National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,666 Roller Coaster

Probably because they have similar temperaments and similar family environments, or maybe because Ning Weimin himself doesn't like Shang Feng's thorny head.

He felt sorry for Cheng Zhi, who dared to overturn the table in front of the official and stood up to take the lead for the sake of all workers in the factory.

Just hearing it from Director Li's mouth made me very fond of it.

The way Cheng Zhi strives to control his own destiny and leads all the workers in the factory to find a way out is undoubtedly a reflection of Ning Weimin himself.

In particular, Ning Weimin admired this boy's boldness.

Unexpectedly, he kicked out those officials from the factory like a dog chasing a chicken, and did things that even he himself did not dare to do.

Although Cheng Zhi's move was really reckless and unwise to bring trouble for himself, it was also really satisfying!

And to be honest, there is no need to understand in detail that the No. 3 Leather Goods Factory was turned into this situation. Everyone knows that these officials bear unshirkable responsibility.

So if we look at the crisis situation where the factory was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Cheng Zhineng was able to move the mountains above his head so quickly and eliminate these old forces that were destined to cause trouble and obstruct him. This was also a decisive and correct decision.

At least it will remove the biggest constraint on the factory's reform, which will actually be of great benefit to the future of Leather Goods Factory No. 3.

Otherwise, with these people messing with him from behind, it is still unknown whether the factory can really break out of the predicament under his leadership.

However, the only thing Cheng Zhi lacked was that he was not smart enough and did not think more about his own future.

However, this also shows that this person has a straightforward personality and a sense of justice, which makes him more worthy of trust and trust.

And these qualities in him, when Ning Weimin actually met him, he could clearly feel it from Cheng Zhi's appearance.

Because this guy doesn't look like a factory manager at all.

Whether he feels the thick calluses on the other person's palms when shaking hands, or whether he is wearing plain labor cloth work clothes, it can be seen that he has not lost the simple nature of a worker and has not lost touch with the masses.

In essence, he is still struggling on the front line, just a worker who leads everyone to exchange labor for food.

Looking higher up, he looks like a workshop director or foreman at most.

However, this does not mean that Cheng Zhi does not have the qualities to be a factory director and lacks business acumen.

He is completely different from those ignorant and arrogant directors of large factories.

At least for Ning Weimin, the Party A who took the initiative to come to the door, there was also Director Li of the Light Industry Bureau as the introducer.

He showed that in the market economy, Party B would have the most normal reaction after seeing a big customer.

It was really an endless surprise, and I had great respect.

Knowing that the conditions for serving guests were shabby, he immediately decided to dig into his own pocket and sent someone to buy good tea and cigarettes quickly.

Never mind whether Ning Weimin and Director Li smoke or drink, this is an attitude.

And he was also extremely serious about the serious matters of discussion.

When I was looking at the drawings, I called in some of the most capable master craftsmen in the factory.

He personally led these people to carefully review the situation for a long time and unified their opinions before replying to Ning Weimin and Director Li.

Speaking of basic trolley suitcases, their factory should be able to make products that meet quality requirements.

It's just the handle part, which is not what their factory is good at.

If you want to ensure that the quality meets the standards, you may have to purchase new equipment or find other factories to outsource.

And this can impact yield and manufacturing costs.

So their price was initially higher, at 48 yuan per trolley suitcase.

If it is discovered in the future that the production cost may be reduced, the two parties can renegotiate the manufacturing price.

And because the factory is small and they are launching a brand new project, they are a bit unsure about production capacity and efficiency.

I'm afraid we need to trial-produce a few samples before we can truly estimate the approximate monthly output.

Therefore, I am afraid I have to ask Ning Weimin to wait patiently for a few days before giving him the final data.

In general, the first impression Cheng Zhi left on Ning Weimin was that he was sincere, courageous, sincere, rigorous and pragmatic.

For the sake of the factory, he was extremely eager to get Ning Weimin's order, but he knew that there were some shortcomings in technical strength and equipment.

So I was worried that Ning Weimin would dislike them, so the price they offered was very realistic, almost ten to eight yuan lower than those of the big manufacturers.

And it also leaves some room for bargaining with each other.

With his academic qualifications and family environment, it is already quite outstanding to be able to perform like this in negotiations.

In fact, according to common sense, several of the characteristics displayed by Cheng Zhi should never appear in the same person.

Honest people are often timid, rigorous people are not enterprising enough, and on the other hand, bold people think less and are inevitably impetuous in doing things.

But this is actually not contradictory at all.

You must know that in special times, the hardships of life and the need for survival can completely push people to this point.

Otherwise, how could there be so many brave, fearless, wise and courageous fighting heroes in the war years?

This is how times create heroes.

To put it simply, among all the factories that have been inspected, Ning Weimin is the most satisfied with Cheng Zhi, the person in charge.

Coupled with his observation of several senior craftsmen in the factory, he found that they were all very good at manufacturing trolley suitcases, and there were no technical or technological obstacles to the large structure.

Therefore, I decided almost on the spot to hand over my order to this third leather goods factory.

Even for longer-term interests, create a truly own, stable and reliable source of supply.

He was very willing to give them as much time as possible when the factory had insufficient productivity and equipment.

Or take the initiative to provide them with help in times of need, providing financial help and guidance on planning directions so that they can grow as quickly as possible.

"Director Cheng, please allow me to tell you how I feel about you. To be honest, I admire your drive. I have seen a lot of factories in the past few days. How can you still work so steadfastly like you?" It is rare to see people who maintain the spirit of hard work and meticulous work attitude."

"From the perspective of God rewarding those who work hard, I believe your factory will have a bright future. I leave my order to you, and I believe you will cherish this opportunity and do your best to ensure the quality of the products. However, the development of the enterprise must establish its own relative Advantages, there are many ways to show this advantage, the most reliable ones are technical advantages and competitive products.”

"I'm not boasting. My trolley suitcase has shown strong innovation ability. This is the main reason why this product can be sold overseas. But your factory has no advantages in production technology. This is your most important factor." What’s lacking. Do you admit it?”

In front of everyone, Ning Weimin openly expressed his thoughts.

He felt that neither Cheng Zhi nor the old masters in the factory needed to beat around the bush.

It is only right to point out their shortcomings quickly and clearly show the way out.

However, for these down-to-earth workers, his denial at this time was absolutely unbearable.

For no other reason than because of the current situation of these workers, they worry about themselves and the future of the factory every day.

The most urgent thing is to get this order so as to gain a sense of security.

Any other feedback is not what they need.

So it totally backfired.

Even if Ning Weimin expresses it in a euphemistic way of promoting first and suppressing later, he just hopes that his partners can "understand shame and then be brave".

But his words dealt a fatal blow to the self-confidence of these workers.

"Sure enough, it's because our factory is too trusting to trust us?"

"I should have known that with the current situation of our factory, no matter how hard we try, it would be useless."

"Hey, it's all for nothing, nothing good can happen to us..."

In fact, everyone present at Leather Goods Factory No. 3, including Cheng Zhi, felt as if they were riding a roller coaster after hearing Ning Weimin's words.

First excited, then disappointed, everyone changed their colors.

Especially after hearing "but", Ning Weimin pointed out the key points of their factory.

Although it was objective and factual, they had a consistent misunderstanding, thinking that Ning Weimin was rejecting them tactfully.

As a result, not only did some of the old masters look haggard, but some even lost their composure and complained softly.

Cheng Zhi was also disappointed and fell into silence.

"Manager Ning, I admit that the basic conditions of our factory are poor. But we have an advantage in price. Forty-eight yuan is really not expensive..."

After a while, Cheng Zhi finally spoke again. He wanted to make a last-ditch effort by lowering the price.

"If you are still not satisfied, we can lower it by another two yuan... or three yuan. I believe that under the premise of ensuring product quality, no one in the entire capital will offer a lower price than us..."

But when this ultra-low price came out, those old masters were stunned.

Not only did everyone look surprised.

The sound of someone gasping for air could be heard at the scene.

Even Director Li was shocked.

After all, he is a cadre of the industrial port, and he knows that the three yuan given by Cheng Zhi is pure profit.

If we really want to accept the order at a price of forty-five yuan, the profit of a box factory of four yuan will not be much.

It was obvious that Cheng Zhi was going to great lengths to get the order.

But this is definitely not what he wants to see.

Don’t forget, this order is for export goods, and the quality requirements are almost strict.

If the yield rate is not up to standard, the leather goods factory No. 3 will definitely suffer losses.

Although Ning Weimin is definitely suitable, he is a cadre of the Light Industry Bureau and facilitated this matter. How can he not get involved?

It really hurts the factory that it will be in trouble again because of this order, and it will not be able to sleep peacefully in the future.

For a moment, the atmosphere at the scene was quite strange.

The people in the leather goods factory stared at their risk-taking factory director, not knowing whether to support or oppose him.

The other side tried their best to suppress their anger and excitement, looking at Ning Weimin as if he had done something evil to force their factory director to jump off the building.

Cheng Zhi and Director Li both looked at Ning Weimin with sincere eyes, begging him silently.

It was as if he was a creditor like Huang Shiren and Zhou Papi.

But the one who felt most wronged was Ning Weimin.

He didn't understand, how could he become an angry villain with just a few words?

Did I ask you to lower the price?

We are the stingy people!

The conscience of heaven and earth!

This is all a mess!

Your thinking is too much!

"No, don't, it's a misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding!"

Ning Weimin looked innocent and quickly explained, "Director Cheng, why do you think so? I have no intention of asking you to lower the price! I am also preparing to hand over the order to your factory! However, the demand for my order is very high, and It's not a one-time deal, it requires long-term and stable supply. Once I decide to cooperate with you, I also want to make some requirements for you. I hope your factory can be a little aggressive. Once the economic situation improves, don't be satisfied with the status quo. Instead, we should consider improving production conditions as a priority..."

As a result, Ning Weimin once again had a sensational impact when he said these words.

But this time, everyone felt as if the roller coaster she was riding was rising from bottom to top again, flying into the sky.

"Huh? Is that what you meant?"

"What's going on? Aren't you denying us and rejecting us?"

"What? If we don't lower the price, the order will be given to us? Am I dreaming?"

Great sadness and great joy, the two mental shocks were completely different and huge contrasts.

As the director of the first factory, Cheng Zhi couldn't wait to confirm.

"Ning... Manager Ning, are you telling the truth? Are you really willing to give us the order?"

Director Li was also happy at this time and responded to Ning Weimin on his behalf.

"If you can hand over samples that satisfy Manager Ning, of course there will be no problem. But I wonder if your factory is willing to work hard for it?"

"Yes! Yes!" Cheng Zhi nodded overjoyed, "Can't you two see our sincerity? Leaders, please rest assured, and Manager Ning, please rest assured. We will produce product samples as soon as possible. And the quality is guaranteed To your satisfaction.”

But he didn't expect that Ning Weimin seemed not firm enough at this time.

"But this sincerity alone is not enough. Excellent product quality is one thing, and sufficient output is another. The amount of goods I need is impossible to achieve immediately with the current conditions of your factory? What should I do? ?”


Cheng Zhi slightly hesitated and figured out that Ning Weimin was really testing him, so he tried his best to leave some room for both parties.

"To put it bluntly, your product is actually not difficult in terms of technology and process, as long as the order is large enough and stable in the long term. Of course we intend to increase investment in this. But the problem is that we still owe some debts. , it takes time to accumulate funds before we can start making technical improvements..."

But he didn't expect Ning Weimin to press on this issue step by step.

"What if I am willing to provide you with some financial help first? Are you willing to prioritize changing the current production conditions? Start work in this area in advance?"

"Are you going to invest in our factory?"

"That's what I mean, but strictly speaking, it's not an investment. I'm just optimistic about you, so I try to help you change the production conditions so that I can produce more and better products. My plan is to pay more in advance. You guys. What about you? Are you willing to live a hard life for a while longer and make sure you spend all this money on technology and equipment?"

Cheng Zhi thought about it again and felt that if that was the case, it would be fine.

"Then can I ask, how big is your order? How much can you give us in advance? After all, good machines and equipment are more expensive..."

"I want 30,000 suitcases per month, but I estimate that you can only produce two or three thousand suitcases at most. Let's take the first order of 30,000 and a monthly production target of 5,000. . In the early stage, I can give you 60% of the contract amount in one lump sum."

"This... so many?" It was okay not to ask. Cheng Zhi was almost frightened when he asked.

Not only was he surprised by Ning Weimin's huge appetite, but he was also surprised by the funds he could possibly obtain.

This means that if the price is forty-eight yuan, Ning Weimin will give them almost one million.

With this money, not to mention adding equipment, even the old debt of more than 80,000 yuan that the factory still owes can be paid off in one fell swoop.

In the uncontrollable excitement, Cheng Zhi no longer hesitated, "I see no problem. Then it's a deal!"

Even the old masters in the factory were cheering behind him and cheering him on.

"Director, this is great! Our factory is finally going to make a fortune!"

"Director, don't worry. In order to live a good life, everyone will not compromise!"

But precisely because of their words, Cheng Zhi couldn't help but wake up, because he began to realize that they actually couldn't afford to lose, and what happened today was too good to be true.

He couldn't help but murmured a few more times and asked a few more questions.

"Manager Ning...well, if you don't mind. Can I ask again, why are you helping us so much? Since you don't want us to lower prices, you are willing to pay us such a large sum of money to improve production conditions. In turn, you The risk is not small. What if..."

As a result, before he could finish speaking, Ning Weimin smiled and said to Director Li next to him. "Li Chu, this is your person. After saying so much, he doesn't believe me, but he definitely believes you. I won't waste any more words. You'd better explain it to him."

So Director Li cleared his throat and began to teach him a lesson with a righteous and awe-inspiring expression.

"Xiao Cheng, you are quite suspicious. Let me tell you, in fact, Manager Ning said it as early as when we met in Tokyo. He invented this trolley suitcase just to make money from the Japanese. , is one of the few competitive products in China that is invented and patented by our country. He returned to China to cooperate with the affiliated companies of our bureau. In addition to solving the problem of product supply, he also wanted to help domestic production companies to achieve a win-win situation. Result , you’re the only one who got lucky. Do you understand? Manager Ning is not a foreign businessman, but a patriotic businessman. Do you understand?”

Don't mention it, Ning Weimin really deserves Director Li's comments. He said it very gracefully at this time.

"Yes, we are not outsiders, we are our own family. So not only will I not lower the price, I will probably add two yuan to you. How about we make a gentleman's agreement? If you pass the quality standard, you can increase your production by 100% within half a year. Fifty. We will raise the price from forty-eight yuan to fifty yuan as a reward for you. How about it?"

At this point, Cheng Zhi and several old leather goods factory masters were not only completely relieved.

His heart was full of enthusiasm, as well as his admiration and gratitude for Ning Weimin.

Either this kid is too young, or everyone is atheist who believes in Marxism-Leninism.

Perhaps it is okay to worship this boy as a living Bodhisattva.

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