“Mulan Grassland?”

Su Mo did not show any unexpected expression on his face, and said calmly:

“How’s the battle going?”

“The battle is going well.”

Sun Ergou looked at Su Mo and said:

“The cultivators of the Nine Nations Alliance who submitted to us can be regarded as withstanding the attack of the Mulan Grassland in front of them.”

“But it’s a pity….. Tianhaiguan lost…..”

Tianhaiguan is a giant checkpoint between Tiannan and the Mulan grassland.

A group of elite forces of the Nine-Nation Alliance are stationed all year round.

Over the years, it can be said that it has helped Tiannan resist countless attacks from the Mulan Grassland.

The Mulan grassland is said to be a vast grassland in the north and south of the sky.

On the grasslands lived an ethnic group called the Mulan.

The Mulan people are completely different from the Yan people such as the Yue State and the Yuanwu Kingdom.

They are pure nomads, not only the people are fierce, everyone loves to dance knives and guns, and they have formed thousands of large and small tribes in the Mulan steppe.

These tribes vary in size, ranging from a few hundred thousand people to tens of millions of tribes.

And within these nomadic tribes, there are also immortal cultivators. It’s just that the Mulans do not call them monks, but honor them as “mages”.

In general, these mages are no different from ordinary cultivators, and the division of realms and basic exercises are all very similar.

The only difference from the cultivators outside was that these mages did not pay much attention to foreign objects such as magic tools and talismans before the end of the pill, but instead turned the practice of the Five Elements Dao Technique into a divine cultivation one by one.

Even combined with some native secret techniques in the grassland, new spells that are more powerful and weird have been developed, thus forming the unique spells of the Mulan people.

They call it – “Spirituality”

With these extremely sharp “spiritual techniques”, the mages of the Mulan tribe could even compete with cultivators of the same rank and gain a slight advantage.

Later, as the number of “mages” of the Mulan tribe increased, the required spiritual vein lands and spirit stones also surged in large quantities, and gradually could not meet the normal cultivation of “mages”.

After all, the Mulan Grassland was a place with extremely poor cultivation resources.

The resource poverty of the Mulan Grassland was even poorer than the poor mountain remote where the Six Sects of the Demon Dao were located in the beginning.

As the saying goes, people die for wealth, birds die for food.

As a cultivator, the wealth you need is naturally the resources for cultivation.

The resources on the Mulan Grassland were not enough to meet the normal cultivation of the “Mage”.

The Mulan tribe naturally set their eyes on Tiannan on the side.

So I don’t know when the mages of the Mulan tribe began to frequently go to these countries to seize a large number of cultivation resources such as spiritual veins and spiritual mines.

And how could the Immortal Cultivation Realm of the Nine Kingdoms give these resources to these wild cultivators in their eyes, and a bloody fighting battle completely broke out.

At the beginning, all the nine countries resisted the enemy independently, but as a result, the integrated Mulan coalition army was defeated, and even lost a small part of its territory and resources.

Later, knowing that the opponent was powerful, the Nine Kingdoms Immortal Cultivation Realm hurriedly learned a lesson and formed the “Nine Nations Alliance”.

Finally, little by little, he defeated the mages of the Mulan tribe and recaptured the occupied land.

But the Mages of the Mulan tribe who had just tasted the sweetness naturally refused to stop there.

In the endless years that followed, they were constantly entangled with the Nine Kingdoms Immortal Cultivation Realm, and the hatred between the two sides became deeper and deeper because of the skyrocketing death toll.

Thus affecting the secular world, making the Nine Kingdoms and the Mulan people a feud.

Now, although the Mulan tribe does not dare to step into the Nine Kingdoms, within a hundred miles of the Mulan Grassland, there will never be any Nine Kingdoms people to survive.

Speaking of which, how many people there are in the Mulan tribe, no one really knows.

Because the Mulan grassland is too big, the Mulan tribe that is entangled with the Nine Nations Alliance is only a small part of it.

Although the Mulan Grassland is not as endless as the Black Demon Sea, the Mulan people have passed down from generation to generation, and if they are nomadic from one end of the Mulan Grassland to the other end of the grassland, it takes the tribe to spend five spring and autumn years.

On the other end, there lives the real enemy of the Mulan people, the “Turks”.

These people, who also live nomadic herding, call this huge grassland “Tianlan Grassland”, because they have believed in the legendary “Tianlan Beast” as their guardian deity for generations.

Being both nomads and living on the same grassland, without any reason, the two peoples naturally become a relationship between you and me.

For this reason, the warriors and immortal cultivators of the two races did not know how many generations they had been fighting.

Anyway, every hundred years, the two sides will definitely start a conference battle in the middle of the steppe. Tens of millions of mortal warriors fought on the ground, while thousands of immortal cultivators fought in the sky.

Of course, it is the battle in heaven that ultimately determines victory.

Originally, Tiannan and the Mulan Grassland were hostile to each other.

Because of the existence of the Nine Nations Alliance, the “mages” of the Mulan Grassland have not been able to cross the thunder pond for thousands of years.

But the balance of these thousands of years was broken by the appearance of the White Jade Pavilion.

Originally, the Nine Nations Alliance had an elite force stationed in Tianhai all year round.

With the support of Tianhai, the Nine Nations Alliance can calmly resist the invasion of the Mulan Grassland.

This is also why it is among the original four major forces in Tiannan.

It is clear that the strength of the Nine Nations Alliance is the weakest, but the three forces of the Right Way, the Demon Dao, and the Heavenly Dao Alliance have never touched the Nine Nations Alliance.

It was because they needed the Nine Nations Alliance to help defend the Mulan tribe in the north.

However, with the appearance of the White Jade Pavilion, before the crisis of extinction.

The Nine-Nation Alliance was also unable to maintain its previous arrangement.

He could only draw away the elite power that was originally stationed in Tianhaiguan and put it into the battle with Bai Yuge.

And the Mulan after a long period of observation and spying.

Finally, it was determined that the garrison force of Tianhai Customs was indeed empty, and it was not an empty city plan of the Nine Nations Alliance.

Although I don’t know why the garrison force of Tianhaiguan is suddenly empty.

But of course, the people of the Mulan tribe did not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

As long as you occupy the Tianhaiguan, there is this giant level.

In the future, their Mulan tribe can attack and retreat, and they can be regarded as completely grasping the initiative.

In order to be foolproof, the Mulan tribe dispatched a large number of “mages”, and even dispatched two of the four great divine masters!

Among the Mulan people.

Cultivation is called a guru in the advanced meta-infant stage, a great guru in the middle stage, and when the cultivation is in the advanced meta-infant stage, it is honored as a divine master!

Now in the Mulan Grassland, there are only four Divine Masters!

Dispatching two in one breath is enough to see the importance that the Mulan tribe attaches to Tianhaiguan.

So although the remaining cultivators of the Nine Nations Alliance resisted desperately.

Tianhaiguan eventually fell to the Mulan sibling.

In this way, the balance that had lasted for thousands of years was completely broken!

The entire Tiannan was exposed to the Mulan Clan’s troops!

The current situation is extremely dangerous!

The Mulan clan may invade at any time!

However, Su Mo was very calm.

It was as if what he heard was not a powerful race that had broken through the Heavenly Customs and was about to invade the Tiannan in a big way.

And what kind of roadside puppy barked at himself twice.

“I know what you said back.”

Su Mo said casually with a calm expression:

“Just let the people below watch and do it themselves, I have other things to do.”

“Anyway, in the next step, we also plan to attack the Mulan Grassland.”

“Now it’s convenient for them to strike first, and we don’t even have to find a reason to shoot.”

For Su Mo, what is the so-called Mulan tribe is like a buzzing bug.

It’s not worth his concern at all.

He now has more important things, that is, to study artificial spiritual roots.

As for the affairs of the Mulan clan, just leave it to the people below to deal with.

If everything needs to be handled by him personally, then what else does this Bai Yuge do.

And the reason why Su Mo can have the calmness now is naturally because he has confidence.

And this confidence comes from the strong strength of Bai Yuge.

In the previous battle with the three alliances, Bai Yuge only mobilized half of his strength.

Just press the three alliances to the ground and fight.

According to intelligence estimates, the strength of the entire Mulan tribe is actually similar to the original four major forces in Tiannan.

Now the entire Tiannan is under the control of the White Jade Pavilion.

Even if you don’t count the three Alliance cultivators who had just merged into the White Jade Pavilion.

The original strength of the White Jade Pavilion alone was enough to beat the Mulan Clan.

In Bai Yuge’s plan, after solving the three alliances to unify Tiannan.

The next one who wants to use the knife is the Mulan tribe on the Mulan grassland.

So Su Mo didn’t worry about this so-called Mulan clan at all.

Originally, in his plan, after unifying Tiannan, he would slow down first.

Digest and absorb the resources and personnel of the original three alliances.

After everything is sorted out, it will make a move on the Mulan grassland.

However, since the Mulan tribe on the Mulan steppe is now looking for death themselves.

It’s no wonder he.

Looking at Su Mo, who looked indifferent, Sun Ergou also realized that he had just made a bit of a gaffe.

Quickly adjusted his mentality, looked at Su Mo and said:

“Boss, then who will lead the next campaign to conquer the Mulan Grassland?”


Su Mo thought for a while, and then reported a name in his mouth:

“Just…. Wei Wuya. ”

“….. Wei Wuya? ”

Sun Ergou’s expression was stunned, almost thinking that he had heard wrong, and looked at Su Mo in disbelief and said:

“But that Wei Wuya… Half a month ago, it was still our enemy …..”

Sun Ergou’s surprise was very normal.

Although it is also very common to bring under the command of enemies that you originally defeated.

But the problem is, this Wei Wuya hasn’t surrendered yet.

Moreover, he was just captured half a month ago and became a prisoner of the lower ranks.

Now I guess I’m angry.

You will have your family work for you now, and you will still be the commander of the army.

No matter how big-hearted people dare not make such a decision.

Aren’t you afraid that Wei Wuya will be angry and deliberately send the army with him to death?

“You don’t think so?”

For Sun Ergou’s surprise and question, Su Mo smiled and said:

“Let me ask you, who in the entire Tiannan is most familiar with the Mulan clan?”

“Who is the most experienced in fighting the Mulan?”

For Su Mo’s question, Sun Ergou could only bow his head and say:

“It’s Wei Wuya.”

Wei Wuya was the leader of the Nine Nations Alliance for hundreds of years.

The most important thing to do is to guard against the Mulan tribe in the Mulan grassland in the north.

He is also the Great Cultivator who has fought the most times with the “Mages” of the Mulan clan.

It can be said that the four great divine masters in the Mulan clan, Wei Wuya, have each of them.

To talk about everyone in Tiannan, the Mulan tribe knows the most.

Who has the most experience in fighting against the Mulan.

That was naturally Wei Wuya.

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