National Survival: My Ability Is To Sign In

Chapter 7 The Wolf Finally Appears


Before mass-producing purified water, the cabin must be upgraded first.

Not to mention safety.

The space is too small now, and a special place will be set aside for mass production of purified water.

Apart from anything else, in the first ten days of the game, pure water was still very competitive on the market.

Do these things well.

Chen Yuan went to the World Chat channel to check it out again.

"I'm so hungry. I'm thirsty and hungry. I drank water from that river yesterday and defecated all day. Now my stomach is as empty as a balloon."

"Me too, I was so hungry last night that I didn't sleep well all night. I wanted to have a good rest and get some food during the day, but now I feel so exhausted."

"I feel like I'm going to die..."

"The water in the survival world is too lethal."

"Does this game have customer service? I want to complain about others selling dirty and unhealthy river water."

"Well, there are obviously fewer people selling water today, or in other words, everyone is afraid..."

"It would be great if Mr. Chen was here. I heard that he has a place with clean spring water. He might as well give us some charity..."

"Which Mr. Chen?"

"It's the trading channel, the big guy who trades mineral water for Bai Lingmu. By the way, have any of you found Bai Lingmu?"

"No, I'm still looking for a stone axe."

"Looking for rocks, weren't you looking for them yesterday?"

"Oh, don't talk about it. Yesterday I went to repair the cabin in a hurry, but the stone was never found. The stone ax was broken and I couldn't even cut the extra wood."

"You are really miserable..."

Compared to yesterday.

Some people have an even harder time.


This is just the beginning, more difficult days are yet to come, with the subsequent appearance of some wild beasts, ferocious beasts and even monsters.

By then, players without certain survival abilities and means will be quickly eliminated from this world.

And eliminated.

It means death.

The water purifier is slowly purifying the water, tick tick tick, and it is expected that there will be no need to add water for four to five hours.

Chen Yuan looked at the trading channel again.

Still no one trades Bai Lingmu.

"Let's go look for it again..."

Chen Yuan walked out of the cabin.

He didn't dare to go to the mountains to look for it.

Walking in the woods of the valley, there are soft lawns under your feet, and the entire Scotch pine forest, but there are actually other trees behind it.

Such as green cypress, coniferous tree, birch crown tree...

But there is no Bai Lingmu.

It seems like there is nothing ordinary here at all.


When searching in the forest, Chen Yuan remained vigilant.

Firstly, beware of wolves, and secondly, what if there might be other wild beasts in the forest?


Chen Yuan obviously thought too much.

Except for a few little hares and wild squirrels that deliberately exposed themselves, he didn't encounter any animals in the forest.

Those little hares, wild squirrels.

All of them are very bold.

Arrogantly showing off his flexibility and speed in front of Chen Yuan.

Catching a hare with bare hands?

Spearing a squirrel?

Obviously these ultra-high skills would not fall on Chen Yuan. After failing again and again, Chen Yuan gave up.


Pull out the long iron spear that was pierced into the ground.

At the end of the woods, and beyond is an endless wilderness that ripples like waves, seemingly hiding unknown secrets and dangers.

"Let's stop here first..."

Chen Yuan looked at the wasteland ahead.

Stop in time.

He turned around.

At this time, he found a green plant growing not far from him, with many small dark brown fruits on it.

"That is……"

Getting closer, there are clusters of small dark brown fruits, crowded together, slightly larger than a grain of rice.

[Coffee tree: A plant that grows in a shaded, humid environment. The coffee beans produced by the coffee tree can be directly brewed into coffee after grinding. It is recommended to pick them! 】

It's actually a coffee tree? !

Or a coffee tree full of coffee beans!

What a surprise!

To know.

Nowadays, many people are worried about water, but he not only has a water purifier, but also a coffee tree full of coffee beans.

"Collect some first. When the cabin is upgraded and the indoor greenhouse is completed, we can transplant it directly..."

Chen Yuan thought carefully.

At that moment, he started picking.

The picking process went very smoothly, and soon he had picked a batch.

Return to the woods.

There is no danger in the forest, and some small animals are not aggressive. He occasionally encounters some wild fruits and berries and collects them.


I didn’t collect a lot, so it’s better to keep it fresh, just like the coffee tree.

Cut down the trees for a while.

The time came to ten o'clock in the morning.

Now, for Chen Yuan, the only threat is the wolf.

No Bai Lingmu was found in the forest, and no trace of the wolf was found.

That wolf obviously lives in the back mountain area.

It is better to use the wooden thorn traps that have been ambushed in the stone area for a long time, combined with spears and iron axes, to deal with it.

"let's start……"

Just do it.

Went through the forest and came to the stone area.

Chen Yuan put down his iron ax and spear, and took out a stone pickaxe from the warehouse.

The stone pickaxe was made by the way last night when I was making stone bowls and stone pots. Using an iron ax to quarry stone was actually a bit difficult for the iron axe.

Click, click, click!

The stone manuscript fell on the stone and made bursts of sound.

[Game Tip: Stone +2]

[Game Tip: Stone +2]

[Game Tip: Stone +2]

The efficiency of the stone pickaxe is not much faster than that of the iron axe, but it saves much more effort.

Without spending much effort, he put the stones into the warehouse one by one.

But Chen Yuan's focus is still on the back mountain.

His eyes left no trace, scanning the large mountains and forests behind the stone area from time to time.


From Chen Yuan's angle at this time, he was actually facing a mountain. The overall height of this mountain was more than two hundred meters.

There are dense trees in the forest.


The fog gradually dispersed a lot as the sun got higher and higher, but there was still fog lingering at the top of the mountain.

But enough is enough.

Within sight distance, it was enough for Chen Yuan to react and be fully prepared.

Click, click, click!

Keep quarrying.

Chen Yuan plans to quarry here until five o'clock this afternoon, waiting for the wolf.

If it doesn't show up at five o'clock, give up.

At one o'clock at noon, Chen Yuan collected stones +100.

Fortunately, the rocks here are quite big. Although there are only a few pieces, they are enough for him to mine for three to five days.

By three o'clock in the afternoon, the number of stones collected by Chen Yuan had exceeded 150 units.

This was achieved by deliberately slowing down and conserving his energy.

"You're not going to come, are you?"

"It's actually quite boring to just keep collecting rocks like this. I hope you won't disappoint me..."

Chen Yuan was thinking silently in his heart.

From six o'clock in the morning to this time.

In eight or nine hours, Chen Yuan ate one and a half pieces of bread, three wild fruits, five berries, and opened a bottle of water.


He also drank up all the mineral water in the stone bowl.

When the water purifier was on its sixth hour, Chen Yuan refilled it with water so that it could continue to work.

Chen Yuan also took a bite and it tasted good.

In terms of safety and taste, it is not comparable to those of rivers and lakes.

It would be even better if it could be boiled.

When Chen Yuan thought so in his heart.

The hand still does not stop.

Click, click, click!


At this time, he was frightened!

This feeling is very strange, but very dangerous, as if I sense something and follow the direction of that feeling.

Still in the same position as yesterday.

Still in the grass.

A wolf slowly appeared. After glancing at Chen Yuan, it swooped towards Chen Yuan...

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