National Survival: My Ability Is To Sign In

Chapter 22 Collecting Secret Sauce Toon Leaf Air-Dried Meat Ingredients

Thirty-six ways to process fresh raw meat.

This made Chen Yuan very happy.

If it is not processed, the fresh raw meat will deteriorate, which is equivalent to a waste.

And if it is processed, roasting, stewing, smoking, pickling, air-drying... the taste buds and choices will become truly rich.


According to his own existing conditions, Chen Yuan looked through the thirty-six methods of smoking, pickling, and air-drying meat one by one and screened them.

See which one is more suitable for him and more convenient to make...

When Chen Yuan was watching these.

The World Channel was still as lively as ever.

"Hey, you all got treasure chests one after another, why didn't I get any?"

"Me neither."

"Based on the situation of everyone getting treasure chests, I have summarized two experiences. One is that there are treasure chests in some special places; the other is that treasure chests will drop from wild beasts. How do they drop? You can kill them, or you can drive them away. Of course, the probability of getting treasure chests is much lower if you drive them away..."

"Did the guy who drove away the great white shark get a treasure chest?"

"And the guy who drove away the scorpion also got one!"

"Let me add that there is also a probability problem of killing and dropping. Sometimes there will be no treasure chest, or the probability of no treasure chest is higher."

"So, the beast has been killed upstairs?"

"I want to kill it too, but the conditions do not allow it. I have a group of red fire ants. How about fighting with them and seeing?"

"Red fire ants Rich protein, beating, leaving them all corpses. "" I have a beast here, a unicorn, but it is too powerful, I can't beat it at all. They were all injured. I also said Fengliang, saying that you heard it so awkward? "" According to my experience, people who died once would speak with this tone. " There are obvious people who get the treasure chest today. It is normal to get injured during this period.

Many people have discovered that.

Today, the number of people displayed on the world channel suddenly decreased a lot, from 5.2 billion to 5 billion in three days.

And today, in one morning, the number of people became 4.8 billion.

Danger and death.

It seems to have begun to break out on a large scale.

At this time.

In the cabin.

Chen Yuan is still studying his smoked meat, pickled meat, air-dried meat...


According to the existing conditions, Chen Yuan decided to make a kind of air-dried meat called [Secret Sauce Toona Leaf].

There are also alternatives for smoked meat and pickled meat.

But pickled meat still needs to be cooked.

Smoked meat takes a long time.

Air-dried meat is more direct, and the secret sauce toona leaf air-dried meat can be eaten directly in five days.

"Start working!"

Secret sauce toona leaf air-dried meat requires a lot of ingredients, so Chen Yuan went directly to the trading channel to trade.

[Seller: Chen Yuan 24.182]

[Trading Item: 500ml boiled water]

[Requirement: Salt +20]

[Inventory: 1]

He has salt, but it’s obviously not enough, so he puts salt on it first.


It’s the Chinese toon leaf.

[Seller: Chen Yuan 24.182]

[Trading Item: 500ml boiled water]

[Requirement: Chinese toon leaf +20]

[Inventory: 1]

Like the price of salt, toon leaves are the leaves of a tree that mix perfectly with the meaty aroma of air-dried meat.

It is the key to the whole secret sauce toon leaf air-dried meat.


The secret sauce is the core.

The whole air-dried meat with secret sauce and toon leaves, the secret sauce is the key to making the air-dried meat have a texture that melts your taste buds!

The secret sauce requires more ingredients.

Seasoning sauce and soybeans are the base, along with fennel, pepper, star anise, nutmeg, amomum villosum, kui'an, and a little sugar.

There are many in Kwai On and Chen Yuan.

For star anise, Shanqiu can also be used instead.


Try to keep it as authentic as possible.

Therefore, Chen Yuan hung them up one by one. Except for the seasoning sauce which had 20 units, the others had more units of 10 units and the smaller ones had 5 units.

All transactions are open with Liangbai.


Chen Yuan started busy boiling water again.

The water is always backed up, but such a wave of transactions is definitely not enough, and 3000ml of water is directly boiled.

Water purification area.

Five water purifiers can purify 25L of water every day.

Over the past two days, more than 50L have been purified.

Although Chen Yuan has been trading and using it himself, he still has nearly 30L of inventory.


"Crazy deal!"

This water is still valuable now, but its transaction value will become less in a few days.

While its trading value is still high, trade like crazy.

[Seller: Chen Yuan 24.182]

[Trading Item: 100ml Liangbaikai]

[Requirements: 1 iron block (copper block)]

【Inventory: 10】

[Seller: Chen Yuan 24.182]

[Trading Item: 300ml Cold White Open]

[Requirement: a piece of silver]

【Inventory: 10】

[Seller: Chen Yuan 24.182]

[Trading Item: 800ml Cold White Open]

[Requirement: a piece of gold]

【Inventory: 5】

Moreover, Chen Yuan also engaged in the transaction of agarwood and upgrade stones.

Agarwood and upgrade stones, successful 24-hour transactions will receive an extra piece of hyena meat in addition to 1500ml of water.

It can be said to be full of sincerity.

Chen Yuan's transaction information immediately caused another sensation.

"Boss Chen definitely has a water purifier."

"Perhaps the treasure chest dropped a blueprint and made a water purifier, so that there would be such clean and purified water, right?"

"Last time we traded raw wolf meat, and this time it's hyena meat."

"It's really amazing. I feel like Mr. Chen's dealing with these beasts is like me dealing with fire ants."

"Salt, fennel, pepper, star anise, nutmeg... Mr. Chen wants these. It seems he is no longer satisfied with simply eating meat."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuori, I thought I was pretty good, already better than most people, but when compared with Mr. Chen, I feel like a beggar."

"Don't tell me, I'm not even qualified to beg for food. It's really uncomfortable."

"What are agarwood and upgrade stones? They won't be needed for the next stage of upgrading the cabin, right?"

"I don't know. I just restored the cabin yesterday. There are a lot of things missing for the upgrade now. Who has Bai Ling wood? Taking advantage of Mr. Chen's popularity, please trade Bai Ling wood..."

"I beg you, take advantage of Mr. Chen's popularity and ask for a Bai Lingmu..."

And this time.

Chen Yuan's deals have been concluded one after another.

The seasonings needed for the secret sauce toona leaf air-dried meat, as well as iron, copper and even silver, prompts that the transaction information was completed came one after another.

The level of transaction demand for Liangbaikai is still higher than Chen Yuan expected for some people.

[Game Tips: Nutmeg +5]

[Game Tips: 200ml Liangbaikai-1]

When the transaction is completed, Chen Yuan needs the secret sauce toon leaf air-dried meat ingredients, salt, toon leaves, seasoning sauce, soybeans, fennel, pepper, star anise, nutmeg, amomum villosum, kui'an, and a little sugar.

All complete.

Next, is the beginning of the secret recipe!

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