With the blatant dispatch of Bai Yuge.

An unprecedented war in Tiannan for 10,000 years gradually kicked off.

Originally, I saw that Bai Yuge actually attacked his ordinary land in one go.

Righteous Path Alliance, Heavenly Path Alliance, Nine Nations Alliance.

The people of the alliance in the past three years can be described as terrified.

For fear that Bai Yuge would be impulsive, he would directly kill at the door of their base camp.

After all, there was now a strong and weak relationship between Bai Yuge and the three alliances.

Everyone has basically already counted in their hearts.

Since Bai Yuge was able to crush the army of the three alliances in a few days, he would seize half of the land he occupied.

Then it is very normal to chase after the victory and drive straight in.

So when you realize the crisis level of the situation.

At the time of life and death, the three alliances immediately entered the highest stage of combat readiness.

All the monks belonging to the three alliances were urgently recalled.

No monk is allowed to act at will, and must unconditionally accept the command of the alliance!

All cultivators must go to the front to fight against the White Jade Pavilion!

Any monk who dares not obey orders, shoot and kill!

Even the Nine Nations Alliance even its own elite team placed on the border to defend the Mulan Grassland.

At this time, it was also transferred back to the Tiannan side to deal with Bai Yuge.

Such a move is undoubtedly extremely dangerous.

After all, the mages of the Mulan Grassland have always been eyeing Tiannan Tiger.

It was all possible to resist by relying on a few strong cities of the Nine Nations Alliance on the border.

And once these fortified cities are lost, it will be difficult to recapture them.

But the Nine-Power Alliance can’t help it now.

If it is not transferred back, the entire Nine-Nation Alliance will cease to exist.

Where else can you take care of the Mulan steppe.

Fortunately, the forces of the Mulan Grassland did not know the current situation in Tiannan.

Plus the various fighting methods between the usual and the Nine-Nation Alliance.

After discovering that the defense forces of the Nine Nations Alliance suddenly disappeared.

The first reaction was the empty city plan of the Nine Nations Alliance, wanting to seduce them into taking the bait.

So for the time being, there is no rash action.

After mobilizing all the forces that can be mobilized in the alliance.

The three alliances still feel uneasy.

The command was issued again.

Demand those sects in their own territory who have already closed the mountains and do not participate in the war.

It is also necessary to draw out some elite cultivators to join the battle against the White Jade Pavilion.

This move has undoubtedly caused a wave of dissatisfaction.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with people.

People are closed to the mountains and do not ask about the world, which is equivalent to digging a hole and burying themselves.

You also forcibly pulled people out of the pit.

It’s a bit of a misnomer.

And these did not participate in the sect that chose to close the mountain.

All of them are small and medium-sized sects.

Some sects even have only a few cultivators, and their cultivation is only in the foundation building period.

There are three or two big cats and kittens, even if they all join in.

Nor can it have any substantial impact on the tide of war.

People just don’t want to participate in it and leave a legacy for their own vein.

This approach of the three alliances has already violated the bottom line of the Immortal Cultivation World a little.

But the three alliances can’t care so much now.

Because they are really anxious.

Now the three alliances have reached the edge of the cliff, and life and death are at stake.

Naturally, there are not so many rules.

Call him useful or not, what will happen to him later.

Let’s get over the current difficulties now.

Otherwise everything is empty talk.

Unreasonable attitude in the face of the three alliances.

The small and medium-sized sects in the territory also dare not speak out.

After all, thousands of years of Yuwei have been there.

Now the three alliances were beaten on the ground by Bai Yuge.

But the strength is still there, and cleaning up a few of their small sects is not a matter of a word.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling these sects are, they can only curse and curse and expel the cultivators in their own doors to join the war.

While mobilizing all the monks within the power.

The three alliances also mobilized all the resources they could mobilize.

What spirit stones, elixirs, magic weapons.

Techniques, exercises, spirit beasts.

Anyway, everything that can be used, don’t throw it away like money.

At the moment, I can’t care about what is wasted.

Even my life is about to die, and I still care about what money.

To set an example.

The Taimen where the Supreme Yang Shangren was located even announced in public.

As long as there are cultivators who can kill a White Jade Pavilion cultivator of the same rank.

You can join Tai Yi!

During the refining period, he became an official disciple.

During the foundation building period, he became a true disciple.

During the Jiedan period, you can even directly become an elder!

If the merit is great enough, he can even become a personal disciple of the Supreme Yang Shangren!

With the announcement of the Supreme Sun Shangren.

Wei Wuya and Long Han followed.

He also announced that as long as the merit is great enough, he can also become their own disciple!

It can be said that the three alliances are in order to resist the invasion of the White Jade Pavilion.

Use all the power you can!

No way.

Bai Yuge was really too scary.

Almost to the point of incomprehensibility.

Anyway, to the Yang Shangren, Wei Wuya, Long Han and his wife.

These four can be said to be the cultivators standing at the apex of the southern part of the sky.

After thinking about it for ten days and ten nights, my head was about to break.

I can’t think of where Bai Yuge came from with such terrifying strength.

Obviously before he was still a group of Demon Dao monks who were driven to the poor countryside by the Righteous Path Alliance.

How can you fight according to their three alliances in the blink of an eye?

And what scared the four the most.

Until now, they didn’t know how many high-level cultivators were still hidden in the White Jade Pavilion.

With his own strength, Bai Yuge has six thousand Jiedan cultivators and one hundred and eighty yuan infant cultivators.

More than their three alliances combined.

It stands to reason that it is enough exaggeration.

This should be the vast majority of Bai Yuge’s strength.

But think of the situation before.

Every time they thought that this was already the limit of the White Jade Pavilion.

Bai Yu Pavilion always suddenly appeared a large number of high-level cultivators!

So in this case, none of the four dared to talk nonsense.

At this moment, to the Yang Shangren, Wei Wuya, Long Han and his wife.

The four of them are facing unprecedented pressure.

There was the threat of the White Jade Pavilion army before.

Later, there was a presence of monks within his own alliance.

A slight carelessness.

The four of them could fall into a state of irreparable disaster.

But the four can’t help it now.

There is no other way but a hard top.

Although they still have a way to escape in the end.

But in the end, no one is willing to let go.

After all, as the leaders of their respective alliances, they receive a huge amount of resources to worship every year.

If you flee to other places, you will definitely receive preferential treatment even if you are a late Yuan baby.

But it is certainly impossible to get the treatment that is today.

Stay in Tiannan, relying on the massive resources of the alliance under your hand.

They may also have the possibility of touching the sects of the Transformation God Period.

Without these, then this life will inevitably stop in the late Yuan Infant period.

This is undoubtedly unacceptable for the four.

The four of them were able to come to this point and cultivate to the current realm.

It must have an extremely firm heart for the Tao!

Let them give up the possibility of continuing upward.

It’s worse for them than death!

So before the last step, it is impossible for the four to give up completely.

Fortunately, things didn’t turn out for the worst.

Since the four issued one order after another, they fought against Bai Yuge at all costs.

Bai Yuge’s attack was actually blocked!

The most obvious of these is.

Ever since Bai Yuge launched a surprise attack and snatched half of Tiannan’s land.

In the time that followed, the three alliances never lost land on a large scale!

Although the front line is still in a state of suppression.

But it was so bad!

There are even back and forth!

Aware that the situation has stabilized.

Zhiyang Shangren, Wei Wuya, Long Han and his wife, the four of them could be said to have a breath in their hearts.

Since Bai Yuge launched an attack, this may be the only good news.

“Very good!”

In the hall of the Righteous Path Alliance, the Zhiyang Shangren slapped the table fiercely, and said with an excited expression:

“Tell the people on the front line, give me a good hold!”

“As long as they can withstand it, they can do anything!”

“Anyway, it’s just a word, transport everything that can be used to the front line to me!”

When the steward heard the order of the Supreme Yang Shangren, he did not say anything, and directly bowed out to arrange.


“Finally withstood it, I said, this White Jade Pavilion can’t be so powerful.”

With a relieved expression on his face, Zhiyang looked at Wei Wuya and Long Han on the side and said:

“As long as we withstand the most ferocious waves, the rest will definitely be easy.”

Hearing the words of the Supreme Yang Shangren, Wei Wuya and Long Han looked at each other.

Although the Supreme Yang Shangren looked a little too happy now.

It’s as if they now have the upper hand.

However, for the judgment of the Supreme Yang Shangren, Wei Wuya and Long Han still had no objection.

After all, in their opinion.

If there is hidden power in Bai Yuge’s hands, there is no reason not to use it.

Since you don’t use it, then there must be none.

Now Bai Yuge’s offensive was blocked by them.

It shows that Bai Yuge has basically brought out most of his strength now.

The significance of this is undoubtedly enormous.

Because an enemy is no matter how strong.

You always have to have an idea of the strength of the other party, and then you can make a plan to deal with the other party.

Before, they faced Bai Yuge, and the reason why they had been deflated.

The biggest reason is that he does not have a clear understanding of the strength of Bai Yuge.

Every time, he underestimated the strength of Bai Yuge, and then he was beaten by others and cried and called his mother.

Now Bai Yuge has exposed most of its strength.

Then whether it is advance or retreat, war or peace, it can be arranged slowly.

“It’s not to be taken lightly just yet.”

Wei Wuya frowned, and kindly reminded Zhiyang Shangren:

“Although the situation has stabilized temporarily, Bai Yuge still has the upper hand after all, and we can only passively defend.”

“No problem!”

The Zhiyang Shangren waved his hand confidently:

“The reason why we were so miserable before was nothing more than underestimating the enemy and being calculated by Bai Yuge.”

“Now that we react, it won’t happen like before!”

“As long as the three of us work together! There is no need to be afraid of the White Jade Pavilion! ”

Neither Wei Wuya nor Long Han answered.

After all, now anyone with discerning eyes can see that it is the White Jade Pavilion battle that has the absolute upper hand.

After Zhiyang Shangren finished speaking, he also found that he seemed to be a little too carried away, so he quickly added:

“It’s a big deal, we will always defend, row the river and rule, and everyone in the whole Tiannan will take half of it!”

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