National Survival: My Ability Is To Sign In

Chapter 37 Disadvantages Of Big Rollers

"Forget it." Chen Yuan thought about it and gave up. His strength has improved. But Xiaobai hasn't. Since the Werewolf Cave can be marked on the map, it is probably not simple and the risk factor will not be low. Let's wait until Xiaobai's strength improves before going there. Moreover. The Werewolf Cave is more than ten kilometers away from the valley. It may take more than three to five hours to go back and forth. The big roller plan for the small building can start. But. When Chen Yuan came to the outside of the small building and looked at the wooden stake, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Big roller? Maybe the cabin is a game prop, just like a watch, it can't be put into the warehouse, and can only rely on the big roller to move forward. But... Think about it carefully. The big roller doesn't seem to be convenient? If the big roller is made, the system will also come with an engine, which can move normally like a human. But it has no eyes! Moreover. What if there is an obstacle in front? Can it cross the obstacle? For example, Chen Yuan made a big roller for the small building and started to set off. He encountered a forest in front of him.

What should he do?

Move the forest flat?

Can the small building do it?

Will the small building not be damaged?

Can people still be safe inside?

If you encounter an uphill slope, such as the back mountain, even if the mountain is bare and there are no trees, won’t the uphill small building be crooked?

Wouldn’t it be a mess inside?

At that time, if you sleep again, won’t you fall off the bed?

The fire in the fireplace will fall out and cause a fire?

Isn’t this disgusting?

Even if the road is flat and you reach the wasteland, what if you encounter a swamp? Won’t the whole small building sink into it?

And yourself in your sleep?

Silently, sink into it?

You can’t survey the route in front of you, and then walk along the route safely?

Isn’t this a hassle for yourself?

What if the route track deviates and you fall into the ditch?

The wasteland is so dangerous.

During the day, I have to explore. Normally, the small building moves and migrates at night.

It's pitch black. I have never gone out at night. What if the small building brings me into a dangerous place?

A group of ferocious beasts whose strength I don't know?

A group of poisonous bees with long stings?

The territory of bedbugs?

I think about it.

There are too many disadvantages.

The small building with large rollers is like a headless fly, which may cause trouble to me at any time.

If the trouble is handled well, it can only be an accident.

If it is not handled well, it is another story.

Thinking of this.

Chen Yuan suddenly felt that this small building was a bit cumbersome.

"Why not take the small building with you and abandon it?"

"There are still many good things in it, such as a smelting furnace, a greenhouse, a kitchen, a big bed for sleeping, and a warm fireplace..."

"The defense of the cabin is also quite good..."

"The water purification area can also provide water..."

"The storage room can also store a lot of extra things..."

"I am going to grow some flowers and plants on the balcony, so I can enjoy the flowers, repair the potted plants, bask in the sun, and drink coffee when the weather is good..."

Chen Yuan whispered secretly.

The whole person was like a dried cabbage under the sun.

Not very interested.

The original idea of ​​making a large roller was abandoned immediately.

"Come here."

Called Xiaobai over.

Xiaobai jumped into Chen Yuan's arms.

Chen Yuan touched its head.

Take out the only two obsidian stones left in the warehouse.

Although Operation Log Cabin Big Roller is on hold for the time being, Xiaobai’s upgrade is still indispensable.

He can't use obsidian at the moment, but it is the best upgrade treasure for Xiaobai.

"Two pieces, eat them."

Chen Yuan handed over two obsidian stones at the same time.

Xiaobai's eyes gleamed.

[Game Tips: Intimacy +1]

[Game Tips: Intimacy +1]

[Game Tips: Intimacy +1]

Xiaobai's intimacy with him continued to increase, rising by 3 points, breaking through to 95.


It squinted its eyes and rubbed the back of Chen Yuan's hand with great enjoyment, then stuck out its tongue and licked Chen Yuan's fingers.


Swallow 2 obsidian stones in one gulp.

After swallowing it, Xiaobai felt hot all over, his eyes were blurry, and he was going to sleep.

Chen Yuan placed Xiaobai next to the fireplace.

Now Xiaobai still has to sleep to absorb the energy of obsidian.

Don’t know when it will no longer be used?

At this time.

Game prompts also came.

[Game tip: The current pet beast 'Xiao Bai''s intimacy level is 95. There is a 50% probability of triggering the main pet bonus during future battles. At that time, the combat power of both parties can maintain the 10% bonus for 10 minutes. Moreover, since the intimacy level reaches 95 , the second pet column is opened, you can tame your second pet】

[Game Tips: After the pet animal intimacy is 95, it can continue to be improved. When it is raised to 96, there is a 60% probability of triggering the main pet bonus; when it is 97, there is a 70% probability of triggering the main pet bonus... and so on. Once the intimacy reaches 100, in addition to the 100% probability of triggering the main pet bonus, your pet can also freely transform between human form and pet form]

Can intimacy continue to improve?

When you reach 100, can you still transform into a human form?


Chen Yuan looked at Xiaobai, who was all white and chubby, and asked him not to be an ugly guy in the future, right?

"No, you have to take it easy and don't let its intimacy level rise too fast... How about digging out the two obsidians it just ate?"

Chen Yuan thought for a while.

Still give up.

Be human.


Chen Yuan was not in high spirits all day.

Thinking of the inconvenience the big roller might bring to him, he was always worried about this.

I had no plans to go to the Werewolf Cave right away.

It's even more impossible to go now.

I could only wander around and briefly explore the wasteland.

Not much was gained.

In addition to some wooden treasure chests and black iron treasure chests, there are also 3 plump wild turkeys.

This he found in the wasteland.

Chen Yuan tied the chains on the three wild turkeys and threw them into the livestock pen.

Feed for a few days first, and wait for a day when you feel better.


To Chen Yuan's surprise, when he came back, Xiaobai was already awake, and the time needed to digest obsidian was getting shorter and shorter.

Or, it has something to do with Xiaobai's improvement in strength.

[Name: Xiaobai (mother)]

[Current level: Level 20]

[Talent Bloodline: 6% Bloodline of the Void Rabbit Queen]

[Talent Skill: Aura Suppression Level 1 (Use Bloodline to Suppress Beasts with No Bloodline or Low Bloodline)]

[Passive skill: Swallowing ability level 1 (will be turned on when encountering special energy jade)]

[Active skills: Shadow Claw (lv3, damage +150%, lasting 10 seconds), sudden speed (lv3, speed +150%, lasting 10 seconds), Crazy Storm Claw (lv2, damage +300%, lasting 6 seconds)]

It’s level 20.

Blood concentration reaches 6%.

Passive skills have the words Lv1, active skills continue to improve, and talent skills, aura suppression, appear.

Chen Yuan remembered the scene where Xiaobai suppressed the earth and rock snake.

Maybe this is it?

Next, in the afternoon, Chen Yuan did not go out anymore and continued to practice his axe and fighting skills.

These skills become more integrated with themselves.

Wait until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Start making delicious food.

After all, it’s been so hard these days, and since I’m in a bad mood today, I’ll use food to numb myself.

In this way, time passes slowly.

Soon it's 17:50, and the attribute values ​​will be updated again.

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