National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,558: Making an Oolong

Ning Weimin was comfortable and enjoying his "pure" happiness with peace of mind.

Five days passed in a flash, and Army Day passed.

Not only did I not find it boring to be so unconcerned with the world, but I became more and more enjoying my life because I was detached from things.

And it got worse, gradually showing the extravagant characteristics of a prodigal.

Fortunately, the matter of his coming back was not settled after all.

He called Zhang Shihui himself, but he did not meet with Zhang Shihui.

And on the phone, Ning Weimin didn't even ask about the situation of Tan Palace, even the cigarette shop they opened together.

Because in fact, this kid has only one purpose.

Just to have Tan Gong Restaurant send someone to deliver a whole block of ice for making ice sculptures every day.

Then bring some roasted squab, grilled mutton skewers, asparagus, gyokushuang and the like, Japanese delicacies that are hard to eat, to satisfy his craving.

However, the good thing is that he does not take advantage of the public.

He paid for everything he wanted.

And he's not alone either.

He asked the people from Tan Palace to cut the whole piece of ice into eight equal parts in advance.

After it was delivered, each door in No. 2 Hospital could be given two large pieces the size of a radio cassette player, which could completely ensure that every household in the hospital would not be affected by the heat.

This kind of artificial ice is not only clean, but also extremely convenient to use.

Find a pot, put it in a corner, and put whatever you like in it, or freeze it if you like.

By the way, it can make the room cooler.

If you are still reluctant to use electricity, put a fan next to it.

Hey! That's absolutely amazing! It’s a simple version of “country air conditioner”!

Even with the doors and windows open, the room can be cooled down immediately, with the temperature dropping by two to three degrees.

So just because of this matter, all the neighbors in No. 2 Courtyard thought of Ning Weimin.

He has to stay at home and does not need to buy mung bean soup, sour plum soup or fruits every day. Several neighbors are willing to give them to him.

No matter who eats something good, he will definitely not forget to have his share.

What if Ning Weimin doesn't want to stay at home and doesn't want to go to the Temple of Heaven?

He can also take a simple fishing rod and go fishing for half a day by the Tongzi River next to the Forbidden City.

Not only amuse yourself, but you can also get some small fish, shrimps and lotus leaves for your big wine tank.

Or go to the Imperial Ancestral Temple and Zhongshan Park to drink tea or play chess under the old cypress trees.

When I’m tired of shopping, I come to Jinyuxuan to make a pot of tea and order steamed buns with winter vegetables.

Sitting on a wicker chair under the tin shed, I could spend an afternoon reading a book and listening to the chirping of cicadas.

This place is extraordinary. If there is one place in the capital city during the Republic of China where celebrities from all fields have left their footprints, then it is this tea shed.

The president, prime minister, ministers-general, deputy ministers and other military and political figures of the Republic of China, as well as countless figures from the cultural, financial and industrial circles, almost all of them who have been to the capital have come to Jinyuxuan.

Zhang Henshui wrote "The Cause of Laughter" here, and Lu Xun also translated "Little John" here.

So having the opportunity to check in here and pretend to be a young and artistic person is actually something worth remembering.

It is best to take a photo so that you can show off to your children when you are old. When you were in your prime, you still had romantic and artistic feelings.

Of course, if you get tired of doing these elegant things, you can always do something "popular".

From Qianmen Tower to the west, one kilometer away is the Peace Arch.

You have to go directly through the alley from Meishi Street.

Just five hundred meters to the west, you will arrive at Liulichang Ancient Culture Street, which has just been renovated.

Ning Weimin could go to Hongguang Pavilion to grind his teeth with the store manager he was already familiar with, and pick up a few high-quality goods from that era.

Or just go and squat in front of the cultural relics store to see if you can pick up the "leaks" of the national team.

Anyway, no matter what, since the antiquities market has not yet started, it cannot make people rich overnight.

At this time, the common people did not think too highly of the economic value of cultural relics and did not have high expectations.

Therefore, it was inevitable that Ning Weimin would not make a mistake. With his eloquence and eyesight, he would be able to take home something decent.

This is a way to make money and relieve boredom at the same time, how great it is.

If you still want something more lively, that's okay, you can go to the theater.

It doesn't matter if Renyi's dramas are boring and there are no good movies to watch, because you can still watch Peking Opera.

There are theaters everywhere in the capital these days. It is the most convenient time to attend a play, especially since there are many famous actors and tickets are not expensive.

For example, the National Peking Opera Troupe was just restructured in 1985. After the implementation of the new system, it expanded from one troupe to four troupes, with the largest number of actors.

And there is also the folk Fenglei Peking Opera Troupe as an effective supplement.

In terms of price, it only costs 30 to 50 cents to watch a show.

Thirty years later, buying a Peking Opera ticket at the Huguang Guild Hall will be enough for people at this time to listen to it for a year.

The key is that the hotter the day, the better the show. All the famous actors are singing doubles, and it's almost late at night by the time the night show ends.

The cool breeze, the cool breeze blowing from the treetops, will cheer people up and make them feel that the few hairs they spent in the theater were not in vain.

Especially when the opera breaks up, Ning Weimin will come nearby for some midnight snacks.

At the snack bar, I want a bowl of chicken soup wontons, a cold dish, and a liter of beer.

Afterwards, he was full of wine and food, and he took the harvest from Liulichang with him. He hummed "Shiro Visits His Mother" which he had almost learned, and walked home happily.

This is the end of this wonderful day.

Even for the most picky person, it would be difficult to find fault with this day.

I'm afraid retired veteran cadres won't be as comfortable as him.

There is no way, who made him become a truly wealthy man long ago?

Not to mention his own net worth of a small 200 million US dollars.

Even if Banla's young boss, who is a "big wine tank", will stay at home and grow old, it will be enough to support him to live as he pleases.

And the key is that my family doesn’t object.

Kang Shude, who was only considered Ning Weimin's relative, had already slapped him on his outside affairs and stopped interfering.

His apprentice knows very well that this old man is really open-minded.

He firmly believed that even if everyone in the capital starved to death, his apprentice would not be poor.

Not to mention that this kid came back from Tokyo and brought back many good things of national treasure level this time.

We care about his contribution to the country and nation and his filial piety, so how can we argue with him?

Come on, just mess around.

In Kang Shude's heart, even if Ning Weimin, his apprentice, really planned to stop doing his job and just become an alley boy or a street wanderer from now on, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Not to mention the money this kid earns, he won't be able to spend it all in his lifetime.

Even the things this kid has done before are not considered humiliating the master.

And the most important thing is that an apprentice can only be considered his apprentice if he has nothing to do.

At least we can see each other every day, chatting and teasing Menzi.

If you really run around all day long, it will be bad.

Not to mention that you can't count on him when something happens at home, it's even difficult to meet him.

Look, the old man and the young man who depend on each other are really destined.

Although they may not look like father and son, their master-disciple relationship, mutual understanding and trust are better than that of father and son.

I'm afraid that even if they are blood relatives, few can understand each other as well as they do.

Don’t believe it, if you leave this matter to others, then your views are really very different.

Apart from anything else, Ning Weimin has been wearing a big vest and big pants in the alley these days.

And I don’t smoke anymore, which makes other people scratch their heads.

As time passed, looking at his appearance, some people in the neighborhood in Shan'er Hutong began to gossip and spread gossip.

Some people speculated that Ning Weimin was probably fired by his foreign bosses.

Now I am unemployed and at home, and I have nothing to scratch my head about.

Otherwise, if your leather shoes are spotless and you have to wear a tie when you go out, why don't you even bring a watch?

Some people also speculate that Ning Weimin made a mistake in his lifestyle when he went to the colorful world overseas.

Foreigners don't care, but they can't hide it from the organization after all.

No, the organization is aware of everything and is ordering him to come back, suspend his duties, reflect, and write an inspection.

It is said that the root of the tongue can crush a person to death, and this is absolutely true.

Even though Ning Weimin had never offended anyone, these neighbors were not necessarily malicious.

However, this kind of gossip that makes people unable to argue is still spread everywhere and has a market.

Within a few days, not to mention all the neighbors in Courtyard No. 2 came to inquire and asked with concern whether he was in trouble.

Even Director Li of the street and the director of the Brocade Box Factory had heard about it. They asked someone to tell Ning Weimin that they wanted to recruit people.

The general meaning is that foreigners do not understand talents and it is their loss. If they really want to be fired, don't lose heart.

Whether it is a street factory or a brocade box factory, as long as he is willing and does not dislike it, he can choose any job he wants.

Even if you want to be the leader, it's not without negotiation.

This made Ning Weimin, who didn't take it seriously at first, extremely surprised and felt very complicated in his heart.

It feels warm and comfortable, but also a bit nonsensical and makes me laugh or cry.

And the most amazing thing is that this is not an isolated incident. Ning Weimin soon discovered that even the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau had misunderstood him.

I have to admit that when I come back this time, there are some people and things that I cannot afford to delay.

For example, donating the bronzes purchased from overseas in the past six months as well as the books, picture albums, calligraphy and paintings that can no longer be preserved on their own to the country is a major event that Ning Weimin cannot be lazy and cannot delay.

According to the rules, before returning, we still have to contact the domestic side with the help of our embassy in Japan.

So when he came back, within a few days, the Cultural Relics Bureau couldn't wait to take the initiative to invite him.

Since the two parties have already dealt with each other once, they already know each other deeply and have a tacit understanding.

This time, the Cultural Heritage Bureau did not arrange for reporters in a big way, nor did it make any effort to prepare for an awards ceremony. It only sent a small car to pick up people as a courtesy.

Ning Weimin didn't notice either. For the sake of convenience, he wore comfortable and simple clothes and directly sent the donated items to the Cultural Relics Bureau in a trolley suitcase.

Unexpectedly, the person in charge of the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau saw him as an ordinary person.

It was very different from the suit, coat, leather shoes and tie he had during the Spring Festival, with his fake foreign devil-like appearance, and he actually misunderstood that he was down and out.

Comparing the precious cultural relics with the national treasure level that he sent, it is estimated that the price of his acquisition must be worth at least tens of thousands of yuan.

The cadre in charge of the reception was filled with emotion and couldn't control the excitement in his heart. He almost shed tears on the spot.

Then he held Ning Weimin's hand and thanked him again and again, and sincerely asked him if he would like the Cultural Relics Bureau to do something for him.

This was so good that Ning Weimin was completely confused on the spot.

He really didn't think there was anything special about these things that could make the other person so happy.

After talking about it for a long time, both parties finally figured it out.

The Cultural Relics Bureau thought that Ning Weimin was so exhausted that he had gone bankrupt by buying cultural relics for the country.

It was just an inconvenience. After that day, Ning Weimin couldn't help laughing every time he thought about it.

But having said that, making such a joke is still better than nothing.

Because Ning Weimin didn't want fame or rewards, and considering his status as a businessman, the Cultural Relics Bureau felt embarrassed after all, and felt sorry for letting an individual spend so much money for the country.

Then a special way was adopted to reward him.

After on-site discussions, several people in charge at the site unanimously decided to give Ning Weimin one of the several storefront rooms that Liulichang had not assigned yet.

The rental contract can be signed for fifteen years, and it is even free of rent, and he can do whatever he wants.

It can be regarded as a reward for his contribution to the country and a thank you for his contribution to the return of overseas cultural relics.

That’s Liulichang, even the famous overseas cultural and commercial street,

It is also the only place where cultural industries gather in Beijing these days, and its commercial value is self-evident.

Especially in Tiao Street, which has just been renovated, all the storefronts and buildings are planned by the state.

It is difficult for public entities to apply for a shop as a store, let alone private entities.

Such a great thing that others dream of can be obtained effortlessly from Ning Weimin. This can be regarded as good rewards for good people.

Of course Ning Weimin was very happy, and he would definitely not be stupid enough to refuse and then push forward.

So he was not polite and readily selected a front-facing house with a usable area of ​​about 200 square meters from the drawings marked by the Cultural Relics Bureau.

Although the specific location of this store is not on the main road, it is not bad.

Because it is right opposite the main entrance of Rong Baozhai.

In other words, Ning Weimin will be neighbors with Rong Baozhai from now on.

From now on, anyone who comes out of Congrong Baozhai will see him at the store opposite.

What kind of reputation is Rong Baozhai?

What level of guests are there?

That's beautiful to think about. Isn't this enough for him to be full of expectations and lively?

To be honest, he had already thought about what he could do in the store.

The craft manufacturers in Beijing that he cooperated with all lacked a sales department to display their fine products to the outside world.

Teachers and students at the Academy of Fine Arts also need a window to sell their works.

It just so happens that he can use this store to do such a thing.

In Liulichang, a cultural and commercial district where foreigners gather, he has planted his own flag, expanding foreign exchange earnings while also meeting everyone's needs.

How good is this?

Of course, opening a store means opening a store. When he comes to open a store, he must not be as stubborn as most people, saying that selling things means setting up a counter to sell things.

If you want to trade well, you have to be smart.

So seeing that there was no restaurant in Liulichang, he planned to also sell coffee and tea to provide customers with a place to rest.

In this case, it would be better to open a branch in the capital in the name of Huiwentang Bookstore.

The name is a bookstore, but it actually attracts customers like a literary cafe, and sells high-end goods and works of art without being obvious.

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