National Tide 1980

Chapter 1600: Being a Parent

"Tch!" Jiang Hui's cousin sneered and snorted.

Ning Weimin was not surprised by this, because this was the characteristic of people like them.

Relatives of the Jiang family must also be somewhat promiscuous.

So is it still surprising that we have lacked a hard and simple environment since we were young and look down on working people from the bottom of our hearts?

However, what I didn't expect was that Jiang Hui's reaction was completely unexpected.

Originally, Ning Weimin thought that Jiang Hui came to see him because he failed to seduce him, and because of his "rejection".

I think this woman is trying to find a psychological balance from his "downfall".

But who knew that he was judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart.

It’s not just that people really don’t mean that.

On the contrary, when he saw that his cousin was disrespectful to Ning Weimin, Jiang Hui immediately cut out the young man with a knife-like look.

Then he expressed his care and goodwill to Ning Weimin in a particularly gentle tone.

"I won't ask you what happened to you, and I guess you don't want to tell me. But I have always regarded you as a friend. If you need help, you don't have to be polite. You can tell me and I will do my best."

Ning Weimin was a little confused and surprised by such an awkward and intimate statement.

He thought that his relationship with Jiang Hui was not that good.

Although the two had had a few infrequent contacts, they had never had any real cooperation. Instead, they were more scheming and guarding against each other.

Especially when Jiang Hao and Huo Xin are caught in the middle.

One is Jiang Hui's biological brother, and the other is Huo Xin, who regards Jiang Hui as her sister.

Both of these people were deeply offended by themselves.

Logically speaking, it is normal for Jiang Hui to be more disgusted with herself. Why is it that she is acting like she is meeting her first love?

Hey, does this woman have any other thoughts about herself?

Am I just that handsome?

You are all in such a mess today, how come you still have something to eat?

His mind was not serious, and his eyes showed signs of it.

Jiang Hui must have noticed it, and then smiled at Ning Weimin.

"Don't worry too much, I don't mean anything else. I just think that you are born to do great things, and even if you are unlucky, it is only temporary. Since we are living in society, no one can do without friends. Today I will help you Come on, help me tomorrow, isn’t this normal?”

Jiang Hui's explanation made Ning Weimin's face turn slightly red.

He was very glad that Jiang Hui didn't guess his evil intentions.

So he quickly thanked Jiang Hui politely, hoping to get rid of the matter immediately.

"Oh, you think too highly of me. In fact, I'm pretty good as I am now. So I appreciate it, thank you very much."

However, his slightly abnormal expression was discovered again by Jiang Hui, who was good at observing words and expressions.

On the contrary, Jiang Hui even misunderstood that he was encountering some difficulties.

I felt that he was unwilling to accept help because he had some concerns or distrust in him, so he was so perfunctory.

"Look at you, why are you so unhappy now? Where did your original free and easy energy go? This is a bit unlike you. I know that you have opinions about me or my brother. They will regard me as a scourge..."

"No, not so much..."

At this time, Ning Weimin could not say no against his will, nor could he be polite.

Therefore, the words spoken in this scene were quite unsatisfactory and showed a lack of sincerity.

On the contrary, Jiang Hui seemed to be more and more generous. Not only did he admit the problem frankly, but he also tried hard to resolve each other's disputes.

"Don't deny it. In the past, some unpleasant things did happen between you and me, and between you and my brother. But aren't those things in the past? We won't be in a knot forever in our hearts. Damn it. I think that even if we have different ideas, we really can't become close friends. It's not a mistake to stay away from each other for the rest of our lives. After all, we are all in the capital, and we may bump into each other one day, let alone all. Whoever asks for it will get it, right?"

This was said sincerely and pragmatically. How else could Ning Weimin answer?

I can only nod in agreement.

So Jiang Hui completely occupied the high point of reason and continued.

"So, since we are so familiar, it is easier to speak up when something happens than to a stranger, right? Don't worry, even if I help you, I won't have any additional conditions. You don't need to do anything for me. Do it. Of course, my energy is relatively limited. I'm afraid I can't be of much help. I'm not afraid of your jokes. If you introduce a job, I can't get you the kind of treatment you used to get. My ability can at most let You go to work for the tertiary industry company under the Bureau of Materials. This is undoubtedly an unfair advantage, so if you want to start your own business, I have no objection. And I am very willing to provide you with some convenience in terms of funds and get you some loans. .I dare not say more, but I still have the final say for 100,000 yuan..."

It’s so sincere, it’s so real!

Don’t forget, this is 1986.

Among the so-called "rich men" in China, few of the best self-employed people can accumulate a net worth of 100,000 yuan.

Moreover, domestic interest rates are extremely high these days, and both the country and the private sector are short of money.

How many people want to get a loan, but they can't find a way even though they are holding a pig's head.

However, Jiang Hui actually took the initiative to send 100,000 yuan to Ning Weimin.

As long as they are not stupid, no matter who gets the money, it is actually very easy to make money.

No matter what kind of business you do, as long as you start from the aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and meet people's livelihood needs, it is not easy to lose money in this year when supply exceeds demand.

So don't say it clearly. Ning Weimin, who understood this clearly, suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Jiang Hui as if he didn't recognize him.

Jiang Hui's cousin looked at his cousin in disbelief, and even couldn't help blurting out, "Sister Hui, you didn't take the wrong medicine, did you? Do you know what you are talking about?"

This serves as a reminder to stop Jiang Hui from being a good person and showing off his kindness.

However, Jiang Hui seemed completely incapable of understanding the kindness, and instead reprimanded him.

"It's none of your business here. Don't talk too much."

In one sentence, the cousin who had kindly reminded me was immediately turned into a flat-mouthed gourd.

Not only that, but Jiang Hui took out a pen and paper from his bag, wrote down his phone number and work address, and handed it over to Ning Weimin readily, proving everything with practical actions.

"No, no. Sisters, I'm really a little confused. Your sincerity in treating others is admirable, but it's too much. It's scary enough. If the two of us want to fall apart, I can't do it. You are like this. I believe you are speaking from your heart, but I just don’t understand why you value me so much? If you want to do good deeds, you don’t have to do it with me, right? Then I will hold your legs and give you There should be people who kneel down, right? Why am I so lucky?"

Ning Weimin really couldn't question Jiang Hui's goodwill and sincerity, but he really couldn't figure out why.

If he doesn't figure this out, let alone accept Jiang Hui's kindness, he might not even be able to sleep.

Seeing his confused look, Jiang Hui couldn't help but laugh again, and then she simply let the conversation go.

"That's right. I rely on me. I'm afraid I'm a little self-righteous. I didn't tell you some things, but I thought you should know it. In fact, from your point of view, it's no wonder you are suspicious. Let's put it this way, Why do I want to help you so much? There are actually two reasons. The first is to thank you properly. This is what I owe you..."

"Ah? See what you said." Ning Weimin muttered even more after hearing this. "Thank me? Thank me for what? Pay back what you owe me? Isn't this nonsense? How can there be such eight things?"

"Of course I said yes, even though you don't care. But I know in my heart that I must thank you. I want to thank you for being a decent person and not taking advantage of others. I want to thank you for your refusal, and Your enlightenment prevented me from sinking deeper into certain things. I would also like to thank you for your positive influence on Nian Jing. If he hadn't followed your example, he would have started doing business now and achieved success in his career. .How can we improve the relationship with my family? Now, not only does he have face in our family, but our relationship is much more harmonious. I think about it now, there were so many people around us, and you were the only one who really did it for both of us. For the sake of mouth..."

These are words that only Jiang Hui and Ning Weimin can understand each other, but the most important thing is

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. No, we are about to become parents..."

After saying this, Jiang Hui gently touched her abdomen with both hands with a happy face.

And that look full of motherly love made Ning Weimin feel a little shocked.

Not to mention, suddenly, Ning Weimin really understood.

Yes, if there is anything in this world, it can make people with deep-rooted personalities become better, sunnier, and kinder. That must be the birth of biological flesh and blood.

Let me ask, is there any parent in the world who doesn’t want to be a good person for their children and don’t want to accumulate virtues for their children?

What parent doesn’t hope that their children can live in a relatively clean and purer world?

As long as they have children, they will naturally become moral themselves.

To some extent, it will change the narrow-mindedness of the past, look at the world from a new perspective, and treat yourself and others with a generous attitude.

It was just like the one in the movie "A World Without Thieves" that he had seen.

Even if they are two old thieves and repeat offenders, even if they are two people who are in half hell.

She also doesn't want her children to experience this sinister world.

For the sake of their parents' responsibilities, they are also willing to become Buddhas immediately and completely wash away their sinful appearance.

And especially for women, once they become pregnant and become an expectant mother, the motherly love comes immediately.

Maternal love will make a mother very kind, arouse a woman's loving heart, eliminate a woman's bad temper, and call out a woman's kind heart.

Then women will naturally become more gentle. This is the power of maternal love.

In short, children are both the armor and the weakness of their parents.

Now Ning Weimin is absolutely sure that for Jiang Hui, her child should be the source of her change in life attitude.

"Congratulations, this is a great event! I really didn't expect it, and I'm really happy for you. Then I wish you a healthy baby in advance! I wish you and your family of three a happy and beautiful life... "

Thinking of the grievances and resentments between the couple Nian Jing and Jiang Hui, now they see that their relationship has finally returned to normal.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but feel infinite emotion in his heart, and he expressed such emotion from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, he was still wondering whether Nian Jing was in the same state of mind as Jiang Hui now?

In fact, the two of them are good in every aspect, and they are not bad people.

But if you want too much and don't hesitate to take the wrong approach, you will bring disaster upon yourself, and sooner or later you will be trapped in a quagmire.

If only this child could make their lives more secure.

The arrival of this child is indeed a blessing for the couple.

"Thank you for your good words."

Ning Weimin's feedback also made Jiang Hui even more happy, so he still said the next words readily.

"The second one is similar to the first one. It is precisely because you are not only capable, but also have a bottom line in doing things, which is very rare, that's why I am willing to help you in times of need. Even if I buy an insurance for myself. After all, no one can predict what will happen to you in the future, and you can’t just do nothing, sooner or later you will get back on your feet.”

"As for the risk of lending you money... how should I put it? Even a person as unreliable as my husband, and even a risk-taking person like my brother. They borrowed hundreds of thousands from me and they can pay it back as scheduled. , I know your abilities and character, so why don’t I dare to lend you money? It’s not that difficult to do business. Even they can make money, so you must be fine.”

"To put it bluntly, I have identified you as a person because I believe in your character. I believe that if one day I am unlucky, if you have the ability to lend a hand at that time, you will never leave me alone. How about it? ?Am I right? Do you have any questions?"

Any questions?

Of course there are questions.

However, Ning Weimin no longer questioned whether Jiang Hui's thoughts were true, but wondered how Jiang Hui could be so insightful and courageous.

This far-sighted and far-sighted ability to recognize people may even catch up with Director Huo.

Don’t they all say that one pregnancy makes you stupid for three years?

It seems that this law does not exist for Jiang Hui?

At first, I never realized that she was such a smart and kind person.

With someone like this, she will definitely be an excellent mother in the future.

Just like that, after being stunned for a long time, Ning Weimin finally released his guard in the face of Jiang Hui's unexpected and reasonable gesture of goodwill and laughed sincerely.

The direction of relationships between people is indeed very clever sometimes and requires special opportunities.

An encounter like this day greatly changed Ning Weimin's impression of Jiang Hui.

Although Jiang Hui gave him sympathy, for Ning Weimin, it was not what he needed at all.

It seems a bit groundless, a bit unreasonable, and it can be said that it has no practical significance at all.

But the fact that Jiang Hui was an expectant mother successfully showed Ning Weimin that she was different from the past, pure, virtuous, intelligent and gentle.

This allowed Ning Weimin to have a new understanding of her, no longer regard her as Jiang Hao's vassal, and equate the two brothers and sisters.

And it also successfully inspired Ning Weimin's yearning for married life.

To be honest, with Ning Weimin's mental age, he is probably old enough to be a grandfather.

Watching Jiang Hui and Nian Jing finally achieve perfection and have the fruit of love is so enviable now.

Then he would naturally think of himself.

Yes, shouldn't he and Qingzi's marriage be mentioned to both families?

Well, from the perspective of the age suitable for making a villain, he and Qingzi should indeed consider this issue earlier.

If they really have a child, who will they look like more?

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