National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,555 Trip to China

The harassment from the outside world was nothing more than that. Because public opinion once again implicated Matsumoto Keiko's life-long events, this incident also caused an uproar in her family.

Soon, Matsumoto Keiko's mother called her and asked her to come home as soon as possible, saying that her father wanted to see her.

It should be said that Keiko Matsumoto is a person with a big heart.

Since the day she debuted as an artist, she has been subject to public scrutiny and questioning in all aspects.

Even after she became famous, it was not always smooth sailing when she was enjoying the glory.

For example, she was once regarded as an unlucky person when she encountered supernatural incidents while filming an advertisement a few years ago.

As a result, many advertisers gave up on her collectively, and her economy and reputation suffered a double blow.

Some time ago, the public controversy created by Kinji Fukasaku and Michiko Harada caused her to be scolded so much that she even thought that her career was about to end.

She took all these indifferently and withstood them.

But receiving a call from her mother was a little different for Matsumoto Keiko.

Because her family's incomprehension is no better than outsiders' incomprehension, she can turn a deaf ear to it.

If her family opposes her, that would be a heart-wrenching thing and the most terrifying thing.

She could clearly feel from her mother's slightly worried but calm tone that her parents wanted to ask her about something, and that there was a risk of family conflict in it.

For this reason, her throat felt a little dry.

To be honest, she really didn't want to go. She wasn't fully prepared yet, but the problem was that these were her parents.

And she also knew that sooner or later this day would come and she would not be able to hide.

So she had no other choice. No matter how reluctant she was, she could only cheer up, seize the time to arrange her work, tidied herself up, dressed neatly, and rushed to the appointment early.

She didn't tell Ning Weimin about this, probably knowing that the meeting and conversation might not go smoothly.

Sure enough, when she returned home, she faced her father who looked like he was facing a powerful enemy and was ready to fight.

Matsumoto Keiko's father, Han Yingming, is a Korean in Japan and has a tough personality.

The male chauvinist style is very serious, and anyone who opens his mouth will be interrogated like a police officer.

He even unknowingly sided with the media, believing those outside rumors to be true, and was completely dissatisfied with blaming and reprimanding Matsumoto Keiko.

Keiko Matsumoto's mother, Tsuneko, is Japanese and has a very soft character. She is trying her best to calm down the father and daughter, hoping that they will not be so tense.

Unfortunately, under the long-term pressure of her furious husband, the role she can play in fear of her husband is limited.

On the contrary, because he interrupted her several times to smooth things over, she was repeatedly scolded by her husband and dismissed as being in the way.

As a result, it suddenly backfired and had the opposite effect.

You know, what Matsumoto Keiko couldn't stand the most was seeing her mother acting cowardly and wronged in front of her parents.

So Matsumoto Keiko, who originally wanted to communicate as well as possible and try to solve the problem in a roundabout way, gave up her original intention without saying a few words because she was dissatisfied with her father's attitude towards her mother.

He returned to the old way of confronting his father and started to quarrel with him.

To put it bluntly, Keiko Matsumoto's emotions were out of control because she didn't want her parents to interfere with her emotions and marriage.

It was more out of his hatred of male chauvinism and the long-term dissatisfaction with his father that he became rebellious and intended to resist.

So, driven by anger and excitement, she no longer cared about her father's feelings, and simply revealed Ning Weimin's identity and told her parents that she had actually fallen in love with a Chinese.

Moreover, Ning Weimin's gentleness and kindness were compared with his father's arrogance.

He blamed his father for being too harsh on his mother, causing her to waste half her life without any happiness at all.

So one can imagine what kind of explosion will happen next?

As a traditional old-school person, Han Yingming originally had a patriarchal style.

What's more, he has lived in Japan for a long time, and has been dealing with those Japanese people who are famous for their granite heads. Naturally, he has agreed with that sentence - if you are close to red, you will be red, if you are close to ink, you will be black, and his head will become a stick. Muscles.

In terms of his attitude towards his family, one of Han Yingming's most distinctive personal characteristics is that he is not allowed to follow the rules. Once he does not follow the rules, he must use his father's authority to suppress and punish him.

Not to mention that Matsumoto Keiko actually dared to challenge his father's authority face to face and criticized him, which made him lose face.

This almost touched his reverse scales.

So in a rage, Han Yingming completely turned into a lion with red eyes and wanted to devour anyone.

Not only did she yell at her on the spot, she even beat her disobedient daughter.

This was the first time Matsumoto Keiko had been beaten and scolded by her father as an adult, and she felt even more disappointed and disappointed with her father.

Feeling aggrieved, she couldn't help but vowed that "if her father does not agree to her marriage, she will never return to this family again."

But how could the furious Han Yingming give in at this time?

After hearing this, it was even more difficult to contain my negative emotions, so I yelled at my daughter angrily, "Since you don't want this home anymore, you should never enter this home in the future. I don't have a daughter like you. How dare you come back?" , just don’t blame me for beating you to death..."

There is no doubt that the temperaments of the father and daughter are so similar that Matsumoto Keiko almost completely inherited the toughness of Han Yingming.

But this kind of character is also the fundamental reason why they are so confrontational and difficult to resolve their conflicts.

Saying this is tantamount to putting the relationship between each other to death.

If no one is willing to soften their position and give in, it will be obvious that it will be difficult for the father and daughter to meet each other in the future, and everyone will have to go to the dark side.

What's worse is that Qingzi's mother can't do anything at this time.

Because her character is too weak and she is too timid in front of her husband.

I was simply frightened by this unprecedentedly serious family conflict, because my fear turned into a motionless statue.

Before she even had time to react or accept the reality of what was happening before her eyes, the father and daughter had completely turned against each other, and their relationship was irretrievably broken.

In fact, before she could dissuade her, her daughter covered her face and ran out of the house crying.

When she finally came to her senses, she found that the house was left in a mess, only indifference and alienation, only loneliness and depression.

There was also the husband who had been pacing around the room like a trapped animal, panting heavily and unable to stop for a moment.

In the days that followed, Keiko Matsumoto completely cut off any contact with her parents.

It's not that the two parties don't want to contact each other, at least the mother and daughter miss each other and are eager to talk about their troubles.

But the problem is that there is Han Yingming between them.

As the mother of Matsumoto Keiko, Ryoko has long been accustomed to the subordinate status of this family.

Facing her husband, the head of the family, she really did not have enough courage and ability to resist.

As a daughter, Matsumoto Keiko knows better that if she and her mother complain in private, it will only make her mother's situation difficult, and will instead cause her mother to be embarrassed by her father.

As a result, both parties had to temporarily maintain this "parent-child separation" situation.

Objectively speaking, it is difficult to see any possibility of improvement in the short term, and we have entered a paranoid period of mutual torture.

This cannot but be said to be the biggest flaw and regret in Matsumoto Keiko's life.

But at this moment, the crew of "Li Xianglan" has completed all preliminary preparations including actor selection, and almost all the preliminary funds and equipment personnel are in place.

So I am about to go to China and prepare to officially start the machine.

So, under such circumstances, Matsumoto Keiko, with hard-to-heal emotional pain, said goodbye to Ning Weimin with a strong smile, and began the arduous trip to China.

On July 4, 1986, Pavarotti, the world-renowned Italian tenor and "World Singer", held a solo concert in the brightly lit Great Hall of the People in the capital of China.

Keiko Matsumoto and all the film crew members boarded the chartered plane and flew to the capital.

As for why this trip to China is defined by hardship?

Mainly due to the limited reception conditions in China.

You know, even in the capital of the Republic, there are currently too few accommodation places with ideal conditions in the capital.

The conditions of the Great Wall Hotel and Jianguo Hotel are good, but it is really difficult to accommodate hundreds of Japanese at the same time, and there are simply not enough rooms.

What's more, during this period, there were other well-known artists and cultural groups from foreign countries stationed in the capital for a long time.

For example, Pavarotti's team visited China for the first time in June and held a concert in China.

There is also the film crew of Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci who is filming "The Last Emperor" in the Forbidden City.

As well as Ning Weimin's own sins - only after listening to his idea did Pierre Cardon China send out an invitation to the French team of Alain Delon and Deneuve, who had already agreed to visit China and were about to leave next month.

So think about it, how lively will these people be plus the crew of "Li Xianglan"?

This is a reception task for at least several thousand people!

How can the diplomatic office of the Beijing government cope with this at present?

So there was no choice. When the "Li Xianglan" film crew arrived at their destination, they had no choice but to stay at the Qianmen Hotel in Hufangqiao.

Yes, this hotel is indeed too old and its facilities are not ideal.

The service is also far behind the real star-rated hotels such as the Great Wall Hotel and Jianguo Hotel, and it is not even considered a three-star hotel.

Not to mention Keiko Matsumoto herself, even ordinary Japanese staff from other film crews would find the conditions difficult and embarrassing if they lived here.

But then again, this is really the best hotel the capital government can currently provide.

In fact, even the Berlin Symphony Orchestra led by Karajan stayed here when they came to the capital.

Although Pavarotti did not live here, he moved to the Fragrant Hill Hotel where the conditions were better.

But that's because this big fat man will enjoy happiness. He had the foresight to send people to the capital half a year in advance to inspect the accommodation environment.

Then through repeated coordination and communication between the Italian Embassy and the Beijing government, we can get a sufficiently ideal and sufficient number of rooms.

And for this reason, he even spent an extra $80,000 to make up for the difference.

The situation of Alain Delon and Deneuve was similar. Song Huagui had booked a room at the Great Wall Hotel half a year ago, so that he would not be blinded.

So the conditions may be a bit more difficult, but who made the movie "Li Xianglan" efficient and progressing quickly?

Since I came in a hurry and couldn't make a reservation in advance, this was almost the best and only option.

In fact, this is nothing.

Because they have to follow the filming plan made by the crew and the agreement reached after liaison and communication with the Chinese personnel, they, the Japanese personnel, will meet with Chinese filmmakers from several cooperative studios in Shanghai, China.

Then a batch of costumes were made, and then the troops were divided into two groups, one in the south and one in the north for filming.

The one from the north went directly to Shenyang, and then to Chengde, with the Chinese side as the leader, responsible for Li Xianglan’s experiences and plot during her teenage years.

The film "Going to Shanghai first, then Beijing" was directed by director Yoshitaro Nomura himself, with assistance from the Chinese side. It mainly focused on the experience of the adult Li Xianglan played by Keiko Matsumoto.

When the time comes, those who go to Shenyang and Chengde will feel that the conditions are even worse.

After all, it can't compare with big places like Beijing and Shanghai, and it will be even more difficult for the Japanese to adapt in terms of food and accommodation.

To be honest, if Ning Weimin could accompany Matsumoto Keiko to the capital, he would coordinate and think of a solution.

The situation of Japanese personnel in China will definitely be much better than the current situation. At least they will be able to eat sushi, tempura and Japanese ramen.

It's just that they are not lucky.

Although Ning Weimin himself wanted to go with Matsumoto Keiko, and it was necessary for him to return to Beijing to report on his work, the objective conditions did not allow it.

Don't look at it. The business at Ginza Danmiya has returned to normal recently.

Daito Trading Company took the initiative to take on the responsibility of logistics because of Yamato Kanko, so daily operations have become easier.

Even Ebuntang Bookstore began to prosper under the management of Kagawa Rinko, turning from a money-losing product into a profitable business.

In fact, Ning Weimin has become much more leisurely, otherwise he would not have that much time to accompany Matsumoto Keiko and act as her driver.

But some things are really just unlucky.

First, the Asia International Luggage Show, originally scheduled to be held in Tokyo in mid-June, was postponed for a month due to the typhoon.

As an agent for the three brands, Ning Weimin had already paid the fees and had to stay and wait for the exhibition to promote his trolley suitcases.

Second, the print ads and video ads shot by Keiko Matsumoto and Qu Xiao have entered post-production. Japanese design companies have to communicate with Ning Weimin in a timely manner on many matters and need his confirmation.

Third, Teresa Teng has always wanted to go to the mainland to hold a concert.

We have already secretly established contact with the person in charge of cultural and sports activities of the National News Agency.

Because I had contact with Ning Weimin, I felt that he could be trusted and valued Tan Palace's dishes, so I wanted to use his treasure land to treat guests.

Such a matter had huge implications, so Ning Weimin naturally couldn't leave. Of course, he had to personally make arrangements.

Otherwise, it will be equivalent to betraying the trust of the other party.

And although he was surprised by Teresa Teng's bold and forward-thinking idea, he also knew that it would not come true in the end.

But he still hopes to do his part to promote it and give it a try. What if it works?

Wouldn’t this fulfill the dream of all young people in mainland China today?

Therefore, he could only sacrifice his ego for the sake of official business and go to meet Matsumoto Keiko in the capital a few days later.

But the good news is that starting from July 1 this year, the automatic direct dialing system for international long-distance calls in Beijing was opened.

The first batch is a two-way telephone line between Japan and Hong Kong.

This also means that Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko can contact each other at any time by phone.

They can keep abreast of each other's situation every day. They will no longer have to wait for several days for a chance to talk like during the Spring Festival.

In addition, it should be mentioned that the Japanese actor who played the role of the girl Li Xianglan in the crew was Yasuko Sawaguchi who was finally selected by the director from hundreds of competitors.

She was the perfect choice for Youtarou Nomura as soon as they met.

Just like standing out from the selection of "Toho Cinderella" back then.

This time, Yasuko Sawaguchi still won successfully by virtue of her appearance that resembled Li Xianglan and her beautiful and youthful age.

Judging from the fact that the result still maintains the original historical choice, it is indeed perfect for Yasuko Sawaguchi to play Li Xianglan, and there is a certain degree of inevitability.

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