National Survival: My Ability Is To Sign In

Chapter 73 Points 1524, A New Day Is Coming

On the grassland.

Inside the hollow of a huge tree.

It's snowing heavily outside.

Inside the tree hole, Lu Xiaoya's back was turned to Chen Yuan, with all her clothes taken off.

Injuries must be treated promptly.

If you are unconscious, you will be judged by the game. Eventually your consciousness will exit, which is equivalent to death, and you will not be able to re-enter the game.

Even if there is a resurrection card, the points will be cleared.

"I originally thought that healing medicine couldn't be used, but I didn't expect that it could be used. However, the game ends in less than forty minutes. Your injury is too serious, and I still need to stop your bleeding."


Ahead, Lu Xiaoya’s voice was as thin as a mosquito’s moan.

Chen Yuan took out the gauze.

Hemostatic drugs.

The hemostatic medicine was carefully applied to the wound, and the gauze was slowly wrapped around the wound on Lu Xiaoya's smooth and white back, pointing downwards in a perfect arc, and her slender waist was grasped.

Conscious virtual character.

It is 100% authentic to the real person.

Xiaobai was beside him, his eyes were filled with piercing eyes, and he was very melancholy.



The arm that was picking up the gauze and wrapping it around accidentally touched something soft, causing Lu Xiaoya, who was already blushing, to turn red instantly.

"Brother Chen..."

Lu Xiaoya lowered her head shyly, her voice almost inaudible.

Chen Yuan quickly bandaged Lu Xiaoya.

The eyes observe the nose, the nose observes the mouth, and the mouth observes the heart.

"It's bandaged. Together with the hemostatic and healing medicine, the injury will heal soon..." Chen Yuan put Lu Xiaoya's shirt on and moved a few steps away.

Such a sealed environment and such a scene.

It's easy to imagine.

The tree hole is huge.

It's snowing heavily outside.

"Brother Chen..."


"Thank you."

After a long while, Chen Yuan replied: "Nothing."

"Chen, Brother Chen, I feel a burning sensation on my back and the wound is itchy. The injury will heal soon. I have killed all the players here. There is no danger. Otherwise, please leave me alone. Go about your business..."

Lu Xiaoya turned her back to Chen Yuan and suddenly said.


Chen Yuan added some wood to the bonfire nearby.

"But points are the most important thing. I'm really fine."

Lu Xiaoya's tone was a little anxious.

She didn't want to delay Chen Yuan's business because of herself.


Chen Yuan leaned on the inner wall of the tree cave and looked at the heavy snow outside the cave.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry, am I very weak?"

Lu Xiaoya suddenly turned around, folded her arms around her knees, and said somewhat uncomfortably.

Xiaobai took advantage of this moment to jump onto Chen Yuan's lap and huddled up.

Xiao Jin lazily roasted the turtle shell.

Chen Yuan still looked out of the cave: "There is no one weak or weak. If you can survive, you are strong. Maybe... your ability to curse people is a bit weak."


Lu Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, then thought of something: "Brother Lu, have you seen everything?"

"When you were scolding Cui Yongshun, your pens and pens were flying across the screen, and you could only say this. It was hard not to pay attention."

Lu Xiaoya's face turned red instantly: "Brother Chen, that was the first time I cursed someone."

Chen Yuan's eyes then moved to Lu Xiaoya.

Without the silver armor and just a thin shirt, Lu Xiaoya looked weak and helpless.

"Brother Chen, where are you?"

Seeing this, Lu Xiaoya lowered her head again, her face as red as an apple.

"Forgotten Wasteland."

Chen Yuan spoke.

"Forgotten Wasteland?"

Lu Xiaoya pondered slightly: "Brother Chen, I got a map yesterday, which leads to the human city. Will that be our destination?"

Human city?

Has this name ever crossed the lips of a goblin merchant?

"Is there a city name?"


Lu Xiaoya shook her head and even took out a map.

Chen Yuan went over and took a look and saw that the map was very blurry. The outlines of human cities were drawn one stroke at a time and were written in simple strokes.

Not even a name.

"You want to go and have a look?"


Lu Xiaoya nodded: "A lot of the information I got pointed me there, and I always felt like there was something waiting for me there."

Chen Yuan fell into deep thought.

From Lu Xiaoya getting the golden treasure chest to guiding the human city.

There are many survivors who have great luck.

And these lucks are not simple lucks either.

If the temporary luck is the blessing of God, then the continuous luck is the hard work of oneself.

"Live well."

Chen Yuan suddenly spoke again.

Lu Xiaoya was stunned.

Then he nodded vigorously.

You will definitely do it! Live well.

Because only by living can you meet the person you want to meet...

Half an hour later.

There are only the last 5 minutes left before the end of the competition.

Chen Yuan said goodbye to Lu Xiaoya.

Snow was flying all over the sky, and the sky was filled with white.

"Brother Chen, be careful."

Behind him, Lu Xiaoya's voice came, and Chen Yuan and the two beasts disappeared in a white light.

Wait until it appears again.

Already in front of Wilt.

"Brother Chen, I was wrong..."


There was a flash of silver light.

[Game Tips: Points +158]

Moreover, Wilt once again dropped a [Positioning Teleportation Card]. Chen Yuan got a total of 4 positioning teleportation cards, used 2 of them, and left 2 cards. The other ones were 1 invisible shielding card and 1 A resurrection card.

And the points earned.

Also reached 1403 points!

841 points after killing Cui Yongshun's group, plus 562 points from Wilt's group.

Think of Cui Yongshun.

Chen Yuan took out the positioning and teleportation card for the third time, positioned and teleported!


The white light flashes again!

On the other side, Cui Yong successfully used the resurrection card to enter the world of competition again, killing everyone by a lake.

Less than 1 hour.

He killed 120 people.

He really vented all his anger at being killed by Chen Yuan on this group of people.



"There are only 3 minutes left before the end of the game. It's time to find a place to hide. Otherwise, if the guy locates him again, it will be in trouble..."

Cui Yongshun said.

Walking towards a forest of rocks by the lake.

It's still good to hide there.

At this time.

Suddenly a voice came from behind: "Cui Yongshun!"

Immediately afterwards, an ax light passed by, and Cui Yongshun turned around to see a figure striding towards him in the dissipating shadow.

"you again……"

Cui Yongshun returned to the game interface again.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out!


It was so uncomfortable, the game was over with only the last 3 minutes left and he could get his points.

After killing two groups of enemies, they all made wedding clothes for Chen Yuan!

Even the resurrection card was wasted!

It’s so uncomfortable!

My chest feels tight!


Another mouthful of blood vomited out, and Cui Yongshun staggered and fell down from the seat...

[Game prompt: The competition is over]

[Game Tips: Points 1524, obtained]

[Game Tips: Prop cards are only available in competition scenes, cannot be traded, and exist permanently]

[Game Tips: Points can be redeemed for goods in the mall]

Chen Yuan entered the mall directly.

He looked at the seven or eight treasures in the mall that he was ready to move, and finally, after carefully weighing them, he stared at one of them.

"Wait, wait, wait a little longer..."

Resist the urge in your heart.

Chen Yuan exited the game interface.

Put the two beasts back into the beast den on the first floor, and give them a large amount of obsidian emeralds and red gold, the king of fine copper, in front of the den.

Anyway, I’m not in a hurry to leave tomorrow. I’ll just take a walk in the ore cave and see if I can get the King of Fine Iron Refiner here tomorrow.

With the King of Fine Copper Refiner and the King of Fine Iron Refiner, the entire basic metal processing will be perfect, and the storage in warehouses and storage rooms will become infinitely more reasonable.

"The King of Fine Iron Refiner..."

With anticipation, Chen Yuan lay on the bed and closed his eyes, while the eight-headed skeleton puppet continued to guard, doing his duty and duty.

The night fades and the sky becomes brighter.

Finally, eight or nine hours later, a new day came again with a ray of morning light piercing the mist...

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