National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,552 It’s still business

There was no puffer fish in the meal at the Hanajing Kai Dinner Party, so Miwa Takada was lucky.

She was just so angry that she suffered a stroke and her life was not in danger.

However, she is unfortunate because she is afraid of comparing the two.

In fact, it was at the same time that she had a stroke and was rushed to the hospital.

The woman whom she had been filled with hatred and hostility for, and who had caused her to suffer this ordeal, was living as happily as if she were soaking in a jar of honey.

I feel that life is becoming more and more nourishing.

Thanks to her not knowing the specific details, otherwise she would not be able to wake up and die.


It was probably around 2:30 in the afternoon when Keiko Matsumoto walked out of the door of Tokyo Prince Hotel.

The chaos caused by Takada Miwa's stroke had just ended, and it had only been ten minutes since the person was carried into the ambulance and left.

Therefore, Matsumoto Keiko had no idea about the person who once wanted to pimp her and coerced and humiliated her in person.

The person who secretly sent a message for Harada Michiko and instigated Kōgawa Haruki to find people from the main house club to go to Ginza Dangumi to cause trouble.

Just now, he had fallen down because of his hatred and jealousy towards her, and even the emergence of an intractable fear of her.

Otherwise, she might really believe in the theory of retribution and become a superstitious person.

Speaking of which, none of the members of the Huajing Society were lucky.

Because if they were really worried about Takada Miwa's safety, they could stay at the entrance of the hotel for a while longer and sigh for a while longer for this elder sister who everyone admired.

Instead of rushing back to gossip, he instead circled around the vice chairman Junko Miyashita and continued to inquire about the audition at Dewu Studio.

Then maybe one of them will be lucky enough to meet Keiko Matsumoto face to face.

It's a pity that there is no such "if", not to mention that the essence of the entertainment industry is vanity and vanity, eager for quick success, and most interpersonal relationships are just fake tricks driven by interests.

In such an industry, how can we expect others to treat each other with sincerity?

When you are good, others can surround you like flowers, but when you are not good, people will retreat and avoid you. This is a normal thing.

Since I chose this path in the first place, the people involved in it should have had such an awareness long ago. No one can blame me.

But then again, none of this matters anyway.

Anyway, for Matsumoto Keiko, no matter what happens to these people, she won't take it to heart.

Compared to other people in Vanity Fair, she actually focuses more on herself.

At this time, there was only one thing she cared about, and that was to share the exciting meeting with her lover.

In fact, just a few minutes after getting into the stretched Cadillac and leaving the Tokyo Prince Hotel, Matsumoto Keiko asked the car to stop on the way.

Then he got out of the back of the car, ran to the front door, opened the passenger door and got in.

This immediately startled Ning Weimin, who was wearing a driver's uniform and holding the steering wheel, and reminded her for safety reasons.

"Aren't you afraid of being seen by reporters?"

Unexpectedly, Matsumoto Keiko didn't say a word, just looked at him with a smile.

Matsumoto Keiko wore a black floral dress today. The style was very subtle and elegant, but it naturally highlighted the curvature of her figure.

She was also wearing the high-end French silk scarf given to her by Ning Weimin, making her vaguely exposed slender neck even more attractive.

But this was nothing, just when Ning Weimin looked a little impulsive.

He didn't expect that Keiko Matsumoto would take advantage of him and suddenly throw herself into his arms.

Matsumoto Keiko hooked his neck with both hands and took the initiative to kiss his lips.

"What's wrong? Qingzi, you...what's wrong?"

Although Ning Weimin was held by the fragrant beauty, he was intoxicated and enjoyed it very much.

But we cannot but consider the safety of Matsumoto Keiko’s reputation.

He really couldn't figure out why Keiko Matsumoto was suddenly so emotional and loved him so strongly?

"Do you much I miss you? I...just want to kiss you..."

Matsumoto Keiko refused to give up and continued to use practical actions to pester her.

And her eyes seemed to be dripping with water, making it difficult to hold on.

"Don't be like really want others to see..."

Ning Weimin suddenly felt a bite on the left side of his neck.

That itchy and painful biting feeling makes it difficult for anyone to maintain a calm mood.

I originally wanted to refuse and have a heart-to-heart talk with her, but my mind was completely gone, and the reason I had finally persisted with collapsed.

"Ah!" After shouting out, Ning Weimin simply gave up regardless of the consequences.

He suddenly exerted force with his hands and hugged the naughty woman in his arms tightly, using another way to fight, conquer, and punish...

Fortunately, the place where they parked their car was completely unshaded and it was too hot.

Even in a busy city, there are not many passers-by.

And no one paid attention to them. Everyone was moving forward with their heads down and hurried past here.

Even the cars were the same. They were speeding past in a flash, and the drivers were all looking away.

It was a fluke that their five minutes of being cheek-to-cheek and extremely risky could actually end with a safe outcome.

At this time, they had kissed enough and were finally able to have a good talk with joy and satisfaction.

"What's wrong with you? Qingzi... answer me... nothing happened, right?"

Ning Weimin said, stroking his lover's face.

"It's nothing, I'm... just so happy. I really... love you so much..."

Matsumoto Keiko closed her eyes and panted slightly.

"Why? Just because we were so intimate just now..."

Ning Weimin found it a bit funny and was puzzled in every possible way.

Matsumoto Keiko was so unusual today.

Should this be considered a sign of childishness? Or extreme hot love?

"'s because...I never dreamed that one day I would discuss the possibility of co-producing a movie with a famous director like Akira Kurosawa in the name of Fog Studio. And this is all thanks to you. , it’s all your credit. You make me feel very happy.”

Finally her breathing gradually calmed down, Matsumoto Keiko smiled again despite her shyness, as charming as a glass of honey water.

"Let me tell you, today's meeting was really exciting. Director Kurosawa fully affirmed me."

"Really? It seems like you guys had a good conversation."

"Yes, it's very good. Thanks to Mr. Hashimoto's introduction, I finally have the opportunity to talk to Director Kurosawa this time. In the past, although we had met, we always attended ceremonies and events, and I just went with others. I said hello in front of him. I have never had the opportunity to listen to Director Kurosawa’s teachings alone and have a good talk about movies with him. Today I finally got what I wanted. After I said goodbye, I found out that I had talked with Director Kurosawa for more than an hour..."

"Huh? Really? Is he easy to get along with? I heard people say that he has a weird temper, is neurotic, and is like a powder keg. Even the president of Dongbao was scolded by him, and he was always worried about you... "

"Haha, those are just rumors. In fact, in my opinion, Director Kurosawa is a very gentleman. He just has extraordinary thoughts and is unsmiling. If you are willing to go with me, you can see Director Kurosawa He treated me like an elder today, very amiable..."

After listening to Matsumoto Keiko's words, Ning Weimin gradually began to understand her feelings.

Nothing else, gender equality is always a problem in a country like Japan.

The workplace in Japanese society has only recently opened up to women.

In a social environment where men are superior to women, even if Keiko Matsumoto is the only woman in the Japanese film industry who can own a studio, she still may not be confident enough.

What's more, in such a short period of time, she might not be able to fully adapt to her new identity.

When facing Akira Kurosawa, he must still regard himself as a junior in the industry and a movie star.

In addition, Akira Kurosawa has been deified in the Japanese film industry.

Matsumoto Keiko would naturally be excited and sincerely honored to have such a one-on-one business meeting with the Japanese director god.

To be honest, Matsumoto Keiko is actually an artistic young woman full of romantic complexes at heart, otherwise she would not have been attracted by Fukasaku Kinji's talent.

But to Ning Weimin, these didn't matter.

As long as Keiko is happy about this meeting.

"So, director Akira Kurosawa is interested in working with you and is willing to direct your next film?"

Ning Weimin asked with a smile.

No matter judging from Matsumoto Keiko's reaction or listening to her tone, he thought Matsumoto Keiko had achieved what she wanted.

So at the same time, I restarted the car and drove forward slowly.

However, he never expected that his prediction was wrong. The actual situation was not what he thought.

"That's not the case. Instead, Director Kurosawa rejected it. He said that the stories that Fog Studio had the rights to adapt were not suitable for him. And he had just finished filming the movie "Ran", and he felt that I need to rest for a while, so I have no intention of holding the guide tube again for the time being..."

"Huh? How could this happen? Then why did he agree to meet?"

Ning Weimin's hand almost slipped on the steering wheel, and he couldn't help but feel surprised.

Since Akira Kurosawa has no intention of cooperating, why did he agree to meet?

"Maybe it's because of Hashimoto-san's face that he is willing to give me some advice. After all, they have worked together for so many years. Director Kurosawa probably couldn't refuse, so he had to give Hashimoto-san face and agreed to meet me. But Director Kurosawa has indeed watched many of my films, and today he took the trouble to give me guidance and encouragement from the perspective of acting. He also said that he might vote for me for this year’s Academy Award. As for cooperation, although he I can’t direct, but I am willing to introduce other famous directors to me, such as Nagisa Oshima..."

Keiko Matsumoto expressed her personal understanding of the matter, with a look of relief on her face.

It seems that she is very satisfied to receive such recognition and help from a famous director.

But Ning Weimin thought about it and still felt it was wrong.

This famous director, whether in Japan or Hollywood, is known for being unkind.

When he was in charge of the director, he always held all the power and refused to listen to the opinions of others. Otherwise, he would not have been repeatedly deprived of his director status by Hollywood producers.

And he was able to break up with his confidant who had been with him for half his life and the best friend who helped him achieve his career, the famous actor Toshiro Mifune.

Even if they never interact with each other for life, this is also a clear proof of his character.

Such a person may be very talented.

But there is only himself in his world. He is stubborn, stubborn, and even arrogant, which is probably his true nature.

How could he agree to see Matsumoto Keiko just for Shinobu Hashimoto's sake?

And wasting his precious time just to chat with Yan Yuese and Matsumoto Keiko about these meaningless idle words?

He also took the initiative to bring up voting for the Academy Awards? There should be something in the words.

"Didn't Director Kurosawa mention anything else? Think about important things again..."

After he said this, Matsumoto Keiko was stunned. After thinking for a long time, he finally remembered something.

"Ah, Director Kurosawa seemed... it seemed... he even mentioned that he planned to close his own studio completely, and asked me if I was interested in expanding Fog Studios and using the studio's film library, equipment, Personnel, take it over for 200 million yen?”

"Then how did you respond to him?"


Matsumoto Keiko recalled, "I refused at that time. After all, our one billion yen filming fund has not been fully collected. How can we still have the money to buy another studio? Moreover, the equipment and personnel of Fog Studio are suitable for We have enough for now, there is really no need for this..."

"Then... was Director Kurosawa's request made at the last stage of your conversation? Did your meeting end soon after being rejected?"

"Huh? From what you said, it seems so..."

After hearing this, Ning Weimin couldn't help but feel happy.

To put it bluntly, after going through such a big circle, it turned out to be just for business.

Director Akira Kurosawa must be very disappointed, right?

You probably wouldn't have thought that Matsumoto Keiko was a woman who admired herself very much but didn't have much business nerve.

I didn't understand his purpose at all this time.

But he deserves it. This bad old man is very bad. He clearly wants to trick Matsumoto Keiko into taking over the deal at a high price.

Seeing Ning Weimin's expression, Matsumoto Keiko pondered for a moment and finally understood.

At this time, he asked with some disbelief, "Could it be...could it be...that Director Kurosawa met me just for this matter? Then I...then wouldn't I..."

When she said this, the expression on her face was a little frustrated and disappointed, and she was obviously a little panicked and a little overwhelmed.

The aloof artist image of Akira Kurosawa, who had fascinated her for so long, may have collapsed to some extent.

"Qingzi, don't think too much, what's the point?"

Ning Weimin didn't want Keiko Matsumoto's mood to turn bad, so he tried to comfort him, "You have to think this way, directors are human beings too. Human beings need to live. As you know, the cost of living in Tokyo is so high, if the director doesn't get a share , the income is at most half that of the leading actor in a movie. And if you want to participate in the investment of the movie, you have to bear the corresponding risks. Then didn't Kurosawa lose all his wealth because of the investment in "Train Mania"? Nowadays, Although he has made a comeback again with his new work, and was awarded the Japanese Cultural Medal last year. But this is meaningless to his financial situation. He should have no money. I think it is so difficult to grasp the film market today, but stock and real estate speculation The market is booming. I'm afraid he also wants to cash out the production company and improve the economic situation through investment..."

These words made Matsumoto Keiko somewhat relieved.

"Oh, if you say that, I can understand it. Isn't that what we are doing now..."

"No, we are still different."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"Because we entered the market earlier than him, we made money first. Don't you know? Our stocks have risen sharply recently. We should have enough funds to shoot "Li Xianglan", right?"

"Ah, so awesome!" Matsumoto Keiko couldn't help but exclaimed.

She left all financial issues to Mitsuru Watanabe, and more importantly, she believed in Ning Weimin, so she has been focusing on the preparation of the film and has not bothered with financial issues at all.


However, what Ning Weimin said next made her even more surprised, "So it's not that we can't consider Director Akira Kurosawa's request. But the price is not good and needs to be lowered. In fact, his production studio only has the film library to treat us." Significant……"

Without waiting for the stunned Matsumoto Keiko to react, Ning Weimin directly told her what to do, "In this way, you can contact Akira Kurosawa or Shinobu Hashimoto tomorrow and say that after careful consideration, you are willing to pay 100 million I bought his studio for 50 million yen. Ask him if he can accept it?"

"Hey, is this really okay?" Matsumoto Keiko looked surprised, "If the other party agrees, can our finances afford it?"

"Don't worry. With me here, the money is not a problem, and I guarantee that you will not make a loss-making business. But I also want to remind you, I'm afraid you have to adapt to your new identity as soon as possible, my President Matsumoto. In fact, from a hierarchical level, you are the boss. There is no need to feel intimidated or fearful of any director. Believe me, it is an honor for these directors to be able to meet you. And you will definitely not lack opportunities in the future to work with Hollywood It’s about meeting or collaborating with European directors. Do you understand?”

"Well, I understand. I listen to you..."

In this way, Ning Weimin's confident tone and confident air successfully eliminated all Matsumoto Keiko's disappointment and anxiety.

Instead, it gave her the feeling of happiness and security of having a strong support.

Not only did Matsumoto Keiko always believe in Ning Weimin's words.

And she was convinced that this man who was willing to act as her driver was her light and her guardian angel. (End of chapter)

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