National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,888 Caught off guard

Whether it is for Ning Weimin or Alain Delon, the subsequent impact of this drink is inestimable.

It was far more important than they each thought at first.

For Alain Delon, this meal not only gave him a new understanding of Chinese drinks and food, but also put away his arrogance and no longer dared to talk too easily or underestimate the country's food culture.

Moreover, he also unlocked new fun, and fell in love with going to "bars" in large wine tanks, and enjoyed tasting Chinese wines in such a harmonious environment.

He began to happily go to the big wine vat every two days. Sometimes, when Ning Weimin was not free, he would come by himself.

As long as I have nothing to do, I just want to sit in the big wine tank and chat with the elderly drinkers.

So much so that his ability to use chopsticks and his Chinese proficiency went hand in hand and improved rapidly.

After only a few visits, I was able to enjoy wine, food, and snacks like a Chinese.

If you didn't look at his appearance and clothes, you might mistake him for a local drunk in the capital.

Probably because of this, the drinkers in the big wine tank liked him very much.

After all, people these days have little knowledge.

Although seeing a foreigner on the streets of Beijing is no longer as novel as meeting a golden monkey as it was ten years ago.

But "golden monkeys" who can speak Chinese and like to drink Erguotou are still rare.

Therefore, the drinkers in the big wine tank were extremely friendly and enthusiastic towards him, and they were all very curious, and everyone was willing to tease him for nothing.

In addition, Alain Delon is a star who is very friendly to movie fans and attaches great importance to his public image. He also becomes more humble as he gets older and is no longer as arrogant as he was when he was young.

He gets along very well with the elderly grassroots people in the capital, the common people who don't know him, and they communicate easily.

The conversation usually started by asking about his nationality.

No matter who asked, Alain Delon would tell them with a smile that he was from France and lived in Paris.

Later, people often ask, does your country have a big iron tower?

He nodded in agreement and said that the Eiffel Tower in the center of Paris is the symbol of Paris.

Then, someone may ask, is there another Arc de Triomphe?

Is Picardon also famous in your country?

You make a car called Peugeot, right?

These inquiries were really surprising. Alain Delon had never thought about the rumored most closed country in the far east.

Surprisingly, even some ordinary people know France and Paris so well.

In particular, the brand Pierre Cardin is quite popular.

This inevitably made him feel more at ease and happy, thinking that it was a wise move for him to be invited to become the spokesperson of Pierre Cardin China Company.

Of course, there will definitely be various questions raised by these people one after another, sometimes involving privacy, which is embarrassing.

And often when we talk about a good body that everyone is interested in, several people will gather together and talk so much that people are overwhelmed.

But it can be said that although for Westerners, some of the questions may be almost impolite offenses.

But Alain Delon could understand that these people had no ill intentions, only curiosity, and were not very disgusted. They were also willing to respond patiently, which made him even more popular in the big wine tank.

“How much do people in your country earn?”

"This question is difficult to answer, because everyone's income gap is huge. France has been in a recession in recent years, and many people's incomes have begun to decline? The government is under great pressure in the face of people's dissatisfaction and calls to boost the economy. big……"

"Is it true? You developed countries will also have economic problems? Do people still dare to protest against the government?"

"it is true."

"However, your life is still richer than ours, right? Every family has a car and lives in a building, right?"

"Well... our country's welfare is pretty good, I'm afraid it's like this..."

"What do people in your country eat?"

"Oh, that's hard to say. We eat a lot, but we don't have as many dishes, pasta and tofu products as here. This is a pity..."

"You understand quite well. Do you like our Chinese food?"

"Of course, many like it very much. But we can't eat spicy food. We don't like MSG either..."

"Are there any people with black hair in your country?"

"Yes. There are people with all hair colors, but most of them are dark brown."

"How tall are you?"

"One meter eight."

"That's really tall. How old are you?"

"I'm in my forties."

"Not young anymore. Do you have children?"


"So how much do you earn?"

"It's really hard to say. It's different every month. Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less..."

"What do you do?"

"I used to make movies, but now I mainly make commercials..."

"No wonder, you are a director, right? The movie industry is in a slump right now, which has put TV out of business. Don't be so stubborn. You should start working on TV series. Young people nowadays love to watch them. The episodes are continuous. It’s seductive…”

"Haha, your point of view is interesting."

"The income is so unstable. Aren't your family worried about you? Why don't you find a more stable job? You look quite stylish, like you can be an official. How about you working in a government agency?"

"This... In our country, if you want to be a civil servant, you need to take an exam. It is very strict..."

"Hey, then you don't know how to give gifts. Get some good cigarettes and wine, and then invite the person in charge to a restaurant for a good meal. I tell you, if you don't want to let go of the child, you can't trap the wolf. If you want to do things, you have to bleed, so you can't be too stingy. …”

In this way, within a few days, Alain Delon, who was willing to chat with the drinkers, became famous in the big wine vat.

Even if many people have never seen it, they know from other people's mouths that there is a foreign friend in the big wine tank.

This also further stimulated the prosperity of the large wine vat business.

Not to mention that many old drinkers were interested in meeting and chatting with the foreigner. Even those who heard the news wanted to join in the fun.

In addition, Alain Delon also bought a lot of wine that he thought was very unique from the big wine tank to fill his personal private wine store.

Things like papaya dew, date wine, mango wine, green plum wine, rose dew, osmanthus, waxy magnolia wine... are all not found in the Western world.

Unexpectedly, this also attracted Catherine Deneuve to follow her into the trap. As she drank, she also fell in love with rose water and wax magnolia wine.

And he became interested in the large wine vat that Alain Delon described, and he wanted to go there without making a fuss.

But the problem is that there are many things that women cannot interfere with, otherwise something will happen.

Alain Delon shouldn't have brought this Catherine Deneuve to join in the fun.

We should not be too confident, thinking that we are familiar with the situation, taking the decision on our own and taking the person away without calling Ning Weimin.

You know, when did the foreign woman come to the big wine vat in Beijing?

And she is such a well-groomed, gorgeous blond girl?

Unfortunately, there is no single room in the big wine tank. It is purely a place for public consumption. As long as Catherine sits in the room, she can be seen from outside.

This caused everyone on this street, whether they were small traders or hawkers, or people passing by, or people who lived here, to stop and look in anyway when they passed the big wine vat.

So after a while, the big wine tank was full.

That's not all, because it was not only the elderly who were watching the excitement, but also people soon recognized Alain Delon and Catherine Deneuve.

Then think about it, can you still calm down?

Movie fans these days are so persistent and pure.

In addition, Alain Delon's chivalrous demeanor and Deneuve's beauty are so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As a result, the situation suddenly got out of control and was completely messed up.

Whether they were watching the fun or the movie fans who came after hearing the news, not only did they not stop, but they also doubled in number.

After a while, the business of the big wine vat was no longer possible. The three floors inside and outside the shop were full of people.

People who hurriedly squeezed in and wanted to see the style of international movie stars with their own eyes almost broke the threshold.

And because there are too many people, if someone stirs, something will be thrown out, and there is a constant sound of cups, plates, bowls and chopsticks falling to the ground.

At this point, even shutting down the business and listing it on the stock market is no longer an option.

Not to mention that Alain Delon and Catherine Deneuve were already in a state of embarrassment and dumbfounded, even Kang Shude and Zhang Dashao were completely caught off guard and were stunned for a moment.

Fortunately, Kang Shude was quick-witted. After he woke up, he quickly let Fang Bin climb out of the kitchen window and went to the street to find Director Li to move reinforcements.

The second is to quickly persuade the two French celebrities to go into the kitchen and take shelter for a while to avoid accidents and hurt them.

As for the things in the store, I can't take care of them, I can only let nature take its course.

In short, the commotion was so big that it even caused a traffic jam in Yangmeishu Xiejie and attracted reporters from the "Beijing Evening News".

When they got to the street, Director Li and the police from the police station came to clear the flow of people. It took nearly half an hour to finally persuade the idle people who were watching the movie stars to leave.

As for the big wine vat, it was famous, but the losses were really not small.

Not to mention that the day's turnover was ruined, a lot of things were smashed, and some people took advantage of the situation to rob and steal.

For example, all the wine jars, wine grapes, silver spoons, cups, plates, bowls and chopsticks in the store were missing. The money box in the cabinet was also empty. Some people even took away the cold dishes on the table and the blue and white platters on which they were placed.

What worried Kang Shude the most was that the mahogany abacus he was used to was gone.

It is conceivable that of course such a large wine tank cannot be opened anymore, and it will at least take a few days to repair and get everything together.

Moreover, this matter must be reported to the street and the police station, and the company must be punished by the industrial and commercial department.

Who asked you to receive foreign guests privately?

Does your store have that qualification?

So there is nothing to say, Ning Weimin is not in a good place either.

Although he was completely unaware, as the instigator, he did not delay Kang Shude from finding him to settle accounts.

In the end, not only all the losses in the store had to be made up for by him.

Moreover, he had to stand at attention and receive a scolding from Kang Shude, so that his master could complain properly.

"Look at the trouble your kid has caused for us! Who did we brothers provoke whom? We kindly helped you, but ended up in this situation! Are we unjust? What if it happens next time! Oh no! There will be no next time! Just tell those two foreigners, never come here again! Our store is small and we really can’t afford it. Do you hear me? Otherwise I won’t be able to spare you!"

But even so, Ning Weimin did not feel aggrieved or dissatisfied at all.

Instead, he kept nodding his head, showing respect to his teacher to the extreme.

"Hey, yes, you keep calming down, you have the final say, you are the master..."

"It's all my fault, it's not mine. I turned around and told them not to let them come again! You are angry at me. No matter what, I will keep this in mind as my apprentice, and I will always be grateful to you... "

"I will also compensate you and Master Zhang for your losses. They should be equally compensated. There is nothing else to say. Double compensation is deserved..."

But if we are to be honest, it is not how high the moral standards of Ning Weimin are, how much he hates his mistakes, and feels ashamed for having implicated the two old men.

The key is not to be too early if there is no benefit.

No, after all the good things were said, Ning Weimin began to show his true feelings once again as Kang Shude's anger subsided.

"Master, Master Zhang is not angry with me because of this, is he? Do you want me to come and apologize?"

"That's not necessary. Master Zhang is generous. It's enough for me to teach you a lesson..."

"That's not good. After all, this happened because of me, and I always feel that I can't live with it. You are my master and we can talk about it. But Master Zhang has been implicated for nothing, so I can't afford it. In this way, you and Master Zhang will be together every day , can you give me an idea on what to buy?"

"Hey, that's not right. What are you thinking about, kid? You're just trying to be courteous for nothing..."

"Oh, look what you said, don't I just want to know how Master Zhang made the chicken? What kind of chicken did he use..."

"Hey, it's not like you don't know what Master Zhang is like? Why do you go around so much for such a trivial matter? Just ask directly. It's just a dish. With the relationship between Master Zhang and us, he won't tell us your."

"But... I also want to ask about the recipe for the royal wine. It is a secret recipe in the palace that is almost lost. I want to speak, but... I'm a little afraid of violating Master Zhang's taboo. Just in case Master Zhang gets angry..."

"No. I'm also telling you that Master Zhang has a straight temper, and you have to show it to your face. As long as you are upright, others will not let you down. But you must not mutter to yourself. The more you want to do what you want, the more you want to do it. Okay, if you do some sneaky little tricks, you'll be screwed. Do you hear me? Besides, honestly speaking, Master Zhang taught you not enough food? Without Master Zhang, would your palace have become what it is today? "

"Yes, yes, that is. But Master, after receiving so many favors, I don't feel at ease, right? Yes, Master Zhang is generous, but after receiving such a great favor from others, we can't always pretend to be stupid. Don’t take it seriously. Precisely because I have benefited a lot, I thought I should give Master Zhang the due reward this time. And you probably haven’t understood yet, these kinds of royal wine are truly exclusive secret recipes, just like The grapes that are often used as ingredients are like the Yunnan Baiyao used to seal the blood. I will finish it and open a factory with a royal brand. With Tan Palace as my backing, maybe my children and grandchildren will be able to eat it. How many lifetimes. This is an exclusive business, an absolute dominating business. Let me tell you this, I have to pay 100,000 yuan for each prescription, and I am taking advantage of it. God knows how Master Zhang got it. But If I just ask Master Zhang for money, Master Zhang’s temper..."

As soon as he said this, Kang Shude's expression gradually changed.

He saw that Ning Weimin was not joking, so he had to consider it seriously.

After being silent for a while, the old man sighed.

He sighed sincerely, "You boy should be practical when you should be practical, and be happy when you should be happy. What you said is decent, and what you think is reasonable. However, Master Zhang's situation is quite special, and what he cares about is definitely not Money. Logically speaking, I am the only one who told his story. I can’t talk behind his back. But who makes you my apprentice? You are thinking about things with good intentions and don’t want Master Zhang to suffer. Then Since the store is closed, I will tell you everything when I have free time today. But what to do, whether it succeeds or not, is all up to you..."

"Okay, let's just leave it at that. We can take a bath again. After we take a bath, I invite you to come east..."

"No, it's still a little hot out here, so it's early to eat hot-boiled mutton. Wonton Hou will do..."

Just like that, the master and apprentice went to the washing basin of Tsinghua Garden in Wangfujing again.

Then in the mist of hot water, Kang Shude told Ning Weimin about Zhang Dashao's past.

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