National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,111 Smart Woman

It was almost 11:30 noon when Matsumoto Keiko and the guests she invited arrived at Tan Gong Restaurant.

It was only less than twenty minutes before the opening ceremony officially started.

You know, according to the Japanese concept of time, even the most unimportant appointment needs to be at least fifteen minutes in advance.

In this case, it should be said that on this occasion, Matsumoto Keiko and the others came at this time, and they were already relatively late among the guests.

If it were anyone else, it would seem that there is nothing to say.

But if we look at the true relationship between Matsumoto Keiko and Ning Weimin, it undoubtedly seems that she doesn't take this matter very seriously and is rather perfunctory.

Could it be that Matsumoto Keiko treated this matter with such a contemptuous attitude?

Or is there some unknown conflict between her and Ning Weimin?

No! Not so.

In this world, many things are not always what they seem.

In fact, the time of Matsumoto Keiko's arrival today was completely calculated and deliberate by her.

This is both a wisdom and a strategy.

First of all, Matsumoto Keiko knows best how women should add luster to men.

She also knows best how much Ning Weimin has paid for the opening of this restaurant.

Although I didn't witness it with my own eyes, how Ning Weimin worked for this restaurant every day.

But through their daily contacts and conversations, she also understood how much Ning Weimin attached great importance to the opening of this restaurant, how devoted he was, and how much thought he put into it.

Especially when the decoration of the restaurant was almost complete, and after she saw it with her own eyes.

In addition to the heartfelt surprise and admiration, you can also realize that every inch of the layout of this restaurant is permeated with Ning Weimin's hard work.

There is no doubt that the opening day will also be Ning Weimin’s highlight moment when he accepts guests to congratulate him.

It was precisely because Matsumoto Keiko knew this that she did not want to overshadow her arrival.

He didn't want the celebrity guests he invited to take away the attention that Ning Weimin should have enjoyed.

So she deliberately brought her friends to come a little later, in order to give Ning Weimin ample space to express himself, extending his exclusive time, which equaled to increase his happiness.

This is the embodiment of her respect for Ning Weimin.

Secondly, although the guests at the opening ceremony are all important, their importance and intimacy will never be the same.

Generally speaking, this importance and closeness are often reflected in the time spent attending the event.

The more important people must come later, and the closer people must come earlier.

On this day, Matsumoto Keiko not only invited several well-connected movie stars who also belong to Shochiku to support Ning Weimin.

Furthermore, relying on her special status as "Shochiku's First Sister", she also attracted the president of Shochiku Pictures, Omoto Omoto, and the well-known director Yamada Yoji who was filming "Movie World" to support Ning Weimin.

So considering the status of the latter two in the Japanese film industry, of course it is not good to come too early.

So Matsumoto Keiko deliberately stuck at this point in time, and it was just the right thing to bring people here.

Neither far nor close, neither distant nor close.

In fact, twenty minutes is enough time for the arrival of these movie stars to attract the attention of reporters, create enough gimmicks for the restaurant's opening ceremony, and discuss related topics.

At the same time, you don’t have to deal with reporters’ interviews for too long, so you won’t be too worried.

Especially in the last period of time, Ning Weimin must be waiting for the most distinguished and important guests to arrive.

Then Keiko Matsumoto can just be a foil flower, accompanying Ning Weimin and assisting him in the final reception.

This also adds to Ning Weimin's face and glory.

Finally, there is another point, which is Keiko Matsumoto's little thoughts that she is embarrassed to tell others.

Some time ago, she was really troubled by the negative news in the newspapers. She had been avoiding the media's tracking until recently, and finally calmed down.

So she really didn't want to be pestered by reporters asking embarrassing questions at the opening ceremony of Tan Gong Restaurant.

Although she participated in the opening of Tan Gong Restaurant this time, she would inevitably have to face many media reporters. This was a situation she could not avoid.

But if she can come a little later, it will definitely relieve some of her psychological pressure, and she will always feel more relaxed.

Speaking of which, Matsumoto Keiko actually has some small ideas about how to deal with the interference of negative news.

On the one hand, Ning Weimin was very busy some time ago and focused entirely on his career.

There is almost no time to pay attention to the news, let alone the entertainment news.

No matter how embarrassed Matsumoto Keiko is, he can avoid the trouble of explaining to Ning Weimin.

There is no need to worry about his own affairs affecting Ning Weimin's mood and hindering his work.

Another point is that in order to better promote the restaurant, when he went to Sakura Hot Spring for vacation a few days ago, Ning Weimin suddenly proposed an original idea to Matsumoto Keiko.

Ning Weimin hopes that Matsumoto Keiko can become one of the shareholders of the Ginza branch of Tan Gong Restaurant.

This way, you get the best of both worlds.

Not only can it add the gimmick of a star hotel to Tan Gong Restaurant, it will also help attract customers.

It can also give Matsumoto Keiko some extra income, which is completely free money.

Matsumoto Keiko initially resisted Ning Weimin's request.

Because she originally wanted to invest her own money to show her support for her lover's career.

But Ning Weimin refused to accept it and insisted on giving her some dry shares on behalf of Tan Palace's investors. This made Matsumoto Keiko feel very embarrassed and thought she was taking advantage.

However, after Ning Weimin's insistence, Matsumoto Keiko thought again.

This move will not only allow her to work openly and openly for her lover's career in the future, but also give her a powerful weapon to attend celebrations and deal with reporters' questions.

I believe that as long as she brings up her status as a shareholder as a topic, no reporter will be interested in the negative news about her some time ago and speculate on the outdated news.

So as soon as Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko returned to Tokyo, they quickly went to change the vines of Tan Gong Restaurant.

Today, Matsumoto Keiko has become an individual shareholder holding 5% of the shares of Ginza Danggong Restaurant, and can be regarded as one of Ning Weimin's bosses.

And it turns out that Matsumoto Keiko's thinking about the problem is indeed correct.

On the day of the event, Matsumoto Keiko and the people from Shochiku Pictures had just walked into the door of Dan Gong Restaurant.

The group of them was photographed wildly by the photographers and videographers invited by Ning Weimin.

There were also media from all walks of life who had been waiting in the banquet hall for a long time, and the microphone was handed over without any explanation.

These people even followed the guests invited by Matsumoto Keiko to the table and refused to give up.

Needless to say, among all celebrities, Matsumoto Keiko has become the key target of reporters' interviews.

As expected, some difficult gossip reporters started asking uncomfortable and sensitive questions.

However, when Matsumoto Keiko took out the bait of shareholder status, these reporters were like dogs who saw the meat buns thrown out and chased after him.

No one bothered to ask those inappropriate questions anymore.

Matsumoto Keiko's celebrity friends also tacitly turned the topic to the restaurant, expressing their expectations for Chinese royal cuisine.

Even the famous director Yoji Yamada also spoke knowingly about admiring Chinese culture and praising the cultural atmosphere of the restaurant.

President Omoto, in particular, highly praised Matsumoto Keiko’s business ability and expressed optimism about the restaurant’s prospects.

As a result, the rumors that the two were at odds with each other were dispelled and disappeared.

Who said that a woman is virtuous if she has no talent?

Does this old saying show the lack of self-confidence of ancient men, or a kind of incompetent cowardice?

Aren't smart women worth loving?

Not worth it?


There is no doubt that for Ning Weimin, the answer to this question is obviously "worth it".

Because no one understands the value of EQ and IQ better than him.

If nothing else, take the opening ceremony in front of you as an example. It is far more than just inviting guests to have a meal.

Banquets, as the most common form of communication among people, are a medium to make friends and enhance contact with society.

Banquets, as a communication platform for official and business needs, can make strangers at the banquet become familiar from unfamiliarity.

Not only can it make people who have always been wary put down their guard and turn competitors into partners, but it can also turn leaders and bosses into friends and even bosses...

Precisely because all interpersonal relationships in the world can be changed by a banquet, and because banquets have great magic power in interpersonal communication and social activities, the planning and preparation of the banquet must not be careless at all.

If there is a detail that is not done properly or there is a problem. This may turn a good thing like treating guests to a meal into a bad thing.

It even turns asking for help into offending people, causing irreversible consequences such as loss of connections, being looked down upon, dissatisfied customers, and failure of business.

It's not uncommon for such a treat to backfire.

The more important the banquet, the more it cannot afford to fail. The negative impact it can have is probably beyond the imagination of most people.

Therefore, no matter what the reason for holding a banquet or organizing a banquet, no matter how careful the preparation and hard work is, the organizer cannot overestimate it.

To put it bluntly, a banquet is just a game.

A banquet person who is good at setting up a banquet can only help himself achieve success if he knows how to make skillful preparations before the banquet, strives to achieve perfection in every detail, and makes the banquet watertight.

Today, Ning Weimin has experienced so many things and has basically grown into a master of game planning.

This can be fully reflected not only in his design and layout of the restaurant, but also in his selection and requirements for the menu and the formulation of the treat list.

It can also be seen that he had an idea and turned Matsumoto Keiko into a shareholder of Danmiya.

Everything is for an ultimate goal.

He wants to put the palace dishes of Dan Gong Restaurant on the altar of gods in Japan.

Set a successful example for high-end Chinese food to open markets overseas.

He wants to tell the world the real beauty of Chinese food.

He wanted to prove that before Tan Gong went abroad, there was no real Chinese food overseas.

It is precisely because of this that he will always stare at Matsumoto Keiko with unconcealable admiration.

To be honest, today is the first time that Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko attend a public event together.

On such an occasion, Ning Weimin was pleasantly surprised to find that his woman was so outstanding.

First of all, out of his understanding of Matsumoto Keiko, Ning Weimin knew that she was definitely not the kind of woman who would do everything possible to attract the opposite sex in order to satisfy her own vanity.

In fact, as far as Ning Weimin knows, Keiko Matsumoto actually hates her sexy and coquettish image on the screen.

Therefore, although her self-grooming is meticulous, she has always just considered the occasion she is going to and prepared for the needs of social etiquette.

Like today, her makeup and clothes can only be evaluated as solemn and elegant, very decent and dignified.

But even so, her natural beauty and natural charm still attract men with a 100% chance of turning heads.

Even among a group of movie stars, she is the most eye-catching one.

It can be said that the light is so bright that it has the effect of stars holding the moon.

As for herself, she is actually very used to receiving all kinds of looks in public.

Whether it is good intentions, malicious intentions, ulterior motives, jealousy or envy, she can face it calmly, which is also an amazing ability.

Even Ning Weimin admires her. Not only can she always keep smiling, cheerfully accept all scrutiny from others, talk to and take photos with people enthusiastically and kindly, but she can also be at home in such an environment and maintain a well-mannered attitude in all walks of life. among the guests.

Fully demonstrate his polite and considerate communication style, making anyone he interacts with feel like a spring breeze.

To be honest, if we measure artists by their artistic ethics.

Keiko Matsumoto is simply a model of professionalism among Japanese film actors, and she is probably enough to teach famous domestic actors a lesson in etiquette.

But the most important thing is that Japan's most famous movie star, who is both beautiful and sociable, provides free services without any compensation.

It's just silly dedication and giving everything you have.

How could Ning Weimin not feel happy and proud of this?

Even he felt that he seemed to be too black-hearted and should not take advantage of his lover in this way, which seemed to be a bit blasphemous to his love.

Of course, compared with the shame and guilt, there is more unparalleled satisfaction and touching.

Matsumoto Keiko's performance today made Ning Weimin realize a desire and need that is stronger and more essential than love.

He felt deeply grateful that he had found a woman like Matsumoto Keiko. Maybe she was not perfect in every aspect, and maybe they were not a good match in the eyes of many people.

But as a lover, as a personal emotional need, Matsumoto Keiko fully meets his ideals, and even exceeds his imagination.

He couldn't help but have a new understanding of the saying "If you can go to the hall, you can go to the kitchen".

Obviously, in today's era, the term "good wife" no longer refers to a good wife who hangs around the family every day.

At least for him, Keiko Matsumoto is the most ideal person.

He became more and more certain that the woman in front of him was not his temporary need, but a long-standing desire deep in his soul.

At this time, the chef in the back kitchen had already pushed out the ice needed for the opening ceremony - a big boat that rides the wind and waves.

Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko immediately realized that it was time to start the celebration.

So they looked at each other tacitly, smiled, and walked onto the stage one after another like a husband and wife singing together.

As Matsumoto Keiko stood in front of the microphone and delivered the opening remarks, the guests who were chatting quickly fell silent and responded with warm applause...

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