National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,080: Go with what others like

There is a saying that for Ning Weimin, being so busy non-stop is a bit too busy.

His stomach was filled with fat, and his happy days were no longer available to him. The fat he had just gained was quickly consumed, and many people took pleasure in his miserable state.

But the problem is that he also gets a lot of benefits from it!

In fact, no matter from the perspective of salary or equity, no matter in terms of explicit benefits or secret exchange of interests, it is natural and unavoidable for him to be so busy.

So whether it's the people in the company who see his jokes or the people who sympathize with him, they are really stupid.

Even though they were all working for him, they were worried about their boss in vain.

Isn’t this just eating carrots and worrying less?

What's more, what kind of person is Ning Weimin?

His calculating nature will not change.

In terms of Yan Guo's ability to pluck feathers and his ability to use power for personal gain, I'm afraid this guy would have a hard time finding a rival in the world today.

But I have to make it clear that he is different from the kind of person who thinks it's lost if he doesn't pick up money when he goes out. He won't do anything that harms the public and enriches private life.

What he is good at is actually being able to squeeze oil from rocks out of thin air.

In other words, when he works for the company, he will not forget to benefit himself.

No matter how dull the errand is, no matter how difficult the job is in his hands, he can still benefit from it.

This is a trait deeply embedded in his bones and blood, and it is difficult to change.

Without talking about anything else, let's first talk about how he served these two French stars, which can clearly reflect his special talents.

Frankly speaking, it was really not the right time for Ning Weimin to take over this task.

You know, these two are not only national treasure-level actors in France, but they are also pampered masters.

Horseback riding at country estates in the spring, yachting on the beach in the summer, hunting in the forest in the fall, and vacations in Nice in the winter are all routine activities in my hometown in France.

I have to visit cafes from time to time, attend fashion events, social dances and so on.

Even on an ordinary day, fresh baguettes and freshly ground coffee are essential.

Therefore, when they suddenly came to China, a third world with backward economy and newly reformed economy, the two French celebrities would not only feel a lack of material and spiritual resources, but also worry about the lack of entertainment that meets their needs.

Think about it, I can’t even watch TV, and as a foreigner, there are still restrictions on everything when traveling.

Can people not be annoyed?

Don't call these two hypocritical, mainly because Europe has been at peace for a long time and France has high social welfare. It is natural for these two celebrities to live a wealthy life, so it is naturally difficult to switch from luxury to frugality.

In fact, let alone them, how about Pavarotti and the Genovese Troupe who just left the Republic two days ago?

That's the same style.

According to official reports in newspapers, just for this performance in China, the baggage brought by Pavarotti's team from Italy has reached an incredible level.

Not only did they have a washing machine and refrigerator, but they also brought two tons of vegetables, fruits and other foods, as well as 1,500 bottles of mineral water alone.

It all came by air.

So to be honest, Alain Delon and Catherine Deneuve are not too picky.

Maybe they were even prepared to endure hardships before they came, and they have been trying their best to adapt and endure after coming.

However, the reception conditions that the Republic can provide at this time are still quite different from what they imagined. The most important thing is that although they can make do with it for a while, they won't be able to do it after a long time, and it will definitely seriously damage their mood.

And in this way, it was just right for Song Huagui to step away at this time, but for Ning Weimin to step in and take over at this time, it would become an unlucky chore.

I also knew that he would inevitably become a trash can for the two celebrities to vent their dissatisfaction.

Not to mention that at a young age, he is still the "culprit" who brought two celebrities together to suffer hardship, which makes it easier for them to be scorned by the other party and increase the additional hatred value.

Not to mention that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. No wonder Ning Weimin came here for money.

Although this is true, they are all international stars, so how can they have the professionalism of "Brother Jia Qian"?

He has a bad temper, likes to vent his anger on others without saying anything, and he never takes responsibility for his own choices.

If you don’t believe it, just take a look at the marriage history of these two. One is more frequent than the other.

Moodiness, changeable emotions, and whims come up all at once, are the common features in their characters.

How else could they be best friends?

So when they first came into contact, neither of them gave Ning Weimin much good looks.

Although polite on the surface, one is a gentleman and the other is a lady.

But one is arrogant and distant, and the other, just like the nickname "Ice Beauty", is as cold as ice to Ning Weimin.

Especially the deliberately embarrassing requests, the two of them made them one after another like a competition.

As big as wanting to hold a press conference in the Great Hall of the People, as small as the orange juice for breakfast must be freshly squeezed, and there must be no orange velvet. There are all kinds of weird things, but Ning Weimin is embarrassed.

But the good thing is that both Pierre Cardin Huaxia Company and Ning Weimin personally have been deeply involved in the capital for a long time.

Nowadays, both economic strength and personal connections are quite strong, and its businesses cover multiple industries.

Moreover, Ning Weimin's personal interests mainly focus on the pockets of foreigners and are involved in the two directions of tourism services and industrial and aesthetic products.

When it comes to understanding the capital and how to make people have fun in this area, he is better than the people at the travel agency, and he is fully capable of achieving this.

In addition, this kid is eloquent, fluent in foreign languages, and has a handsome face.

If he wants to improve his relationship with others, no matter who they are, it is not too difficult.

In fact, Ning Weimin only used a few moves to immediately reverse the unfavorable situation.

Instead, the two celebrities unlocked new fun, discovered the charm of the capital, and their affection for him grew day by day.

So how did he do it?

The key lies in four words - do what you like.

And we have to start with food first.

Ning Weimin fully understands the importance of diet.

There is nothing more irritating than not being able to eat well or not eating well.

Although the Maxim Restaurant and Menimus Restaurant under the Pierre Cardon Company are both authentic French restaurants.

But because there are only two choices in the capital, and because the dishes are relatively limited, it is a bit monotonous for two French stars.

Especially since it has been more than ten days since they came to the capital, they have to eat from these two restaurants almost every day. No matter how delicious the food is, they are a bit tired of it.

Even imported fruits such as snake fruit, oranges, bananas, raisins, blueberries, and avocados have become unappetizing because they are only available in these few varieties.

As for Chinese food, except for the most famous roast duck, these two have actually not tasted too many dishes, and even if they have tasted them, they have not liked them.

The reason is not that Chinese food is really bad, but because the eating habits of the East and the West are very different, and they are too unfamiliar with Chinese food and do not understand it well enough, which leads to the impression that Chinese food lacks delicious food.

For example, French people don’t like greasy dishes, and most people don’t eat fatty meat.

The two French celebrities simply didn't eat it at all. They even didn't mind the fat on the roast duck.

The reason I don’t like it is not that it tastes bad, I just think fat meat is unhealthy.

However, Chinese restaurants in the Republic of China in this era are pursuing a rich and thick taste.

Sour pork, roasted eggplant, sauced pork elbow, lion head, rice noodles and pork... many dishes are made of fatty meat.

The traditional roast duck in Beijing is particularly famous for its fat, and the fat is considered to be the most delicious part of the whole duck.

Even if it is a treat at Tan Gong Restaurant, as long as the two French celebrities accidentally arrange dishes made with fatty meat in their meals, they will think that the meal is not good.

What's more, there may be reasons for acclimatization. The two French stars had to eat it reluctantly for the sake of face. If they didn't do it, they would have a stomachache, which would naturally make the feeling even more sour.

To put it bluntly, this situation is actually the same as what Lu Xun felt when he came to Peking in 1924.

At that time, our Mr. Zhou never considered that the capital had become Peiping and the consumption downgrade caused by losing its status as the capital.

Little did he know that the most famous Manchu and Mongolian milk cakes in the capital had already left the palace with Puyi. The Mongolian trade routes were difficult and they had disappeared from the streets of the capital for nearly ten years.

He just wrote a letter Kong lamented that this place, as an ancient capital for 500 years, did not have good tea and food.

This is simply a misunderstanding caused by insufficient information and limited knowledge.

What's more, can Daoxiang Village, which he often visits, represent the capital's pastries?

That's a popular southern pastry shop!

The favorites of dignitaries in the Qing Dynasty were Manchu and Mongolian pastries, which were found in Zhengmingzhai and Yongxingzhai.

Who says good things won't die on their own?

In fact, every time war breaks out and the country suffers, the most vulnerable to harm and the first to be destroyed is high-quality culture.

Otherwise, Epang Palace, Daming Palace and Yuanmingyuan would still be intact today.

On the other hand, if the noodle warehouse hadn't turned into a donkey rolling on its own initiative, the candied preserves were changed to cheap candied preserves, and Saqima also abandoned expensive cream.

These types of Beijing specialties that are still very famous today may have disappeared long ago and only exist in literature.

It is precisely because of this that what we regard as tradition today is regression or progress?

Is the food that has been passed down the essence or the dregs?

In fact, it is a difficult thing to explain clearly.

Anyway, back to the main story, in short, this arrangement of dishes is indeed a great science.

Just like teaching students to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, it also needs to be considered and differed from person to person.

Although Song Huagui treats the two French stars very much, she is a woman after all, and she is also an art student who has lived abroad with her husband for a long time.

She is certainly an expert when it comes to clothing and grooming.

However, her understanding of food, especially Beijing-specific food, was limited, and some of her arrangements were not so appropriate.

On the contrary, Ning Weimin is not like that.

This guy is a foodie himself and has many years of experience in catering business management. What’s more, what he works hardest on is how to please foreigners and earn foreign exchange through eating, drinking and having fun.

It would of course be a big difference if it was his turn to personally arrange the meals for the two French stars.

In fact, Ning Weimin hit the mark right away, first improving the daily fruits and pastries of the two French stars.

That's right, the current capital is short of imported fruits such as durians, cherries, and kiwis. Even the snake fruits and oranges that two celebrities are tired of eating are good things. Ordinary people can only eat a banana or a few. Litchi is considered a good family.

But one thing is that the unique local products of the capital in this era were not only available to both young and old, but many of them were very unique and indeed small types of fruits that were only found in the local area.

Not to mention foreigners, even Ning Weimin has never eaten it a few times, and he didn't even know about it in his previous life.

Take Kyōpaku pear, for example, it’s famous.

But except for the size, everything else is different from what Ning Weimin bought in the supermarket in his previous life. It can even be said that they are two different things.

The Jingbai pears of this era are sweet, soft, and full of moisture. They are softer and more watery than the Korla fragrant pears. They also have a special fragrance that is highly recognizable.

Ning Weimin was amazed when he tasted it for the first time.

Afterwards, he pondered over it and couldn't figure out why such a good fruit had become "degenerate" after thirty years.

Come to think of it, there is only one explanation - cross-breeding.

There is also the Yingluo jujube unique to the capital, which is also one of the representative local varieties.

Different from the small jujubes of Langjiayuan, this kind of jujube is named after its soothing effect like an ancient official hat.

Also known as "the eagle never falls".

This means that the fruit production is so large that even eagles have difficulty finding a place to set their feet.

When the ripening season comes, the jujube trees will be packed with so many that the branches of the jujube trees can be bent.

Not only are they high in yield, they are big, they are also delicious.

The jujubes are square or oblong in shape, and some can even be called huge in size, as big as plums.

The peel is dark red, thick, and the flesh is light green or yellow, crisp and sweet.

Except that it is not as sweet as Dongzao, the crispiness is the same as that of Dongzao.

To be honest, the price of winter jujubes for these dates is not exaggerated, but Ning Weimin had never seen them in his previous life.

In addition, one of the most special local fruits is the "tiger-drawn cart".

This fruit is half green and half red, between apples and sand fruits. It tastes like green bananas and apples, with a light and crisp taste.

But this fruit has the added benefit of a strong aroma.

If you put a plate of "Tiger Pulled Cart" at home, the room will be filled with fragrance that will last for a long time.

Therefore, it is also known as the "smell-smelling fruit".

Ning Weimin knew about this fruit because Kang Shude told him that Tan Palace Restaurant would display this fruit in summer and autumn to show wealth and improve the taste of the room.

To say it is more effective than oranges, this was definitely the style of the rich and powerful in the past.

And that's not all. In addition to these three main varieties, there are also red sand fruits as bright as a girl's cheeks, purple and frosty betel seeds, purple and yellow plums, and large grinning pomegranates.

He put all these fruits in a basket lined with mugwort leaves.

It was colorful and smelled of both mugwort and fruit.

Think about it, if he sent a basket of such green and natural goodies to the rooms of two French stars the next day, how could it not be flattering?\\

These fruits, which represent healthy life, look fresh, smell fresh, taste even more amazing, and have endless aftertaste.

And the key point is that the two French people have never tasted new varieties before. This is called following their liking.

Such a thoughtful gift will naturally greatly change the perception of the two French stars, making them feel grateful to Ning Weimin because they have satisfied some expectations for a foreign country and enjoyed delicious fruits.

But when it comes to this, there is also a key issue that Ning Weimin can't figure out.

There are so many dazzling local fruits with unique tastes, which are enough for Alain Delon and Catherine to learn a lot. It is not an exaggeration to fetch high prices in the international market.

But why will it disappear in the future?

This has deprived the people of the capital of great happiness.

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