National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,118 Uproar

On the fourth day after Ginza Danggong Restaurant opened, the restaurant's occupancy rate increased significantly, reaching an average of 50%.

The single-day turnover suddenly soared to more than 5 million yen.

This is mainly due to the fact that some guests invited to the opening ceremony began to visit us a second time and truly became repeat customers.

There were also some guests who had made reservations over the phone and it was time for them to come.

Especially in the evening, the attendance rate is obviously much more than at noon, close to more than 60%, which is also an excellent phenomenon.

Because generally speaking, the catering industry in Ginza actually has more business banquets regardless of cost at noon, so it is busier than at night.

But because Ning Weimin's Ginza Tan Palace is a new thing, it suffers a bit in this regard.

Don’t forget, the Japanese are very conservative, and many companies don’t have much courage to try new things rashly.

Especially the more important the business banquet is, the more it needs a scene that can be controlled. It would rather not be outstanding than surprise.

What's more, the storefront and location of Ginza Danmiya is also a bit problematic.

Hidden in a gathering place where several luxury stores gather, the signboard is hung on the second floor, revealing only a small entrance to the second floor, making it difficult to find.

In this way, it is normal for Ginza Danmiya's midday trading not to be good enough.

It's just that, compared to the quieter evenings, Tan Palace's sales can actually exceed that of midday when there are supposed to be more customers.

This undoubtedly means that Tan Palace’s dishes are personally recognized by many customers.

Probably many people are willing to come and taste it in their own time. This is the result.

I also know that since it can attract so many customers in the evening, Tan Palace will catch up sooner or later during the noon business hours.

As the saying goes, don’t be afraid of being late for a good meal.

This sentence can be applied to these customers now, and can also be used to describe the bright future of Ginza Danmiya.

In fact, if Ning Weimin hadn't requested that the bigger the better when he bought the house, the business area of ​​Ginza Tan Palace would have been too large, with enough space to receive four hundred customers.

If it were to be replaced by another restaurant, based on the usual reception size of one to two hundred people, the restaurant should be full at this time.

Therefore, if we want to objectively evaluate the business of Ginza Danmiya, we should still look at the turnover.

The per capita consumption is about 20,000 yen, creating a turnover of 5 million yen in a single day.

This is in an era when publicity cannot yet rely on the Internet, and commercial promotion can only be done through traditional media.

Especially for the first Chinese restaurant opened in Ginza.

There is no doubt that this is a good start, and it is an unprecedented good result.

Ning Weimin should indeed be proud and gratified.

In particular, the current situation is very good. The momentum of restaurant customers has not diminished, but the good reputation is still fermenting.

This is obviously not the ceiling of Ginza Danmiya’s turnover.

Ning Weimin has every reason to have more optimistic expectations for the future of the restaurant he built himself.

If nothing unexpected happens, his Ginza Dangu will firmly be the number one Chinese restaurant in Tokyo and will soon become the number one Chinese restaurant in Japan.

However, things in the world are still so evil, but at this time, something unexpected happened.

Just four days after opening, at noon on April 24, a tabloid suddenly reported a piece of news that was unfavorable to Matsumoto Keiko and Ginza Danmiya.

The newspaper claimed that Matsumoto Keiko had opened a high-end restaurant in Ginza featuring Chinese palace cuisine, but the shares held in her name were full of anomalies and showed many suspicious things.

First, the change time of the shares held by Keiko Matsumoto in the government's "Registration Certificate" is very problematic.

It’s only been ten days since the restaurant opened.

This means that Matsumoto Keiko's time to invest is very urgent. As a shareholder, she can be said to be temporarily involved.

Second, Matsumoto Keiko's shares were purely donated, and she actually did not pay a penny personally.

Although the shares it holds are not large, accounting for only 5%.

But the restaurant is located in Ginza, has a large business area, and has many employees, including more than 20 chefs alone.

Far beyond the specifications of ordinary restaurant operations.

The furnishings and decorations are very high-end, and the investment cost is huge. Among them, the value of the artwork used for decoration alone is inestimable.

What's more, business has been booming since it opened, and per capita consumption is also very high.

According to the evaluation of business people, even if dividends from long-term income are not considered, the value of Matsumoto Keiko's shares should be around 80 million yen.

The estimated amount is far more than twice what Matsumoto Keiko advertised for famous brand companies when she was at her most popular.

The newspaper also pointed out one point at the end, saying that Matsumoto Keiko had become an outcast of all businesses due to the supernatural incidents in tissue paper advertisements in the past few years.

From then on it was difficult to get advertising endorsement jobs.

If you consider that this palace cuisine restaurant seems to have a certain official Chinese background.

Not only were Chinese officials present on the opening day, but the names of state-owned enterprises and institutions of the Republic of China were also listed among the investors, making this matter even more intriguing.

After all, Matsumoto Keiko often traveled to the Republic on behalf of Japanese filmmakers in the past few years, and she was very close to Chinese celebrities, including many dignitaries and government officials...

Oh shit! It’s all heartbreaking words!

The more Ning Weimin read, the angrier he became. This report was so poorly written!

The reporters at this newspaper are very good at telling stories, and they are very good at telling stories.

Just relying on some accessible public information and subjective conjectures to list half-truths and half-false facts, these so-called evidences can be used to guide the public's psychology and pour dirty water on Matsumoto Keiko.

It seems that there is some dirty deal hidden in her becoming a shareholder of Ginza Danmiya.

Ning Weimin read the article hastily and couldn't wait to read the masthead.

He would like to take a closer look at which newspaper it is from, and then write it down in his little notebook.

I didn't expect it to be even more irritating.

I bet this newspaper is the "Japan Sports Newspaper" that he had already blocked in his heart a few days ago.

This is really a narrow road for enemies!

I had already seen that this media had bad intentions, but I didn't expect that it would only take a few days for them to find out.

Ning Weimin simply "squeaked" and tore the newspaper into pieces.

But then again, Qi Guiqi, as a guy who has been baptized by the Internet, Ning Weimin never dared to underestimate public opinion.

He has seen countless large accidents and rollovers.

We know that no matter how powerful a person is, once he is targeted by thousands of people, he will arouse public indignation.

Even if it is an unfounded crime, he cannot bear the corresponding consequences.

If you don't do it right, you will die and lose everything.

And the media specializes in picking on soft persimmons, so once you become the target of being attacked by the media, life will be even more uncomfortable than death.

And the more famous the person, the worse it is.

So instead of getting angry, it is better to quickly find a way to control the situation and not let the negative impact continue to expand.

Otherwise, not to mention that the reputations of Matsumoto Keiko and Ginza Danmiya will be seriously damaged. If this matter comes to the ears of the embassy and attracts the attention of the embassy, ​​it will be a waste of time.

Can't even handle such a small thing?

The embassy’s support platform actually caused a scandal?

How can he have the nerve to ask for help from others to support the scene in the future?

Therefore, Ning Weimin did not dare to underestimate this matter at all, and took the time to launch crisis public relations.

The first thing is of course to contact Matsumoto Keiko.

Other than telling her what happened, a united front.

Ning Weimin also told her not to worry, to find a place to avoid reporters first, and not to appear in public for the time being, let alone respond to relevant questions.

Finally, she gave a special instruction. If her office plans to take any action, it must first say hello to herself.

Immediately following the second incident, Ning Weimin contacted his lawyer.

It plans to send a lawyer to negotiate with Japan Sports News regarding this report on its behalf.

I hope that under the guise of the Chinese Embassy, ​​I can use the official name to put pressure on the newspaper, hoping that the other party will have some scruples and put an end to this matter.

What he didn't expect was that the lawyer immediately taught Ning Weimin a lesson and actually told him that this kind of matter should never be handled this way and that this method was absolutely unfeasible.

Because Japan’s American father believed that the reason why Japan intervened in the war was inseparable from the fact that the Japanese media was controlled by the Japanese government and brainwashed the entire people.

In order to prevent this from happening again, the United States enacted relevant laws after the war requiring Japanese news media to be privately owned.

Today, the major media in Japan are not only not controlled by the government, but also have the nominal responsibility to supervise the government.

Therefore, Japan’s media can theoretically avoid even its own government.

The government also dared not order arrests and searches just because of negative newspaper reports.

If politicians who are criticized are unhappy, they often just protest and ask the media to apologize, just as a formality.

How can it be possible to exert pressure in the official name of China?

Instead, it is based on facts and makes people believe that there is really a problem in this matter, causing even greater trouble.

The lawyer's advice to Ning Weimin was to find another media to start a war of words with this media.

The softer approach is to come to the other party's home and discuss it with the other party in nice words to see if the other party is willing to make an exchange.

In other words, it means losing money and eliminating disaster.

As the saying goes, listen to others and eat enough.

After learning about Japan's special situation, Ning Weimin immediately gave up his tough attitude.

It's just humiliating to be bullied like this, and to have to pay someone else's price in exchange for your smile.

Ning Weimin was really unwilling to follow Han Xin's example and get into other people's crotches.

But he also knew the problem. If he took another hard-line approach, it would not be worthwhile to start a war of words with this newspaper.

If nothing else, this kind of thing itself is detrimental to them.

He asked Matsumoto Keiko to serve as a shareholder. Although there was no business malice, it was just a temporary move for publicity.

But it is indeed insider trading, and it is also a favor transaction. There is no way to defend it, and we can only smear it more and more.

I'm really a little afraid of others chasing after me, so I keep digging deeper.

What's more, people have a hatred of the rich and are happy to see high-ranking people embarrassed. Even if they are particularly innocent, what will happen if they are wronged?

It’s enough to entertain everyone.

After all, the media represents public opinion, and this is a matter of law not holding the public accountable.

If I scold you, I will scold you. There is no need to apologize, and there is no guilt.

How else would the media have the nickname "The Uncrowned King" and be called a "legal gangster" behind his back?

Asking them to sacrifice themselves so that the newspaper that scolds them can gain traffic is quite a loss when you think about it.

So no matter how you look at it, if this matter is going to get turbulent, it can only be done as the newspaper wants. It is in the interest of Ning Weimin to keep things quiet.

The best thing is that this matter can slowly cool down and go away with the wind, although it is not realistic...

However, just when he was extremely hesitant and racking his brains to find the possibility of influencing the newspaper in his interpersonal relationships.

Unexpectedly, after only one day, this matter completely got out of control.

He no longer had the intention to observe, and he had to take action as soon as possible to save the situation.

Because it was still this newspaper that actually published a bunch of photos about Matsumoto Keiko.

It was the second day of the opening ceremony, when Matsumoto Keiko went to the hotel to have another tryst with Ning Weimin, who had escaped from work, and was photographed.

In the photo, Keiko Matsumoto appeared in the lobby of the Ginza Mitsui Garden Hotel. She first sat in the restaurant, then walked out of the restaurant and walked around the mall for a while, and then got on the hotel elevator and entered the guest room floor.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin was not exposed.

All photos are about Keiko Matsumoto alone, and there is no actual evidence for reporters to accuse her of her private life.

But the reporter who wrote the article was very cunning and did not directly state his suspicions.

The attached article only stated that Matsumoto Keiko arrived at the hotel that day not to participate in any activities and did not interact with anyone. She just sat in the restaurant for a while, glanced at the information displayed on the pager, and then went upstairs.

Immediately below this article was published another piece of tidbits about social phenomena.

He said that many upper-class celebrities currently have affairs and prefer high-end hotels instead of love hotels.

In fact, it is not because of greed, but because high-end hotels are more hidden.

Because you can let the woman wander around the shopping streets on the first and second floors while the man goes to the hotel front desk to open a room and collect the key.

Then tell the woman the room number.

Then after a while, the woman can just go upstairs.

And because the two didn't stay together, even if the woman was spotted, she would only be thought to be shopping.

I have to say that this newspaper is too bad.

The comparison between the two news stories on this page inspires the readers' imagination and mobilizes the readers' thinking to guess the purpose of Matsumoto Keiko's appearance in the hotel.

On the surface, he said nothing, but in fact, he said everything.

I believe that anyone who has read this newspaper will definitely be affected by it.

I tend to believe that Matsumoto Keiko came to the hotel just to find a man for an affair, and it was an unethical relationship that could not be exposed.

However, this report caused a greater impact than the previous one, and public opinion was immediately in an uproar.

Many people have linked the two reports of "Japan Sports" to speculate whether Matsumoto Keiko was a rich man's wife.

Many fans were deeply hurt and criticized Keiko Matsumoto for being frivolous and selfish, which hurt their feelings.

Matsumoto Keiko was asked to quickly explain the situation, apologize to the public, and declared that she would boycott the restaurants opened by Matsumoto Keiko.

Although this incident has not yet been truly concluded, in the minds of the majority of angry movie fans, Matsumoto Keiko is already a morally unscrupulous and shameless person.

Many insiders who may have been jealous of Matsumoto Keiko have also begun to use other newspapers to comment on the matter.

Some people pretended to feel sorry for Matsumoto Keiko.

It shows that an actress with such a good condition is willing to fall down. She should be able to go further in the film industry.

Others scornfully said that a woman who became famous by selling her looks would do such a dishonorable thing, so what’s the surprise?

He also said that Matsumoto Keiko's award-winning roles were all performed in her true colors, and that she was essentially a coquettish, slutty, vain woman.

And she laughed at the people who asked her to cooperate in opening a restaurant. They were really blind.

Even the crew of "The Man on Fire" took the opportunity to recharge.

Let’s revisit the conflict that Fukasaku Kinji and Matsumoto Keiko had over filming some time ago.

This confirmed Matsumoto Keiko's fault, and regarded Fukasaku Kinji as a famous director who was responsible for the quality of the film.

Invisibly, Matsumoto Keiko became the most failed casting in this film.

I'm afraid I need to take responsibility for all the factors in "The Man on Fire" that are not conducive to the film's box office and award winnings.

However, in turn, all the credit goes to Kinji Fukasaku, making this famous director more and more supported by movie fans.

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