National Skills, What The Hell Is The Dog Head Q?

034 In The Abyss, The Holy Stone Works!

Resentment, hatred, hatred, anger, sadness!

Countless negative emotions come from all directions.

Gathered into a chaotic mass, they drilled into Qin Mu's mind all-pervasively.

Disturb the mind, attack thoughts.

Only the most primitive desires remain.

kill kill kill!

Qin Mu's powerful skills are useless at this moment.

Armor, blood volume, magic resistance, spirit, nothing can resist this feeling in the slightest.

Not even thinking can do it.

There was chaos in my mind.

Suddenly seize the moment of sobriety.

Qin Mu thought together.

Suddenly a cool feeling poured down from the head.

All negativity seems like dirt on the body.

Washed off by the coolness.

Consciousness also regained consciousness.

A white sash is shining brightly in the equipment grid in the mind space.

[Mercury Ribbon: Can remove any negative effects and control (unique, exclusive, upgradeable!)]

Qin Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as he entered the crack of the abyss, he was immediately attacked by these negative emotions.

Confused, there was no time to do anything.

Fortunately, I seized the opportunity and used the equipment.

remove these negative effects.

If you don't have this mercury sash, if you fall into it, you will be eroded by negative emotions and become like a monster, only knowing the existence of killing.

Secretly said a fluke.

Qin Mu stabilized his mind, and the mercury ribbon activated in his mind.

No more risk of losing your mind.

Opening his eyes, he planned to observe Qin Mu who was around.

The next moment he froze in place.


It was pitch black, the ultimate darkness.

Can't see anything clearly.

Qin Mu tried to put his hand in front of his eyes, but he couldn't see any outline.

It seemed as if he hadn't opened his eyes at all.

With his current basic attributes.

As long as there is a little light, it can make it see a shadow of outline.

But no, complete darkness.

Disoriented, can't see anything.

Qin Mu suppressed his doubts.

First, he measured his surroundings with his feet.

The place where I stand is flat ground, and not far away is a stone wall, which is uneven.

No vegetation.

It's surprisingly quiet to listen to.

There is only a slight grinding sound when it moves by itself.

Sit cross-legged on the ground.

Qin Mu reached out and fumbled in his pocket, and finally took out a stone.

If you can't see the color clearly, touch it gently with your hands.

Can feel very round.

It is the holy stone.

After doing so much, he did not hesitate to expose himself, even to confront the holy order.

For this holy stone.

Hold it in your hand, just like holding the Enlightenment Stone in the past.

After half an hour.

Qin Mu felt the holy stone in his hand without any change.

Some confused!

No one really said how to use the holy stone.

Is there another trick?

Just when Qin Mu was thinking.


A strange sound suddenly sounded in the quiet space.

Accompanied by the slight running sound.

Qin Mu turned his head and used his ears to feel the change of the direction of the sound.

The sound is getting closer.

Support the blood shield!

Qin Mu fiercely punched diagonally backward.

Under the huge damage bonus of 'Soul-Draining Blow'.


The sound of flesh and blood exploding sounded.

There was also traces of unknown blood spattered on Qin Mu's face.

There was a stench.

It's very similar to the smell when killing monsters in the past.

Qin Mu discerned carefully.

Indeed, this is an abyss, and all monsters must exist.

It's just that this monster is very weak.

Monsters that are less than the king rank are no different to it, even his blood shield can't be broken.


Qin Mu's eyes suddenly lit up, very happy.

At this moment, the holy stone he was holding actually felt like a thin layer of stone tulle had faded away.

The hand grip began to feel rounded.

And there is a faint ray of light emerging from it.

Especially conspicuous in this darkness.

Qin Mu also vaguely saw the outlines around him.

There are many strange rocks everywhere, and there is a stone wall on the right, and it is hard to see how high it is.

What you see is not important.

The important thing is that Qin Mu seems to have discovered the mystery of the use of the holy stone.

Think back carefully just now.

It seems that the blood of the monster splashed on the holy stone, which produced the change.

At that time, only this one thing happened.

Qin Mu's eyes were overjoyed.

Stand up immediately.

Prepare to explore all around and continue to look for monsters.

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"

Not waiting for Qin Mu to leave.

Bursts of strange voices sounded from all directions.

Through the light of the holy stone, one can vaguely see countless black shadows moving in the distance.

All around.

Surrounded Qin Mu in it.


The wind suddenly rose.

A black shadow suddenly rushed forward.

When it was on the face, Qin Mu vaguely saw that it was a gray wolf that looked like a wolf.

But it has no tail, no ears.

Its raised claws shone coldly under the faint light.


A low-level monster of this level was directly blasted by Qin Mu's punch.

Blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

The holy stone seems to have absorbed something unknown.

The light seemed to brighten a little.

Although I don't know why, what is the effect of the holy stone being lit.

When can it be used and so on.

But Qin Mu knew that at least the direction was right.

The surrounding monsters couldn't hold back, and rushed towards Qin Mu one after another.

Countless black shadows staggered and rushed.

boom! boom! boom!

When Qin Mu's blood shield was supported, no monster could break it.

Instead, the rest all died in Qin Mu's hands.

Was bombarded into a puddle of flesh and blood.

Until the ground has become a thick layer, covering Qin Mu's shoes.

All these monsters finally died.

And the light of the holy stone is already like a small light bulb, illuminating the surroundings clearly.

It stands out in this dark environment.


There was another strange cry.

A group of black shadows floated from afar.

The looming silhouette is not visible until close up.

A skull floating in mid-air.

But it was full of sharp teeth.

The empty eye sockets are facing Qin Mu.


Bones shattered and debris lay everywhere.

Without any accident, these low-level monsters were all easily killed by Qin Mu directly.

The light of the holy stone has also flourished.

And getting brighter.

Qin Mu had a vague realization.

He didn't stay where he was, because there were strange roars in the distance.

Unknown monsters are coming.

The most urgent task is to advance to the holy rank.

I ran along the stone wall for about ten minutes.

The surrounding scenery has not changed in the slightest.

Desolate, lonely, hidden in darkness.

No monsters appeared either.

Qin Mu stopped and looked at a rock protruding from the stone wall.

About a few square meters wide.

At a height of about thirty meters from the ground.

Good place!

Qin Mu bombarded the stone wall with one punch.

Form upward potholes.

Finally, when the distance was about five meters, he jumped up suddenly and jumped onto the platform.

Look up and look up.

Under the light of the holy stone, the top of the stone wall is still invisible.

Shaking his head, these mysteries will be explored later.

Sit cross-legged.

Qin Mu put the holy stone in his hand in front of him.

The holy stone is no longer the appearance of ordinary stones at that time, but smooth and clean, with endless brilliance shining through it.

But not dazzling at all.

Look straight at the holy stone.

An inexplicable connection arises.

next second.

The entire holy stone actually floated directly in the air.

All the brilliance gathered to form a dazzling light group.

Finally, it plunged into Qin Mu's eyebrows.

The brilliance left the body, and the holy stone was also shattered into powder, floating on the ground.

(ps: Don’t worry, big brothers, take it step by step, and immediately go to the holy rank. Many commented that I was slower, but look at the number of chapters I have, only talking about the number of chapters, not the number, this is hooliganism! It was a little slower yesterday, and the rest are not less than 10,000.)

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