National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,116 Business is booming

On the morning after the opening ceremony, Ning Weimin, who got off work with his employees yesterday and lived in the employee dormitory, got up early and started paying attention to relevant news in the media.

Although it is definitely not available in "Reference News" and domestic newspapers.

There are newspapers run by the Republic of China in Japan, but they are only weekly newspapers at the moment and are not available for the time being.

But that didn't stop Ning Weimin from running outside and buying Japanese newspapers based on yesterday's list of Japanese media.

And after coming back, he can turn on the TV and broadcast the channel to Fuji TV to wait for the news program.

However, it must be admitted that there is quite a gap between reality and Ning Weimin's expectations.

Because he didn't even bother to eat breakfast, he searched for a long time in that day's "Nihon Sankei Shimbun" before he found a piece of tofu under an unimportant page.

If he hadn't been particularly concerned about the relevant news, he would have probably missed it at a glance.

Not happy, not happy.

Not even giving the embassy face?

It seems that the country's strength is not enough. This is being looked down upon!

Ning Weimin was a little lost in thought for a moment while holding the newspaper in his hand, but he quickly understood his doubts.

After all, today's republic cannot be compared with what it will be thirty years later, and the country's GDP is less than one-third of Japan's.

Although it hurts a little in my heart, there is nothing I can do about it. The rejuvenation of the motherland will take time.

Fortunately, Japan's prosperity is nothing more than a dream.

The Republic takes its place and completes its counterattack is the final reality.

So he quickly regained his composure and continued to read seriously.

There is no Internet even in Japan these days, so newspapers have a strong say.

After all, "Sanze Shimbun" is the fifth largest newspaper in Japan. It is better to publish a piece of tofu on it than nothing, and it will have a certain publicity effect.

Not to mention, the praise for Tan Palace in this small piece of tofu really touched Ning Weimin's heart.

The reporter who wrote the article, in addition to the usual routine, used official language to introduce some guests attending the opening of the Ginza Danmiya Restaurant, and its significance to Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges.

He also highlighted the high-end positioning of Chinese palace cuisine in the report.

It is believed that the existence of Ginza Dannomiya Restaurant has enriched Japan's high-end catering market.

They also spoke highly of the dishes presented by the chefs that day and thought the cooking techniques were amazing and very creative.

The conclusion given is that Chinese palace cuisine is completely different from the Japanese understanding of Chinese food.

It is worth trying and tasting for gourmets.

After reading these words, Ning Weimin finally felt a little happier.

I felt that my busy day yesterday was not in vain, running around and making excuses for my efforts.

Although at the end, the reporter couldn't help but start boasting and trying his best to put gold in their own faces.

It is said that Chinese palace cuisine cannot wait to enter the Tokyo market, which proves that the Japanese market is becoming more and more attractive to foreign brands.

I believe that in the not-too-distant future, Tokyo's Ginza will surely become the number one shopping district that brings together the world's leading consumer brands, and the most expensive retail venue, completely surpassing New York's Fifth Avenue.

But Ning Weimin couldn't afford to be angry about such a thing.

Because that’s just how people are.

The more you lack something, the more you have to pretend that you have it.

When it really happens, I won’t brag about it.

Besides, why can’t Japanese people have a little Ah Q spirit?

They are miserable enough. They were completely forced to this point by the United States.

What should I do if I can't resist? I just have to learn to enjoy it.

Why don't you dream of being a slave and bullying your master today?

This is called the Lord of Hell playing tricks, feeling comfortable for a while.

A country that is doomed to collapse, how can it be true to compare with him.

Ning Weimin can completely understand this.

After reading the news he wanted to read, Ning Weimin lost interest in the "Industrial and Economic News". He threw the newspaper away completely and switched to the next newspaper to read again.

This one was pretty good, and the news about the opening of Tan Palace Restaurant was actually published on the front page of the fourth page. The page was at least four or five times larger than the "Sanzai Shimbun".

The title is also very enticing and gossipy enough to easily arouse readers' interest in reading.

"Big discovery! The most upscale celebrity restaurant in Ginza appears! Matsumoto Keiko! The queen of Chinese palace cuisine has arrived!"

The most important thing is that this newspaper praises Tan Gong non-stop, and the praise is quite strong.

Almost all the articles are filled with eye-catching words such as "unimaginable gorgeous experience", "mysterious Chinese cooking secrets", "the diet secrets of the most beautiful woman in the Showa era".

Photos of the chef preparing the three dishes at the opening were also published.

Basically, newspapers are advising their readers.

Everyone, go and eat! Don’t you want to experience such gorgeous palace cuisine?

If you have the financial means, you must go and see it! Otherwise you will definitely regret it!

Are there any fans of Keiko Matsumoto? Why don't you support your idol? Maybe we will actually meet each other in the restaurant?

This level of publicity and gossip...

Ning Weimin only took a cursory glance and became excited.

He was quite satisfied with the newspaper and said that he was really on his way. It seemed that he could cooperate more if there were opportunities in the future.

Thinking of this, he specifically looked at the name of the newspaper.

Then I was a little surprised to discover that this newspaper turned out to be "Sports Daily".

To be honest, he felt strange at the scene yesterday.

Why would a reporter claiming to be from the Sports News come when the news about the celebrity gathering at the restaurant’s opening was released?

As a result, when he opened the newspaper in his hand, he found that except for the main pages which contained reports on sports events and celebrities, they were all filled with news about celebrities in the entertainment industry.

Co-authoring Japanese culture and sports does not separate them. The so-called sports newspapers are just gossip publications.

This... is okay, but this newspaper has no editorials or comments, and the language is colloquial.

It is neither impartial nor official. I really don’t know how many readers this newspaper has...

Ning Weimin continued to browse and found that the life and entertainment sections of two newspapers also mostly mentioned the news about the opening of Ginza Tan Palace Restaurant. They were also small tofu cubes, and they were even better than the tofu cubes in "Sanzai Shimbun" One size smaller.

Praise is just a formality and is really meaningless.

There is another entertainment tabloid with a decent layout, "Nihon Sports News", which has sports as its masthead category.

But the praise was not as strong as that of "Sports Daily", and it seemed that he still had bad thoughts, as if he wanted to eat Matsumoto Keiko's melon.

Half of the space is about the opening of Ginza Danmiya, and the other half is entangled with Matsumoto Keiko's shareholding status.

Both the words and the words reflect Matsumoto Keiko's bleak career in recent years. She may have realized that she was unable to save her acting career, so she tried to run a restaurant.

Ning Weimin felt extremely uncomfortable with such public opinion guidance and dark speculation, and he blocked the newspaper in his heart.

Unexpectedly, she asked Keiko Matsumoto to do a favor, and that she would be questioned by others.

He wants to say dirty words to the people he loves!

So I decided to hide away as much as possible from now on and try not to have any interactions with this media.

But then again, it’s not like you’re spending money after all.

Since Ning Weimin spared no expense to create such a big scene, all the media involved were the icing on the cake after all.

What really made Ning Weimin happy that day was the report from Fuji TV.

I bet this TV station and the newspaper "Sanseibun Shimbun" belong to the same company, are related companies to each other, and are both part of the Fuji Sankei Group.

Although the "Sanze Shimbun" did not give much vigorous promotion, Fuji TV's morning news program gave enough time, at least several minutes.

Not only were most of the famous scenes at the opening ceremony captured, but the TV station was also quite capable of telling stories.

For example, the opening scene of Keiko Matsumoto is the scene where she announces her participation in Ginza Danmiya.

Fujidai juxtaposes her reasons for unforgettable Chinese food and Yamaguchi Yoshiko's memories of her old days in China.

The news anchor said, "I wonder what the magic power of Chinese cuisine is, that it can make two generations of Japan's most beautiful movie stars never forget it."

In addition, Fuji TV also focused on broadcasting clips of Chinese and Japanese stars singing on stage to add to the entertainment.

Since Japan's Keiko Matsumoto, Ayumi Ishida, and Shinji Tanimura, and China's Cui Jian, Zhang Qiang, and Teresa Teng, under the auspices of Weng Qianyu, all sang their respective hits, it was a shining star.

The news anchor compared the sideshow on the day of the celebration to "a small red and white song show between China and Japan."

Especially when Teresa Teng and Yoshiko Yamaguchi took the initiative to take the stage and sang the two songs "When Will You Come Again" and "Tuberose" on the same stage, the TV station gave the two close-ups.

For no other reason than because of these two songs, they were sung famously by both of them in different eras.

Therefore, this scene is also very legendary. It is unprecedented for the two to be on the same stage under such circumstances.

The anchor called it the famous scene of "a diva meets a diva".

Think about it, this program has such an effect, let alone the ordinary Japanese viewers in front of the TV.

When Ning Weimin and Tan Palace employees read this report, they all felt a great joy from it that they did not feel at the scene yesterday.

Ning Weimin believed it from the bottom of his heart, as long as he saw Fuji TV's soft advertisement today.

It doesn’t matter even if the Japanese viewers in front of the TV can’t remember the name of Ginza Danmiya.

Because they will at least be deeply impressed by the newly opened Chinese restaurant with palace cuisine in Ginza.

that's enough!

In fact, this is indeed the case.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of the effective publicity of these media that they have played a role in increasing traffic and adding fuel to the flames.

Starting from noon on the next day, the number of customers visiting Ginza Dannomiya Restaurant increased at an obviously noticeable speed.

Even though the opening day was a weekend, we only received a dozen customers that night, and the turnover was less than 200,000 yen.

On the second day of opening, there were already customers coming here.

A total of more than 60 people were received at noon and evening, and the turnover reached 900,000 yen.

This does not include the guests who called to reserve seats for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

So not surprisingly, there was a significant increase on the third day.

The number of customers exceeded 100 throughout the day, and the turnover nearly doubled again, reaching 1.5 million yen.

Ning Weimin clearly feels that Japanese people are flocking to Chinese palace cuisine, a gimmick that is rich in cultural heritage and delicious food.

If this trend continues, it may not take more than a month for the restaurant to be full.

In that case, the restaurant can achieve tens of millions of yen in sales in just one day.

That’s three to four billion a month, which is equivalent to two million U.S. dollars, which is quite enough.

Although currently worldwide, the profit margin of Michelin restaurants is generally only about 20%.

But because Ning Weimin took advantage of the labor costs and the house was his own, he had the final say on the rent.

He has strong control over costs and can almost bring Ginza Danmiya's profit to about 50%.

This is equivalent to earning less than one million US dollars a month.

Even if he pays taxes to the Japanese government, he will still be able to leave 7 to 8 million U.S. dollars for Dan Palace a year, which is as much as ten domestic Dan Palace stores.

Why can't it work?

Too much work!

If this were not a huge profit, then others would really not be able to survive.

And the key point is that Tan Palace is not just a waste of fame, and it is not just a gimmick of a palace dish to deceive people here.

The chefs at Danmiya are really talented. If you pick any one of them, they will be the masters of Chinese food in this part of Japan.

Not to mention that some people are still "two-door", capable of both Chinese and French food.

The skills of these chefs are definitely worthy of Tan Palace's expensive charges, so no one who has been here thinks this is a shady restaurant.

I highly approve of all aspects of Tan Gong Restaurant, and it is natural to keep repeat customers.

Although service is indeed the biggest shortcoming of Ginza Danmiya at present.

The Japanese hired by Ning Weimin still lacked professional training.

Even if everyone tries their best and is extremely polite, it is inevitable that they will be careless and lack vision, resulting in non-subjective omissions.

But this flaw can be covered up by the decoration of the Altar Palace alone.

You know, Japanese guests will basically be attracted by the unique gadgets that Ning Weimin brought from China.

What's more, the various large and small utensils in the restaurant are not cheap.

The tableware is all beautiful, and the plates and bowls are either high-end porcelain from China or Japan, and even silverware.

The cups are all made of expensive Edo Kiriko, and even the silver cans used to hold napkins have the words Ginza Danmiya printed on them.

The pushcarts are made in France, and what is placed on each table is not flowers, but Chinese flowers that look like precious stones.

To put it bluntly, the museum-like design makes the entire restaurant feel like a cultural salon.

The more artistic people are and the more they like history and culture, the more they will like the special atmosphere here.

So since the guests' attention is focused on these things, no one will care too much about the waiter's low level and lack of tact.

What’s more, Tan Palace’s dishes are truly addictive to the taste buds.

Shandong cuisine includes braised fish fillet, hibiscus chicken fillet, stir-fried diced chicken with sauce, smooth pork belly, stir-fried shrimp, sweet and sour pork belly, shredded banana, seafood crispy rice balls, glass balls, fried eight pieces, sweet-scented osmanthus meat, and cherry meat. , peach blossoms.

Sichuan cuisine includes twice-cooked pork, Mapo tofu, husband and wife lung slices, Kung Pao chicken, and fish-flavored shredded pork.

Vegetarian Liu’s vegetarian assorted vegetables and vegetarian chicken.

There are also two kinds of barbecue: pine needle roast chicken and hanging oven roast duck. These are the dishes with the highest repurchase rate among customers and the most acceptable.

Basically I order these when I come here for the first time.

Although Ning Weimin asked his subordinates to speak to customers first.

They were told in advance that the Sichuan food was different from the local Japanese food and was spicier, which made some fearful guests retreat.

But the Japanese who have really eaten it will definitely find it difficult to climb out after stepping into the trap.

It is inevitable to be embarrassed by the heat and panic.

But no one complained about the bad taste, and more drinks were sold because of it, making people addicted.

When these people come back next time, they still pay back their orders. They usually know how to enjoy the excitement and watch the embarrassment of their companions.

Therefore, Ning Weimin also experienced the joy of training customers.

Just try to make the liver tip, three kinds of fried meatballs, three non-sticky ones, and dry croquettes.

These dishes that Japanese people are not familiar with and dare not try are served as tribute dishes.

It turns out that Japanese tongues are human tongues and can appreciate the wonders of these dishes as well.

Like many customers, they immediately responded that the fried pork liver at Tan Palace was so delicious.

It is more tender and elastic than the leek and pork liver they usually eat, and it has no bitter taste. I asked if it is a special high-end material.

In fact, it’s not the materials that are high-end, but the craftsmanship!

Pork liver is a dish that needs to be carefully controlled. If it is cooked for a long time, it will become stale, and if it is cooked for a short time, it will be raw. It must be just right to be delicious.

Here in Japan, chefs who fry pork liver every day are not even qualified to hold a wok in the capital.

Of course, this also proves that Ning Weimin's Ginza Tan Palace still has huge room for growth in profits.

Because the Japanese haven’t had time to try sea cucumbers, bird’s nests, abalone wings, etc. yet.

If they dared to order high-end dishes, Ning Weimin would be waiting to count the bills every day.

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