National Survival: My Ability Is To Sign In

Chapter 16 Silver Treasure Chest

In the valley, Chen Yuan searched around.

No effective findings were found.

When Chen Yuan encountered the coffee tree, he thought about it and decided not to transplant it to an indoor greenhouse.

For one, indoor greenhouse space is limited.

Secondly, coffee beans collected from coffee trees can be stored for a long time and need to be dried and ground. It doesn’t matter if they are new or not.

This is why Chen Yuan didn’t even store the coffee beans in the warehouse.

"Treasure box, treasure box, where are you..."


What Chen Yuan cares most about is the treasure chest.

In the entire valley, there seemed to be something that could be hidden in the woods, but the woods were not big, and the bushes and grass that could be hidden were all dug open and fiddled with with spears.

Nothing at all.

Instead, it scared a few little hares and squirrels.

Chen Yuan came to Shiqu again.

There are several large stones in the stone area, mixed with some small stones, and Chen Yuan has mined one third of them.

Chen Yuan was worried that there would be a treasure chest hidden in any corner between them.

Check them one by one.


"Now, only the other end of the stream is unchecked..."

Chen Yuan looked towards the stream.

The entire valley is divided into two parts by a stream. On the left side are cabins, stone areas, woods and some lawns.

As for the right, there is a larger and denser lawn.

This lawn is at least as big as three football fields.

At the end is another mountain behind.

During this period, there were occasionally some grass and bushes, but they were very few and did not look like they contained treasure chests.

But since we are searching, we must look for something clean.

"Set off!"

Walk towards the stream.

The entire stream is only three to five meters narrow. Because of the cold weather, Chen Yuan had never been there before because he thought wading would be troublesome.

But now I’m going to check it out.

There are many smooth pebbles at the bottom of the stream.

Stepping on soft pebbles, fish swim among the nearby aquatic plants.

"I'll take care of you when I get back..."

After taking a look at them, Chen Yuan walked directly through the stream that was up to his knees and came to the lawn on the right side of the stream.

Start looking.

There is no need to look for lawns that are visible to the naked eye.

Those grasses and bushes are Chen Yuan's focus.


"Nothing at all."

"still none……"

Frustrated, Chen Yuan searched over and over again, rummaging through all the grass and bushes, and even found a few snake eggs.

But there is no treasure chest.

One last search.

Still nothing.

"go back……"

Chen Yuan returned in frustration. He had no choice but to do his best.

For a full 2 ​​hours, I searched no less than two or three times.

Still not, and there was nothing he could do.


When I was swimming in the water, I saw the fish swimming in the stream: "Forget it, I'm soaked anyway, let's catch a few fish to eat..."

Holding a spear.

Chen Yuan followed the example of a fisherman and touched the swimming fish.

Stay close and fork it hard.

No hits.

Then the second time, the third time, the fourth time... When I waited for the fifth time, I was lucky and hit one.

The fish was thrown onto the shore by Chen Yuan.

Of course one is not enough.

Article 2, Article 3...

As the number of times increased, Chen Yuan became more and more proficient.

At the end of the day, Chen Yuan could almost hit one of them with one thrust of his spear, and sometimes even in pairs.

"This spear is still not professional enough. The rear end of the spear mouth is too big. When I go back to make a fishing spear, it will be easier to catch fish. If I sell it in the game, I can also harvest a lot of supplies..."

Chen Yuan thought in his heart.

We have reached the water not far from the sand flat area.

The stream here is actually quite wide.

And the water is very deep.

It's as if this place itself is a large depression. If you go further, the water will even reach your chest.

"Let's go back……"

There was a slight amount of water pressure, and it was no longer convenient to walk underwater.

Chen Yuan planned to return.

But this time.

He noticed that there seemed to be a faint silver light coming from the bottom of the water. Looking carefully, he saw the outline of a box among the water plants.


"Treasure chest?"

Chen Yuan's breathing became slightly heavier.

At this time.

A water snake about one meter long, as thick as a wrist, with gray spots on its body, broke through the water from the water plants ahead.

When Chen Yuan saw the treasure box, he became vigilant!

The water snake was discovered by him immediately.

call out!

The water snake was very fast, opened its big mouth, and bit directly towards his lower gear.

"Beast, can you bite here?"

Chen Yuan was angry.

The spear in his hand was thrust directly into a position under the water three steps ahead with the force of breaking an army.


The penetrating sound came!


And, unlike dealing with those fish, you have to protect them.

Chen Yuan's fork was very powerful, fast and cruel, and he cut the entire water snake directly from the neck!

The water snake tossed in the water a few times and then stopped moving.

He put his hand into the water.

Seize the snake carcass and throw it to the shore.


Taking a deep breath, Chen Yuan dived into the water.

Two minutes later.

Chen Yuan came to the shore holding a silver treasure chest with mud on the bottom.

[Game tip: Get a silver treasure chest +1]

[Game Tips: In the survival world, there are many mysterious treasure boxes, which contain various materials, including but not limited to ores, metals, skill books, weapons, rare materials...]

[All treasure chests are divided into eight levels: wooden treasure chests, black iron treasure chests, bronze treasure chests, silver treasure chests, gold treasure chests, diamond treasure chests, black diamond treasure chests, and the rumored god-level treasure chests. 】

[Game Tips: I got a silver treasure chest, do you want to open it? 】

The silver treasure chest is a mysterious treasure chest that is one level higher than Hao Hai's bronze treasure chest.

What will be inside?

Chen Yuan is looking forward to it very much.


[Game tip: Obtain the blueprint for making an excellent crossbow +1]

[Game tip: Get a broken jetpack +1]

[Game Tips: Obtain the Brave and Fearless Badge +1]

Three rewards.

Learn the blueprints for making excellent crossbows first!

[Game Tips: Successfully learned the blueprints for making excellent crossbows]

[Excellent level crossbow: a long-range weapon with huge lethality, with an effective killing range of 200 meters, and can easily penetrate gold and stone]

[Materials required: high-quality beef tendon 0/1, refined iron 0/2, crossbow wood 0/2]

[Refined iron: 4 pieces of ordinary iron can be hammered into 1 piece of refined iron, and the tool table can be tempered after the cabin is upgraded to Lv2]

[Crossbow wood: Suitable crossbow wood materials include walnut, cypress, jujube, etc.]

[Tool table: After consuming 3 units of iron blocks, the wooden table can be upgraded to a working wooden table, which is also a workbench]

[Crossbow Arrows: Excellent-grade strong crossbows are equipped with a standard 8 crossbow arrows. To make 8 crossbow arrows, 2 pieces of refined iron are required]

Chen Yuan picked up the broken jetpack again.

[Game Tips: The broken jet backpack can jet in mid-air after being worn. Because it is damaged, it can only last for 10 minutes. 】

[Required for repair: 1 soul]


What the hell?

It seems that the level of the silver treasure chest is still very high for people who have only entered the world of survival for a few days.

Even Chen Yuan felt like an idiot at this moment.

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