National Survival: My Ability Is To Sign In

Chapter 27 Golden Treasure Chest

[Game Tips: Wooden Treasure Chest +1]

[Game Tips: Wooden Treasure Chest +1]

[Game Tips: Black Iron Treasure Chest +1]

Chen Yuan discovered that not only the gray wolf he killed had treasure chests dropped, but also those killed by Xiaobai, and they all belonged to him.

But there were too many wolves.

At first, Chen Yuan only saw about thirty gray wolves, but now, densely packed gray wolves are around him.

There are at least sixty or seventy of them.

And other hyena groups and buffalo groups also joined in.

"No, it's too difficult to continue like this. If you don't have enough strength, you will risk getting injured, not to mention Xiaobai can't bear it..."

Chen Yuan's eyes were dark.

He instantly locked onto the leader outside the wolf pack, the Gray Wolf King, who was one size larger than the other gray wolves and existed like a giant lion.

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

Kill it first!

Excellent combat boots are under your feet, accelerating.

The speed increases again.

Several gray wolves that surrounded Chen Yuan were easily killed by Chen Yuan.

[Gray Wolf King: Level 16, leader of the Maoshan Gray Wolf Pack, blessed by the werewolf statue, attack and defense increased by 30%]

The game prompt came.

The average gray wolf is level 13, which is 2 levels higher than the hyena.

The Gray Wolf King directly reaches level 16.

And blessed by a werewolf statue.

It’s not easy to deal with!

"However, today either you die or I die..."

The Brave and Fearless Badge was placed directly on his chest. Chen Yuan felt a surge of power throughout his body and his speed increased again!

Brave and Fearless Badge, when used, there is a 20% bonus to combat power for 10 minutes!

Seven or eight gray wolves swarmed up.

Chen Yuan holds the iron ax in his hand and has no reservations about his axe skills.





Even with the gray wolf's good defense and thick hair, it was unable to withstand Chen Yuan's ferocity.

Seven or eight gray wolves all fell to the ground in a moment.

During this period, another treasure chest dropped.

At this time, Chen Yuan was less than five meters away from the Gray Wolf King.


The gray wolf king looked at Chen Yuan, the hair on his body stood up, howled, and finally rushed towards him.

Attack launched!

And as it attacks, other little gray wolves also join the siege.


Over there, Xiaobai was also surrounded by a group of gray wolves. At level 13, he was actually stronger than these gray wolves.

But due to long-term fighting, a lot of physical strength has been exhausted.


Finally, outnumbered, a gray wolf left paw prints on its body.

But this time.

Xiaobai's crazy violent claws lasted for 3 seconds. In a series of claw shadows, several gray wolves were instantly blasted away.

Chen Yuan, who secretly paid attention to Xiaobai, breathed a sigh of relief.

But the danger is not over yet.

"If I don't solve you, trouble will always be there..."

Chen Yuan rushed directly with the iron ax in his hand.

The Gray Wolf King pounced directly.


The Gray Wolf King is huge and much stronger than ordinary gray wolves. It is also blessed by a werewolf statue, which increases its attack and defense by 30%.

One blow.

Chen Yuan's arms went numb and he stepped back a few meters, leaving a deep scratch on the ground.


A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Yuan's mouth.

“┗|`O′|┛ Ouch~~~”

The Gray Wolf King let out a low groan of pain.

It looked at its right paw.

Already dripping with blood.

The excellent iron ax is several times sharper than an ordinary iron ax. Even if it is faced with the sharp wolf claws of the Gray Wolf King at level 16 with an attack and defense bonus, it still has the upper hand.

Chen Feng also secretly rejoiced.

This is an excellent iron axe, not an ordinary iron axe. Otherwise, how could it have such an effect?

But head-on confrontation obviously won't work.


Shaking his numb arms, Chen Yuan's body became more flexible and his speed was pushed to the extreme under the full acceleration of the excellent combat boots.


The Gray Wolf King was hit hard on the back by Chen Yuan.

The Gray Wolf King is very strong and has high defense, but he is bulky and not flexible enough!

Chen Yuan grasped this point.


Then its belly again.

left leg.

During this period, they easily killed a few little gray wolves.


The Gray Wolf King let out a cry of pain and unwillingness. It didn't expect that the human in front of it was so cunning, but Chen Yuan was so flexible that it couldn't even touch the corner of Chen Yuan's clothes.



In this way, again and again, the gray wolf king, who was thick-skinned and blessed by a werewolf, was hit by Chen Yuan seven or eight times.

Fortunately, it is level 16 and has the werewolf blessing.

An ordinary gray wolf would have fallen long ago.


The bison and hyena herds had arrived a long time ago, and they looked at the agile figure playing with the Gray Wolf King in the middle of the snow.

There was fear in his eyes.



And this time.


Chen Yuan used the jetpack again, and his whole body was suspended in mid-air under the powerful jet from the backpack.

The crossbow reappeared in his hand.

Activate the three-arrow salvo mode!


The three arrows cut through the sky like meteors, directly hitting the gray wolf king's blood-covered body and piercing deeply.


The Gray Wolf King, who originally wanted to struggle, only let out a low groan of pain, and finally fell down with blood bleeding from his mouth.

The patch of snow beneath its feet quickly turned red.

No more breath.

[Game Tips: Kill a Gray Wolf King and get a Bronze Treasure Box +1]

[Game tip: Although wolf blood has little effect on you, wolf king blood still has some effects, please collect it as soon as possible! 】

The game sent a prompt.

Chen Yuan fell directly to the ground.

Although he didn't bleed, he was stained with wolf blood.

With such an appearance, he killed the most powerful Gray Wolf King, which frightened and shocked the wolf pups even more.

Ouch ouch~

The remaining wolves no longer dared to move forward, they retreated step by step.

Those strong bison also showed timidity.

The hyenas left quietly.

Chen Yuan didn't care about their departure.

Taking a deep breath, he made an iron basin on the spot and wiped the Gray Wolf King's neck, causing blood to gush out.

Although the Gray Wolf King had lost a lot of blood before, there was more left.

The big iron basin was directly connected to the basin.

Chen Yuan took several big sips and drank to his heart's content.

in vivo.

The familiar heat rises again and then flows through the body. With each flow, the feeling of muscle reorganization appears again.

Although it is painful, my strength, physique, strength of muscles and bones...

Everything is improving.


The heat has dissipated.

Chen Yuan knew that Gray Wolf's blood would no longer have any effect, but there was still a lot of progress this time.

30% improvement!

You know, with his current physical fitness, it is still easy to deal with a dozen ordinary people even with bare hands.

30% improvement!

If you face the Gray Wolf King again and the damage is higher, maybe you won't have to worry so much.

The time when Chen Yuan absorbed the effects of wolf blood.

The wolves are still far away.

It wasn't until he rushed out with a single stride that they suddenly retreated and plunged into the distant forest.

Xiaobai is already by his side.

When Chen Yuan drank wolf blood, it was always by his side, waiting silently.

But there is a scar on it.

His eyes also showed some tiredness.

Chen Yuan couldn't bear it.

"do not move……"

He leaned down, touched its head, took out the only healing medicine, and carefully applied it on Xiaobai's wound.

Although Xiaobai was in pain, he still endured it.


After the healing medicine was applied, the little rabbit felt better.

"You stay here obediently, I'll go take a look at the trophies..."

Touching Xiaobai's head again, Chen Yuan put all the treasure boxes into the warehouse.


He turned around and walked toward the golden treasure chest that was still glowing with a faint golden light on the stone base of the stone statue in the distance.

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