National Talent: Unlimited Plunder, 100 Times Reward!

Chapter 286 The Tragic Burial Site Needs Evidence

Bixie said to Ye Be: "Brother Ye, let's stop them, what if the rockslide continues.

Ye Be shook his head and said to her: "The scene just now should not happen again."

Let's not talk about whether the plan of the Xugui family has been successful.

There are already so many huge falling rocks below, and if another collapse occurs, it is impossible to cause too many casualties.

People can hide in the crevices of the stones and avoid the direct fall.

Unless there is that kind of unlucky guy, hiding in the crevice of the stone will also be smashed to death by the splashing gravel.

"Go, we are going down too."

Although Ye Be felt that the same thing as before would not happen again, he still chose to sneak into the crowd. 03

The four of them fell from a relatively hidden position, and then pretended to emerge from a crack in the rock.

At this time, the people were still in shock, and it was impossible to suspect the four of them.

As soon as they fell, Qingyu, Su Yaoran and Bi Sannv were startled by the tragic scene nearby.

Not all the corpses were buried under the stones, but many were exposed.

The death conditions of the people who were crushed to death were very miserable, and the bloodstains everywhere were also shocking.

The faces of the four people were all very bad, but there was nothing they could do.

The moment the rocks collapsed, it wasn't just having strong strength that could make the disaster disappear.

In such a narrow and long cliff crevice, the rocks fall almost instantly.

By the time he reacted, those stones had already landed on top of the person's head.

"Brother Ye, have you noticed that the blood on the ground seems to dry up quickly." Qing Yu suddenly said to Ye Be.

Ye Be was stunned for a moment, but immediately noticed the situation.

The route in this cliff crevice is not completely soil, and many places are full of gravel and so on.

If the blood stains fell on the soil, they would quickly mix and fade, but the blood stains on the gravel could not dry up so quickly.

Especially within this cliff crevice, the sunlight itself cannot reach the bottom, so this state should not occur.

He asked Qing Yu suspiciously: "What do you think is going on?"

Qing Yu said with an ugly face: "I'm just guessing now, maybe the Xugui family needs blood to sacrifice to the sea.


All three of them gasped, because it wasn't impossible.

The Xugui clan did not dare to directly kill people to obtain blood, so they used such "accidental" means to kill people.

As for what kind of means these guys used to take away the blood of the corpses buried below, it is unknown.

But considering the observations on the side of the altar in the past few days, it should not be difficult for the other party to obviously use the underground water system.

Bixie wiped his little hands and said: "Wait until I find the evidence, and see if I don't just burn them all to ashes.

This time the rocks collapsed, "That was the casualties of hundreds of landowners.

If it was really done by people from the Xugui clan, it would be no different from disregarding human life.

Ye Be signaled the three women to continue to move forward, preparing to investigate carefully at the altar.

In any case, this matter cannot be left alone, and the truth must be found out.

as predicted.

According to Ye Be's judgment, there was no further cracking of rocks in the straight seam.

They also followed the remaining team of these people, passed through the crack of the cliff together and came to the vicinity of the altar.

Ye Be gestured to Su Yaoran, and Su Yaoran immediately complied, and quietly let out her breath. .

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