National Tide 1980

Chapter 1441: Closed door

Ginza's high-end clubs usually start receiving guests at eight o'clock in the evening.

But basically after six o'clock in the evening, various nightclubs start to make preparations for opening.

This is also the time when there are the most beauties on the streets in Ginza, and you can easily see a bartender or mamasan walking quickly.

So Ning Weimin also went to Ginza 7-chome and 8-chome to look for partners during this time.

Although he didn't know which club was the most famous, it didn't matter.

Because as long as he knows which location is the best and which floor is the best.

Anyway, the better the location and the better floors, the more expensive the rent, and stores with poor business simply cannot afford it.

But the problem is, just relying on this little cleverness is useless.

You know, Ning Weimin is not Japanese after all.

He had only been here a few times with others because of his business contacts, so he didn't know enough about Ginza's clubs.

For example, he never thought that in Ginza, the more exclusive the club, the more masters of membership system.

If there are no unfamiliar customers brought by familiar customers, they will be directly refused to receive them.

Others are more skilled at this than he is.

So almost no Japanese were willing to listen carefully to what he, a foreigner, said.

He was actually like Shiro Numa who was rejected by him. He came to the door again and again and tasted the feeling of being turned away.

What's more, this industry is absolutely based on people's choices.

There is no price tag on anything in any decent store.

Some are just a white slip of paper, which says the amount the guest has to pay will not be received until the guest leaves at the end.

As for what standards this amount is calculated on?

There is only one criterion for calculation, and that is the look in the eyes of Mama Sang or the store manager.

She thinks you are rich and charges you more.

She thinks you have no taste, so she should be tougher.

She has compassion for you, so accept less.

That’s why Ginza’s clubs are called adults’ playgrounds.

The most popular people here are those in their forties or fifties who have successful careers.

That is the kind of guest Ginza mamasangs like to receive the most.

As for a young man like Ning Weimin, no one would believe that he would be a rich man just based on his appearance.

As a result, Ning Weimin, who took the initiative to propose cooperation, became as annoying as the nhk toll collector in the eyes of these mamasangs and store managers.

The patient ones can talk to him nicely, but the impatient ones refuse directly and don't even want to listen to the end of his suggestions.

They may even dismiss him with cold and rude words.

"Hey! It's useless! Our boss won't see you without someone to introduce you!"

"Let's go! Let's go! Stop pestering! How could you have such an overestimating idea? A high-end store like ours will not cooperate with people of unknown origins!"

Even if Ning Weimin really intends to spend money to take care of the other party's store business, he can't talk to the other party through consumption.

They didn't give him a chance at all, and he really didn't even make any money.

Although his attitude was a little more polite, he still refused.

"We are very sorry, but we do not accept guests who come alone."

"I'm really sorry. We are a members-only club, and all guests are recommended by our members."

Ning Weimin never expected this situation.

At first he thought he was coming to visit, but he would hand over his business card to the mamasang in these clubs, reveal his identity, talk about the matter, give him a small gift or something, and everything would be fine.

From now on, everyone can get what they need and make a fortune together.

From now on, as long as he sits down in the store and waits for those Yingying Yanyan to help bring him customers, the situation in the store will gradually improve.

But in fact, he ran for several days, only eating soft nails, and he didn't even negotiate a partner.

It would be worse than when he went to Dahe Tourism to discuss cooperation on trolley suitcases.

After personal experience, he truly felt how stubborn the Japanese people's granite heads were.

Now it seems that it was the real exception that I was able to successfully negotiate a cooperation with Yamato Tourism.

Thinking about it, it should all be attributed to the trolley suitcase.

If this thing hadn't been visible and tangible, it would have been right in front of those who were sightseeing in Yamato.

The advanced nature of the product is clearly enough to overwhelm similar products, and it is unique in the market.

Yamato Tourism will not easily agree to cooperate.

But having said that, what else can be done now?

Ning Weimin really couldn't think of a better way to break the situation.

Anyway, he was at least convinced that this was a direction definitely worth trying.

He firmly believes that as long as he brings in one store, he should be able to see practical results very quickly.

Then the next thing will be easier to handle.

So there is no way, since there is no way to eat a fat man in one bite.

He had no choice but to be patient, cast a net in many directions, work piecemeal, and persevere.

Just like that, soon, for two hours every evening, in addition to continuing to sweep the building and visiting clubs from house to house looking for Mama Sang.

Ning Weimin even started to adopt the ant moving tactic - guarding the entrances of the clubs in the seventh and eighth houses, and taking the initiative to strike up conversations with the escort girls who came to work.

Not to mention, this seemingly inefficient method has some effects.

After all, as the old saying goes, a madam loves money, but a sister loves beauty.

Ning Weimin, a handsome young man with red lips, white teeth, and a handsome demeanor, could even catch Matsumoto Keiko's eyes.

Then when other Japanese ladies see him, many of them will be attracted to him and feel attracted to him.

In addition, the girls who do this business are doing it to make more money, so who would have a grudge against money?

Sometimes after the conversation, the other party will accept his business card and express his willingness to take the guest to Ginza Dangu Shrine to have a look.

But the side effects are also obvious.

In addition to the fact that Ning Weimin was often mistaken as a broker who scouted and poached people for various nightclubs in Ginza, he was subject to stricter prevention and expulsion from various nightclubs.

Sometimes they are not even allowed upstairs by the security guards of those commercial buildings.

Moreover, he is often harassed by others because he is too "outstanding" when standing on the street.

For example, there is a real broker who wants to recruit him to be a "male publicist".

And he was introduced to the most famous club in the future called "Love".

It is a "men's club" exclusively for women in Japan. Mainland Chinese call the men ducks, while Hong Kong and Taiwan call them cowherds.

Ning Weimin never thought that something like this would happen here, so he naturally refused to thank him and ran away.

However, his first cooperation partner was also negotiated because he was handsome.

That day was the beginning of Japan’s rainy season in June.

Starting from noon, it started to rain lightly in Tokyo, and it became out of control as soon as it started.

So that evening, Ning Weimin held a transparent plastic umbrella and wandered back and forth on Ginza 7-chome, feeling frustrated and worried.

If not for anything else, just because this weather is too unfavorable for him to develop business.

It is estimated that no escort girl would have the time to stop and talk to him on the street.

But even if you go upstairs to go shopping, you will not be welcomed if you are wet, and you will definitely get a look.

As a result, just when he was hesitating about what to do, he didn't pay attention to the Chunya Cafe next to him. A beautiful Japanese girl opened the door of the cafe and took the initiative to walk to him in the rain to talk to him.


National Tide 1980

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