National Star Sea Era

Chapter 8 Final preparations before exploring the star sea

The last thing to strengthen is the patrol radar. The star sea is vast, and the distance between one floating land and another often starts with light years.

A powerful radar is the key to ensuring that Captain Xinhuo does not get lost during interstellar exploration, and can even search for foreign floating land, asteroid belts and other resource points faster and more accurately. The importance can be imagined. .

The resources required to enhance the radar are the same as the main gun, but Song Chi enhanced it to level 9 at once.

Sitting in the market of the heavens, the reason why he is still unwilling to give up participating in the exploration of foreign stars is to obtain resources faster. The better the patrol radar is, the more accurate and fast it can search for the location of resource points. , so it naturally belongs to one of the main strengthening components.

To enhance the patrol radar to level 9, a total of 81 rays of zero-level floating land source and 4500 nether energy points were spent.

Patrol radar lv9

Quality: colorless

Consumption: 3/s (psi energy points)

Detection range: 10 light seconds

Accuracy: 20

Required for level up: 100 strands of floating land source (zero level), 1500 nether energy points.

As for why it is not directly strengthened to lv19, the limit of the colorless fire flying ship.

(Note: The upper limit of the colorless fire flying ship is level one, which is lv10~lv19)

The reason is actually very simple. The current patrol radar is just a high-quality, colorless standard radar, and it will definitely need to be replaced in the future. There is really no need to strengthen it to the first level now. After all, the resources spent on strengthening it will not be replaced later. refunded.

Furthermore, the resources he currently has left in his hands are not enough.

According to the previous plan, there were only about 700 strands of floating land origin that could be used to enhance the nether energy shuttle. After this series of enhancements, more than 300 strands have been used, and there are only less than 400 strands left that can be used in the future. , but there is still a special white part called the Fire Sunflower Terracotta Tree that needs to be strengthened.

Compared with colorless ship parts, white quality special parts require much more strengthening resources. Just to upgrade from lv0 to lv1, you need 5 strands of floating land origin (zero level) + 500 ghosts. If you can order it, this is a big player who eats the origins of Floating Land.

But no matter what, Song Chi must be strengthened. This fire sun terracotta warrior will be the key to his protection for a long time to come.

Gritting his teeth, Song Chi directly enhanced the level of this part to lv10.

Correspondingly, of the nearly 400 strands of Floating Land Origin left in his hand a second ago, only 104 strands were left.

At this point, his strengthening before exploring the alien space has basically come to an end.

He had to keep the remaining 104 strands of Floating Continent Source for emergencies. If he encountered danger while exploring the alien star field, or there were some special circumstances, he would need this Floating Continent Origin for the most appropriate corresponding strengthening.

As for the strengthening of the Xinhuo seeds in the Zhutian Market and the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture, after much deliberation, he still felt that there was no need to worry. The first priority was to ensure the absolute safety of this first star field exploration. Maybe this welfare exploration would be Can there be good gains?

Looking at the Fire Sun Terracotta Tree parts that have been enhanced to the first level, the attributes are quite impressive.

Fire Sunflower Terracotta Tree lv10

Quality: white

Consumption: 100/tool ​​(psionic points)

Effect: Huokui Terracotta Warriors (Summons ten level lv10 Huokui Terracotta Warriors. The terracotta warriors can always exist as long as they are alive. Once they die, they can only be summoned again after 24 hours.)

Required for upgrade: 10 strands of floating land source (first level), 2000 nether energy points.

Looking at the attributes in front of him, Song Chi's eyes flashed with satisfaction. This meant that he could summon ten first-level Huokui terracotta warriors at any time to serve as his bodyguards, who were absolutely loyal and obeyed orders. .

And as long as it is not killed in battle or actively recalled, it can exist permanently. Just thinking about it makes me feel full, which is not very satisfying.

After his mood calmed down again, Song Chi started the next round of purchasing. He also needed to buy a large mechanical item. Song Chi's choice was the Eagle Machinery Store on the top floor of the mall.

As a large-scale machinery chain store in the Principality of Morning Star, it is said that the shareholder behind it is the "Eagle Marquis", a powerful aristocrat of the principality. The quality of the various mechanical products sold in its store is still guaranteed.

As an old man who is close to sixty years old in two lifetimes, Song Chi's eloquence is still online. Under his repeated verbal attack (flicker), and the things he bought are indeed not small, the clerk The young lady "happily" gave me a 50% discount.

"Elementary interstellar universal medical kit (500,000 credits), basic nanorobot repair kit (1 million credits), Furious Tiger ① floating land mining vehicle (3 million credits), mining vehicle special exploration instrument (500,000 credits) points), the basic Principal Civil Exoskeleton (200,000 credit points), the total is 5.2 million Principality Credit Points, which is 4.94 million after the 15% discount. Is it a credit payment or a floating land payment?"

First, he spent 2.4 million credit points, and then took out 254 strands of the zero-level Floating Land Source from the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture. With a face filled with pain, he completed the final payment under the shining eyes of the clerk.

After leaving the mall gate, only 110 strands of floating land essence were left in his body for emergency use. Song Chi was full of complaints. In his opinion, these shops selling large-scale mechanical products were really evil.

As for the "basic nanorobot repair kit", the effect is very average. The Xinhuo spaceship is slightly damaged and there is no way to repair it.

But this kind of assembly line product that can be manufactured in batches sells for as high as one million credits. The key is that it has a strict limit on the number of times it can be used. It can only be used three times at most. After three times, it will be scrapped directly, which is a big mistake.

The same goes for the primary interstellar universal medical kit, which has a weak therapeutic effect and can only be used three times.

There is also the "Furious Tiger ① Floating Land Mining Truck". The manual drive version only sells for one million. Simply adding an automatic driving system actually triples the price. If it weren't for someone like Song, who has stability engraved in his bones. Man, only a devil would buy this thing.

There were no other accidents all the way home, and he did not waste the remaining time today. He went to the all-purpose training room in the Tiantian Market to practice the nether energy guidance technique.

However, it may be that his current level of Guidance Technique has reached lv4, while the Almighty Training Room is still at lv0, or it may be that it is too difficult to improve the Guidance Technique at lv4. In short, after a few hours, he did not feel that he was guiding. There has been obvious progress in the practice of martial arts.

Time passes and the next morning comes.

After having breakfast, Song Chi first rushed to the school to gather with the class, and then all the current awakening students from Jiangyuan No. 1 Xinhuo School headed to the outskirts of the city together. The worried father and mother Song, together with many parents, also closely Follow the main force.

Along the way, Song Chi and the others met many awakened students from other Xinhuo Academy.

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