National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,029 Sensation

Late November is the time when the autumn flavor in Beijing is strongest.

At this time of year, all the fruits that should have fallen have already fallen, and finally it is only the golden persimmons’ turn to be the highlight on the market.

And almost all of the red fruits that had ripened earlier turned into candied haws.

Just like "thousands of pear trees in bloom", it appeared in the bustling city of Beijing.

No matter men, women, old or young, all they need to do is buy a bunch of candied haws, tilt their head and take a bite.

Hey, the sour taste wrapped in sweetness will bring a warm smile to people's faces.

Of course, such a smile is not only because the candied haws is delicious, but also because everyone feels happy.

Speaking of which, there were too many good things that happened in November this year.

The first is the important change that affects the lives of millions of households.

At the beginning of this month, the Beijing city government announced for the first time that televisions were allowed to be "openly supplied."

This means that in Beijing, the era of purchasing industrial supplies by ticket has basically come to an end.

Although many people can’t help but feel distressed when their accumulated industrial coupons are voided in vain.

Although color TVs are still a high-end product that is in short supply and difficult for ordinary people to buy,

But no matter what, life becomes much more convenient for everyone.

Like soap, light bulbs, candles, socks, batteries, tea, chimneys, stoves, pots and pans...

These days of shortage of daily industrial supplies are gone forever.

Such benefits are real and can be experienced by everyone.

Who can be unhappy?

Secondly, on November 16, there was another major event that enhanced our country’s prestige.

In the third Women's Volleyball World Cup finals held in Tokyo, Japan, the Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the previous champion Japanese team with a record of 7 victories and won the championship.

Finally achieved a breakthrough of "zero" gold medals for China's three major goals in world competitions.

You know, there was an old saying in the world in the 1970s.

I think our country’s small ball is okay, but big ball is useless.

In fact, for a long time, our country has indeed not achieved much results in the three major goals.

Therefore, the women's volleyball team's championship is equivalent to shattering this prejudice at once and giving all our citizens a shot in the arm.

Coupled with this year, our country has made great progress in all aspects of international sports performance.

Table Tennis Grand Slam at the World Championships.

The national ice hockey team was promoted from Group C to Group B of the World Ice Hockey Championship for the first time.

The national football team once again defeated a powerful team from Western Asia in the World Cup qualifiers.

Our men's volleyball team also defeated Japan and South Korea and won the Asian Cup.

All of this accumulates people's happiness together.

So the people in the capital naturally couldn't sit still at home and had to run to the streets to vent their anger.

That night, *** Square became a sea of ​​celebration.

The crowds of people celebrating spontaneously in the capital all flocked here.

Some people even set off remaining firecrackers and fireworks from the New Year.

Others danced in celebration in the square.

The excited faces at the scene have become images of Beijing in 1981 that will never fade.

Finally, there is another piece of world-wide news that shocked the capital.

That is the opening of the fashion showroom founded by French design master Pierre Carton in Beijing.

On November 22, the French Pierre Carton Fashion Company and the Capital City Foreign Trade Company jointly held a grand opening ceremony at the Zhai Palace in the Temple of Heaven Park.

At the same time, a clothing exhibition was held in the west hall of the Capital Hotel.

Logically speaking, in fact, the people in the capital would not pay much attention to such news, let alone cause much sensation.

Because often similar foreign affairs and trade activities are limited to official and internal visits.

As the saying goes, it's none of your business.

If the common people can't see or touch it, what's the point?

What are you talking about?

But this time it was different.

Because the opening ceremony was on Sunday and the venue was in a park.

Moreover, "Beijing Evening News", "Beijing Daily" and "Beijing Youth Daily" reported relevant news in advance.

It was clearly stated that the opening ceremony of the Temple of Heaven Zhai Palace would also include a costume show for the public. No additional tickets were charged, and the general public was welcome to visit.

Who wouldn’t want to go see a peep show for free?

So as soon as the news was reported, it spread to ten people and then to hundreds of people.

As soon as Sunday arrived, almost all those who had time and were willing to watch the excitement went to the Temple of Heaven Park.

This makes the leaders of Temple of Heaven Park extremely happy.

The number of tickets sold on that day was three times that of a normal weekend, and the number of visitors was close to 25,000.

But it must be said that everything has advantages and disadvantages. If the garden is not happy for a while, troubles will follow.

Because these people had the same goal, almost all of them flocked to the performance stage outside Zhai Palace.

It was a huge crowd, Wuyang Wuyang.

There are three floors inside and three floors around the performance venue where the stage has been set up. Even the west gate of the Temple of Heaven is blocked.

Looking at the momentum, if the event really starts, how can this venue accommodate it?

The organizer was really frightened and had no choice but to contact the park and ask them to mobilize manpower to maintain order.

Then, together with the park leaders, three temporary measures were taken to resolve the chaotic on-site situation.

The first is to bring the tickets and the big red stamp from the park to make tickets. Only 6,000 people can participate in the event.

The second is to evacuate the crowd, guide and organize on-site tourists to queue up to collect tickets in an orderly manner, and avoid causing stampedes.

The third is to appease the dissatisfaction of those who cannot receive votes.

Use the organizer's red badge to make another 6,000 visiting tickets and distribute them at the same time. There will be an additional performance in the afternoon.

In short, when it comes to the lively scene of this opening ceremony, it is estimated that even the serious emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties could not match the lively scene of worshiping heaven.

Many tourists are very curious about foreign fashion and admire French design masters. Basically, both morning and afternoon sessions are full.

Of course, the live performance is indeed worthy of everyone's waiting and expectations.

Taking the morning session as an example, first the district leaders, deputy general manager of Beijing Foreign Trade Company, leaders of the Temple of Heaven Park, Pierre Carton and Song Huagui cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony.

As the show begins, there is a breathtaking lion dance performance and traditional Peking Opera fire show.

After that, all Pierre Carton's costume models were dispatched, and even Qu Xiao, who had just healed from his wound, appeared on stage.

As soon as the music started playing, looking at the majestic men and the natural beauty of the women, twenty-four models came out one after another dressed in various costumes.

The audience at the scene was immediately shocked! It was completely a reaction to the shock wave!

But rather than saying that these models are beautiful, it is better to say that the clothes they wear are beautiful.

Although these costumes are commonplace in Paris, they are unimaginable to the common people of the Republic.

Such as skirts with petals, bow ties woven with gold and silver threads, and orange and yellow men's pajamas.

Brocade evening gowns, ethereal garments decorated with metallic discs, and skirts with thigh-high and waist-high skirts...

To put it bluntly, these novelty garments are like powerful magnets.

Thousands of pairs of eyes were firmly attracted to the "T"-shaped platform one meter above the ground, three meters wide and twenty-five meters long.

Following the light and easy catwalk on the stage, the models, either individually, in pairs, or in groups of three or five, shuttled back and forth to both ends of the catwalk to the accompaniment of music of different rhythms.

Especially the two girls Qu Xiao and Shi Kai, when they reach the middle and the end, they have to do several rotating movements to allow the audience to appreciate it from different angles.

This made the atmosphere at the scene even more intense, like boiling water in a pot.

Amidst the waves of applause, everyone's heartbeats seemed to have stopped, and they all opened their eyes wide, unwilling to miss even the smallest details for just a moment.

Every audience member who was lucky enough to witness it was in a state of astonishment, as if it was a lifetime ago.

Some were intoxicated and stunned.

Almost all the excitement and satisfaction that humans can achieve are exposed here.

Even the leaders sitting in the guest seats were dumbfounded and became "loyal viewers."

But it was journalists in the capital who responded most enthusiastically.

They immediately pointed their cameras at the stage, spared no effort in taking film, and rushed to record the grand occasion in front of them.

"Crack, click, click" is a continuous shot, capturing each wonderful scene one second at a time.

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