the upper cultivators who painted the pie have seen it and don’t know how many.

How can it be touched by a simple remark.

The reason why Su Mo’s words had an effect was because he really did it before!

He really gave out all the harvest in his hand!

And since Su Mo established the White Jade Pavilion, all the promises he said have been fulfilled one by one!

These things are the biggest confidence that Su Mo can say this!

Mere verbal incitement is meaningless.

But if combined with action, it will burst into unparalleled power!

At this moment, something seemed to have been touched in the hearts of the surrounding White Jade Pavilion cultivators.

Some people couldn’t help but shed tears.

Is there a natural king in this world?

Until then, no one knew the answer.

But today, all the White Jade Pavilion cultivators present believed,

There are natural kings in this world.

Because they have already seen it.

In Su Mo, they felt a feeling that they had never felt before.

It was a mixture of worship, surrender, awe, and security.

And so on a series of complex emotions of feelings.

Su Mo said that he wanted them to obey the order unconditionally.

If they want to die, they will not hesitate to die.

However, the White Jade Pavilion cultivators present did not have any opposition in their hearts, but were happy and sincere.

Because they know.

As long as they do what they are supposed to do, they will definitely get what they deserve.

They are not afraid of death, but there is no point in being afraid of death.

Even after death, he will be ridiculed as an idiot.

But look at the holy lord in the sky who looks like a god.

They are extremely convinced that this is someone worth following for the rest of their lives!

Even if he dies for the other party, the other party will definitely make him die worth the money!

At this moment, the entire heaven and earth seemed to fall silent.

A quiet needle dropped on the ground can be heard.

But it’s noisy.

There is a force in the underworld, stirring in the chest of all people!

From today, this moment, this second begins.

The White Jade Pavilion really became the White Jade Pavilion that Su Mo wanted!

Looking at Su Mo in the sky.

All the cultivators of the White Jade Pavilion bowed down with joy and sincerity.

“Obey the Lord’s command.

From now on, but there is a drive, there is no excuse for death…”

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