National Tide 1980

Chapter 1911: Go with what he likes

Chapter 1092: Give in to others

Ning Weimin was right.

For Zhang Dashao, fame and fortune are really not very attractive.

Because as people age, all kinds of needs decrease accordingly.

How much can you eat? How much can you drink?

Zhang Dashao is a lonely old man. Not to mention that he doesn't care about dressing up. He doesn't even have to worry about his children.

It is true that one person is full and the whole family is not hungry, and the door is locked so that the little bench is not afraid of starving to death.

Besides, the old man's financial resources are not bad. In addition to his pension, Zhang Dashao also has a small yard where he can earn money from tiles.

Now he has a big wine vat that he shares with Kang Shude.

Just say it's not about making money, but you can't stand the fire of business.

Both old men have real abilities, and they complement each other perfectly when doing business together.

This big wine vat can give Zhang Dashao an income of eight or nine hundred yuan a month at least.

Think about it, this was the mid-1980s.

In 1985, state agencies and enterprises and institutions had just completed wage reforms, bringing the average annual wage of Beijing employees to 1,343 yuan.

For Lan Zheng, a cadre at the department level, his basic salary plus job salary is only 131 yuan per month.

Qiao Wanlin is a deputy director, and the two items combined only cost one hundred and fifty yuan.

Zhang Dashao, a retired old man, can earn two to three thousand yuan a month, which is equivalent to the salary of twenty or thirty ordinary people.

Not to mention that it is more than enough to provide for old age, even if you just put down the flowers, you can't spend it all.

There is no doubt that, like Kang Shude, Zhang Dashao is an absolutely high-priced old man and a potential rich man in the capital.

What's more, if you really want money, how about opening a restaurant by yourself with the old man's skills?

I just don’t want to put in the hard work of doing business and go abroad to earn US dollars as a job.

Or go to a private restaurant and act like a big guy who only talks but doesn't do anything.

These are the simplest basic operations.

Secondly, let’s talk about this position. After a lifetime of stumbling through it, Zhang Dashao had already looked away.

No matter what official position or level, they are all nonsense and empty-headed stuff.

In his words, I'm just a cook, and I'm buried up to my chest, so why am I still trying to earn money?

At this time, it was very popular and famous all over the world, but it was meaningless to stand on the stage with eyes wide open.

Therefore, no matter it is the economic return for the huge figures that Ning Weimin prescribed in order to obtain prescriptions.

He brought up the old matter again and asked Zhang Dashao to serve as an honorary consultant to Tan Palace.

Zhang Dashao just smiled and pushed him away without taking it seriously.

But it must be said that when a person reaches this age, the more capable he is, the more he wants to leave something behind.

In order to suit his liking, Ning Weimin came up with another idea that struck a chord in Zhang Dashao's heart, making him unable to remain moved.

Qingqing Ning Weimin plans to fund the establishment of a palace catering seminar in the name of Tan Gong Restaurant.

Not only does he plan to invite descendants of the Qing royal family such as Fu Jie and Sagahao, he also wants to hire several experts from the Forbidden City who are familiar with palace life through the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau to participate.

As for comparing other similar organizations, the purpose of his seminar is not just to study the so-called "Manchu-Han cuisine".

Instead, I want to conduct a comprehensive inspection and systematically analyze the food and drink situation in the palace from the perspectives of tribute, storage, distribution, production, personnel appointments, historical origins, etc., including but not limited to, what to eat? How to do it? how to eat? Record it truthfully in all aspects.

We will not only focus on the diet of the emperor's concubines, but also explain and introduce the diet of the elder brother's room, the guard room, and the palace maids and eunuchs.

In addition, tea, snacks, drinks, dairy products, nourishing products, and even seats should be explored as much as possible.

In the end, no matter how many volumes, they were all compiled into a complete set of "General Editor of Palace Catering".

This is used as a knowledge library or encyclopedia of palace food culture for future generations to refer to.

Even Ning Weimin would publish it into a book through his relationship with the publishing house and distribute it all over the world.

Therefore, for Tan Palace Restaurant, Ning Weimin wanted to hire Zhang Dashao as the main representative to be responsible for reviewing the specific dishes, giving guidance on the operation of the palace kitchen, and introducing the corresponding work processes.

I have to say, this guy Ning Weimin painted this pie very well.

What is he going to do?

He is creating the most authoritative database and publishing the "Sikuquanshu" on palace diet.

If Zhang Dashao can participate in it, it will undoubtedly mean that he is on an equal footing with those social celebrities and has made corresponding contributions to the study of palace diet.

This job is much more dignified than when Zhang Dashao was young, he wanted to be a chef in the royal kitchen, or he was thinking about which restaurant in the capital he wanted to be the head cook.

Even if I could serve a state banquet and work as a chef in the Great Hall of the People, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as glorious as this.

And the most important thing is not whether he can go down in history, but the actual significance of this matter is indeed great.

If it is really done, it will not only allow Zhang Dashao to leave part of his skill inheritance, but also let future generations know what a real palace banquet is, which will be conducive to the restoration and advancement of traditional cooking techniques.

It can be said to be of great benefit to the entire chef industry.

It's not in vain what he has learned and known all his life. This is exactly what this chef has never dared to think about and what he has always wanted.

To be honest, he would not be willing to sacrifice himself for others.

I don't think I would have bothered to call Ning Weimin to help him open the Tan Palace Restaurant just because he saw Ning Weimin's sincerity and said a few kind words to him.

Not to mention that just because Ning Weimin obeyed his advice and did not mess up the Tan Palace restaurant, he would take the initiative to give him ideas for the Ginza Tan Palace.

Therefore, a few prescriptions for drinking wine may be priceless in the eyes of others.

But for Zhang Dashao, what Ning Weimin wants to accomplish is more important, has a more ambitious goal, and can benefit the entire chef industry, so he really has nothing to give up.

So after hearing these words, Zhang Dashao became excited on the spot, and the old man's beard and eyebrows trembled.

" this true? Can I participate in such an important event?"

And in order to get what he wanted, Ning Weimin drank rice soup at all costs.

"Look at what you said, no matter how important it is, it is not as important as when we opened Tan Gong Restaurant. It was all thanks to your help that I didn't become a joke. Besides, without Tan Gong Restaurant, Success is nothing like today, right? So you are the real hero and the core figure of this seminar."

"That's not the case, that's not the case. It's easy to run a restaurant, but it's difficult to publish a book like this. This is a serious matter, a major event that can benefit future generations, and it's something I never dare to even think about in my life..."

The old man murmured a few words to himself, feeling a little more relaxed, but still a little embarrassed, "But I... I know how to work on the stove, a craftsman. My cultural level is not good. What I said, then Don’t you want to make people laugh?”

"No, absolutely impossible." Ning Weimin vowed, "What you can say is not as good as what you can do. Those people, no matter how famous they are, they are all masters who know how to eat but not do. They can understand. , It’s all superficial. What is the real kitchen like? Who knows. Don’t we have to rely on you? To be honest, when the time comes, all matters related to actual operation will be based on your opinion. Like People like them are easy to find, but people with practical experience like you are hard to find. Of course, writing work will be necessary in order to compile it into a book. But you don’t have to worry about this, we are paying for this seminar. I will arrange a special writing clerk for you, who will follow you every day and be responsible for recording and organizing your opinions. When the time comes, whether it is a meeting or a seminar, you can just say it. The finished manuscript will be reviewed by you. , then you only need to be responsible for correcting and pointing out mistakes. If you need anything else, you can always tell Zhang Shihui. You are the chief representative, and that guy is the deputy representative. He will also accompany you, is that okay? "

"Okay, that's great! It's just too troublesome for you..."

Zhang Dashao finally relaxed his mind and laughed "hehe".

The wrinkles on his face were all squeezed together when he smiled, and his eyes and nose were squeezed into a ball. He hadn't laughed so heartily for a long time.

However, I laughed and laughed, and for some reason I started crying again.

While crying, he said, "Wei Min. You are willing to go through all the trouble and spend money to do such a big thing. I really saw you right. Okay, great. You are really the noble person in my life." Don't worry, I will give you everything in my stomach. I am not willing to let those things be buried in the soil with me. Everyone should know about our good things and see the essence of the culinary culture of our great country. Ah. Even if one day, this world loses me and you, but if we leave behind such information and the skills of our ancestors, our life will not be in vain. You think so, right?"

Zhang Dashao is so emotional. Ning Weimin is not a tree, how can he not be moved?

Although he got what he wanted at this time, he couldn't help but put away the philistine and said with sincerity, "Master Zhang, don't say that, I still say the same thing. Without your guidance, how could there be Tan Gong Restaurant?" If I couldn't make money, I wouldn't be able to do such a thing. In the end, it's your ability, and your merits that have accomplished everything."

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